Hallasen is a village in northern Isonhound in the Sylvanry domain
Many Lunarans were based out of Hallasen, and it became a de facto "holy city" despite it being a meager village.
In 825 PR the village was under attack by Drakkoth, and many of the survivors fled south to be refuges in Seglock, where they were granted temporary residence in the city's library.
After it had been cleared of monsters, a group of heroes escorted them back to their village. They even found a way to help out around the village doing menial cleanup tasks. It was at that time that many learned of Hallasen's connection to a holy site called "Rana Ndore", a small peak neraby on which it was prophesized the moon god Eros would one day return.
Rana Ndore
While not technically in the village, Rana Ndore was only a half day's trek from Hallasen, and was the location of the Crystal Moonwell, an item said to have been crafted by Eros himself. This peak was a holy place for the Lunarans.
At first glance, it appeared to have nothing special about it, just a barren peak at the top of a small cliff. However, it was home to a lunaran known as "The Crying Scryer" who guarded the Moonwell.
In early 826 PR, after The Umbral Flood, Rana Ndore became constantly patrolled by dark powers pupeteered by The One That Waits, including the undying soul of Flame, now an undead shadow dragon. However, even a powerful undead shadow dragon was no match for Eros himself, who arrived after having been released from his prison in The Moon Court.