This order was created in CR 71 by sisters Demi and Stella. As children, their uncle was murdered by a mysterious force after which their mother pledged revenge against the “not-normal” force that was at fault. Time passed, drama ensued, and after 5 years the sisters found themselves wanting to resign from the “family business” of saving lives and chasing monsters. Unable to put down their swords, 5 years turned into 15 long years of solving mysteries and saving innocent townsfolk. Time has passed since the two illustrious, troubled heroes were able to hang up their swords, but the tale lives on through others and several spin off organizations. The Chasers now exist as a shadow organization who roam Quelmar, trying to help those in need and committing identity fraud along the way.
The Order of the Chasers
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Spiderjjr45 • Yesterday at 21:54
Spiderjjr45 • Yesterday at 21:53
JaeltheJust • Yesterday at 02:51