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The Quelmar Wiki

The Iceheart Glow is a magical stone of myth that is said to be buried in the snowy cliffs of Breme. There are no records of anyone actually having this stone, but the stories have been passed down through generations by the descendants of the man who supposedly uncovered it. Many have claimed to be in possession of the stone in order to try an gain power, but each claim has proven to be false.

The Myth[edit | edit source]

It started in the darkness. Nothing but cold earth and hard stone for miles around. And then there was a spark. Maybe it was a wayward spell from a party of explorers, or a bolt of power sent from the gods, no one knows for sure. But where there was nothing moments before, there was now a glow.

For years, this glow would sit there. The people of the Bremelands were not ones to dig into the mountainside. They would borrow and return, always working in union with the earth, but they would never dare to scar it. So the glow simply existed, never growing brighter but also never dimming.

And then the Vilavons arrived. They cared not for the beauty or scarcity of the land, just for the treasures they believed it held. So, one night, a group of miners snuck away from their raiding party and made their way into the mountains. They had heard stories of the riches lurking beneath the rocks, and they did not want to wait for the warring to end to come and find their fortune. Guided by the moonlight alone, they trekked up the cliffs, until they came to an outcrop of rock that would hide their work from approaching travelers, as well as from those spying from above. Leaving a few to stand guard, they began to dig.

The earth shifted as the miners warped and shaped the rocks, casting them aside as they hungrily searched. What once had been untouched land, beautiful in its jagged treachery, was now a weeping pit that grew deeper with each magical blast. And then, just as the moon reached its highest point, the earth surrendered and offered up what the scavengers sought. Gold glittered up at the searchers from the depths of the pit, pure and untouched by any but the surrounding rocks. Greedily, the Vilavon party began to rip the gold out of the ground and into their bags.

One of these excavators was transferring gold, when he spotted something that did not shine in the same way as the metal around it. He reached his hand into the dirt and pulled out the glow. Now that it was separated from the earth, it became clear that the glow was a stone, completely smooth and ever pulsing with a soft amber light. Just by holding the stone, the Vilavon could feel warmth and power flowing pleasantly through his veins. He knew not what this stone was, but he knew it would bring him great fortune, far beyond anything the gold would provide. Now, as was mentioned before, this band of Vilvavons was fueled by self-interest and a lust for riches, so it is unsurprising that the discoverer of the glow hid it, shoving it into the depths of his pocket before it could attract the attention of any of his companions. And so the glow was once again plunged into darkness.

Bags full and land left bare, the party began to make its way back to their encampment by the sea. They had just gotten their first sight of the ocean when, as if materializing from the shadows themselves, they were suddenly set upon by an enemy scouting party. Unprepared for a fight, the miners fled along the snowy cliffs, searching for the path back to the shore. The scouting party pursued, firing arrows as they kept pace over the familiar terrain. Before they could overtake the Vilavons however, the treasure hunters came upon the path and began the plunge down towards their camp. Knowing they would be outnumbered once the fleeing thieves reached the rest of their party, the scouts halted their pursuit, firing a few warning shots down the cliff at the rapidly disappearing shadows.

Now the Vilavons were, as a whole, very fortunate. None of them were harmed in the attack and the gold they had scavenged would go far in helping them obtain the riches of their wildest dreams. But not all were as fortunate as they could have been, for one of the arrows fired at the retreating group, while not finding flesh, did pierce the pocket of our most selfish explorer. His heart was so full of fear that he did not notice the sounds of ripping fabric or the sudden lightening of weight on his right side as he fled deeper into the darkness. He did not notice as the glow slid through the newly created hole and out of his possession, tumbling down the cliff until it landed with a soft thump into a deep pile of snow. He would not realize until, in the safety of his tent, he started to examine his findings. And then, try as he might to make the glow materialize in his hand so he could once again feel its warmth, he would be met with only a destroyed pocket.

So once again the glow was alone, buried deep in the snowy cliffs of Breme. War and weather raged on around it, yet still it sat, waiting to be found. Who will be the one to free it from its isolation and bring it into the world so that its potential can be fulfilled? Who will brave those snowy cliffs and harsh conditions with nothing to guide them but a story and a dream? Who will realize the great power contained in that small vessel, ready to be used for either evil or good? Mayhaps it will be you.  

Powers[edit | edit source]

Since the stone has never been properly analyzed by a powerful wizard, its powers are unknown. Some accounts say it allows you to fly and increases your strength to that of a titan. Others say it allows you to travel to any point in time. Still others say it gives you powers of persuasion so great that rulers will hand you their kingdoms with smiles on their faces.

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