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Revision as of 18:38, 14 October 2022 by (talk) (Just adding player and greedy green tag)

Physical Characteristics

Drang is for even his sizeable race, rather large. He stands approximately 7'5" and weighs roughly 600 pounds, making him one of the larger subjects we've studied. Drang does not know his exact age, but tooth analysis puts him between 45-50 years of age. The coarse brown fur that covers his frame is a dark brown with ever increasing amounts of grey and white, being thickest at the back of the head, forearms, chest and thighs. Rarely is he seen without his armor though, sporting overlapping plate armor which is heavily pitted and scratched over nearly ever inch of it. Most notably is the plate mail kilt around his waist, making a purposeful amount of noise as he moves even the slightest.

Lifestyle and personality

As far as Bugbears go, Drang is an anomaly. By nature, Bugbears are a sneaky murderous lot, preferring ambush tactics on unsuspecting civilians or prey out in the wilds. Drang is by definition antithetic to this life style, wearing loud clattering plate mail, wielding a greatsword nearly as big as himself, and always talking in a loud, booming voice. On top of this, he's incredibly friendly and good natured, only turning to mercenary "wet work" when one of his failing enterprises goes bankrupt. He is an extremely proficient fighter, wielding his great sword easily and with deadly force, but before any would fall too it he gives diplomacy a chance whether it be a shambling mound of corpses or wayward bandits. Drang is driven to the point of obsession with becoming an upstanding, honorable member of this society to further spit in the face of his heritage. If asked, he will claim that he was orphaned as a baby and was raised by humans, this however is false. Attached you will find a classified report that tells a vastly different tale.

Tuuliels log

Date- [redacted]

1st Scout Tuuliel Witherleaf, Goblinkin populations expert

"I came upon the most peculiar site today while scouting the [redacted] mountain range. A great plume of smoke was rising from the [redacted]-family warren, a known and well documented family of bugbears, orcs, and goblins. What i found at the base of that cloud is utter devastation, the entire family destroyed and smoldering in a great pyre, but there was no contingent of exterminators sanctioned for this. I must investigate further"

"Having spent the day studying tracks and the state of the warren, i am only left with further questions. it appears that the inhabitants captured a wagon of civilians yesterday, something that is regrettable but is a known risk of traveling the [redacted] trail. The most curious thing, is that the civilians have been buried, 7 adults and 1 child sized cairn of rocks with rudimentary head stones reading 'I'm sorry' and 'please forgive me' in poorly written common. In the center of the graves is a massive, shattered great sword covered in blood. The wounds on the members of the warren match that of the great sword. 12 Bugbears, 15 orcs, 56 goblin (slaves?) and one hill giant so far as i have counted. I have found the trail of what appears to be a severely wounded bugbear leading east toward [redacted]. I intend to track this individual down for further answers"


1st Scout Tuuliel Witherleaf, Goblinkin populations expert

"In all my years of research and study I have never come across anything like this. I tracked the individual for 4 days east across the [redacted] range, and finally caught up to him in a small cave near the [redacted] valley. I approached cautiously with weapons raised, ready to strike the creature down, but instead found this Bugbear, Eigan Drang by name i came to know, curled next to a small fire sobbing and holding a tiny necklace. He had.....killed his entire family, something i had never know Bugbear kind to do. His common was broken and poor, but the story he told was chilling. I know what goblinkin are prone to doing with goodly folk whom they have captured and this was no exception. In a moment of clarity, i believe fueled by the gods themselves, Drang took the Giants sword and attempted to save the young girl from her fate at the hands of his siblings. Ultimately, he failed, as she passed from her wounds later that night despite Drangs best efforts."

"I am compelled beyond words, and as first Scout and lead expert under [redacted] i am hereby taking Eigan Drang under my personal care, even if it means my early retirement. This is a once in a lifetime chance to prove to the [redacted] that goblinkin CAN change and should be included under the upcoming [redacted] civilian act. I have requested that he remain in this area of the [redacted] mountains while I return to my superiors for proper clearance, he seems more than will to embark on this journey"


Tuuliel Witherleaf, project lead

"I have returned to the campsite where I left the subject, and while i had high hopes he would have heeded my request to remain here there is no sign of him. Perhaps requesting one of his race stay put for more than a month at a time was too much to ask. By the state of this campsite the subject left roughly 3 weeks ago and headed further east, and now that my job is reliant on my ability to find and coerce him to come with me to [redacted] and begin studies I'll make short work of finding him."

"During the night while i was camped in the old site i was awoken by the sound of voices outside, at first i was worried the subject had a turn of heart and was here to kill me, but i was surprised to hear the sounds move away without noticing this cave. It was an entire tribe of goblins running through the valley, at least 20-30 of them. In my previous position i was forced to learn their language and while most of them where babbling normally i did catch a few key words, Gron'wik Toth being the most important. It roughly translates to 'like us but not like us' or 'Not goblin but close'. I have a suspicion the subject has taken on a much greater task than the one i had planned for him."


Tuuliel Witherleaf, project lead

"I need a speaking stone like the Directors to help me with notes, the 10 days since my last entry have allowed me no time to write. Tracked the goblins for 3 days before they got to their destination, another warren home to another separate goblinkin family. I managed to get close enough to hear the exchange between their respective leaders which alarmingly did not begin with bloodshed. The leader from the traveling tribe was essentially begging for shelter from "Gron'wik Toth" who apparently "wields a blade of darkness" and is "slaughtering all goblins ever". Goblins are prone to gross exaggeration, but in an entirely unexpected move the other leader allowed the goblins to join them. I should however that the leader of this particular warren is known to me, a fearsome Bugbear patriarch by the name of Mogwyn Rom, always vying for dominance among other warren chiefs in the area".

"These past days the mountains have been humming with goblin, orc, and even some roving giant groups. Every group i spy on or observe speaks of the Gron'wik Toth, the coming storm, the fell hand of evil ect ect. All like there is some vengeful god coming for them. I suppose I'm writing this all down because im beginning to fear for my safety here in the [redacted] pass, the roving gangs have become increasingly more violent than normal with this shared threat on the horizon. Come nightfall I am going to attempt to sneak into Mogwyn Rom's warren to gain more information on this coming threat."

Recovery log: Subject 001

Following a period of 6 months after Tuuleil was given project lead and went to recover Subject 001, a team of 3 agents was sent into the [redacted] mountains to ascertain her whereabouts. Her remains where eventually found at the bottom of the Rom warren, apparently having been captured during her mission. It appears that she was tortured to death through unknown means, however the path leading to her remains was littered with the corpses of dozens upon dozens of goblins. The warren chief Mogwyn was no where to be found, theorized to have escaped out of a rear tunnel in the back of the cavern system. The wounds on the fallen goblins did not correspond to Tuuleils weapons, rather having been made with greatsword or similar tool.

Her journal was recovered and was documented, and following her discovery the team of agents was able to track and eventually located Subject 001 35 miles to the south in pursuit of the warren chief responsible for Tuuleils death. Subject 001 had to be restrained and sedated to allow for travel, as he was insistent that he be allowed to finish off the warren chief who was at the bottom of a gulch treating his wounds. The team had been supplied with 2 scrolls: one of hold person and the other of teleport, and after a brief scuffle with Subject 001 in which he broke both of the lead agents arms, he was safely transported to site [redacted].

Director Moss is given lead on what is now called Operation KinderBjorn, the beginning of the gentrification and ultimate help and blending of culture with the goblinkin races, as doing so may help limit the number of forces the dragons where able to persuade. During the events of the sundown, Subject 001 was held in cite [redacted] by choice, and over the following year was taught to speak and write common, a brief history of the then current world state as well as an overveiw of what civilian life will entail for him. The following are a series of notable incidents that occurred during this period.

Incident 443-001

Subject 001 is given residence in the town of [redacted], choosing to open a small cart selling pinecones and various woodland oddities. The subject has minimal success during the first day and upon seeing other merchants flock to the local tavern, follows to join.

The [redacted] tavern is a local hotspot after the sun goes down and quickly fills, however the subject is at a table alone for the majority of the night, likely due to his immense size and gruff exterior. The subject, upon seeing many of the other bar folk partaking in various drinking games and consuming large amounts of ale, begins drinking heavily. He is, thanks to his physical proportions, able to drink far more than any average human, and some of the more boisterous customers take note of his ability. This starts a rather loud and excited game of "chug", where barrels of ale are brought out and the contestants see how long they can drink from the open container before having to stop. The subject wins 5 rounds of this, meaning he has consumed more than 5 barrels of (although watered down by the proprietor) rather strong ale and begins showing signs of intoxication. However he appears to now be welcomed as one of the community thanks to his feat of fortitude and happily tells tales and stories to his new friends.

Aproximately 3 hours into his foray with his new friends, a group of half-orcs and gruff humans walk into the bar, a well known gang of brutes led by one Mugsy Mallethands, a well documented bandit in the area. While their leader is not present, the 7 thugs are a formidable force among themselves, and the tavern noticeably quiets upon their arrival. One of the patrons next to Subject 001 leans in and whispers something too him, causing the subjects entire disposition to change into one of angered readiness. Seeing the sudden and abrupt change in their new friends demeanor, the patrons nearest to the Subject say their goodbyes and make their way casually out of the tavern.

The following 2 hours see the subject drinking much more sparsely, however his intoxication is noticeable. The 7 brutes are loud and obnoxious, at one point breaking a chair amd throwing their mugs at one of the waitresses when she brought them and incorrect order. They grow louder and increasingly more anger and beligerant as the night goes on, the Subject is seen to be quietly clenching and unclenching his fists repeatedly as the tavern clears out, never taking his eyes off the 7.

When last call is made, roughly an hour after midnight, the gang of 7 shouts at the bartender and upends a table, but upon seeing the waitress gather her bags and leave for the night, the group of thugs chuckle to one another and begin to leave after her. At this point the Subject and the bartender make eye contact, and from the pleading look in the bartenders expression the Subject stands and shakily makes his way outside.

By the time the Subject gets outside, the group of 7 has cornered the waitress in an alley a block to the west, and as the sound of her pleading to the group reaches the ears of the Subject, he lets out a roar of anger and sprints down the street in their direction. The group of 7 hear this and laugh, as even though the subject is twice any of their size, they all draw daggers and rally together to face the Subject.

Their laughter and formation break almost immediately as, while in a dead run, the Subject grabs huge piece of lumber from a nearby pile of scrap wood and, wielding it like a great club, swings into their midst at full speed. 2 of the bandits are seen to be killed instantly as the beam simply smashes through both of their heads. The other 5, horrified, jump onto the subject and all begin stabbing him repeatedly as he drops the club and roars again in apparent pain.

It is at this point Director Moss is notified of the situation, and agents are pulled together to intercept if the situation becomes dire. Director Moss orders that no action be taken until the subject is rendered unconscious or is severely wounded.

The Subject is momentarily staggered but recovers quickly from the assault, shaking 2 of the group off and pulling a third free with both hands as the other 2 repeatedly stab as his torso. With a great strain, the subject takes hold of the grabbed individual by the head in both hands, and his screams of horror are cut short with a wet pop as his skull collapses under the pressure. As that bandits limp body hits the ground, the remaining 4 attack with wild abandon, the subject in an apparent blood frenzy seems not to notice. Blood darkens his clothes and gashes and wounds are now visable even as the subject spins in a great round house kick, sending one of the group in mid air into an adjacent building, his limp body falling broken to the ground. While in mid spin one of his fists connects with another of the group, sending him into instant unconsciousness.

Director Moss is clearly pleased with the situation, remarking on the subjects sheer strength and constitution in battle. The readied agents are dispatched nearby on an intercept course

The 2 remaining of the group throw their daggers to the ground in surrender and begin backing away, while the subject is seen to begin laughing and shaking his head, spitting blood from his mouth as he steps forward. As the 2 turn to run, the subject grabs them by their clothes and pulls them back, tearing the throat from one with his teeth and throwing the second into a wall nearby so hard his spine is hurt to snap. As the 7 thugs lay broken and lifeless (save for the unconscious one) the subject turns to see the waitress still down the alleyway, pale and shaking in the face of the subject who is soaked in blood, and runs screaming from the alley way where she had been cornered. The subject is heard to call after her asking if shes okay but she proceeds to run screaming into the town calling for guards.

The Subject looks down at the street, covered in blood and corpses of the 7 thugs, and falls to his knees with a howl, holding his head with both heads and shaking. At this point the team of agents converge on him, quickly stunning him with a wand and teleporting away.

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