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As Lysvan travels to the capital city, she feels a mixture of excitement and a dreaded feeling of being very nervious. She has never been to such a large city before and are unsure of what to expect. As she makes her way through the bustling streets, she is struck by the contrast between the city and the natural world she is used to. The sounds of the hustle and bustle of the city drown out the sounds of birds and animals. Despite the overwhelming new sounds, Lysvan is determined to make the most of her time in the city. She decides to visit the local libraries and seek out other druids, if there are any in such a city, to see if there's more information on the Tempest Brotherhood. She slowly makes her way to the meeting place to advise the people in question that she is eager to sign up and see what she can offer. Hopefully she can build new alliances, as she knows that that she cannot protect the environment alone.  She also would love to explore new areas and learn more about the world and the surroundings that she was afraid to travel alone to. Walking up to the meeting place, she stops, takes a deep breath and slowly enters the building.   
As Lysvan travels to the capital city, she feels a mixture of excitement and a dreaded feeling of being very nervious. She has never been to such a large city before and are unsure of what to expect. As she makes her way through the bustling streets, she is struck by the contrast between the city and the natural world she is used to. The sounds of the hustle and bustle of the city drown out the sounds of birds and animals. Despite the overwhelming new sounds, Lysvan is determined to make the most of her time in the city. She decides to visit the local libraries and seek out other druids, if there are any in such a city, to see if there's more information on the Tempest Brotherhood. She slowly makes her way to the meeting place to advise the people in question that she is eager to sign up and see what she can offer. Hopefully she can build new alliances, as she knows that that she cannot protect the environment alone.  She also would love to explore new areas and learn more about the world and the surroundings that she was afraid to travel alone to. Walking up to the meeting place, she stops, takes a deep breath and slowly enters the building.   

'''''(The tales of Adventure that leads to wonder)'''''  
'''''(The tales of Adventure that leads to wonder)'''''
'''Adventure to the Base Camp:'''
Lysvan was introduced to the group that she would be traveling with on her first mission into the wild. Below is her thoughts so far about the group she was assigned to and the happenings that she encountered with her new found group.
First: An interesting Earth Genasi named Obsidian, a Hexblade Warlock. Very good at what he does and likes to get up close and personal in battle.
Second: An Aasimar, named Chrysaor, heard of them but never encountered one until now. A combination of some kind of Sorcerer and Fighter type. Very interesting, shows some promise in the magic arts.
Third: A VERY VERY interesting Dwarf named Deralickt Dadwarf. Claims to be an archaeologist, but keep calling for a deity to help him, so she is guessing that with some of the abilities he possesses and uses, he is a cleric that he also claims to be.
Fourth: Amaris, a very tall Satyr that is also a cleric. A very nice an kind fey that seems to put others first in certain situations, which is good and nice, but can lead to some complications at some point.
As for the first expedition from the city, we was told that there were certain camps that we needed to check up on as communication with them have ceased. We were placed aboard a skiff and taken to the area that we were supposed to investigate and collect as much information about the area. We were told about the camps that they have lost contact with and headed out to find out what have become of those camps. On the way toward the first area, Lysvan cast Animal Friendship on a close by monkey; she named "Chimp", and then communicated with it asking it about the area and what lay ahead. Chimp advised her that there was quite a few heads, on poles, in the camp ahead. Hearing this she told it to head to the trees and the group slowly entered the camp. They split up with Deralickt Dadwarf and Chrysaor heading to the basement of the main building and Obsidian and Amaris heading up the tower, looking for notes and any information they could find. In the basement, someone had been locked inside. By the looks of the body they had been there for a while, possible to be a couple weeks. It looked like the person was locked in the basement prior to the attack on the tower and the camp. The person had its mouth, nose, and ears crammed full of black feathers. It was then realized that the feathers were coming from inside the body, like something was growing out from the inside. The body then burst into flames and crumbled into dust and ash. Lysvan took a sample of the ashes to study, due to fire being the main source as she could see and was very interested on what/who could do this. On the wall was written the following statement:
I am the flames that scorch the garden of rot
I am the wave that erodes the mountain of skulls
I am the  quake that will shatters the labyrinth of lies
I am the storm that rends the palace of perfection
I am Malice
Lysvan copied down the writing and put it in her pocket, she also noticed that others also made a copy of the writing. That night after making camp, Lysvan told Chimp to go to the trees and help keep watch and to stay back some so it wouldn't be in danger if something came. The people taking watch, Amaris and Chrysaor, both thought they saw seomthing wierd. Amaris claimed that he saw the trees move closer and closer then all of a sudden, they were in their normal spots. Chrysaor claimed that he looked up at the sky by where the trees were and it gave him a form of vertigo. When Lysvan woke up in the morning she couldn't find Chimp. She called for him and looked for him, finally finding the poor little monkey skewered on a tree well above us where he had been sent to help watch for us through the night. Lysvan decided to let him up there as the cycle of life/death must continue. Feeling a little sad for the creature, she turned and walked away toward the next base camp on the list to investigate.
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Revision as of 21:57, 2 May 2023

Fire Ganasi Druid
Relatives Mother, Father
Languages Common, Druidic, Elvish, Sylvan
Affiliations N/A
Aliases N/A
Marital Status Single
Place of Birth Eastern Gualdomo, near the Scar.
Date of Death N/A
Place of Death N/A
Species Fire Ganasi
Gender Female
Height 5'2"
Weight 120 lbs
Eye Color Fire Red

Lysvan is a Fire Ganasi Wildfire Druid

Physical Appearance

Height/Weight - 5'2" 120lbs

Hair - Ebony Black with florescent red highlights

Eyes - Fire red

Sex - Female


Lysvan is fiercely independent and values her freedom above all else. She has a deep love and respect for nature, and is willing to do whatever it takes to protect it. She is passionate and impulsive, and is quick to act when she sees an injustice being done to the natural world.

At the same time, Lysvan is deeply conflicted about her identity as a Fire Genasi. She is aware of the destructive potential of her fiery powers, and she struggles to control her emotions when she is using them. Despite her fears, she is determined to use her powers for good. She sees herself as a protector of the natural world, and will stop at nothing to defend it. She has a strong sense of justice and is not afraid to stand up to those who would exploit the natural world for their own gain.

In social situations, Lysvan can come across as aloof and reserved. She prefers to keep to herself and avoid small talk, preferring to spend her time in quiet contemplation or communing with nature. However, she is fiercely loyal to her friends and allies, and will go to great lengths to protect those she cares about.

Overall, Lysvan is a complex individual with a strong sense of purpose and a deep connection to the natural world. She is driven by her passion for protecting the environment and using her powers to make a positive difference in the world.


Lysvan was born with a natural affinity for fire and heat. From a young age, she was fascinated by flames and spent hours watching them dance and flicker. As she grew older, she began to explore their powers and learned to control and manipulate flames with ease.

Despite her fascination with fire, she felt a deep connection to the natural world and felt a strong desire to protect it. She became a druid, dedicating herself to the study and protection of the natural world. As she studied, she discovered the power of wildfire, and how it could be used to both destroy and rejuvenate ecosystems.

Lysvan saw the beauty in the chaos of wildfire and learned to harness its power to protect the natural world. She became a wildfire druid, specializing in the control and manipulation of wildfire. She learned to channel her inner fire into powerful spells that could burn her enemies or heal her allies.

As she traveled the world, she encountered many challenges, including those who sought to exploit the natural world for their own gain. Lysvan became a fierce protector of the natural world, using her powers to stop those who threatened it.

As Lysvan continued her journey as a wildfire druid, she encountered many challenges and obstacles along the way. She faced off against people that sought to exploit the natural world, including corrupt politicians, industrialists, and even other druids who had lost their way.

One of her most challenging battles came when she encountered a dark mage, Malakar the Maleficent. He was a sorcerer who had delved too deeply into dark magic and had become corrupted by its power. He saw the natural world as something to be conquered and destroyed, and he believed that unleashing a massive wildfire would bring about the end of the world and allow him to rebuild it in his own image. He was determined to bring about the end of the world by unleashing a massive wildfire that would consume everything in its path. Lysvan knew that she had to stop the mage at all costs, and gathered a team of allies to help defeat the mage. Together, her and her team traveled deep into the heart of a dense forest, where the mage had set up his base of operations. They fought through the mage's minions and traps, finally reaching the mage's sanctum.

In a climactic battle, Lysvan and her allies faced off against the dark mage, who unleashed a massive inferno that threatened to consume them all. But Lysvan channeled all of her druidic powers, tapping into the primal energy of nature itself to control the flames. With a mighty roar, she unleashed a massive burst of energy that destroyed the mage and saved the world from destruction. Though they were weary and battered from the battle, they knew that their work was not done.

In the aftermath of the battle, Lysvan and her allies began to work with local communities to help restore the natural world that had been damaged by the wildfire. They used their powers to heal the land and help it recover from the devastation. Lysvan continues to travel the world, protecting nature and fighting against those who would exploit it, seeking out new challenges and fighting against those who threatened the natural balance.

One of her future goals is to establish a network of like-minded druids and other nature protectors, working together to protect the natural world and promote sustainable practices. She believes that by working together, they could accomplish more than they could on their own. Another goal of Lysvan is to explore the deep, uncharted wildernesses of the world. She  were fascinated by the hidden ecosystems that lay beyond the reach of human civilization, and she believes that there are untold secrets and wonders waiting to be discovered. In addition, she wantes to continue to develop her druidic powers, learning new spells and techniques that would allow her to better protect the natural world. She continues to search out powerful mentors and ancient texts, eager to learn all she could about the power of wildfire and the secrets of the natural world.

Finally, Lysvan hopes to inspire a new generation of nature protectors, passing on her knowledge and skills to those who would come after them. She believes that by instilling a love and respect for the natural world in others, she could ensure that the world would continue to thrive for generations to come.


Common, Druidic, Elvish, Sylvan

Powers and Abilities

Spells, Wildshape and Summon wildfire spirit *Spark*

Attacks and Weapons 

Fire and more fire

(How Spark came to be)

The first time Lysvan summoned the Wildfire Spirit, now known as Spark, she were exploring a dense forest that had been threatened by a group of reckless loggers. The loggers had been clearcutting large parts of the forest, destroying entire ecosystems and endangering countless plant and animal species. She made her way through the ravaged forest and could feel the anger and pain of the natural world around them. She knew that something had to be done to stop the loggers and protect the forest.

Fueled by her love for the natural world, she began to chant an ancient incantation. As she chanted, a swirling vortex of flames appeared before her, and the Wildfire Spirit emerged from the flames. The spirit recognized Lysvan as a druid and ally of the natural world, and it agreed to help her in her fight against the loggers. Together, Lysvan and the Wildfire Spirit unleashed a devastating attack on the loggers, using both of their fiery powers to burn the loggers equipment and force them to retreat. From that day on, Lysvan knew that she could summon Spark whenever she needed it, to protect the natural world and fight against those who threatened it. She also knew that they both must use their powers with caution and responsibility, to avoid unleashing the Wildfire Spirit's power in a destructive and uncontrollable way.

-Her current future goals that she hopes to accomplish: (Subject to change depending on what experiences she encounters).-

Lysvan's primary goal is to protect the natural world from those who would harm it. She is aware of the destructive potential of her powers and is determined to control those powers to the best of her ability. Lysvan would like to seek out other powerful druids or fire mages to learn from, and also may embark on a personal journey of self-discovery to unlock the full potential of her abilities.

As a Fire Genasi, she has always felt like an outsider. She may want to find a community of others like herself or she may seek out a group of druids or nature enthusiasts who share their passion for protecting the environment. She has the passion and determination make herself a natural leader. One day in the future, she may want to take on a leadership role within a druidic circle or environmental organization, or she may seek out opportunities to influence policy and make a difference on a larger scale.

(New Adventures await)

Recieving a letter from the Tempest Brotherhood, she opens it and reads the following; 'Welcome to the Tempest Brothers Expeditionary Company. Thank you for signing on with us and working with us in this venture. We're still making the final preparations before we sail off for the first Expedition. Trouble is, we lost headcount along the way with all the recruting we did. If you could be obliged to send a return letter confirming your interest in the company, we can get everything squared away to go.

Thanks again for your cooperation, and welcome to the company,

-Darian & Adrian Tempest'

Lysvan thinks that this is an opportunity that she has been looking for, to be able to go out and help others and show people that her kind are not to feared but to learn to protect nature and to live in harmony with nature, if possible. Packing her things, she heads to the capital in search of the Tempest Brotherhood.

As Lysvan travels to the capital city, she feels a mixture of excitement and a dreaded feeling of being very nervious. She has never been to such a large city before and are unsure of what to expect. As she makes her way through the bustling streets, she is struck by the contrast between the city and the natural world she is used to. The sounds of the hustle and bustle of the city drown out the sounds of birds and animals. Despite the overwhelming new sounds, Lysvan is determined to make the most of her time in the city. She decides to visit the local libraries and seek out other druids, if there are any in such a city, to see if there's more information on the Tempest Brotherhood. She slowly makes her way to the meeting place to advise the people in question that she is eager to sign up and see what she can offer. Hopefully she can build new alliances, as she knows that that she cannot protect the environment alone.  She also would love to explore new areas and learn more about the world and the surroundings that she was afraid to travel alone to. Walking up to the meeting place, she stops, takes a deep breath and slowly enters the building.

(The tales of Adventure that leads to wonder)

Adventure to the Base Camp:

Lysvan was introduced to the group that she would be traveling with on her first mission into the wild. Below is her thoughts so far about the group she was assigned to and the happenings that she encountered with her new found group.

First: An interesting Earth Genasi named Obsidian, a Hexblade Warlock. Very good at what he does and likes to get up close and personal in battle.

Second: An Aasimar, named Chrysaor, heard of them but never encountered one until now. A combination of some kind of Sorcerer and Fighter type. Very interesting, shows some promise in the magic arts.

Third: A VERY VERY interesting Dwarf named Deralickt Dadwarf. Claims to be an archaeologist, but keep calling for a deity to help him, so she is guessing that with some of the abilities he possesses and uses, he is a cleric that he also claims to be.

Fourth: Amaris, a very tall Satyr that is also a cleric. A very nice an kind fey that seems to put others first in certain situations, which is good and nice, but can lead to some complications at some point.

As for the first expedition from the city, we was told that there were certain camps that we needed to check up on as communication with them have ceased. We were placed aboard a skiff and taken to the area that we were supposed to investigate and collect as much information about the area. We were told about the camps that they have lost contact with and headed out to find out what have become of those camps. On the way toward the first area, Lysvan cast Animal Friendship on a close by monkey; she named "Chimp", and then communicated with it asking it about the area and what lay ahead. Chimp advised her that there was quite a few heads, on poles, in the camp ahead. Hearing this she told it to head to the trees and the group slowly entered the camp. They split up with Deralickt Dadwarf and Chrysaor heading to the basement of the main building and Obsidian and Amaris heading up the tower, looking for notes and any information they could find. In the basement, someone had been locked inside. By the looks of the body they had been there for a while, possible to be a couple weeks. It looked like the person was locked in the basement prior to the attack on the tower and the camp. The person had its mouth, nose, and ears crammed full of black feathers. It was then realized that the feathers were coming from inside the body, like something was growing out from the inside. The body then burst into flames and crumbled into dust and ash. Lysvan took a sample of the ashes to study, due to fire being the main source as she could see and was very interested on what/who could do this. On the wall was written the following statement:

I am the flames that scorch the garden of rot

I am the wave that erodes the mountain of skulls

I am the  quake that will shatters the labyrinth of lies

I am the storm that rends the palace of perfection

I am Malice

Lysvan copied down the writing and put it in her pocket, she also noticed that others also made a copy of the writing. That night after making camp, Lysvan told Chimp to go to the trees and help keep watch and to stay back some so it wouldn't be in danger if something came. The people taking watch, Amaris and Chrysaor, both thought they saw seomthing wierd. Amaris claimed that he saw the trees move closer and closer then all of a sudden, they were in their normal spots. Chrysaor claimed that he looked up at the sky by where the trees were and it gave him a form of vertigo. When Lysvan woke up in the morning she couldn't find Chimp. She called for him and looked for him, finally finding the poor little monkey skewered on a tree well above us where he had been sent to help watch for us through the night. Lysvan decided to let him up there as the cycle of life/death must continue. Feeling a little sad for the creature, she turned and walked away toward the next base camp on the list to investigate.

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