"That Body count was high...as high as last time. Straight up baller. Just, murder."
Ezra (theythem) was a troubleshooter with Alpha Complex, a bit rough around the edges, but ready to kick ass nevertheless.
Ezra often spoke in third person.
Ezra enjoyed being a leader, Ezra's favorite position was the Oblique Turtle position.
They have giant muscles, a sports bra and long cargo pants, a glove on one hand, and they don't take no fucks, and they look angry pretty much all of the time.
Outside of troubleshooting, Ezra worked in R&D.
Often times Ezra's troubleshooting companions would try to outdo Ezra, such as when Luc-Y took over leading the team, or when Tia took the initiative to do everything Better than Ezra.
Ezra dreamed of going to the Outdoors one day, and after a brief sight of the outdoors once (Episode 10), worked their hardest to return there one day.