Basic OptionsAdvanced OptionsPagesThe name of the page or pages to show connections for, one per line. Defaults to main page.Exclude PagesPages to exclude from the network graph, one per line.Exclude Namespaces(Main)UserThe Quelmar WikiFileMediaWikiTemplateHelpCategoryWidgetCampaignModuleCommentStreamsGadgetGadget definitionMessage WallThreadNamespaces to exclude from the network graph.CSS ClassesExtra css class(es) to add to the network graph, separated by spaces.Graph Options{ "layout": { "randomSeed": 42 }, "physics": { "barnesHut": { "gravitationalConstant": -5000, "damping": 0.242 } }, "nodes": { "color": { "background": "white", "highlight": { "background": "white" } }, "borderWidth": 0, "shape": "image", "size": 10, "shapeProperties": { "useBorderWithImage": true } }, "groups": { "bluelink": { "image": "resources\/lib\/ooui\/themes\/wikimediaui\/images\/icons\/article-rtl-progressive.svg" }, "redlink": { "image": "resources\/lib\/ooui\/themes\/wikimediaui\/images\/icons\/articleNotFound-ltr.svg", "color": { "border": "#ba0000", "highlight": { "border": "#ba0000" } }, "font": { "color": "#ba0000" } }, "externallink": { "image": "resources\/lib\/ooui\/themes\/wikimediaui\/images\/icons\/linkExternal-ltr-progressive.svg", "color": { "border": "grey", "highlight": { "border": "grey" } }, "font": { "color": "grey" } } } }JSON structure with vis.js graph options.Enable Display TitleShould the page title or the display title be displayed as a node's label?Maximum Label LengthThe maximum text length of a node's label or 0 if unlimited. If the node label must be truncated, an ellipsis (…) will appended.Submit Cookies help us deliver our services. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. (Hi Margarita's Table. 🇩🇪)OK