Valhazzith was the name of a great wyrm of a dragon who was tasked with laying waste to the elven city of Jewelspar during The Holy War.
History[edit | edit source]
Valhazzith was not the first dragon to try to attack Jewelspar, but he may as well have been the last. Jewelspar benefitted from its proximity to the Trudger Territory, where Giants fought valiantly to keep Dragons from taking over Pteris.
Valhazzith's body sank to the bottom of the bay on which Jewelspar sat, and its bones (like the other victims of the Holy War) were cursed with The Gone But Not Forgotten Curse by the greater gods of the realm, ensuring that anyone who attempted to resurrect Valhazzith would unknowingly instead channel that necromantic energy into The Curse of Life.
In 11 PR the Oathwielders were tasked with recovering a bone from the dragon's body, but a Bone Naga who had taken to the corpse attempted to stop them. Though there was a brief intense underwater skirmish, the team made away with a small bone fragment. Nerull, sensing that the team was swiftly on its way to Galik where it could possibly try to usurp him, used Valhazzith as a puppet, stringing up his massive skull, claws, and body out of the water where it would try to strike down the Elven Wingship that the team was sailing.