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Revision as of 15:04, 11 April 2023 by Andyhag (talk | contribs) (picture i hope)
{dream_TradingCard (2)}
As Bajayzus said ' let their be smite! '
Relatives CuCullin, honorary dad
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Celestial
Affiliations Order of Cucullin, of the Reformed Church of Bajayzus, Hisself
Aliases The Tall one
Marital Status marital status - can do em, I have the spell
Place of Birth That one is a bit vague
Date of Death I date death on the regular, we go way back
Place of Death We like to eat spicy food, usually hot daeth
Species Dwarf, of course
Gender Male
Height From toes to tip, 4.5 foot
Weight I'm stocky... leave it at that
Eye Color Two, but it is said with Bajayzus looking over me.....

Deralickt Dadwarf is a Mark of Warding Dwarf Archeologist who also happens to be a Low Priest in Order of CuCullin, of the Reformed church of Bajayzus, Hisself. Making him cleric of Twilight serving the light of the world and all it's attached planes.

Physical Appearance

 Deralickt Dadwarf, Low Priest of the Order of Cucullin, of the Reformed Church of Bajayzus, Hisself, stands on two feet, usually behind his faith ( Faith being his large shield emblazoned with the skeleton of a fish) wielding Truth and Justice to right the wrongs of his foes ( Justice is a War Pick that seems to resemble an ale keg with spiky bits, Truth is a bit more ill defined). all this dwarfyness is barely contained by an ostentatiously bright red roc feather plumed pirate captain's hat. Not accounting for the hat, He stands about 4 and a half foot tall upon his two feet. When you account for the almost 2 feet of Plumage of the bright red Roc Feather, he is sometimes unsuccessfully asked to doff the hat during plays or other performances with regularity.  Clad in splint mail, with a Motif of Plus signs emblazoned upon it’s metalwork when Derelict Dadwarf, Low Priest of the Order of Cucullin, of the Reformed Church of Bajayzus, Hisself steps from the shadow into the light, he practically dazzles. Unexpectedly this Dwarf of action is often seen studying his Good Book during quieter times.


   Me most humble self is but a simple servant of the fisher of men, the light of the world, the bringer of all things good, Bajayzus, hisself. I seek to be helpful to my partymates, and slay those who need slaying. Sometimes it is best to overslay and let Bajayzus sort it out. Bajayzus never forces anyone to follow him, I am a bit more mortal and earthy.

I seek to further the spread of the good word of Bajayzus to as many of the masses as I can. Although this may lead to some preaching from the pulpit I try ta keep that sort of thing brief.  I have learned with my time on the Seas, that other fellows respect actions more than words, so to affect this, I will teach by example and show the peoples of this lost land the value of allowing Bajazus into their hearts. If that does not work, there is always the famous quote” Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.” add that to ‘ Whoever is sparing his rod is hating his son, | And whoever is loving him has hurried his discipline.’ The good Book always shows the way.

I know I draw some strange looks while conferring with me companion ‘ The Lamb of Dwarf’ as it is ever so slightly invisible to non believers. I have hopes…..


Me first recollections was the chapel of Bajayzus on the floating casino/ barge somewhere in the water world o the Iron Seas. A grand champion of the faith, CuCullen the Base was spreading the word of Bajayzus in that place between happily removing large and fearsome beasties from the area and assembling groups to help feed the hungry Agathas. He had some successes in all three of those areas.

I was a young Dwarf, my beard not much more than fuzz, when that notable saved me from the horrid Human + trafficker Esquire. I never knew me parents, but I did neve lack a family withing the chapel and of the barge I Grew up in the chapel and learned all I could from that Champion. He trained me how to fight, how to drink, how to fight drunk, how to drink during a fight, and even a little bit about Bajayzus. I became more than an assistant in the chapel, more than just a trainee, I became like a son to him. So much so, that on the barge I was often referred to as CuCullen’s little bastard. Which is an incorrect use of the word as that title usually only applies if the Pater familias is in question.

Since there was no where on the barge to spend the mountains of gold that CuCullin made from donations to the chapel and from the rewards of bringin down the ever present Dinosaurs, he enrolled me in the New Seglock School of Archeology to learn from books and others about parts of the world. I spent a lot of time with murderers and the dregs of society, and they were all great childhood companions whom I learned many a thing. I did learn one of the most important facets of adventuring on my expeditions -  to loot first, then burn. I also learned ta develop an affinity to open locks, as there are many an interesting thing that can be held on the other side of locked portals. Combining that thirst for knowledge and the quest for lost artifacts I have learned to defeat many a lock and roll with it. Many a day was spent in worship of Bajayzus with includes much drinking of the holy ‘ Blood’ (ale) and eating bread while singing the songs of Saint Peter Gabriel. I did to mention that there was absolutely nowhere at all to spend gold on the barge. I will admit the multiple days we sat and sung the hymn ‘ Digging In The Dirt ‘ did help shape my interests in the field of Archaeology.

After a childhood cloistered in book and prayer, I started to accompany some of the various groups on jobs (er, Expeditions) to put to practice all my theoretical learning. That went swimmingly. On one such adventure, during a looting ( artifact recovery) session at a dig site I found A glass orb filled with water, in which swims a clockwork goldfish. This is an item of such intricateness that has never been seen before, so I sought to see if I could find the civilization that would create such a thing.I made this the plan for my thesis. The Sleestak were apparently the creators of this device.

The Sleestak have been an enigmatic race, appearing to be an extra-dimensional reptilian bipedal humanoid species indigenous to Amusa aka the Land Of The Lost. There is some glimmers of evidence that they were once known as the Altrusians, an advanced race predating the Sleestak whom the Sleestak devolved from.

On one of these adventures, I was brought along for my historical knowledge, and we were jumped by foes most foul while on a ship heading to the Job site. We had our ship sunk from underneath our feet and we were prostrated to their machinations. As the leader evildoers was horrifically slaying members of the group, I was able to call upon the power of Bajayzus to smite the leader. Bajayzus reached down from on high and took hold of me;  he drew me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemy,  from my foes, who were too strong for me. They confronted me in the day of my disaster,  but the Lord was my support. He brought me out into a spacious place;  he rescued me because he delighted in me. I claimed the evil pirate captain's hat for my own, with it’s ostentatious oversized Roc Plume addin almost 2 foot to my presence.  While channeling Bajayzus through his hymns ‘  I Have The Touch ‘ and ‘Lay Your Hands On Me’ I was able to save many of the expedition, although we ended it early due to the poor condition we were left in.  

One Day, if it finally happened, Bajayzus hisself spoke to me. Well, spoke not in the medium of words, but in visions. He also sent me a companion on my travels, whom only the faithful can currently see and hear. That is a shame as the ‘ Lamb of Dwarf’ is very wise and offers great advice. I hope as others follow the teachings of Bajayzus that my companion will be visible to the masses and assist me in spreading the word of Bajayzus to the inhabitants of this lost land.

These Visions lead me to a waiting room with many others to Fly on and Airship of the Tempest Brothers Expeditionary Company to Amusa, the .Land of the Lost’. Which means it is a whole lost continent to send out papers of an archeological bent.  I am mostly going there cause it is unlikely the masses have not been exposed to the good words of Bajayzus and thirst for this wisdom. Also the Sleestak, creators of the Clockwork fish may be there in the ‘ Land of the Lost’ , and I can finish my thesis and gain academic acclaim and of course new knowledge.  You know, things they would not teach back in college. So I sally forth to find Solsbury Hill and play games without frontiers, or maybe even jeux sans frontieres.


Common, Dwarvish and Celestial.  Plus the beautiful and mostly not helpful visions of Bajayzus. I am also well versed in the hymns of Saint Peter Gabriel which seem to elude most of the bards.  The wisdom contained in these works are divine, not profane.

Powers and Abilities

I use the power of Bajayzus to smite me foes. With Faith, Truth, and Justice(see above) on my side I can overcome any foe. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for Bajayzus is with me. Add that to the fact I am a Dwarf, so my sense is extra common, I have the aid sent to me of’ The Lamb of Dwarf’ to give wise counsel.

Attacks and Weapons 

I rely on the power of Bajayzus to protect me, as it says in the good book -

In my distress I called to the Lord;

6   I cried to my God for help.

From his temple he heard my voice;

    my cry came before him, into his ears.

7 The earth trembled and quaked,

    and the foundations of the mountains shook;

    they trembled because he was angry.

8 Smoke rose from his nostrils;

    consuming fire came from his mouth,

    burning coals blazed out of it.

9 He parted the heavens and came down;

    dark clouds were under his feet.

10 He mounted the cherubim and flew;

    he soared on the wings of the wind.

11 He made darkness his covering, his canopy around him—

    the dark rain clouds of the sky.

12 Out of the brightness of his presence clouds advanced,

    with hailstones and bolts of lightning.

13 The Lord thundered from heaven;

    the voice of the Most High resounded.[d]

14 He shot his arrows and scattered the enemy,

    with great bolts of lightning he routed them.

15 The valleys of the sea were exposed

    and the foundations of the earth laid bare

at your rebuke, Lord,

    at the blast of breath from your nostrils.

So maybe Bajayzus can manifest as a dragon? A dragon and his Dwarf, a Dwarf and his Dragon…. priceless.

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