Lords of the Constellation Court are a group of 7 astral dragons that reside in the Realm of Stars. They are as ancient as time itself, but prefer to observe from their roost in the heavens to peer outside and on the mortals of Quelmar. They consist of the following in order of rank from highest to lowest:
Sarvrithash - the Astral Overseer, Nebula Dragon

Anan-Hardri - The Renewer, Dwarf Star Dragon
Describe important things your god may have done or is known for.
Malakta - The Ever-Hungry, Black Hole Dragon

Information on your God's worshippers and their methods of worship.
Lleisgarir - The Blazing Day, Red Giant Dragon
Examples include Common, Elvish, TwitchTalk, Thieves Cant, or French
Rezodia - The Crashing Earth, Meteor Dragon
You don't have to give it all away. Just let us know what you're known to do in battle.

Hansana-oium - The Breathless Traveler, Dark Matter Dragon
Under the open sky.