"Innocent men don't run."
Languages | Noman |
Affiliations | Candela Obscura |
Species | Human |
Gender | Female |
Height | height |
Weight | weight |
Eye Color | eyes |
Mocking-Bird is a Slink - Vigilante in Arc 3 of Qandela Obscura. She is a member of the Circle of Discovery with fellow investigators Carmen Baxter, Dr. Phyllis “Filly” Bailey and Noelle Silva. They were each recruited by Piers Morgan, Lightkeeper and former Candela Obscura investigator.
Physical Appearance[edit | edit source]
Describe your appearance. Eye color, height, weight, hair color, particular clothing items, scars, tattoos, etc.
Personality[edit | edit source]
Is your character social? A drunk? Laid back?
History[edit | edit source]
A brief history of your character's life.
Languages[edit | edit source]
Examples include Common, Elvish, TwitchTalk, Thieves Cant, or French
Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]
You don't have to give it all away. Just let us know what you're known to do in battle.
Attacks and Weapons [edit | edit source]
Your favorite weapons.
Allies and Associates[edit | edit source]
Candela Obscura Investigators:
- The Circle of Discovery
- Carmen Baxter
- Filly Bailey
- Noelle Silva
- The Circle of Secrets and Pursuits
- Byron Hans Core
- Hellcat
- Jacen Back
- The Nighthawk
- Riley Lemmon