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=== I'd be Thriller'd if you Could Join Us ===
=== I'd be Thriller'd if you Could Join Us ===
I was recruited to go to some party of sorts. Bulio told us to dress up as we are going to The Collector's place and its a requirement for the party. I was quick thinking and dressed up as the marvelous salesman himself, Bulio! Sticky insisted on coming this time around and I agreed and dressed him up in a little dinosaur costume. When we arrived to the town, there were a ton of decorations, mainly cut up pumpkins. When we got inside, everyone was dressed up, even if a little bit. We noticed a cat who was running around murdering rats. I tried to speak to it, but by the time I finished the ritual, she was gone. According to the attendants, she acts like she owns the place and the collector keeps her around to help with pest control. As the party proceeded, Dynia processed in with a parade of pumpkins and scarecrows. At some point a team member placed an amulet around us and dynia took the main stage. As he did so, chaos ensued. Everyone transformed into their costumes, except for us wearing the amulet. We followed Dynia into some vault room where he stole some of the collector's artifacts. Wehn we confronted him, he miniaturized us and put us in a jar and left us in the kitchen, but Sticky was MIA. I jumped out of the jar using Misty Step and the cute cat came up. We were now smaller than it and I tried to convince her to help us, but she just saw us as prey. As the team tried to escape, I stood my ground and commanded the cat to flee. She knew what was good for her and turned tail and ran from me. After the immediate threat was dealt with, we descended the counter top and escaped into a small hole in the wall. We noticed a small hole to peek through. We looked through and saw the chaos in the main hall and saw how to fix ourselves to become normal size, but we needed to do so before midnight. As I noticed an attendant kill someone, these dumb rats came up from behind and brought us back to their leader. It was the leader's daughter's wedding day and offered us to become part of his family and in return, he would provide us safe passage to the roof. I was cheated out of my win, that stupid rat. Anyway, after the tournament, we were able to secure the safe passage thanks to my friends. Along the way up, there was a shoot out between the rats and some bugs. We continued on, and found the magic device and destroyed it. We saw through a hole in the ground was was happening and saw Dynia floating on a broom near the entrance of the room. As the team prepared to fight the big pumpkin monster in the middle of the room, I prepared to bring down Dynia for when the roof fell through. As I predicted, the big pumpkin monster brought down the roof and i took a swipe at Dynia. After falling from the broom, I changed focus towards the pumpkin monster and the scarecrows. The scarecrows were just some animated clothing. After a brief time, I took some swings at the pumpkin monster and we defeated it. When it died, we noticed that Dynia left and sent an image of himself to tell us that he was successful in his goal to bring back the big orange dragon, Xevriss. As we heard this, we heard a noise in town and Xevriss and Dynia escaped. As the party ended due to the interruption of Dynia, I noticed the attendant that killed someone, was standing next to the collector. I was told by my new vampire fish friend, not to mention it right now. The collector was generous and gave me some fancy new bracers.

=== Disrupting Demons' Desires ===
=== Disrupting Demons' Desires ===

Revision as of 02:38, 22 October 2023

Thordon Akieye
Relatives Mother Akieye (d.) Father Akieye (d.)
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Orc
Marital Status Single
Gender Male
Height 4'6"
Weight 166lbs
Eye Color Gray

Thordon Akieye is (a mountain dwarf, outlander, path of totem barbarian)

Physical Appearance

A white haired dwarf with some red accents. Stands at a height of 4'6" and weighing in at 166lbs. Has a grumpy demeanor.


Doesn't talk too much. When he does talk, he grumbles and mumbles his way through words. When he gets mad, he tends to get loud. He may not show it, but he cares for the people around him. He is loyal to a fault. He has a hard time making personal connections with people due to him feeling like something bad always happening to the people he cares most about.



Thordon's family ancestry dates back some unnamed mountains where an ancient ancestor was in need of dire help and a snow fox came and saved him. When that fox died, the ancestor saved some bones to help pay respects to that fox. Since then, these artifacts have been passed down to the first son.


Thordon's twin brother, Thordack, that he is consistently mistaken for. His father Thrandon, and his mother Vanogith were very close to their sons. When they were growing up, they would constantly go on some hike and explore the close forests around the town. On these camping trips, they would tell stories of how their ancestors would make friends with different animals of the wild (mainly members Canidae family in taxonomy) and how they passed down the family artifact.

Early Life

When Thordon was a youngster, approximately 27 years of age, his father Thrandon and his mother Vanogith went on an expedition. Upon the return of the company, the captain of the venture, Elrdrous, passed on the sad new of Thordon's parents demise and the artifacts were not able to be retrieved.

First Adventure

5 years later, Thordon had gathered up a small crew of 3 to go on a search for the family heirlooms. The team consisted of him, his girlfriend Fodare, and his twin brother Thordack.

They started the venture by finding Elrdrous to obtain more information. Thordon's group found out that the original party went into the wild to map out a cave that was believed to have precious metals. The adventure went off without many issues, but as they were exiting the cave, there were creatures in waiting. The battle that ensued and caused the mouth of the cave to collapse cutting Thrandon and Vanogith off from the group. The leader chose to abandon them due to becoming overwhelmed by the creatures

Upon hearing the news that Thordon and Thordack's parents were abandoned, they lost their temper and captured Elrdrous. They waited for the dead of night and left the office with the map of the area and log books about the area. While they were on their way to the cave, the path slowly started to dwindle into smaller game trails. At the split of these trails, they stopped and took a couple hours of rest. During the night, Thordon took the opportunity to scout the area and found a den of small dead coyotes. The markings on the bodies did not look natural. When the rest of the crew woke up, Thordon showed them the way to the den. When they arrived, Elrdrous said that these wounds are similar to those that people from the original venture received and he protested going further, but the team refused to listen.

After this, the team continued to follow the path that Elrdrous pointed out, which opened up to a field. At the far end of the field, there was a rock face with what seemed to be the remnants of a rock side. As they approached the scene, the team noticed that the rockslide is littered with small holes. Erldrous confirms with the team that this was the entrance to the cave. At word of this news, Throdon and Thordack began to dig away at the rocks against Erldrous' protests. As they dug, Fodare and Erldrous made camp nearby on the edge of the tree line and the field. Thordon and Thordack kept up with this for the next couple of hours of daylight when they decided to rest for the night.

This night, Thordack was in charge of watch, during which, Elrdrous escaped. When Thordon and Fodare woke up, Thordack gave the bad news. They all agreed that this was something they could deal with at a later point and continued to search for their parents. When they finally made a clear path, they found what they believed were their parents. The company then decided to take their bodies and give them a proper burial by their camp that night and made plans to get a better look in the cave for their family heirlooms.

During the night, they began to hear strange noises and what seemed to be scurrying. When the team realized that they were being ambushed by roughly 6 osquips. Though they defeated all the creatures, Thordack was left with a fatal wound and did not make it through the night. Thordon then burried his brother that next day. He and Fodare went into the cave and found the relics they originally ventured out for and began their way back.

Along their voyage back, they stopped for a night's rest along the side of the path. At some point through the night, Thordon and Fodare got in an argument that Thordon wanted no part of. In the midst of it, Erldrous was able to sneak in to the camp and really hurt Fodare to a point where she and Erldrous became unconscious. While in his rage, thordon picked up Fodare and rushed back to town to help Fodare, leaving Erldrous unconscious at camp.

Upon returning from the expedition, he handed Fodare over to one of their family's close medic friends. These medics where able to save Fodare, but she remained in a coma for a year. When she came to, she had amnesia and had no memory of Thordon. Due to this heartbreaking adventure, Thordon tended to stay to more to himself. He did not attempt to help Fodare to regain her memories even though the medics insisted that he should.

Current Day

Due to burrying his parents and his brother, Thordon has maintain his distance so not to make personal connections. No one knows the full story of his first adventure, and it is too painful for him to talk about. People still don't know if Thordon or Thordack came back from the adventure, because correcting people or talking about it is too tough for him.

94 years later, there is no news on the whereabouts of Elrdrous, or his dead brother. Fodare never fully remembered everything, but knows that her and Thordon were together. She does not remember the events of the adventure. She is heartbroken because whichever Akieye brother survived, they won't tell her what happened. Since she is pressuring him about it, he decided to go on a campaign and follow Tempest Brothers Expeditionary Company into the wild to escape.

Wicked Wilds Adventure Journal

Underdark Strikes Back

Followed group guide to a temple. Went down a long dark staircase in to massive cavern filled with rocks and glowing mushrooms. Found glittery rock that turned alive and tried hugging me and companions. Mushrooms came alive and killed a companion. Flying creatures flew down and hugged my face. Evil dude ascended down from large middle rock and messed up the rest of the group. We beat everything, but nearly died in the process.

Nature, uh, Finds a Way

Went into the forest with new companions. Walked past a druid camp and the forest became dark and dead/dying. Found tall antlered thing that spawned wolves. Made a friend with a wolf but a companion killed them. Big antler dude kept spawning more wolves. Really hurt me, but it ended up dying. As it died, wolves disappeared and one looked at me with sad eyes, like saying by to a good friend. I miss them, he was a good boy who lost their way. Was able to take some antler from antler dude as trophy.

A New Hire

Met some old companions and a few new. Went and met small dragon people called kobolds. Apparently bigger than normal, but followed big beefy dude to find some missing kobolds. Came to field where the kobolds were in a fight and lost their dino friends. After a few seconds of investigating the field, big dinosaur with teeth everywhere chased us into cave. We continued down the tunnel and came out into a giant cavern. Apparently not naturally occurring. Spiders, drakes, kobolds, and big brain creature appeared and began to fight us. Spider tried to get into my mind but my skull to thick. We fought and killed big brain, drakes, and a spider. Kobolds changed sides and helped to fight last spider, but it got dark and it disappeared. One kobold died, found a dead kobold covered in red mossy fungus. As we found sword, big mushroom troll came out of no where with mushroom lady on his head and a green dude with sword walk by it. They were talking about mistress and some party not being ready. Mistress called them back I think and we brought 2 live kobolds, and 2 dead kobolds. All other companions lived.

Exploring the Area of Base Camp

During sometime between trek, I went out to look around some of the trails I walked before. As I was working my way through thick brush, I found a set of tracks that seemed to be a four footed creature. It left some hard spikes laying around. I followed for a while to an opening where I found similar tracks as before when big teethy dino. There appeared to be a fight between them, but I don't know the out come. When I saw big dino tracks, I felt it best to leave.

Fossils and Fangs

Spoke with Kobold chief, Thrax, about missing kobolds. Spoke with one who escaped and went to where they escaped. The missing kobolds came back to the area they went missing and started to attack us and our allied kobold guards. I looked into their eyes, and all seemed lost to them, like they were dead, then came back. After sometime, a big dinosaur with fangs came into the fray. As we fought it, I had weird visions that made me lose control and attack some companions. When the dino died, I came to. Luckily, I didn't hurt any friends, but Nestor died in the process. It seems the dino was turned into a vampire of sorts, and it was not the original. We left with some gold, and potions.

Road Rage

Galik people came saying that gnolls took a hostage and his cargo. We had info on their convoy path, and intercepted some gnoll war machines. We fought and killed many gnolls and weird dying gnolls. There was a gnoll with wheels for legs they called 'Ripjaw' and he ran off out of sight. I came face to face with a big foe they called 'Warmonger' and he died a glorious death. As we continued forward to different war machines, a friend lost control and blew himself up knocking me out. I woke up on the second to last war machine and tried to catch up, but nearly missed the jump to the last war machine, but my axe penetrated the outside of the machine and was able to climb up. I was able to step up to a stray gnoll and split one last head before Ripjaw escaped with some dapper bard and a mushroom. After they ran off, Radion came up from cargo hold with a guy wearing an owl head who called himself 'The Collector.' He said that he knew we would come and successfully save him. When we asked who escaped with Ripjaw, he said there was a guy with a Galik accent who was speaking about his daughter they called 'The Music Man' and the other compatriot was called 'The Colonel.' He gave us gold, and some magical scrolls.

Shell Shy

We were tasked with investigating a Ley Lien that was overflowing with magic. As we were approaching the area, I found a stick bug. I asked it a few questions and it told us about big snails in the area. After talking with Sticky, it agreed to come along. We met a Gastrosapien (Snail person) who agreed to take us to his town Escargotia to see the Hydrail. The Hydrail is a gigantic snail with three heads, feeding off the Weave that is omitted from the Lay Lien. The leader of the Gastrosapiens told us of two other parties that were also interested in protecting Ley Lein and Escargotia. The winner of this trial would be the guardians of Escargotia and the Lay Lien. There were Kobolds and some weird Pumpkin house. Three of the party went to the house, and me and another friend went to talk with the kobolds. I never met these kobolds before and their leader, Oobo, was outside the entrance of their camp. I spoke to him, but something was off when I shook his hand, and when I noticed ooze, I hugged him and couldn't move, but he released me and fled. My friend checked the ooze, and apparently, he was a mimic. When we grouped up with the other half, they told us that the pumpkin Dynia was here on behalf of "The Gourdheart Disciples." After the team huddle, we sat through a briefing on what the trail was and the direction to follow. As the trail began, one of my friends changed into a Dinosaur and I was permitted to ride on his back. As we progressed down the trail, these vines were hindering us. It seemed as though they were alive. I asked them to let me through as I tried to cause no harm. They agreed to let me through after some time, but one of our friends had some difficulties. In the end, we made it through. We were behind Dynia, but the mimic kobolds were stuck with the vines. We approached a bridge with a watcher, who asked us three questions and then we could pass. I failed and was thrown into the chasm. I climbed up the other side and waited for some of my friends. After we got across the chasm, we came to a campfire where one of use were possessed by a spirit. This trail we needed to figure out who the possessed person was. It came down to me and Yewvane, but it wasn't me. We succeeded in to choosing Yewvane and we continued down the path to find Dynia and the Hydrail in a field. This last trail was to get some artifact from the Hydrail before Dynia did. The dinosaur friend was able to secure the victory. As we did so, Oobo and his mimic group came onto scene started a fight. Oobo attached himself to the hydrail and was controlling them. We killed the majority of the mimics when Oobo let go of the Hydrail for a little bit, and in this brief window of opportunity, I slayed him where he stood, on the back of the Hydrail. With his dying breath, he proclaimed that the mimic dragon Old Alkinimic was going to attach Galik. I took this time to use beast sense on the Hydrail to check on its well being, and everything seemed to be fine. Dynia parted ways as the Hydrail teleported us back to the lay lien. They gave us gold and some mucus. We are now their protectors.

Matters of Importance

After an attack on the camp, two mates were missing and apparently were taken away by Mother. We had a decision of going after them or following Hunk to Thinwhistle to take care of Ripjaw. With an overall consensus of the group, we decided to track down Lambda. One of our crew knew the location of a cave that they were supposedly taken to. As we traveled down the cave, it seemed as though we walked all the way back to camp plus some more distance past it. If I didn't know any better, I'd say at some point, we were under our camp. After some time, we came to the end of the passageway. We could hear Tassa (mushroom lady) and some other guttural language. We went into the chasm and were immediately attacked by Tassa, Tobi (mushroom troll form before), some mini mushrooms, and a demon (I think?). After a long fought battle, Tobi died, the demon fled, and I killed Tassa by chopping the mushroom off her head. She was telling us that Mother had bigger plans than what has happened here. We looked around the cavern and we found the ancient city of the Kobolds. It was near a precipice where we found lambda's body, but no brain. We also found a digging machine. When we opened it, we found old Kobold skeletons that were bigger in comparison to the 5ft Kobolds of Thinwhistle. We all were able to walk away with 1k gold and the knowledge that there is much more happening than we expected.

Joy in Thinwhistle

We woke up in a strange room with our equipment missing and it also felt like we were just in a fight. We also had these strange contraptions around our necks. Upon investigation, we were being held captive. I studied the stone work and realized that where we were was some form of ancient city that was repurposed to be a jail cell. After a short time, a gnoll came up to the door and unlocked it. We followed the crowd of prisoners to a communal area where we saw the power of the necklaces and the gauntlets the gnolls were using to keep us in line. We also came face to face with the dinosaurs that I have once met and tracked. It was also a prisoner. We met some people who resembled Nassir and Lambda, their names were Titan and Theta. Jack of Hearts also was among them and pretty much told us about an escape plan they had. They shared a considerable amount of information to aid in the escape attempt. As the team was retrieving our stuff, and another friend was sneaking around the warden's office, The Bard and Colonel Cordyceps from before arrived following someone called the Green Knight. They went to the warden's office where they spoke with the warden. I told Jack that I've seen the mushroom and bard before. They escaped with this gnoll that had wheels for legs, and that's when I discovered the warden was Ripjaw. Some short amount of time passed and the four of the appeared in the communal area as me and Jack performed a fake fight as a distraction. The green knight demanded we stopped. As that happened our friend jumped down from the warden's office and unlocked my necklace. Since the whole crew was together again, I tried to clear a way to the elevator. As we made our escape, Thrax, the kobold village chief, was sent free to follow us. He and Hunk were rescued. As we made it to the top of the elevator shaft, we chopped the rope and the elevator free fell to the bottom of its shaft. As this happened, I smelled something like burning meat. I sent sticky to check it out, and they reported that all there was out there was fire and heads. We exited the hut we were in, and noticed we were in a ransacked Thinwhistle. As we took in the surrounding area, there was a voice coming from some figure with a Ram Skull helmet. It went on to tell us that this is our fault. All the death, destruction, and chaos is from our presence out here in the wild. I don't fully understand who this was, but one thing is certain, they are ancient. Our skiff arrived being chased by what the others tell me is the Green Knight's mount. We turned our attention to the Ram Skull guy, but they left. We also felt the presence of 6 more leave. On our way back to a drop off spot between Thinwhistle and our camp, we checked in on Thrax. He said he was fine, but as we checked him out, it seemed as though there was more wrong than what meets the eye. We wanted to try to save him, but he wasn't cooperative and raised some speculations among the group. As I kicked him off the skiff, one of the group set his body ablaze. We are lucky to have escaped with our lives.

A Rabbit's Errand

Nettle the Rabbit asked us to help with enhancing their soups by going retrieving some fruit from a magical ley lein. So we went to get some of the fruit from the ley lein. We got there, gnolls were there trying to cut the lry lein down. after approaching it, we noticed Ripjaw and some a bigger gnoll there. Ripjaw was heavily injured and ran from the fight (that coward). Upon his cowardice retreat, he used the necklace and gaunlets from the jail to summon a fire dinosaur, reminded me of a phoenix. after killing all the gnolls and the bigger gnoll we fought the dino and beheaded it. We collected the fruits and harvested the dinosaur. We went to investigate the bigger gnoll and found tracks of blood and mushrooms from the place he died. We were not able to track him down, so we returned to base. Upon return, we provided the dinosaur meat and the fruits to Nettle. I went to my tent to rest.

Gotta Getta Grung

The very next day, I woke up early to work on making the dinosaur head into a trophy so I could mount it in the common dining tent. One of the tempest bros came and recruited me and a few others to go speak with the warden (not Ripjaw). We were on the way through some swamp and got stuck in some mud. I was rescued by my friends and then the warden came down and introduced themselves to us. The Warden brought us close to a captured grung that seemed to have gone mad due to being infected by mushrooms or some form of fungi. He said that this is not normal and wanted us to investigate the nearby grung village. The Warden brought us back to their home where they gave one of the group a neat pendant to help find a quick path to the grung village. When we got to the village, it seemed abandoned and found some younglings and the village elder. She told us the villagers went east to fight off the invading gnoll forces. We went that direction to investigate and found some traces of a battle. As we continued, we snuck up on some gnolls doing their business, aka bathroom break. We ended their mushroom infested misery and found a cool statue with stone eyes. We went through some tall grass and walked into some ruins where we found some more infected gnolls and a battle began. After sometime, some more grung appeared, but they were infected too and began fighting us. We killed some infected gnolls, infected grung, and other infected individuals but we also captured some infected grung. Some gnolls ran from the fight, those cowards. After exploring the area and finding a mass grave of grung, some of us went back to the village and broke the news to the elder. We convinced her to let us bring the younglings to the warden where they could be safer. She agreed. The rest of us went to the Warden with the captured and infected grung where the two groups met up and went back to camp. After we got back, I rested and continued working on the trophy.

I'd be Thriller'd if you Could Join Us

I was recruited to go to some party of sorts. Bulio told us to dress up as we are going to The Collector's place and its a requirement for the party. I was quick thinking and dressed up as the marvelous salesman himself, Bulio! Sticky insisted on coming this time around and I agreed and dressed him up in a little dinosaur costume. When we arrived to the town, there were a ton of decorations, mainly cut up pumpkins. When we got inside, everyone was dressed up, even if a little bit. We noticed a cat who was running around murdering rats. I tried to speak to it, but by the time I finished the ritual, she was gone. According to the attendants, she acts like she owns the place and the collector keeps her around to help with pest control. As the party proceeded, Dynia processed in with a parade of pumpkins and scarecrows. At some point a team member placed an amulet around us and dynia took the main stage. As he did so, chaos ensued. Everyone transformed into their costumes, except for us wearing the amulet. We followed Dynia into some vault room where he stole some of the collector's artifacts. Wehn we confronted him, he miniaturized us and put us in a jar and left us in the kitchen, but Sticky was MIA. I jumped out of the jar using Misty Step and the cute cat came up. We were now smaller than it and I tried to convince her to help us, but she just saw us as prey. As the team tried to escape, I stood my ground and commanded the cat to flee. She knew what was good for her and turned tail and ran from me. After the immediate threat was dealt with, we descended the counter top and escaped into a small hole in the wall. We noticed a small hole to peek through. We looked through and saw the chaos in the main hall and saw how to fix ourselves to become normal size, but we needed to do so before midnight. As I noticed an attendant kill someone, these dumb rats came up from behind and brought us back to their leader. It was the leader's daughter's wedding day and offered us to become part of his family and in return, he would provide us safe passage to the roof. I was cheated out of my win, that stupid rat. Anyway, after the tournament, we were able to secure the safe passage thanks to my friends. Along the way up, there was a shoot out between the rats and some bugs. We continued on, and found the magic device and destroyed it. We saw through a hole in the ground was was happening and saw Dynia floating on a broom near the entrance of the room. As the team prepared to fight the big pumpkin monster in the middle of the room, I prepared to bring down Dynia for when the roof fell through. As I predicted, the big pumpkin monster brought down the roof and i took a swipe at Dynia. After falling from the broom, I changed focus towards the pumpkin monster and the scarecrows. The scarecrows were just some animated clothing. After a brief time, I took some swings at the pumpkin monster and we defeated it. When it died, we noticed that Dynia left and sent an image of himself to tell us that he was successful in his goal to bring back the big orange dragon, Xevriss. As we heard this, we heard a noise in town and Xevriss and Dynia escaped. As the party ended due to the interruption of Dynia, I noticed the attendant that killed someone, was standing next to the collector. I was told by my new vampire fish friend, not to mention it right now. The collector was generous and gave me some fancy new bracers.

Disrupting Demons' Desires

Powers and Abilities

  • Rage
  • Great Weapon Master (feat taken at level 4)
  • Beast Sense
  • Speak with Animals
  • Fey Touched
    • Misty Step
    • Hunter's Mark

Attacks and Weapons 

  • Great Axe +1
  • Javelin(4)
  • Hand Axe(2)

Treasure and Equipment

  • 2043GP
  • Antlers from a boss on Nature, uh, Finds a Way
  • Raptor claw from half eaten raptor mount of a Kobold
  • Potions
    • Animal Handling
    • Hill Giant Strength
  • Spell Scrolls
    • Fear
    • Remove Curse
  • Mess Kit
  • Explorer's Pack
    • Back Pack
    • Bedroll
    • Mess kit
    • Tinderbox
    • Torches(x10)
    • Day Rations(x10)
    • Waterskin
    • Hempen Rope(50ft)
  • Belt pouch
  • Staff
  • Animal trophy from slain game(unidentified as of now)
  • Mage Guard Bracers: While attuned to these bracers, whenever you are hit with a spell attack or fail a spell save, your bracers gain charges equal to the spells level. The bracers can hold a maximum of five charges. Whenever you hit a creature or object with a weapon or spell attack afterwards, you can expend as many charges as you wish to deal additional force damage, dealing an additional 1d6 force damage per charge spent.
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