Following the bestselling success of EL Manes’ erotic novels in the 220s/30s PR, a slew of trashy pulp copycats flooded the market, seeking to capitalise on the bubble. Few were able to match Manes’ carefully crafted writing style, instead relying on crude descriptions and flimsy surface level plots. One that rose slightly above the chaff was The Dick Of Many Things, which - beyond it’s typical steamy graphic descriptions - explored themes of addiction, control, humanity, and mankind’s relationship with technology. One critic described the book:
“Science Fiction attempting to reach the reader’s brain through their pants.”
Whilst the novella was a commercial success, no other books were ever released under the name M S Asskov. Many speculated whether the author met an ill fate, or perhaps it was penned by a more prolific writer who released it as part of a bet.
Synopsis[edit | edit source]
Life can get boring for a small town artificer when there are no eligible men to pump your bellows, or work your metal. When romance couldn’t get Testenn Hunkcraft the action his body required, he turned to his work - crafting toys and devices to tease, please and squeeze.
Testenn was an overnight success, with people flocking to his workshop from across the realm to purchase his pieces. However, Testenn still wanted more from his work. He wanted something to not only match his physical needs, but also his emotional: he wanted the full boyfriend experience. For weeks he locked himself away, pushing his talent as hard as he could. Finally, with sweat dripping from his biceps, he emerged from his workshop. Beside him stood a gleaming metal man.
For a time all was well. Testenn had somebody to talk to, to cuddle up with, to use and abuse him every night. Over time however, the metal being began to develop feelings of its own, beyond those of lust for its creator; feelings of wonder and excitement to explore this new world it had been brought into. The tension this created between the two culminated in the construct casting a spell against Testenn. With the realisation dawning on both, the novel ends with the humbled artificer coming to terms with what he created as the construct flees the town to discover a life defined by themself.
Characters[edit | edit source]
The first half of the novella follows the character of Testenn Hunkcraft: a likable gay artificer who can’t find a partner in his small town, despite his exceptional talents. We follow his struggles as his obsession sends him in a downward spiral of fixation, eventually turning to an antagonist as the focus of the story shifts.
The second half is told from the perspective of The Construct. We get to view the world through its eyes as it comes to understand its intended purpose and develops a sense of self. Their interactions with the rest of the townspeople and everyday experiences are reflected in the personality that forms over several chapters. Their turning point comes when they discover they have innate magical abilities and finally envision a life beyond the artificer’s will.