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Cecil T Puddingtonsworthshire XIX
Player Name JohnnyO
Relatives Cecil T Puddingtonsworthshire I - XVIII
Languages Common, Gnomish, Halfling
Affiliations Clockmaker's Guild
Species Gnome
Gender Male
Height 3'5"
Weight 42 lbs

Cecil T Puddingtonsworthshire XIX, Esq. is a Gnome specializing in the design, manufacture, operation, and deployment of specialized artifacts of great scientific power [Ed: or so he believes]. Cecil was trained from a young age as a Guild Artisan has designed many spectacular and amazing inventions. For some reason, only Cecil seems to be able to operate them, but that is most likely due to the fact that others simply aren't as brilliant or as clever as he is. [Ed: He's a sorcerer, and somewhat delusional ]

Physical Appearance[edit | edit source]

Suave, debonair, mysterious. He is the entire package.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Cecil is the greatest Gnome to ever live. He is smart, funny, good looking, rich, brave, charming, and most of all, humble. Women love him, men fear him. [Ed: He is full of himself]

History[edit | edit source]

Cecil T Puddingtonsworthshire XIX is descended from a long line of great Cecils (and a few Cecilias). He is the 32nd Cecil to bear the name.

Languages[edit | edit source]

Cecil speaks Common, Gnomish, and Halfling.

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Cecil, as one of the greatest inventors to ever live [Ed: not even close] has designed a wide variety of devices and contraptions to allow him to be one of the greatest tacticians in all the world. His inventions can shoot fire, explode ice, or even put enemies to sleep at the press of a button.

Attacks and Weapons [edit | edit source]

Cecil carries the Gizmotic Phase Disrupter 9000, a weapon of his own design that is vastly superior to any other weapon available to Gnomes or the lesser races.

The Adventures of Cecil T Puddingtonsworthshire XIX, Esq.[edit | edit source]

Chapter 1: Cecil Turns the Goblin Tide (5/17/22)[edit | edit source]

Upon hearing of the dastardly deeds of a nearby Goblin Horde that was terrorizing the local countryside, the illustrious Cecil T Puddingtonsworthshire (of House Puddingtonsworthshire) recruited a band of misfits and ne'er-do-wells to confront the menace under his command. Under Cecil’s brave and inspiring leadership, a two pronged assault was launched against the cowardly and slow-witted goblins, who were easily outmatched by the stunning display of leadership and marksmanship of everyone’s favorite Gnome. Under his auspicious guidance, none of the rank and file of Cecil’s platoon suffered any serious injuries, except when they failed to heed the orders of their munificent leader.

This battle action, which will be studied by Gnomish scholars for generations, resulted in the eradication of approximately 55 goblins, with their leader captured and delivered back to headquarters for interrogation.

After the battle, a scouting party, bravely led by the venerable Cecil himself, located the base of operations of these goblins and their orcish compatriots. However, cowardice of the band of misfits prevented a full scale assault, of which the Gnomish leader would most certainly have been successful.

Chapter 2: Cecil Destroys the Drakkoth Menace(6/16/22)[edit | edit source]

Once again, the dwarves of Gammelgard pleaded for the aid of the acclaimed Cecil T Puddingtonsworthshire (12th of his name) and beseeched him to ride into battle against the dastardly goblin hordes.  After repeated begging and pleading by the dwarves, Cecil magnanimously agreed and recruited a ragtag bunch of miscreants to serve under his illustrious command.

Cecil led his platoon to the town of Grafton, where he dispatched a forward recon team to survey the town and report back to him.  This proved unnecessary however, as from his meticulously selected vantage point, Cecil was able to survey the town  and, due to his superior intellect, immediately identify the location of a secret underground bunker used by the goblins.

Cecil commandeered a local building on the edge of town and setup a command HQ, from which he ordered his troops into battle.  As his troops advanced into the town, the goblins, upon realizing they were facing the great and mighty Cecil, panicked and attacked in a haphazard and poorly organized fashion.  With the aid and leadership of Cecil, the platoon dispatched dozens of goblins, and the battle quickly became a rout of the goblin menace.  

As the battle waned, a squad of Drakkoth, unfamiliar with Cecil’s battlefield tactics, attempted to join the fight and ambush Cecil and his troops while already engaged. Cecil and his platoon would have none of this poor sportsmanship and promptly routed the drakkoth menace while simultaneously repelling the goblin horde.

As the smoke cleared and both the goblins and drakkoth were routed, the final drakkoth stood alone on the field. Cecil bravely challenged the beast to single combat, but the coward fled into the woods rather than face the might and fury of the great Cecil T Puddingtonsworthshire.

Chapter 3: In Which Cecil Single-Handedly Saves the City of Seglock (7/6/22)[edit | edit source]

After his valiant defeat of the Drakkoth menace that threatened both Seglock and Gammelgard, Cecl T Puddingtonsworthshire XIX, Esq. was invited to a gala in his honor hosted by the city of Seglock, where he was to receive a key to the city for his bravery in battle.  Every man, woman, and child of the city turned out to congratulate Cecil on his bravery and thank him for delivering them from almost certain death.   Cecil, as gracious as ever, partook in the festivities and enjoyed the food, wine, and hospitality of the city as festivities stretched late into the evening. Shortly before Cecil was to receive the key to the city, a large explosion rocked the ground, emanating from the University district of Seglock.  The common folk of the city panicked, and began fleeing in every direction.   But not the fearless Cecil T Puddingtonwothshire.  He lept atop a nearby picnic table and began shouting orders to the confused and scared townsfolk.  He guided the commonfolk to safety while simultaneously recruiting several members of the nearby rabble to his cause (including one particularly drunken dwarf mineralogist).  Once the people were safe, he led his platoon directly towards the source of the danger.   Showing that once again, when mere mortals flee danger, Cecil runs towards it.   As Cecil's party approached the University district, he sent several scouts ahead to better understand the lay of the land.   As the scouts approached the open courtyard of the University District, another massive explosion rocked a nearby tower and from the massive fireball emerged a dragon of immense size and power.  This dragon sported five heads and a wingspan of over 100 rod.  It was the dragon god Tiamat of song and lore, made flesh!  The leviathan fell upon the scouts, and would have surely killed them all had not Cecil charged forward and challenged the dragon to single combat.   Upon seeing Cecil, the dragon was immediately frightened, and ceased her attack on the scouts, choosing instead to fly far away, for surely she knew that a confrontation with the mighty Cecil meant certain death!   However, the draconic minions of this demigod lacked the competence of their leader and fell to assault Cecil and his friends.  While Cecil knew these beasts could easily be defeated, he quickly assessed the situation and realized that a battle in this part of the city would lead to unnecessary collateral damage, and so he ordered his party to lead the fiends away from the most populated areas of the city and towards a more favorable battleground. During the chase Cecil seemed to be everywhere all at once.   Bystanders reported seeing Cecil in multiple places at the same time, taunting the beasts and leading them away from the most populated areas of the city.   Under Cecil's tutelage, the party was able to lure the beasts to a deserted section of the city, and then massacre them all with a well placed ambush. As the day came to close, the city of Seglock was once again saved due to the quick thinking and unsurpassed bravery of of everyone's favorite gnome, Cecil T Puddingtonsworthshire XIX, the Dragonsbane.  

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