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A Letter of Unknown Acceptance

"To Whom It May Concern,

Firstly, we would like to congratulate you on your exemplary work at [redacted] University, your academic acumen has garnered you the opportunity to further your career with us at the GreenWood Foundation. We are constantly searching for new researchers and you are hereby invited to join our New Staff Orientation at [redacted] on the date of [redacted] at [redacted] o'clock. By failing to attend, the invitation to join our Foundation will be voided indefinitely, this line of work we are offering you is not for those who second guess themselves."

We hope to see you there,

The GreenWood Foundation

P.S; As an added security measure, this letter will combust upon the last word being read, please watch your hands.

New Staff Orientation

A group of 15-20 fresh-faced young wizards, sorcerers, and casters of all kinds sit in folding chairs in what looks like a dimly lit warehouse building of unknown use and model. They all chat quietly amongst themselves before at the head of the classroom, a blue dimensional door opens and an Orc in a lab coat steps through.

"Good evening everyone, my name is Dr. Gun'Roth and I will be leading this Orientation. I must apologize for the secrecy of this meeting, as we get further into this you will come to understand why."

"Let me be the first to say: Welcome to The GreenWood Foundation, should you choose to stay with us. This organization is dedicated to the preservation of modernity and normalcy, and we do this through conducting research and experiments involving anomalous items and individuals. To be clear: I happen to be one of these individuals, you snarky fucks probably thought "whats an Orc doing in a lab coat" as soon as I stepped through and let me assure you, I am possessed of a mutation that has heightened my mental faculties beyond anything you could possibly imagine"

Calms his growing Orcish ire, and with a wave of his hand creates the minor image of a projector with a powerpoint presentation on it

Mission Statement




"There are things in this world that do infact go bump in the night, no I'm not talking about Beholders or Phantasms or WereWolves, I'm talking about the unexplainable. I'm talking about fundamentals fluctuation in the spellweave that cause unexpected results, be them purposeful or accidental. We secure and contain these oddities, and researchers like yourselves conduct experiments and studies to identify these fluctuations and why they happen. Yes, it can be dangerous. Yes, deaths do occur on a not infrequent basis, but these are from operator error and improper adherance to Foundation experiment protocol so do not let that scare you."

Types of Anomalies

-Type Blue

-Type Red

-Type Black*

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  • K-dawg12 • Yesterday at 19:34
  • Spiderjjr45 • Yesterday at 14:02
  • JaeltheJust • Friday at 03:29
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