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Kelrynne, Eldest of Isrun

Kelrynne, Eldest of Isrun
“I will find our mother.”
Relatives Isrun (adoptive mother), Isfrid (brother), Kalda (sister), Neve (sister), Qinoq (brother), Nilok (brother), Aubin (brother)
Languages Common, Draconic
Affiliations Children of Isrun
Aliases The Eldest of Isrun, The Iceback Arrow
Marital Status Unmarried
Place of Birth Unknown
Species Dragonborn
Gender Female
Height 6’3
Weight 150 lbs
Eye Color Blue

Kelrynne, Eldest of Isrun is dragonborn who was raised by the silver dragon Isrun in the Iceback Mountains of Breme. She takes care of her younger siblings, Isrun’s biological children, in their mother’s absence.

Physical Appearance

Kelrynne is a tall and muscular dragonborn with sturdy scales that have both a white and silvery tint—this makes it hard to determine whether she is a white or silver dragonborn. She has two horns that slope backwards from the middle of her head. Her face has several scales that jut out. This combined with her usual neutral expression gives her an intimidating demeanor. Kelrynne typically wears special white and brown leather armor with a scaled appearance. She always carries her Bittercold Longbow with her—a gift infused with the cold of the Iceback Mountains.


Kelrynne was raised by Isrun to be a guardian to the Iceback Mountains, defending the place from those who would despoil it and guiding those with honest intentions through it. She takes this duty seriously. Kelrynne has a good sense of whether or not people are trustworthy and will lend her help to people she deems as such. She tends to come off as stoic and aloof except where her adoptive family is concerned: her love for them is obvious. After Isrun’s disappearance, Kelrynne adopted a two-track mindset—she is determined to find Isrun and care for her younger siblings in Isrun’s absence. As such, the occasional mischief that her siblings get up to (particularly Kalda) can irk her at times, but she understands that they are wyrmlings and need room to explore and grow. Those Kelrynne sees as enemies, whether it be because they have threatened her family or the Iceback Mountains, she slaughters without mercy.


Kelrynne is uncertain of the circumstances surrounding her abandonment by her birth family. Isrun says she simply found her abandoned at the foot of the Iceback Mountains one day when she was patrolling her territory. The silver dragon couldn’t stand to leave a mere child to fend for herself, so Isrun took her in. Isrun was unaware of how to care for a humanoid child, but she did her best to show Kelrynne as much parental love and guidance as she could muster. Kelrynne proved to be resilient, growing into a tough teenager and then a strong adult. While raising her, Isrun made sure to take Kelrynne with her whenever she visited the various tribes of Breme, particularly those near their mountainous home. One such tribe was the Goldeye Witchwolves, who Isrun had granted special permission to live on the outskirts of her territory several years ago. While visiting the Goldeyes, Kelrynne met the chieftain’s daughter Brynhild and the two forged a friendship in spite of not seeing each other terribly often. This ensured that Kelrynne would get some level of interaction with other humanoids. Kelrynne also displayed a natural talent for using bows and, after chasing off a gang of ruffians who foolishly thought to steal from Isrun’s hoard, Isrun rewarded Kelrynne with the Bittercold Longbow—a weapon she had long ago overseen the creation of. The bow refuses to obey any wielder but Kelrynne and helps make her even deadlier in combat. On the day Isrun laid six eggs, she drew Kelrynne close to her and imbued her with a mystical draconic blessing that drastically extended her lifespan so she could be with her new siblings for as long as possible. On her part, Kelrynne loved her siblings from the moment they hatched and they loved her in turn.

One day, when Kelrynne and her siblings returned from a successful defense of Iceback, Isrun was gone. The seven of them figured that she must have simply gone for a flight and awaited her return. Days passed and she never came back. Kelrynne immediately began to investigate how Isrun could have vanished, going from tribe to tribe and asking questions. While investigating, Brynhild insisted on helping in any way possible since Isrun was considered a sacred guardian to the Goldeye tribe. Soon, Kelrynne learned of the presence of an organization that had recently spread to Breme—the Venator Syndicate. The Syndicate was known for capturing, selling, and experimenting on rare and magical creatures. Kelrynne came to the conclusion that they were involved in Isrun’s disappearance and began hunting these self-proclaimed hunters. Eventually, she had killed enough grunts to learn that they were planning an expedition to the Amusa wilderness and that higher ups in the organization would be involved. Kelrynne swiftly set out for Amusa with Brynhild and her siblings in hopes of encountering these higher ups.

A few days after arriving in the eastern Amusa wilds, Kelrynne and the wyrmlings ambushed a massive group of Venator away from their bases. Though they were able to kill quite a few of them, in the chaos of the fight, Aubin—the youngest wyrmling—and Brynhild were captured. Kelrynne was furious with herself for allowing such a thing to happen and she attempted to get them back, but was unable to breach the Venator bases she had located without tripping a magical alarm. After calming herself, Kelrynne realized that she might need the help of people the Venator would willingly allow in their bases. As such, she took to observing another group who had set up in the wilds: the Tempest Brothers’ Company. Kelrynne deemed them trustworthy enough and was proven correct when a group of them (Coryn, Eavan, Mark, Valdos, and Wiggler) agreed to help her. The plan was for a two-pronged attack on two Venator bases so that one wouldn’t have time to alert the other. Kelrynne and her remaining siblings lured out and killed the Venator in the base they went to but did not find Aubin or Brynhild. She was contacted via Sending by the Tempest Brothers’ party and told that the captives had been found. Kelrynne rushed to meet them and by the time she arrived the party had already taken care of their share of Venator. To show her gratitude, Kelrynne rewarded the party with ten Frostbell Flowers: rare flowers that only grow in the Iceback Mountains and can be used to add a fragrant hot and cold kick to all kinds of food. Unfortunately, no information about Isrun’s whereabouts was found.

Kelrynne is likely going to see if any Venator remain in the Amusa wilds so she can interrogate and kill them.


Kelrynne was taught to speak both Common and Draconic by Isrun. However, her Common is rough around the edges because she is much more accustomed to speaking Draconic. She can write both these languages, but her Common handwriting is rather atrocious.

Powers and Abilities

In battle, Kelrynne is a ranged attacker, but this doesn’t make her any less fierce than a melee opponent.

Attacks and Weapons 

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