The Infernal Emergence begins and sees Quelmar become the battlefield between "Heaven" and "Hell" as several neighboring planes fight to claim the realm under their jurisdiction.
Kiston is unlocked for the first time based on plans by the cult of Vecna, and performed by the survivors later known as The Venship.
Tiamat gains access to the rest of the Quelmar, releasing her chaotic-evil dragons on the realm (which was previously only home to the lawful dragons of Bahamut).
West Levinkan successfully succeeds from the rule of the royal Levinkan dynasty, claiming the western half of the continent to be free from the sovereign.
400 BR
Agreer Kiston discovers the last continent, recieves a map of the area from the native Draconians before upsetting them with ideas of conquest, is later is found dead at sea.
The Holy War begins as the gods of the realm begin to ask their followers to take up arms against the dragons, who have now taken control of most of the surface world.
985 BR
A Marilith, Toi'Viral, gains access to powerful magic and wishes the dragons away, an act that ultimately determines the winner of the ancient Holy War, leading to Tiamat's banishment.
995 BR
The last living dragon is destroyed, Tiamat and Bahamut are banished for the destruction dragons have caused on the realm for the past 700 years
Triumph over Abysm. Demogorgon is slain after the black pearl summoning the demons is destroyed, stopping the infiltration. Demons are stranded in Quelmar, and mortals are stranded in the Abyss.
138 PR
Esau's Success - One man takes it upon himself to summon powerful devils to the surface to protect Amusa from Orcus and his minions who have taken residence, marking the official end of the Demonic Infiltration
The Cavalry Rush, liberation and restructuring of the realm takes place over nearly 25 years as the modern domains take shape, and the 'traditional kingdom' (the kind that covers massive swaths of land) goes the way of the dragon
465 PR
Campaign: Ancients Alive campaign. A realm wide event known as The Hunt For the Ancients kicks off, inspiring heroes, adventurers, archeologists, scholars, and most find the Tools of the Primordial Ancients, which have been prophesized to return to the public eye.
The second Infernal Emergence occurs, leading to the creation of Hellmar, is swiftly forgotten by most and only recorded in the most skeptical of sources.
Sardior the God of Gem Dragons is resurrected and his Ruby Court reassembled in order to dispel the Shadowfell out of Isonhound, thus completing the return of the original Four Dragons to Quelmar.
Planar Magic is eliminated from the realm, severing its links to the Feywild, the Shadowfell, and the other planes. Quelmarians are stuck in Quelmar for the rest of time. Summons poof out of existance and conjuring from other planes becomes impossible. Quelmar's seasons radically shift by the elemental plane de-attunement, causing every 1 year to have 3 equal months of each season.
Anema E. Core turns his life into a biblical tome known as "The Legends of Sick of this Shit" and disperses it to another universe, his own tragically destroyed.
As there are multiple Quelmar in existence (As seen via the Edditionals and the Tovag Baragu, as well as Time Paradoxesand Temporal Fissures), there is no one timeline that can be applied to the world. The ever changing nature of players cause time to constantly be written and rewritten. In fact, some world-ending events in Quelmar may cause the ending of (one) Quelmar prematurely. Despite these complications, the timelines listed above are the most common representation of the Eras of Quelmar.