Aarakocra are a race of bird-like humanoids who are capable of flight.

About[edit | edit source]
Aarakocra rarely live more than 2 decades.
Abilities[edit | edit source]
Flight[edit | edit source]
Aarakocra have hollow bones and a low natural body weight, allowing them to elevate themselves through powerful wings attached to their shoulder blades. Unlike actual birds, Aarakocra have a set of wings and and separate pair of arms. An aarakocra's wingspan can be up to 15 feet in width, though typically they are only able to carry themselves. Particularly strong aarakocra have been known to carry children or smaller races, but generally aarakocra can not carry much more than their own body weight and belongings.
Connection to the Air Plane[edit | edit source]
Aarakocra are natives of the Elemental Plane of Air, having come to Quelmar during The Plane Wars. Because their heritage is so tightly tied to the Air Plane, they still have some latent magical abilities. When a group of aarakocra chant together, they are able to summon elemental creatures composed entirely of air magic.
Aarakocra have also been known to open up portals to the Air Plane when under stressful situations. In the second Infernal Emergence, aarakocra across the realm were able to save countless lives by bringing them back to the Air Plane.