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The Quelmar Wiki

A Demonym is a word that describes a person or object belonging to a specific place or nationality. Quelmar is home to countless locales from over 3000 years of (written) history, and as such, many demonyms have been used.

World[edit | edit source]

  • Quelmarian, of Quelmar ("Tablets of Quelmarian nature were found in Mechanus long after the end of days.")
  • Quelmartian, individuals ("The Quelmartian popped in and out of the Astral Plane on Threesdays.")

Continent[edit | edit source]

Kingdom/Domain[edit | edit source]

City[edit | edit source]

Other[edit | edit source]

The Quelmar Realm
Continents AmusaBremeIsonhoundKistonLevinkanOsugboPteris
Divisions Kingdoms (Before 390 PR) • Domains (After 390 PR)
Citizens Player CharactersNPCsRacesBloodlines
History Timeline of the Quelmar Realm • ( PreBRPRCRPost )

Major Conflicts

Magic and Religion Quelmar DeitiesSpellsMagic ItemsMagic Weapons
Other Lists Alcoholic BeveragesMajor CitiesAdventuring TeamsGuildsDemonymsTuckerisms

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Recent changes

  • Mslilith • Yesterday at 02:51
  • Nax24 • Yesterday at 02:40
  • Nax24 • Yesterday at 02:35
  • Friendhelper • Yesterday at 19:52
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