The BackHalls was the name of a campaign fittingly taking place entirely within The BackHalls.
The Backhalls campaign began on July 9th, 2021, running until September 2022, running for a total of 14 months over 25 sessions.
Player Characters[edit | edit source]
"Muh Immersion" - Rich
- Chris as
- Elder Mephisto (Sorcerer Dwarf) - ESCAPED via wild magic/Fracturing of the Weave
- Murakh Zel (Bugbear Ranger) - ESCAPED via The Tovag Baragu
- Thetsu (Vanara Monk) - STILL TRAPPED
- Gail as
- Bhurgrum Burnale (Cleric Dwarf) - ESCAPED via Fracturing of the Weave
- Sheil Silverfoot (Warlock Beastfolk / Rabbitfolk) - ESCAPED via The Tovag Baragu
- Ssaskah (Sorcerer Yuan-Ti) - STILL TRAPPED?
- Rich as
- Prince Yasai (Barbarian / Monk Half-Orc) - ESCAPED via Fracturing of the Weave
- Brynala Shadowstep (Rogue Beastfolk / Rabbitfolk) - ESCAPED via The Tovag Baragu
- Ben as
- Earn'st Grimes (Rogue Half-Elf) - ESCAPED via The Tovag Baragu
- Vadim Grimauld (Tiefling Wizard) - ESCAPED via Fracturing of the Weave
- Ben and Andrea as
- Cat as
- Corra Sparrow (Paladin Changeling) - STILL TRAPPED
- Quinn Sparrow (Artificer Human) - STILL TRAPPED
- Quinn was the daughter of Corra, and also trapped as part of the conspiracy his father set up. He stayed behind when his allies escaped because he wanted to find his mother down here.
- Seraphina (Warlock Aasimar) - ESCAPED via Fracturing of the Weave
The Map as it existed at the end of the campaign. Still 80% unexplored. Click to enlarge and zoom in.
Non Player Characters[edit | edit source]
See also The BackHalls Factions
Campaign Log[edit | edit source]
Behind the Screen[edit | edit source]
- We recommend running the Backhalls with Chicken Wings. We had wings from Wings Over like every single game it made this probably the best Quelmar campaign ever for that reason.
Video Gallery[edit | edit source]