Manquel is a village in Bigaji-Ho, Osugbo.
Notable Places[edit | edit source]
The Shivering Sheaf was the primary tavern in 496 PR. After an encounter with the Blowt, the tavern was renamed as "The Bloated Backside"
Notable Events[edit | edit source]
The Trial of Brosh[edit | edit source]
The trial of Brosh in 809 PR was a controversial event in the town, as it involved the persecution and execution of one of the last living Fingers of Kragnux. The city was split, as Osugbo (especially in the Bigaji-Ho Domain) has a long heritage that goes back to the dragon slayers of The Holy War. Some believed Brosh was doing a long honored activity, while others believed the crusades struck too broadly and Brosh should be tried as a murderer.
Ultimately, Brosh gave his life to save Manquel, as (ironically) his own trial was interrupted by an attack on one of the (freshly returned) dragons still attacking the realm at the time.