The Backhalls 2 (Glass Onion Soup) is a currently ongoing campaign intended to be a [Currently Redacted] to the original Backhalls campaign.
Player Characters[edit | edit source]
Andrea as Iaari Nyserias
Cat as Raven Shadowstrike
Chris as Neighthan Fillion
Gail as Grizai
Rich as Darkness
Sessions[edit | edit source]
Session 0.0 - 4th of July BBQ - Ben forgot to season the Burgers, and the sun was super hot, but the rest of it was a great time [Food Order; Potluck Picnic!]
Session 0 - Online character building [Food Order - Online so whatever, Ben and Andrea had Tasty K]
Session 1 - 10/7 (Re) introduction to the halls. The carpets seem only musty, and the wallpaper is dingy in spots, but not peeling off. The harsh overhead lighting illuminates the halls like a fully staffed office building.
- Fights, Fire elementals, Barghast, Dread Knight (and servents)
NPCs Randy found, rambled on to annoy the party, died to the Dread Knight.
Notable interactions (and who wrote them)
- Encountered the Edge/Void. A(n as far as we know) harmless line of darkness with a permeable membrane. Items thrown in do not come back [yet] (Ben)
[Food Order - Wings Over]
Session 2 - 11/8
[Food Order - Jersey Mike's]
NPCs[edit | edit source]
Randy McGriddle - The players saved this nearly dying NPC. Rather talkative regailing the party with nonsensicle tales of adventures past, and of strong opinions on trivial objects, the party was able to glean bits of information from his ramblings. Most notably among these nuggets of information was the (current) general layout of the halls and some points of interest in the Northeast and Southwest corners. The party kept Randy's health at the initial 5HP from initially saving his life which may have played a strong part of his demise at the end of Session one.