Quickly Adapting to Quelmar[edit | edit source]
Running a one-shot, a new RPG system, or a story in Quelmar and aren't sure how to quickly place it in the realm? Here's some guidance.
- Quelmar is flat and curved like an dinner plate.
- If you are telling a fantasy story (and not a modern one), then the sky is Red.
- If you are telling a modern story (and not a fantasy one), then the sky is Blue and magic is rare and seemingly nonexistent.
- There is a single moon in the night sky on any given night (though Quelmar Moons are a source of great speculation and conspiracy) and many, many constellations.
- There are 6 Creator Gods who have gone by many names over the millennia. They created the world and have always watched over it.
- The biggest city in the world is Galik.
- Large-scale stories are often defined by their wars, whether they take place during a war, or explore the prologues or epilogues to these great conflicts.
- Small-scale stories often explore singular towns, cities, or areas, and are excellent for world-building a very small part of the greater realm.
- Quelmar’s central conflict has been with Tiamat, who arose to kill the creator gods long ago in the Holy War, only to be banished and return 800 years later to start a second war. The second war eventually damages the realm irreversibly, causing everything to come to an end 600 years after the second war.
- The very center of the realm is Tiamat’s home-base, an land called Kiston, and for most of the realm’s history, wasn’t thought to be an island but a deadly whirlpool. Whether Kiston is well known, rumored, or unheard of, it always prevents any easy travel diagonally in the realm.
Quick Adaption Cheat Sheet[edit | edit source]
If you are super short on time, use one of the following lists to quickly grab a person, place, or thing to establish yourself in Quelmar.
- Use the following pages to grab a location your character is from, or where your adventures takes place.
- Isonhound Places (Jungles and Forests)
- Osugbo Places (Valleys and lush Mountains)
- Pteris Places (Deserts and badlands)
- Amusa Places (Volcanoes, plains, a little of everything)
- Introduce a fantastical item or weapon that has been seen in the realm before
- Introduce a strange race into your game that is specific to Quelmar