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Hemlock Ravendean

Hemlock Ravendean
Player Name Rose
Languages common, weird telepathy
Affiliations Ravendean Family
Species Serpentine
Gender female
Eye Color hypnotic

Hemlock "Emmy" Ravendean was member of the class of 2368 (78CR) Ravendean Preparatory School. She was a descendent of the long-lost Ravendean family.

Physical Appearance

Emmy was at a first glance attractive, at second glance alluring. In her human form, Hemlock was a white woman with hypnotic eyes. She was tall and curvy and had long blackish brown hair that she often wore in braids. At school, she dresses modestly and smiles sweetly.

When the lights go down, the fangs came out. Her limbs undulated, unhinged and flexible. Her skin dissolved into an inky black and her purple eyes turn to glowing neon slits. A terrifying but mesmerizing sight.



Emmy was often described as being intimidating but beguiling. She was extremely outgoing and thoughtful, but with a darker edge that often led to conflict. She had a manipulative streak as well and had few genuine friends, though she would have liked to have some.

She was often torn between the desire to prove herself as the heir to the failing Ravendean legacy, and the desire to get along with her fellow students. She shouldered an impossible responsibility of being one of the only members of the Ravendean family able to shift easily between human and beastial worlds. She was not very independent and often struggled to find her footing outside of her family's shadow.


Hemlock Ravendean was born in an underground cave and was raised in her serpentine shadow beast form. She grew up as a creature in the dark, and was taught often about the sanctity of her bloodline and ancestry.

For centuries her family had been cursed to live as beasts, forced to live in the shadow and hoard their treasure and power. When her madly magical parents managed to reverse the curse, Emmy had spent nearly 50 years as a beast, but was transformed into a 16 year old teen-aged girl. The family then returned with their hoard of wealth back to the town named for them, prepared to resume their leadership in Ravendean.

A lot had changed in the millenia that they had been gone. Magic was suppressed in most of the realm and their once beloved home had been turned into a tourist trap. The world the family had built before their untimely demise was in ashes, and they set out to begin their rising, dragging their children along with them.

Mood Board and Playlist

Mood Board

Hemlock, on Becoming Human

(CW: emotional manipulation, mention of sexual activity)

Arc I

There was this pressure.

First, came the complaining, the denial, the frustration. Responding to the orders, the assignment to become... Human. It felt stupid. As the heir to a great destiny, why was I being tasked with something so miniscule? Having once stuck fear into the hearts of man, assimilating among them seemed like a sort of failure. Castor seems to be leaning into it, but I could not shake the feeling that I didn’t belong, that I didn’t quite fit. After millions of years as an immortal beast I did not want to inhabit something so simple, so human.

But there was this pressure.

Second came the watching, the observing, the careful note-taking. From my seat next to her, I witnessed cunning and creative manipulation. Money is power, popularity is power, and power is everything. It’s hard to tell if the feelings are real. Her smile seems genuine. But when you flash a fancy necklace or a new phone, people see right through your smile and into your wallet. Maybe, I thought, this person is far from human.

All the while, there was that pressure.

Third, came the communicating, the conversations, the “infiltrating”. This one didn’t go so well. Talking, body language, texting, that just-right-amount of eye contact - all these things were hard. When my gut was telling me to consume what I could see, genuine connection did not come easy. Based on earlier observation, connection doesn’t have to be genuine. But the dazed look in the eyes of my allies did not feel earned. I decided I wanted to be worthy of the titles I had stolen, to be a friend and not a source of fear. Indeed, for a span of time, I truly wanted to be human.

Still, there was that pressure.

Fourth, came the touching, the exploring, the ecstasy. In a dim lit room, skin against skin, sin against sin. It felt wrong and right at the same time. The human body works in incomparable ways, moves in unexpected forms. Like feasting, but without the guilt of destroying the source of your fuel. The brain lights up with the heart, the heart lights up with the body. I didn’t know. I understood the body in concept, skeleton, muscles, flesh, but I had never really felt it. I didn’t truly understand what it meant to be human. And I felt it this time.  that sex is unfamilar. When you spend a millennium as an ancient creature, nothing is unfamiliar. That said, little moments of bliss mean more when you are human.

Arc II

I thought the pressure would go away, but it stayed.

Then came the hoping, the believing, the trusting. Waiting for a phone call or a smile across the classroom, some kind of recognition. A loose promise made with an old enemy wasn’t quite enough, I needed more. Each night I’d hear a whisper in the back of my mind, that sweet venomous demand. I needed to sew up the pieces of a broken legacy, I was told, but I didn’t know how. I wouldn’t wish this obligation on my worst enemy, but I did. I wished it on her, I wished that she would hear the voices too, that someone, anyone would feel the pressure too, that I wouldn’t be alone. She wasn’t normal, she was like me, I thought, maybe. Of course, I was never never lucky enough to be human.

The pressure pressed harder.

Then came the waiting, the wondering, the wandering. Lunking in a shadow like a snake about to pounce. Ha. Like a snake. Each night sitting across an empty table from a disappointed sneer. My family never eats, group meals were nothing but a formality. A whisper in my ear each night I go to sleep. If I threw myself hard enough into the ruse, maybe it would become real. If I kissed a stranger, and danced with a new friend, and got drunk at a party. If I bided my time, maybe the hunger would go away. Maybe I could wait to be human.

I was smothered by the pressure.


Or was I?

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