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The Quelmar Wiki
Stanley Rummer
Relatives Nephew: Lazlo
Languages Common, Dwarven, elven
Affiliations None, apparently…
Aliases None, supposedly…
Marital Status Devoutly Single
Place of Birth Unknown
Date of Death Still alive!
Place of Death Not dead yet!
Species Human
Gender Male
Height 5’ 11”
Weight 180
Eye Color blue

Stanley Rummer is a 40-something human male who resides in the small town of Musso. He owns a small sundries and nicknacks shop in town that does enough business to keep him and his nephew fed. Lazlo, Stan’s teenage nephew has been helping with the shop since moving in with Stan about two years ago.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Stan is a well spoken yet rough around the edges man. Stan has always been a man of stories and enjoys retelling the children in the town of his escapades from when he was younger. How true any or all of these stories are is any ones guess. Most likely they hold a modicum of truth at their core but have morphed over the years to gain even more "oohs" and "aahs" from the towns children.

In the past year, with Lazlo around, Stan has felt the call of his old wander-lust. His acquisition of magical powers has definitely emboldened him in this.

History[edit | edit source]

Most recently Stan heeded the call to rescue the Mayor of Musso and lead a band of brave adventurers to the dragon's lair. Seeing as the Mayor and his wife are close personal friends, it was only appropriate that he lead the group.

He sat for the better part of the following week recounting the tale of the training the dragons afforded him and how he was to carry the warning of dark days ahead to the people and that bad little kids would be the first on the evil dragons lists. Many parents complained about sleepless nights and the mayor asked Stan to tone it down. Additionally, he has warned all the townsfolk that any and all offerings for the dragon should be brought to him and he will bring them up the mountain.

After helping slay The Green Stag, Stan stole a conterfeiting tool from the raided lair of the dragon, which would let him and his sidekick Pot'tu Kobb begin a counterfeiting operation in Isonhound where they would shave gold off of the edge of gold pieces.

Languages[edit | edit source]

Common, Elven, Dwarven

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Stan has come into powers recently. For those who ask he tells them that he got them the way any good business man would get them.

"Through bartering! A good business man always comes out on top."

It is clear he is a warlock but who his patron is is still unclear.

Attacks and Weapons [edit | edit source]

"A properly placed meat shield is almost more important than what spell your using. But after that, Eldritch Blast stacked on Hex all DAY!"

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