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Editing Book of Tristram’s Travels

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{{Worldbuilders}} {{Very Long Page}}Dear Reader, the events leading up to this Trieste are contained in the prior volumes of my travel logs. The prior months after leaving the Fey wild are a blur and find me in the city of Isonhound enjoying some well deserved frivolity.
Dear Reader, the events leading up to this Trieste are contained in the prior volumes of my travel logs. The prior months after leaving the Fey wild are a blur and find me in the city of Isonhound enjoying some well deserved frivolity.
=== 03 November 22 Lost Dwarves..... ( The Breach I) ===
=== 24 October 22 It Went to Kiston (Fundraiser Event) ===
The party was contacted by.... redacted.....  So we set off and wandering down the coast we found ..... Redacted.... After some negotiation we were able to offer our assistance in .... redacted.....
During the trip we met some flying trash pandas..... I now have a new favorite pet, as well and angelwing Capybaras which were really nice and chill. WE spoke to them on the upper deck of the ship while we were in thick fog, and they warned us there was bad things happening, so they fled. We ignored the warnings as we so often do and headed towards the secret base  ( so I will say, as this was yet another secret base I have been too, maybe the definition of secret may be very different on this plane, I will have to look into this. )
The fog cleared, which did help with the immense views. Sadly, one of the views was of an Super Ancient Black Dragon.  When I say Ancient, I mean beloved of Tiamat type old school. The Great Wyrm was amused by my jokes, so it shows that they had a huge level of culture. Of course they have legendary resistances which allowed it to fly back the base that we where headed to, and was under assault by a horde of flying Dragon People, different from the Dragonborn commonly seen running about the plane.  The base was trashed, however we felt it was a good idea to dock, and see what revenge we could muster.
Three more Dragons came swooping in and they decided to assist us. They were a Silver Wyrm, A brass Dragon, and a Copper Dragon. They kept trying to get us to flee, which we of course decided to ignore. WE cleared the horde of Flying Dragon people, pinged the Black Wyrm while the Silver Wyrm and it Greco-Roman wrestled.  An Adult Red Dragon popped up from no-where and kept the Copper and Brass Busy and splitting the party's targets. I was gleefully fighting both the evil dragons, with the rest of the party, when out of a barn to the right, came two stragglers, heavily wounded. They came out the the stone bard that the two wyrms were currently fighting atop of, the stone barn that was half collapsed and had many refugees trapped under debris.
-Collapsing building - check.
-20,000 lbs of dragon fighting on the half collapsed roof - check.
-Helpless people trapped in debris - check.
- Lots of Evil Dragons so thick blotting out the sun on their way and getting closer - Check.
This of course, means I have no choice but to commit suicide by running in and saving the lives of those trapped. Into the deathtrap I go, full tilt. I hear Linden Rue behind myself but in front, the dust filled, rocks falling interior held 4 helpless and pinned people. ON THE FAR SIDE OF THE BUILDING. Well poop.
-Run a Gauntlet of death with a choice of getting crushed by rocks or Dragons - Check.
- Do all this with the Dragons flight getting ever closer - Check.
So I was able to make my way pretty far using my Fae abilities and good old footwork. So I have many strengths, but strength is not really one of them.  Lifting several hundred pounds of rocks off pinned bodies is not really my forte. I am a lover not a lifter. Luckily, I had been feeling in a spring kinda mood today.  That allowed me to use my Fea step to touch and send two of them from the rubble to halfway across the barn. Linden made it up and was able to use her much greater lifting capacity to unpin the last 2 trapped people and with some help we were able to steer them towards the door to safety. Delphi was at the door and was able to help get them towards the awaiting ship.
I climbed up to the roof, and was able to assist in the slaying of the Adult Red and Black Wyrm.  I now have a second Black Dragon mark, although not sure why I have no Red mark, but that seems to be a troubling trait of the Reds, as Flame cheated his slayers as well.  We were able to save the lives of several of the base staff, so it was a good day.  WE sailed back to ... redacted.... with the survivors and put Kiston behind us.... for now.
=== 10 October 22 Collecting on a debt ( Mothers IV) ===
=== 22 September: Moth……. Man ===
I myself had decided to assist the PotP in moving from the well known super secret hideout after the attack of the Darkoths.  Imagine the sight, my finely tuned fingers, perfect for playing the sweetest of melodies, doing manual Labor.  Well, it was more like my mage hand doing the fetch and carry, with a little other spell workings to lighten the loads.
I got to meet some new companions as well as some old ones. It was nice to get together with the wee ones Pot’tu and Kihlek whom wer met earlier in the book. Some new blood to me were Drang a Bear of a lad, a Bugbear to be precise, of Pumpkin merchant fame, and a weee bit handy at lifting things. Oxan is a rangery sort of Dragonborn with a strange attachment to donkeys and other small woodland creatures. The way of the druid seems more his path, however he was another large heavy lifter. Also joining us was Felicia, a large robust human lass with sword and magic coursing through her veins.
One night Archie comes to us with an issue.  The leaders of a pair of piles of shacks that are graciously called hamlets are missing. Both of these places had been on the delivery schedule of the tainted candy caper of the PotP fubar candy delivery donated by the Mother-less hags.
Of course with mystery afoot, the six of us were dispatched to find out what goings were on.
We reached the first hamlet ( I will refer to this settlement as Hole for ease)  The man that passed for the headman had left for a nearby equally sized Hamlet ( I will call one Pile) a few days prior and had reached it, but on the way back, he had seemingly disappeared. A party was sent to the hamlet of Pile composed of Holeians and arrived there and came back again. Other Holeians were questioned, dragon rides were given to the local children, Oxan spent a lot of time talking to various local fauna. Drang spent a lot of time in the headman's deserted hovel breaking things, which were quickly mended by Pot’tu.using a combination of magic and magic. An odd fact was the son of the Headman named Gregory was see in town, but only by a few small children.
At some point, the curiosity of Drang was filled, and with his think tank full, we left directly for Pile. The thought was maybe foul play on the road, maybe foul play at the other collection of hovels. Due to promises made, Pot’tu got to ride the Giant Eagle that moonlighted as a bard who just got the polymorph spell. About halfway betwixt the metropolitan areas, Drang ran out of steam, literally.  One minute the Drang was giving a discourse on the mercantile opportunities of the Pumpkin markets, and then bam, asleep on the side of the road. When i say asleep, I mean full on snoring in a wa that remind me of a bachelor herd of Cape Verde Water buffalo in full on mating season, Sadly no one has the heart to tell them the last female of the species left Cape Verde due to the incessant noise of mate crazy Water Buffalo.
To keep the local fauna safe from Titanus, and because of my general allergic reaction to something punching me in the face, I cast Magic Hut over the sleeping Bugbear.  The night was uneventful, I designed the basics of a new spell ‘ Smother with pillow’ Which worked well until Drang sleep ate the pillow.  It didn’t stop the noise, but made it much more muffled and acceptable for sleeping.
Kihlek saw some interesting large shiny moths in the distance in the late night, and drew some awesome sketches of them for reference, however upon first light, the Bugbear went from mid snore to discourse on pumpkins and started off for Pile as if not a second was spent sleeping.
We arrived in Pile by mid afternoon and found that not only had the Hole headman vanished after leaving, but a search party lead by the Headman of Pile all were missing as well.  We asked about the moths and learned that the youngest brother of the lass we were speaking to had drawn similar drawings of large eerie moths.  
Upon questioning we learned they liked to play catch and give hugs and other games in the late night.  We quickly headed in the direction the child had played with them, and the shocking revelations of Pot’tu informed us of ‘ O yeah there is a cave with an ex troll and such’ in that general direction.
So with thoughts of Moths and Men in our heads we set off.
We found the moths and the Ranger, oxan, not Kihlek, immediately started to talk to them.  They did not speak as such, but communicated with movements. Curious I used my eavesdrop ability to get a translation as the context was nice with watching Oxan basically interpretive dance across the meadow.  I am definitely incorporating some of those moves into an upcoming show.
All went as well as could be expected, with some verbal miscues, the Moths received an invitation to play and used some sort of strength sapping Pheromones to try to weaken the two meat shields ( oxan and Drang) who were thoughtfully close to the Moths so we didn’t have to be. Drang was able to shrug off the effects and due to having a sensitive nose pallet figured on removing the odiferous offenders by the simple expedient of smacking them with his sword.  For Some reason Oxan took some sort of offense to this and ineffectually attempted in his weakened state to stop an 8 foot angry Bugbear.
Drang took no notice.
The moths when did a hypnotic fluttery dance with their winds which caused some magical confusion.  Oxan was affected, although that is conjecture, as he already seemed a little out of it.  With a little inspiration from your local Bard extraordinaire, Drang was inspired enough to be able to shake off the effects and smack away.  The Beasties were able to shrug off my first Hypnotic Cube but not my second, and as a result they were quickly mopped up with spell and sword.
What we found upon examination was alarming.  They appeared to have an apparatus inherent to their bodies that would inject eggs into other creatures. These were I believe Gloomwings and a native to the Shadow planes, not the backwoods of Segelock.  
We quickly followed the trail to the previously mentioned Troll cave and found the cave full of Larvae of the Moths, and the remains of the Headman and the searching parties. The morbid thing was they were not killed here, there was evidence of a magic ritual having been performed and they were most likely the source of food for the current hatch of Gloomwing Larvae.
A quick search found the tracks of at least 4 humans who were not dead in the cave, so our perpetrators were in fact found. As was the fate of the leaders and search party.  We quickly returned to the hamlet of Pile to remove the implanted Larvae out of the child and then returned to more densely populated area to complete a morbid task.
Oxan the Ranger took whatever moth-eaten heads with him from the cave and we used these to communicate via “speak with dead” spell to find out more information.  I will not recount that part of the tale here and other duties called me away from the followup mission to find Gregory and get justice for his part in feeding his father to Gloomwings.
More on this to come I am sure.  The presence of Shadowfell creatures and the Motherloving Hags is a connection too solid to ignore.
=== 14 September: Tea for TOO many ===
The day started like any other. The sun rose, the invite came to head out to a secret base, Just a normal sort of Wednesday. The invite itself was to the PotP secret hideout, with a request to escort some new items for the goodwill store as well as to share some information that was found out about the whereabouts of a Moon Dragon Named Echemus.  Most importantly, there was to be Tea and Biscuits.
Several of us were escorted to an area, where exactly, I will not say, as discretion is paramount for a secret hideout. The us, I spake of included a party of six. Mabel - a Gnome of considerable sauce-er-is powers. Ona - an Artificer of Owlin origins. Thuchor - a spacefaring Giff who has an interesting view on economics. Achie Jr - an Elven Wizard.  Linden Rue - a Life Cleric Harengon. Of course, myself. 
We met a nice Treant in the woods who acts as a gatekeeper for the mystical portal that leads to an almost extradimensional space where the PotP have their storage and hideout. The Treant was known as Oakey the Ent, and a welcome relief from the normal sort of tree one finds on this plane. Upon entering the hideout we were greeted with open arms by Archie the First,  a charming young lad left in place to run the place while the higher up leadership was out and about doing ‘the peoples’ work. The place was lightly staffed as there were only 4 PotP members present
This lad had set a nice table with a selection of Teas that were first class, and biscuits that rather defy description.  The information on Echemus was interesting, and rather than bore the readership with the details, I will produce them in another pamphlet. The pamphlet ‘Mooning, the Dragon’ will be released as a stand alone packet and will be able to be purchased at all the usual bookstores for a small fee, of which a portion of the proceeds will go to a local charity.
Alas, all too soon the tea party was interrupted by horns in the distance. A report of Oaky under attack led me to volunteer to scout ahead invisibly and for everyone to stay and await my return. Figuring the hideout was the likely target of the horny intruders.
Apparently Thuchor and Achie the host took co leadership positions, and most likely concern took precedence over tactical considerations, as the whole of the Tea Party lead by the co leaders, were quickly upon my tail.
I saw no evidence of enemy activity near the portal, and climbed a low rise to take in the situation upon the rise.  There seemed to be three Dragon Centaurs ( I later learned they were called Drakkoths) surrounding Oaky.  I was assessing the situation and looking for the other force that blew horns when the PotP forces as well as the Thuchor lead tea party forces passed by me and joined in the fray. Arrows and spells filled the air.
This caused the large Scalies to react to the relief party’s presence, and one came towards the assorted people with mal intent.  They made it to a Log bridge, when I was finally able to react to my fellows appearance. I was going to return to the portal entrance when an opportunity presented itself that was too good to pass up, I’m afraid. The target on the log was too much for me. Drawing my sword Dracoscourge and with a cry of “hedfan yn wir” (translates to Fly True) I invisibly flew through the air for all to see. I did say I was presented with a chance to do something heroic and forgot to drop invisibility.  My target was a bit shocked as I seemingly appeared out of nowhere slamming into his side, causing some sword related damage and more importantly knocking him off the log to slow his advance.  I then used my sword to fly back towards the portal to defend it, while the party mopped up.  The party cast spells and arrows at the two that were fighting Oaky with great success.
However my return was delayed when horns again sounded, and a large Creature and a spell slinging Darkkoths suddenly appeared amongst us, while horns sounded in the distance.This large creature was a construct of some sort, it seemed to be made up of dragon bones of various other dragons sort of stitched together by foul magic.  It possessed a foul breath that seemed to try to petrify those in its gas. Ona the Owlin was able to shake off this effect when it tried to engulf her in its halitosis. The large bastard seemed to have an innate intellect of its own and was not controlled or mindless in its assault.. Of course it also attacks physically as described further along. This was the Dracostruct.
The new threat that presented itself with the spell caster meant I was unable to leave and protect the portal. I turned and again with trusty Dracoscourge in hand, I flew into the mage, and also attempted to wrest the Magical focus from its hand. I had little success in that part of the endeavor. It turned to me and did a thing with its staff, which I felt lifeforce drain from myself. I found this most annoying and decided it was an actual threat to myself.
During this time, the Dracostruct had advanced on Linden Rue who was acting as the meat shield. Using its foul body  pinned her to the ground and savagely mauled her. Draining my lifeforce was annoying, seeing a friend get hurt angered me. I turned to spell slinger and unleashed the full force of my ire upon him.  Sensing the anger in my being, The spell slinger turned and fled, dropping the focus and staff in its haste. I had been in a spring state of mind, looking forward to a Tea party, so my next move was in my current nature.  Walking over to the pinned Cleric, I used the spring in my fey step to move her from harm, leaving myself face to face with a huge and deadly Dragon Construct.  I looked at it and told a joke or two and mentioned I could empathize with its plight and understood its position. I then had to dodge a series of attacks.  Not from the Construct, but from my own party spellcasters as lighting bolts and ice daggers flew willy nilly.  
Seeing we were both under assault, the Dracostruct looked at me, and ambled off towards the Treant. Oddly enough, I was saved by friendly fire.  Or was it the talking instead of violence? When the Dracostruct reached the cluster of Linden, Archie the First, and Oaky, it seemed to explode in a series of boney spikes. Slicing into Oaky and Linden, it completely eviscerated poor Brave Archie the heroic as he stepped bravely in front of Linden. When the Dracostruct was finished poor Achie  the first was lying dead on the ground. Fallen like a true leader placing himself betwixt harm and his followers.
The falling of such a sweet and brave soul incensed me, and I struck a sword blow into The Dracostruct while stalking towards the spellslinger with its doom in my eyes. The party was able to finish off the construct as I stalked my prey. The Spellslinger again fled mindlessly towards the portal, foolishly overlooking the mighty form of the gnomish Mabel. With a well placed sleep spell she was able to stop the spellslinger in mid snooze.  The party took a moment to allow Oaky to demonstrate how to clean laundry by picking up the sleeping spellslinger and dashing it into the rocks a few times.  
While that was happening I watched Linden Rue bend over and get in touch with the powers that reside in the Feywild. Calling upon her deity, she was able to reach into the void and return the spirit of Archie the First to his body.  For the PotP to help others, they require the services of brave sweet souls like Archie to help the most people that they can.
We quickly regathered and stormed the portal, only to find destruction.  I had not realized there were two members still inside the hideout, I had thought they had run out with the others.  I had thought the hideout was empty of personnel. An empty hideout would have meant replacing stuff, which is easy enough, vs staff which are irreplaceable.  I had not realized two had stayed behind in a brave but futile gesture to protect whatever things the raid was going after.  Nothing seemed to be missing, with our quick takedown of the diversion party and valent sacrifice of the two defenders not allowing them to fully penetrate the physical defenses of the hideout. The high water mark of the raiders was evident in the chips and scratches on the stout wooden door into the leader’s chambers.     
We helped to clean up as best we could. Linden and Myself both refused the gold offered to us by the PotP leader, Archie the Stout. Gold has almost no meaning to me, and I would rather leave it with those who need it to use for the betterment of others. The Giff was so moved by the bravery of this fellow that he joined the movement on the spot. I am not sure what the actions of the others were, but that is their story to write.  I will be happy to speak with, provide advice, and not impede their activities of the PotP as long as they continue to help the innocent and are staffed by people like Archie the Bold..
The assault was planned and not some raid of happenstance. I know not who the Darkkoths work for, but I may have to have words with whomever that is. They had knowledge of the location of the hideout, and that the larger balance of the membership was away. They obviously wanted something in the hideout as they could have kept their forces together and tried to overrun us. That would rule out trying to just squelch the movement, maybe even holing up and killing the membership one-by-one as they returned. This would mean the movement is compromised by its enemies, and I egg them on to move the item of value, be it gold or not.
=== 27 August Operation Reforger part 1 ===
=== 27 August Operation Reforger part 2 ===
  While thinking of my life choices buried under several tons of rubble from the defeated shadow forge I thought about and figured some things out. These things I dared not speak aloud in this plane or even around so many unknown ears back at the chapel.
First and foremost, we had a rough time with a forge that was masterless. I did not know it at the time but the other two assault teams had even more trouble than we did. I believe at least one team has casualties that resulted in Linden having to split hares and send part of her consciousness into their forges to do some (unpaid) rez work. We would be going into the final battle with less resources against a forge with one fulfilling the forge master role. This was not acceptable.
Second, the key was the key to the whole situation.  Whoever had the key could control the forge. The forge and the minions were not intrinsically on the same side, hence the Orc tanks as mentioned in part one. While the key was in control of the bad man, they would most likely be on the same side. Deny the key to the Forge master, or the Forge master to the forge, then things get a little more interesting for the now 2 sets of opponents. Claiming the key may be a little dicey so that option would be a last resort. Until then claiming the forge and getting all insane with power was not acceptable.
Thirdly, the other main goal is to shut down the 4th forge and get out and let the forge creations get reabsorbed. Removing the key to the curator would keep anyone from restarting the whole process.  Everyone likes a good story, sequels almost never do as well as the original, so I am ok with never having to return to this disgusting realm. The color scheme is tackey and interferes with my Hypnotic cube effects, which is not acceptable.
I had also hoped that when Horatio was outside of the protections of the Shadowforge, not only would the forge be more vulnerable, but Horatio, himself, would be vulnerable as well. I had hoped that other powers would be able to locate and neutralize the self proclaimed Forgemaster.  If those powers would be unable to interdict him, then I would free him from his vacation and suggest upon his return to let me have the key. I would do it really nicely
So listening to the tales of the other away teams when reassembled further confirmed my theories. Also when our mounted barbarian of doom teleported into a forge to assist a struggling away team, the Construct that gave us trouble seemed to go after him, leading to the hopes it functioned on threat based protocols, and it may go after the biggest perceived threat.
So a plan was forged (non shadow type) where we would all go into two staging areas in the outer forge, and a team of seven would head into the remaining forge to discuss eviction procedures. This would have two teams to hold the outset sides of the portals, allowing us to fall back if things went wonky and bring in help if needed. Apparently the Iron Hawks would fly in first with a few non-hawks who were adamant on joining.
In we went, the two teams took up defensive positions around the portals with Linden Rue riding [[Vadath]] who was riding Tempest the fanged.green goober leading the assault into the final Shadowforge. Delphi, Cynthia, Boros, Ishak, and Myself fleshed out the initial assault team. Fey sending stones were distributed for clear communications from one side of the portals to the other. Once more into the Shadow Breach!
Facing us was a fully engaged Shadowforge. The Raw sickley meh of the shadow energy swirled about out whole of the forge. The Tackey purple lighting was pulsing throughout the whole of the forge and the draw it had on the material and shadow realms was almost whirlpool like. There were some glaive and chain constructs standing at attention in a V in front of a Multi Headed Mini Tiamat monstrosity.  Behind was the man, the myth, the moron - Horatio.
Now, he was a bit far away, but our Monk, being a Monk, was able to bypass all the defenders with Cynthia in tow and personally confront Horatio in a face to face meeting. This caused Horatio to disappear and reappear within my reach. Well, reach for my spells. So as soon as I could, I suggested to the poor overworked man, to go home, take a rest for a bit, put up his feet, and let us take care of the forge. We would clean it up and be ready for his arrival in the far future.
Seeing my point, he decided to take my advice and leave. I was confused as he hung out and wandered over to the table and picked up a strange obsidian looking stone plaque with runic looking etching upon it and shadowed out. I had assumed he had the key on him, but it was sitting on a work table not 15 feet from me. Anyway, this was my first meeting with Horatio so I had nothing personal against him and hoped to not have to see him again as others should have been able to take him. Worst case, after shutting down the forge I would see him come back with the key, so he could hand it over to me.
Without the Forge Master, the battle was still tough in the Shadow Forge.  With defenders switching into the strike force as others slide out to assist with the portal defense teams. The surging shadow forge caused a glitch and the portals shifted on top of each other, this would make it almost impossible to know which porta was taken. Adventures fell to breath weapons as all the smaller constructs fell to sword and spells. Most of the strike force used their actions wisely, although there was one who thought looting the random tables was more important than assisting the whole of the three teams in the assigned tasks. Tokax an Elven Warrior managed to just arrive to the front lines and begin to damage the Left side controls. The Dracohydra breathed cold and froze her solid, forever giving her life for the future of Quelmar.
We had just destroyed the left side forge controls when in came the large Construct very similar to that which ruined our fun in the first Shadowforge and almost wiped one of the early assault teams. We will refer to this horror as AH Construct
Time for Tristram’s Popcorn Shack to open for business offering safety, healing, and light refreshments. We set it up with Ishak and myself inside and damaging the right side of the controls. Through some surge of shadow magic the portals that had merged, now shifted to the inside of the shack. Ishak slid out to give Vadath some needed healing potions before slipping through the portal to assist with portal defense. This was the last I ever saw of him and he apparently heroically sacrificed himself to save our defending allies. We would fulfill his god’s mission for him and honor his memory.
The Battle was very much in doubt when the AH Construct strode forward and attacked the Dracohydra. Well, that theory proved itself as pondered. Also at this time one of the portals fell and we had an influx of reinforcements into the shack and they were hungry for popcorn and vengeance upon the Shadowforge. The Dracohydra fell to the AH Construct just as we managed to destroy the rest of the forge machinery.
With the playing field shrunk to the AH Construct I thought it was time to Bring back Horatio and roll the dice with having to take the key off him and take control of the forge.  My hope that other powers would take the chance to remove that piece from the field was quickly fading. I stopped thinking of him and his mini vacation, releasing him from the grip of my spell. Warning all in range that the Forgemaster may be on his way.  Forgeless and  Minionless, but still dangerous.
However the Voice of a triumphant Curator echoed through our minds with a crescendo of ‘ Got Him’ and we suddenly found ourselves back in the chapel of the ruined hamlet. That musing that removing the Forgemaster from the Forge made him vulnerable as his charred, crumpled body was lying lifeless upon the floor. I love it when a plan comes together. With a quick feeding of BBEG to the ravenous green booger Triumph, the story of Horatio the Shadowforge Master comes to a close.
The stories of two of our allies had ended as well, however they will live on in the tales of those who survived.  Each and everyone who was there played a key role in the victory and tales of their exploits will be sung through the ages.

=== 12  August Helping Mother Love ===
=== 12  August Helping Mother Love ===
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