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I mostly grew up in the Cauldomo region and the Wistness area, a small village in between them served as a center of operations. My tribe seemed to be always on the move, never in one spot too long. Basically an overgrown camp of sorts that was mobile circling around the small village of StateCollegeus which served as a source of loot and food for us. No wonder the humans don't like me. Frequently moving helped us stay alive and kept us safe from the village's retribution. However, one fateful day, they caught us flat footed and the Blue and White clad villagers kicked our collective asses. Although I survived the battle and took my share enemies, I did not kill one of them since that particular individual seemed vaguely familiar, perhaps a distant relation - I don't know, but my orc clan was not happy with me at all. After a sound beating and much ridicule they gave me the boot. They tied me up around a pole, left me for dead and left the area for good. The village of StateCollegeus was very happy about the tribe leaving the area. I could not break the bonds that tied me up in my weakened condition. As I passed in and out of consciousness I began hallucinating I think. At one point, I seem to remember someone vaguely familiar untying me and tending to my wounds, perhaps even nourishing me and giving water. Eventually I came to my senses and crawled away from the area. I began the long process of healing and recovering from my ordeal. All of this made me even stronger and placed a fine point on my own rage level.
I mostly grew up in the Cauldomo region and the Wistness area, a small village in between them served as a center of operations. My tribe seemed to be always on the move, never in one spot too long. Basically an overgrown camp of sorts that was mobile circling around the small village of StateCollegeus which served as a source of loot and food for us. No wonder the humans don't like me. Frequently moving helped us stay alive and kept us safe from the village's retribution. However, one fateful day, they caught us flat footed and the Blue and White clad villagers kicked our collective asses. Although I survived the battle and took my share enemies, I did not kill one of them since that particular individual seemed vaguely familiar, perhaps a distant relation - I don't know, but my orc clan was not happy with me at all. After a sound beating and much ridicule they gave me the boot. They tied me up around a pole, left me for dead and left the area for good. The village of StateCollegeus was very happy about the tribe leaving the area. I could not break the bonds that tied me up in my weakened condition. As I passed in and out of consciousness I began hallucinating I think. At one point, I seem to remember someone vaguely familiar untying me and tending to my wounds, perhaps even nourishing me and giving water. Eventually I came to my senses and crawled away from the area. I began the long process of healing and recovering from my ordeal. All of this made me even stronger and placed a fine point on my own rage level.

Since that day 15 years ago I have been on my own. Living off the land and traveling around. I heard about the adventuring company which sounded good to me and slowly made my way the the big city. As I got closer, I slowed my progress down while attempting to learn the ways of the city folk along the way. Most of them do not make any sense to me and I can somewhat tolerate them, striving for patience and keeping my mouth closed. Both of those are very hard for me and I struggle with that challenge. Sometimes I just haul off and smack someone around, but usually keep myself from doing real harm. Usually.
Since that day some fifteen years ago I have been on my own. Living off the land and traveling around. I heard about the adventuring company which sounded good to me and slowly made my way the the big city. As I got closer, I slowed my progress down while attempting to learn the ways of the city folk along the way. Most of them do not make any sense to me and I can somewhat tolerate them, striving for patience and keeping my mouth closed. Both of those are very hard for me and I struggle with that challenge. Sometimes I just haul off and smack someone around, but usually keep myself from doing real harm. Usually.

Beyond this, I do have some memories of my parents. My mother was a smoking hot babe who was mostly crazy, at least a little addled. This probably goes a long way as to telling why she was with my father for at least one night of carnal lust. Dad was a fairly straight up orc of good standing with an eye for beauty. When his clan (the eager beaver clan) found out he was going to sire a half orc and half human they were not pleased with him by any measure. Non the less, he stayed in good standing with his clan and remained with them even after I was kicked out. For the most part, I was "raised" by the tribe. Good for him since I put him through a fair amount of misery until I "departed" the clan.

As well, I remember going out hunting with several of my clan mates, all of us fairly young at the time, say ten or eleven years old. We discovered two goblins eating their prey over a camp fire and decided to attack them. They were five us younglings and the two goblins should have been no trouble at all. Being young and foolish, we didn't properly reconnoiter the area, just filled with rage and attacked. We said, "What could possibly go wrong?" with or best Jeremy Clarkson voices and impressions (reference to Top Gear - a truly funny show). When the other twenty five goblin arrived things go sticky in a hurry. Before I knew it, three of my mates ran away crying like babies for their mommies. That left me and one other orc to fight about twenty remaining goblins. We actually were doing okay against them since they were young and stupid like us until my mate fell to them. Some how I managed to stay alive and whittled them down to a point where I was able to disengage and the battle essentially stopped at that point as we all were licking many wounds. I had mixed feelings (as much as a half orc can) about the battle. On one hand I was pleased with my personal performance. On the other hand, I did loose a clan mate which I still to this day regret. Unfortunately the pussies that ran away got off Scott free. I, on the other hand, was beaten because of the loose of my mate - as if I didn't already feel bad enough about that. Ah, life in the tribe is something different for sure.

Beyond this, I do have some memories of my parents. My mother was a smoking hot babe who was mostly crazy, at least a little addled. This probably goes a long way as to telling why she was with my father for at least one night of carnal lust. Dad was a fairly straight up orc of good standing with an eye for beauty. When his clan (the eager beaver clan) found out he was going to sire a half orc and half human they were not pleased with him by any measure. Non the less, he stayed in good standing with his clan and remained with them even after I was kicked out. Good for him since I put him through a fair amount of misery until I "departed" the clan.

As well, I remember going out hunting with several of my clan mates, all of us fairly young at the time, say 11 or 12 years old. We discovered two goblins eating their prey over a camp fire and decided to attack them. They were five us younglings and the two goblins should have been no trouble at all. Being young and foolish, we didn't properly reconnoiter the area, just filled with rage and attacked. We said, "What could possibly go wrong?" with or best Jeremy Clarkson voices and impressions (reference to Top Gear - a truly funny show). When the other twenty five goblin arrived things go sticky in a hurry. Before I know it, three of my mates ran away crying like babies for their mommies. That left me and one other orc to fight about twenty remaining goblins. We actually were doing okay against them since they were young and stupid like us until my mate fell to them. Some how I managed to stay alive and whittled them down to a point where I was able to disengage and the battle essentially stopped at that point as we all were licking many wounds.

Some Barbarian information
Some Barbarian information

Revision as of 22:11, 4 April 2023

The first thing to tell you is my character is a Barbarian, not a Ranger. I decided to try something different after filling out the character form sheet thingie. I couldn't figure out how to edit my original submission and didn't think filling out another one was the way to go. Let me know if there is a way to do that - thanks.

I am also playing a half-orc which is also different for me, I usually go with a half elf. I have elected to go with the Primal Path option as well. I did consider the wild magic version which looked interesting. I am using D & D Beyond for character generation and maintenance. I didn't want to spend the money to down load Tasha's Cauldron of Everything since I already have it in hard cover and decided to stay with the player's handbook's standard options.

So, I started out as a child, of the half orc variety. Cute little bugger I was, with a face only a mother could love. Mainly brought up by orcs as you will see when you get to know me. I very much enjoy chopping things up (monsters) with my broad sword. Also quite fond of shooting them with my long bow to tenderize them a bit. Makes for good or better eating. Ah, the good old days. As a youngling the days were filled with fun hunting monsters and enjoying them over a camp fire. As I grew up, I was eventually shunned by both my orc tribe and human ancestors. So, I have been a loner for a long time now. After a while you do get used to it, but on occasion I prefer some company from time to time. Therefore I have decided to try out the Tempest Brothers Expeditionary Company group in the hopes of gaining a new family of sorts. My party of adventurers who I have not yet met, doesn't know it, but they will be my clan and family moving forward. I will protect them with every skill and weapon I have available to myself.

I am not aware of many half orcs here at all. I am one of very, very few indeed. As such, I have had to learn how to get along with everyone else which isn't too bad. But, if you see my blood start to boil, you better find a good place to lay low. When the rage comes upon me my enemies will not fair well at all. It is a sight to be seen and not felt.

Since most of my time has been spent honing my combat skills, I have spent very little time with traditional learning activities. I do not know much at all about my tribes history or the human part of me. Basically next to nothing. I could not provide any sort of detailed history if I tried. Also being an outcast at such an early age doesn't help with that either. Not much to go on. As well, I am not imbued with the social graces since I have had very little interaction with most anyone. I tend to annoy or bother others with out trying. But, if you are in a tight spot, you will be hard pressed to find a better companion or associate. What little I know follows.

I mostly grew up in the Cauldomo region and the Wistness area, a small village in between them served as a center of operations. My tribe seemed to be always on the move, never in one spot too long. Basically an overgrown camp of sorts that was mobile circling around the small village of StateCollegeus which served as a source of loot and food for us. No wonder the humans don't like me. Frequently moving helped us stay alive and kept us safe from the village's retribution. However, one fateful day, they caught us flat footed and the Blue and White clad villagers kicked our collective asses. Although I survived the battle and took my share enemies, I did not kill one of them since that particular individual seemed vaguely familiar, perhaps a distant relation - I don't know, but my orc clan was not happy with me at all. After a sound beating and much ridicule they gave me the boot. They tied me up around a pole, left me for dead and left the area for good. The village of StateCollegeus was very happy about the tribe leaving the area. I could not break the bonds that tied me up in my weakened condition. As I passed in and out of consciousness I began hallucinating I think. At one point, I seem to remember someone vaguely familiar untying me and tending to my wounds, perhaps even nourishing me and giving water. Eventually I came to my senses and crawled away from the area. I began the long process of healing and recovering from my ordeal. All of this made me even stronger and placed a fine point on my own rage level.

Since that day some fifteen years ago I have been on my own. Living off the land and traveling around. I heard about the adventuring company which sounded good to me and slowly made my way the the big city. As I got closer, I slowed my progress down while attempting to learn the ways of the city folk along the way. Most of them do not make any sense to me and I can somewhat tolerate them, striving for patience and keeping my mouth closed. Both of those are very hard for me and I struggle with that challenge. Sometimes I just haul off and smack someone around, but usually keep myself from doing real harm. Usually.

Beyond this, I do have some memories of my parents. My mother was a smoking hot babe who was mostly crazy, at least a little addled. This probably goes a long way as to telling why she was with my father for at least one night of carnal lust. Dad was a fairly straight up orc of good standing with an eye for beauty. When his clan (the eager beaver clan) found out he was going to sire a half orc and half human they were not pleased with him by any measure. Non the less, he stayed in good standing with his clan and remained with them even after I was kicked out. For the most part, I was "raised" by the tribe. Good for him since I put him through a fair amount of misery until I "departed" the clan.

As well, I remember going out hunting with several of my clan mates, all of us fairly young at the time, say ten or eleven years old. We discovered two goblins eating their prey over a camp fire and decided to attack them. They were five us younglings and the two goblins should have been no trouble at all. Being young and foolish, we didn't properly reconnoiter the area, just filled with rage and attacked. We said, "What could possibly go wrong?" with or best Jeremy Clarkson voices and impressions (reference to Top Gear - a truly funny show). When the other twenty five goblin arrived things go sticky in a hurry. Before I knew it, three of my mates ran away crying like babies for their mommies. That left me and one other orc to fight about twenty remaining goblins. We actually were doing okay against them since they were young and stupid like us until my mate fell to them. Some how I managed to stay alive and whittled them down to a point where I was able to disengage and the battle essentially stopped at that point as we all were licking many wounds. I had mixed feelings (as much as a half orc can) about the battle. On one hand I was pleased with my personal performance. On the other hand, I did loose a clan mate which I still to this day regret. Unfortunately the pussies that ran away got off Scott free. I, on the other hand, was beaten because of the loose of my mate - as if I didn't already feel bad enough about that. Ah, life in the tribe is something different for sure.

Some Barbarian information


In battle, you fight with primal ferocity. On your turn, you can enter a rage as a bonus action.

While raging, you gain the following benefits if you aren't wearing heavy armor:

  • You have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
  • When you make a melee weapon attack using Strength, you gain a bonus to the damage roll that increases as you gain levels as a barbarian, as shown in the Rage Damage column of the Barbarian table.
  • You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

If you are able to cast spells, you can't cast them or concentrate on them while raging.

Your rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven't attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then. You can also end your rage on your turn as a bonus action.

Once you have raged the number of times shown for your barbarian level in the Rages column of the Barbarian table, you must finish a long rest before you can rage again.

Unarmored Defense

While you are not wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.

Reckless Attack

Starting at 2nd level, you can throw aside all concern for defense to attack with fierce desperation. When you make your first attack on your turn, you can decide to attack recklessly. Doing so gives you advantage on melee weapon attack rolls using Strength during this turn, but attack rolls against you have advantage until your next turn.

Danger Sense

At 2nd level, you gain an uncanny sense of when things nearby aren't as they should be, giving you an edge when you dodge away from danger.

You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects that you can see, such as traps and spells. To gain this benefit, you can't be blinded, deafened, or incapacitated.

Primal Path

At 3rd level, you choose a path that shapes the nature of your rage. Choose the Path of the Berserker or the Path of the Totem Warrior, both detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th levels.

Path features

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Fast Movement

Starting at 5th level, your speed increases by 10 feet while you aren't wearing heavy armor.

Feral Instinct

By 7th level, your instincts are so honed that you have advantage on initiative rolls.

Additionally, if you are surprised at the beginning of combat and aren't incapacitated, you can act normally on your first turn, but only if you enter your rage before doing anything else on that turn.

Brutal Critical

Beginning at 9th level, you can roll one additional weapon damage die when determining the extra damage for a critical hit with a melee attack.

This increases to two additional dice at 13th level and three additional dice at 17th level.

Relentless Rage

Starting at 11th level, your rage can keep you fighting despite grievous wounds. If you drop to 0 hit points while you're raging and don't die outright, you can make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. If you succeed, you drop to 1 hit point instead.

Each time you use this feature after the first, the DC increases by 5. When you finish a short or long rest, the DC resets to 10.

Persistent Rage

Beginning at 15th level, your rage is so fierce that it ends early only if you fall unconscious or if you choose to end it.

Indomitable Might

Beginning at 18th level, if your total for a Strength check is less than your Strength score, you can use that score in place of the total.

Primal Champion

At 20th level, you embody the power of the wilds. Your Strength and Constitution scores increase by 4. Your maximum for those scores is now 24.

Path of the Berserker

For some barbarians, rage is a means to an end–that end being violence. The Path of the Berserker is a path of untrammeled fury, slick with blood. As you enter the berserker's rage, you thrill in the chaos of battle, heedless of your own health or well-being.


Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you can go into a frenzy when you rage. If you do so, for the duration of your rage you can make a single melee weapon attack as a bonus action on each of your turns after this one. When your rage ends, you suffer one level of exhaustion (as described in appendix PH-A).

Mindless Rage

Beginning at 6th level, you can't be charmed or frightened while raging. If you are charmed or frightened when you enter your rage, the effect is suspended for the duration of the rage.

Intimidating Presence

Beginning at 10th level, you can use your action to frighten someone with your menacing presence. When you do so, choose one creature that you can see within 30 feet of you. If the creature can see or hear you, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier) or be frightened of you until the end of your next turn. On subsequent turns, you can use your action to extend the duration of this effect on the frightened creature until the end of your next turn. This effect ends if the creature ends its turn out of line of sight or more than 60 feet away from you.

If the creature succeeds on its saving throw, you can't use this feature on that creature again for 24 hours.


Starting at 14th level, when you take damage from a creature that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature.

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