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Elyssa Aetas
Elyssa Aetas embracing all four seasons
Player Name Connor Schroll
Relatives Grandfather: Lower Court Herald Bo Aetas

Father: Jorreth Aetas

Mother: Sahanna Aetas
Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Affiliations Court of Blossoms
Marital Status Single
Place of Birth Court of Blossoms
Species Elidran
Gender Female
Height 5' 4"
Weight 80 lbs

Elyssa Aetas is a young Eladrin who has recently discovered her talent with Wild Magic Sorcery.

Physical Appearance

Elyssa is a young female Eladrin. She normally keeps her hair in a long single braid that will go down her back. Her skin, hair, and eye colors all change with whatever season she is embracing. In Spring, her skin will be a pale green, her eyes are a deep emerald, and her hair is a mix of light and dark greens that look similar to the color of freshly cut grass. In Summer, her skin turns to a pale yellow color, her eyes turn a deep yellow, and her hair takes on the shine of a piece of gold under then sun. In Fall, her yellow colors turn darker and settle down into a mix of reds, oranges, and browns. Her skin becomes a pale orange red color, her eyes shine like freshly found amber, and her hair takes on the color of falling leaves. In winter all of her color change into cooling shades of blue, black, and white. Her skin becomes a pale blue to the point where you would think she has frostbite, her eyes become a dark, deep blue that would remind one of looking down an endless well, and her hair becomes a mix of white and grey that would result in the look of a fresh layer of snow on a calm winters day.

Elyssa also cares about her appearances and has multiple sets of clothing in the different colors of the season so that she is always matching. You will also always find Elyssa carrying a wooden quarterstaff with her. The quarterstaff was a present from her grandfather for awakening her talent with Wild Magic. The quarterstaff is simple overall and only has a couple gemstones going around the ends of the quarterstaff in the colors of Elyssa's seasons.

Pictures/AI Art/Models


Elyssa's personality will change with the seasons she is embracing at the time. However, there are common threads that remain rooted in who she is. She has always been adventurous and enjoys having fun, while also being compassionate and caring. While in Spring, you can find Elyssa being more energetic and rebellious, often playing pranks on her grandfather. In the Summer, she embraces the suns heat and strives to perform her trainings and duties up to her grandfathers standards. When Fall approaches, Elyssa slows herself down and lets herself take in everything that is happening around her in the Court of Blossoms. She becomes more easy going and tries to maintain a sense of peace wherever she goes. When Winter hits, Elyssa often keeps more to herself and becomes more thoughtful of her sense of self and how she interacts with others. This is the season that Elyssa spends the least amount of time in while Spring is her favorite season to embrace due to its blooming life.


Elyssa was born to her mother Sahanna Aetas and her father Jorreth Aetas, son of Herald Bo Aetas. Her parents met in an adventuring party and they fell in love with each other during their many adventures through both the material plane and the Feylands. They returned to the Court of Blossoms when Sahanna got pregnant with Elyssa and they stayed there while raising her. Once Elyssa was old enough, they both decided to go on another adventure with a couple of their previous companions. Jorreth enlisted Bo to watch over Elyssa while they were away from the Court, this way, they could ensure that Elyssa would be safe. They would always either write and send letters back to the Court for Elyssa to read, or they would send her grandfather Sending's if the details were too violent in nature as they raised Elyssa in the safety of the Court where she has only had experience with some entry level martial combat training. During this time, Bo would take care of Elyssa and started introducing her to how the Court of Blossoms functioned and what he took care of as Herald of the Lower Court. He also helped in teaching her the ways of the Feylands. Elyssa enjoyed spending time with her Grandpa, eventually copying his seasons and picking up on some of his habits. She also enjoyed pranking her grandfather while he was at work as she always found his fake anger towards her entertaining as long as she didn't take her pranks too far. Bo was a doting grandfather towards Elyssa during this time.

However, the letters and the Sending's stopped after they mentioned that they were leaving the Feylands for the Material Plane. After a while, Bo sent a group from the Court to try and find Jorreth and Sahanna as he was getting worried. He did not tell Elyssa at the time though that they had stopped sending messages, and told her some lies, such as that they were doing fine and having some issues with sending messages, to keep Elyssa happy. However, those lies were only bandages, and bandages have to come off eventually. The group that Bo sent eventually returned without finding anything. They went to the last know location of the Aetas's adventuring group, but found no signs of anything, almost like they just up and disappeared.

Bo continued to keep this a secret from Elyssa, and over time, Elyssa started to catch on that something wasn't right with what her grandfather was saying and what she observed and overheard from his meetings with his colleagues. Elyssa eventually confronted her grandfather and demanded that he explain what is going on with her parents. Elyssa kept on confronting her grandfather whenever she found him alone. Eventually, Bo sat Elyssa down one evening and let her know that they stopped receiving messages from her parents a while back and that people have tried searching for them, but they could not be found. Elyssa then fell into a spiral of emotions, trying to process what her grandfather had just revealed to her. She went from confusion to rage to sadness to betrayal, and then back to the beginning. Her whole world was coming crashing down around her. And in this process, without realizing what she was doing, her seasons started changing rapidly from the heat and anger of the summer sun to the cold depths of sadness in the winter snow. This was being caused by her tapping into a source of Wild Magic that was previously unfamiliar to her. Caught up in her flashing seasons and emotions, she snapped and sent a punch towards her grandfather, who through all of this, was sitting across from her with a sad look in his eyes and a frown on his face. The punch however was no normal punch, but was a very elementary version of what would later become Elyssa's personal spell "Season's Greetings", and the punch carried a mix of fire and ice energy from the seasons she was flashing between. The punch hit Bo, but did not do much besides emit a small puff of smoke. However, Bo saw this as something else entirely, as he had never witnessed somebody tapping into the Wild Magic for the first time, nor has he seen an Eladrin rapidly flash between seasons so quickly. And so, in an attempt to protect Elyssa from possibly harming herself, he quickly knocked her out which stopped her seasons from rapidly changing and allowing them to settle down into Winter. This also caused her connection to Wild Magic to weaken and settle down so nothing crazy happened.

Elyssa was down for the next couple of days and woke finding Bo sitting next to her bed. She immediatley began trying to remember what happened only to remember hearing that her parents are gone, possibly for good. Bo notices that Elyssa wakes up and goes to comfort her as he saw that she was about to start crying again, but Elyssa slaps his hand away and fey steps out of the room and runs out of Bo's home, running away blindly due to her tears that are rapidly forming. She eventually runs back to her home with her parents and hides away in her parents closet. This was where she would always hide whenever she and her parents would play hide and seek while growing up. Subconciously, she probably hid there in the hopes that her parents would be the ones to open the door and find her there; however, that wouldn't be happening. And unbeknownst to her, Bo followed her after waiting for a little and was sitting on the floor in the main living area of the house. Elyssa remained in the closet crying and hugging her legs in a fetal possition until she eventually passed out due to emotional exhaustion. When she woke up, she found that she was still in her parents closet, but there was a plate of food and some water set in front of her with a note that read:

"Elyssa, I am truly sorry about your parents, I feel like I have failed them as well as you for not being able to rectify this and be there them in their time of need. However, I will not let that repeat, which is why I want to let you know that I am here for you in this time of need. I want you to know that keeping this from you was one of the hardest things that I have ever done and that I apologize for hiding it from you for so long. I understand if you are upset and angry with me and dont want to talk to me. That is why I am letting you know that you can stay here for as long as you need, and there is no rush. Things like this take time and space to process and everyone goes through this differently. I have left you some extra clothes, plenty of preserved meals, and some barrels of water for your use. So please, take your time and understand how you feel, you know where to find me if you would like to talk. Love, Grandpa Bo."

After reading the note, Elyssa crumpled the note into a ball and then threw it along with the tray of food and water at a wall of the closet. She then began venting her emotions, crying, screaming, punching walls, tearing at her own clothes. This went on for another day or two before she physically ran out of energy and needed some food and water. She then found the clothing, preserved food, and water that Bo left her along with another letter and a wooden quarter staff that had a couple of colored gemstones resting in its wood at the one end. She glared at the note and the staff, not wanting anything more than the essentials that was related to Bo. So, without even reading the letter, she crumpled it up, threw it away, and ignored the staff. She then reluctantly ate some food, drank some water, and changed her clothes. Afterwards, Elyssa spent the next couple of days just exhisting in her parents home. She didnt talk, she didn't scream, she didn't even cry, cause frankly she was afraid to because she didn't know if she would be able to stop. It should also be mentioned that she has been in her Winter form since she woke up in her parents closet. She would occasionally walk around their home, but would never enter her parents room, nor would she go outside. After a couple more days of doing this, she eventually ran out of the preserved food and water that Bo had left for her. With nothing else to do, and with being bored of just exhisting, Elyssa went and retreieved the unread, crumpled up letter that she threw away days ago. This letter read:

"Elyssa, I know you probably wont read this right away, and thats okay. Please, take your time. I just thought that I should inform you of something that I am unsure if you are aware of or not. The other day, when I informed you of your parents being missing, I noticed that there was a strange occurance in the natural arcane energy that is everpresent around us. The arcane energy felt like it was moving like it would when one casts a spell, but not as organized and predictable as what I would expect. I don't fully expect you to understand what I am saying and that is okay. But if my suspicions are correct, I think, that during your time of emotional turmoil, you awakened a talent within yourself related to Wild Magic. It is a classification of magic that falls under sorcerery where the caster is drawing in raw, untamed arcane energy to fuel their spells. This use of "unfiltered" arcane energy can lead to what is commonly referred to as Wild Magic Surges. These surges are unpredictable and can lead to random magical effects. I understand that you may not listen to my warnings, but I recommend not trying to perform any magic without a seniors supervision. I have left a beginners focus staff for you, please keep it with you at all times, especially if you try and tap into your arcane connection. Love Grandpa Bo.

P.S. if you have run out of food and water before feeling like you are ready to see me, I have told the local vendor to expect a visit from you and that I will cover anything you ask him for."

Reading this letter, Elyssa couldn't help but drop her jaw in realizing that she has access to magic! She regains control of her jaw and closes it into a faint smile. The first one in a week since she found out about her parents from her grandpa. However, that thought immediatley shuts her mood down and she glares at the letter again before putting it down and walking away. She doesnt get far before her stomach growls to her stating that she still hasn't resolved her issue of being out of food. And so, she walks over to the table, and grabs the staff left for her by Bo and walks out the house, also for the first time in a while. She puts the hood on her shawl over her head to protect herself from the beating sun that is high in the sky. Quickly blinking and squinting her eyes to try and acclimate to being outside during the day, she begins to walk down the street to the vendor that her grandpa informed her about. She was familiar with this vendor as she would go on trips to visit him with her parents whenever they needed to pick up supplies.

Elyssa eventually gets to the vendors building.She did notice a couple of people looking in her direction, but never for long as she would always glare right back at them as if they had done something wrong by looking at her, or in her direction. What she didnt notice however, was the shadow that was jumping across the rooftops following her progress as she walked down the street. Having seen her reach the vendors building, the shadow eventually stopped and sent a Sendings to Herald Bo, letting him know that Elyssa left the house with her staff and went to the vendor. Bo responded shortly after, confirming that he got the message and asked for him to stay watching and guarding Elyssa from the shadows, and to not allow himself to be discovered by her. With that, the he dropped the spell and went back to watching the vendors store. *Elsewhere, we can see Bo sitting at his office desk, with a small sad smile on his face as he continued writing a message for the rest of the members of the Lower Court.* Eventually, Elyssa came out of the vendors building with a small wagon that had a barrel of water, and a bunch of preserved foods, along with a bunch of other non-essential items. The vendor then followed her out with another wagon that had even more items on it becasue if Elyssa was one thing at this moment, she was pety and since her grandpa was covering her spendings at the vendors, she would make him feel it. Elyssa and the vendor took the loaded up wagons back to her parents house, unknowingly still being followed by her grandpas scout, where they unloaded everything. The vendor then left after confirming that she would be okay by herself and that he would be billing the Herald the following day. Elyssa then spent the following couple of days organizing the stuff she got from the vendor and getting the house back into a presentable shape as it was still in a bit of disarray from before she left for the vendor. Elyssa still kept the staff from Bo with her, or at least nearby while cleaning the house up. Bo kept on receiving updates on his granddaughter through the following week and would smile when he was informed that Elyssa seems to have dug herself out of her emotional hole that was formed by the knowledge that her parents are missing and possibly dead. However, things changed when he was informed that she might be starting to tap into her arcane source.


Elyssa knows how to speak Common, Elvish, and Sylvan

Powers and Abilities

Elyssa is a Wild Magic Sorcerer, so with her present in battle, anything can happen at any time.

*Disclaimer: Elyssa Aetas's Wild Magic can often lead to extraordinary and unpredictable magical events. While under control, they can be an asset, they also come with the risk of Wild Magic surges which can result in unexpected and uncontrollable magical effects.*

Key Points to Remember:

  1. Unpredictability: Wild magic surges can occur at any time, often triggered by Elyssa’s spellcasting. The effects are random and can range from beneficial to chaotic.
  2. Stay Alert: Always be prepared for the unexpected. Keep a safe distance when Elyssa is casting spells, and be ready to adapt to any sudden changes in the environment or circumstances.
  3. Support and Understanding: Elyssa is doing her best to control her powers. Your patience, support, and understanding are crucial. Encourage her and help manage any unintended consequences of her magic.
  4. Safety First: In the event of a wild magic surge, prioritize the safety of the party. Work together to mitigate any negative effects and protect each other.

Attacks and Weapons 

Elyssa will frequently rely on her connection to the Wild Magic to spell cast. Her current favorite spells are Mage Hand (for pranks) and Season's Greetings, a cantrip that she made with the help of her grandfather, Bo Aetas.

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