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Into the Greedy Green/Roleplay Archive

Tristram:all who post will owe a 1cp excise tax, muwahahahahaha


Tristram:it will truely be, a penny for your thoughts


Drang:i dont have this money

Archie:Archie frowns”how about a 50% of voucher for my book shop which has a snazzy skull hanging above the register”

Nockdus:(Nockdus) 100 people can post here for a single gold. I'll give you 2gp.


Linden Rue:He is from the feywild I’m sure you could barter something…

Tristram:I thank you Nockdus, Those 2 gold will go towards reserch into a better biscut recipe... it seems the people need better biscuts!

Tristram:If anyone has a charity they would like supported, then let me know, an I can funnel funds to them.

Tristram:of course, all funds razed here will go to charity

Tristram:I look forward to patronizing your establishment, but I would prefer to pay full price, as I know how hard it is for a small busness person in the world at this time, however if you would be intrested in me doing a book signing event for my various written treisties, we can work something out, my freind.  What is the name of the shop?

Drang:Speaking of patronizing establishments, how about some pumpkins? 5s for 1, or 3 for a gold?

Drang:I keep getting called away to do wet work and I know it’s like, wow so much money but I would so much rather just sell. These. Pumpkins.

Tristram:So, is there anyone who is a member of the Potp that would be willing to speak about this and that?

Nockdus:(Archie, the PotP recruiter) - Uh, I can, maybe, answer some questions.  I mean, we just suffered a pretty big attack at our headquarters by a bunch of drakkoth (9-14 - Teatime siege).  Brenna (the leader) hasn't returned yet either, so I guess I am in charge unless Markoth, Jakel (he/him), Mercedes 🌸🗡, or someone else in the organization wants to step up.  Please.  Pretty please.  I'm not the kind of person who usually takes charge. 😬

Markoth or Silithym:Depends what this and that is?

Tristram:My dear Archie the Bold, you have suffered a great deal in personal loss.  I would not put you trough anymore discomfort my young friend. I can await some other members return.

Tristram:Good Markoth, you have a moment to speak in private?

Markoth or Silithym:Of course

Delphi:Good People of Isonhound: Any annoying siblings that won’t be quiet? Have a too talkative Bard that doesn’t know when to close their mouth? Or, I guess, your pet that needs some extra help to not bite people. Then do we have the solution for you! Located *very* near the Iron Eyrie in Seglock (and perhaps run out of), Linden and Delphi’s shop- the Gag Order- will help you with all your muzzle needs!

Delphi:You can see our model Tristram, demonstrating its effectiveness right now!

Tristram:WEll, to be fair, there is no muzzle large enough to contain my ego.


Tristram:See, Boros is on my side with that one!

Vessel:_”A rarity indeed, only because I also fall in that camp.”_

Delphi:Boros, you really don’t want to edge him on like this.

Tristram:See, Delphi, Boros is almost like a brother to me now.

Vessel:_”I almost tore his tongue out for two of his favorite words. And besides, edging him is fine if we don’t let it build up and explode everywhere.”_

Linden Rue:You know we can provide um, other, leather goods upon request if you gentleman should desire them... Custom orders are requestable.

Tristram:Edging is fine for a while, but every good story needs its... climax

Vessel:_”Perhaps a leather book sleeve? Y’know, keep my covers nice, little bit of privacy?”_

Tristram:That is quite the short story you have have in that pamphlet... er book?

Linden Rue:That can most certainly be arranged. You'll have to bring the book in for measurements, some people tend to... overestimate a tad. You know.

Vessel:_“I wasn’t speaking in code my friend. But I’d rather too big than not enough.” He checks in his Bag, eyeballing his books, and then writes a quick note with the size of the largest on it._

Linden Rue:*Linden raises an eyebrow* Neither was I, my good Sir. You clearly have not had a man give you measurements before.

Vessel:_”Measure twice, cut once.”_

Linden Rue:That's right! *Big customer service grin*

Nockdus:(Archie - the PotP recruiter) Dear Jakel (he/him), I understand that you are offering a place for the PotP to go now that our old headquarters have been smashed up.  Can we take you up on that offer?  

We are trying to rebuild as quickly as possible because there are folks out there in need of the aid we are handing out, but we are starting from scratch with nothing.  On top of that Brenna is still missing.  We got into her office eventually, and while it was untouched from the raid, there wasn't anything of value in it.  Even that gold egg behind her desk turned out to be just a gold painted piece of art worth about 25gp.  We have no funds to even start rebuilding with.

Unless we get some help I'm afraid this might be the end of the PotP and all those people we have been helping will suffer because of it.

Pot'tu:Of course, come bringings the protectors

Vessel:_“Wait… the egg is missing, and so is Brenna? Was it possible anyone else was in her office before you all got there!”_

Nockdus:(Archie) The egg isn't missing, it's right here.  You want to buy it?  50gp.

No one got into her office before, during, or after the raid.  It was locked down tight.

Vessel:_”Well, I wouldn’t think a ‘family heirloom’ would be up for sale, even if it ends up just being a chunk of gold. jennifer wasn’t that egg a family heirloom according to Brenna?”_

Nockdus:(Archie) Correction, it is just a nicely carved rock that is painted gold.  You are right though.  Brenna could come back for it.  She did say it was a family heirloom.  I have an old pocket knife that my dad gave me that once was my grandfathers.  I would not be happy if someone sold it.  I better keep the egg.

Tristram:Archie, my freind, Linden Rue and Myself gave to you all the gold of our past adventure, and I am busy selling words for charity in this very location.  Perhaps if those of means and ways would see in thier hearts to drop a few coins as well, a location may be aquired shortly

Tristram:Maybe even have a series of drinking contests mayhaps, if straight up charity is too common for those with a few coins iburning thier pockets?

Tristram:I put forth a ccharity challenge, 50 gp per challenger, with half the winnings going to the PotP?

Tristram:Who wants to try to dring a traveling elf under the table?

Violet:_any update on the baron situation?_

Tristram:He is too busy to drink against me

Violet:_why do you want him to drink against you? she raises an eyebrow_

Tristram:to raise money for a charity in need, the PtoP

Tristram:if you cast the cantrip ' Scroll up' you will see it all  in white and black

Tristram:One contest would raise the needed money instead of having cherished family herlooms hocked

Tristram:Two contests would greatly benifit the local populations with cows and chickens and other foodstuffs, which would allow the bakers to perfect a biscut recipe

Tristram:I put myself and my liver on the line to help those in need.  And no need to venerate me, I help others, it is what I do.

Vessel:_”My friend this is neither accusatory at you nor your organization, but please see that I’m saying the egg you’re holding is a fake, a prop. Brenna was fiercely protective of that egg when we met her, why be protective of a gold painted rock that you offered to me for 50 gold? Again, I am not accusing you nor the other Protectors, but doesn’t it seem possible and/or probable that Brenna took the real egg and ran off with it?”_

Delphi:*Also, um, he kinda offered to sell it to any of us. I think they’re trying to just get some money back, and that seemed to be the most valuable item right now…*

Durian:It’s possible, but I imagine she’d look pretty silly carrying a gold egg everywhere.

Pot'tu:The egg and Brenna is important but, now wes needing fundings. Everyone giving us stuffs...please

Vessel:Boros grabs and tosses 200g from his wallet. “Take it if you need it that much.”

Vessel:(Now I’m basically broke but oh well)

Pot'tu:Thankings you Boros!

Vessel:“You wanted money, you now have more money. You may have information, now talk.”

Pot'tu:Wes have no information on egg or Brenna only Archie askings for helps and wes helpings.

Pot'tu:You helpings too!

Nockdus:(Archie) I hear what you are saying, but it doesn't make sense to me.  I am fiercely protective of my family's pocketknife, and that is not as valuable as a new one.  Hell, it might even break if I got into a fight with it.  That said, I don't know about any real or fake egg.  This was the egg in her office.  Are you saying to me that this egg wasn't the egg that is an heirloom?  Sure she left it, but she left everything in her office.  She could still be coming back for it.  Right?  She is not dead is she?  Oh gods, do you know something and aren't telling me?  Is she, is she, dead?!?

Tristram:If you require assistance in finding her, maybe Lindens offer to speak with your dearly departed may shed some clues. Also allowing myself or some others to look for clues in the office may shed some light. I offer the services of myself and what Iron Hawks that mat be available to assist you, as it seems my liver is safe from the tea totalers.

Tristram:To assit in the location of your leader, whatever vacation spot she may have traveled to

Violet:_so the plan for the baron is to drink him to death?_

Tristram:Livers are a notourously fragile organ, however I am just simpley offering the Baron a chance to help others in a very public contest

Delphi:I could help with that too, if Linden doesn’t mind. I’m kinda good at talking to spirits.

Vessel:just KNIGHT John can you let me use Mage Hand to try and slap some sense into Archie (non-damaging obviously)

Delphi:Boros, he’s going through some Trauma. His home was destroyed and his leader is gone. Perhaps leaning into violence isn’t the answer here, and hurting him may make the situation worse:

Vessel:(Fair enough point, although I still want the ruling.)

Percy:Drinking?! I heard some one say drinking! Are we gambling too?

DungeonMaster:[*Percy says, 3 weeks into a gambling spree*]

Percy:(SHHHH! I am about to just steal all the money in this room with how easily they are through around gold. Some of us are still very much poor!)

Nockdus:(RJ - Yes, you could have.)

(Archie) - Tristam, you are welcome to everything.  To everyone willing so speak to the dead, you can do that, but they will probably only know as much as I do.  Brenna left to go talk to someone and left us here.  We assumed she would be back.

Vessel:(LETS GO)

Delphi:(You do know that leaning towards the murder hobo side of the spectrum won’t get us the information we need or help us foster relations with them)

Vessel:_You said it right there, I'm saying that egg isn't the heirloom egg. Please, admonish me if I'm incorrect._

Nockdus:(Archie) How do you know this?  What is your evidence?

Delphi:Brenna may not have even known that her heirloom egg was a fake

Vessel:_I don't know this. I'm giving it my best guess: someone who was fiercely protective of an heirloom egg is missing, but the 'egg' is not, but the 'egg' that is left is a nicely carved gold painted rock. And you said that she left to go talk to someone, and left you all there. My guess is, she took her actual heirloom and ran off. Whether or not that's a bad thing for everyone involved is another story, but it looks to me like she ran off on her own._

Delphi:But then, that’s assuming that Brenna knew about the attack preemptively and didn’t say anything or try to save the PotP?

Vessel:(sorry, are we talking about the one with the drakkoths?)

Delphi:And, Archie, forgive me if I’m wrong, but Brenna doesn’t take the egg on every mission she goes on. She leaves it secure in her office, right?

Vessel:_I never said anything about that, but I am acknowledging that it is a possibility._

Delphi:I just don’t think it’s right to just accuse someone without any sort of solid proof. *side eyes Archie about accusing Arlin based on some rumors alone*

Pot'tu:Why we fightings over this egg!? Brenna comes back, get answers from Brenna.

Archie, have wounded peoples? Any supplies need movings?

Nockdus:(RJ - Yes, the Drakkoths on 9-14.  It sure would be nice if people were posting about sessions on the wiki!)

(Archie, returns Delphi's gaze eyes wide as if to say, I know he did it.)

(Archie) No, she never takes the egg with her.  She locks her office when she isn't there, and that didn't seem unusual to us.

Vessel:_”Then provide me a feasible alternative to what happened to her or I will continue to operate under that assumption. After the candy crap we had to deal with, my level of trust for her is lower than yours. ”_

Nockdus:(Archie) Thank you Pot'tu.  We have nothing to move and no one to heal.  Everything is smashed those that didn't die are better now.

Delphi:I don’t trust Brenna either. But I know what it’s like to be in a guild, a community where we all look out for one another. And I know Vadath wouldn’t abandon us with no warning, so I don’t believe Brenna would leave the PotP either.

Pot'tu:Working against the stormings is dangerous work.

Tristram:(I posted the link to Tristram's travels there, I do not know how to edit the top stuff with links and all)

Tristram:( my version of event is a bit wordy for the format)

Nockdus:(Archie)  That's right, you were part of that group that kept the candy for yourself.  You wanna talk about trust!  We all got so much shit from that little move of yours.  I almost lost my job!  What were you thinking! 😡

Pot'tu:Wes wondering if Tokax said goodbye everyone before she taken. Pot'tu'N'Kobb will help figure out egg and Brenna in time but first wes needings supplies and rebuilding

DungeonMaster:[Updated the details for the Teatime siege on the main session page, thanks Andy]

Vessel:_”The town leader gave us shit for bringing that shit to them, he said his wife died because of how that candy made her felt! That shit wasn’t candy, it was drugged or imbued with a potion or something.”_

Delphi:But still, you aren’t the one who got blamed for it. We were. Unless you want to own up and clear the air between the Hawks and the PotP?

Vessel:_Own up to what? I never denied taking the candy. I also didn't think it would be a good idea to give the non-drugged candy to them in case it pissed them off for not getting the actual effect. Y'know, like giving an alcoholic non-alcoholic beer._

Nockdus:(Archie is genuinely shocked.  Any insight check reveals that he, nor anyone else for that matter, knew about the dangers of the candy).  I'm sorry, I didn't know.  The family that donated it just wanted to spread some joy to some folks that are down on their luck.  We all have had some of the Mother's stuff from time to time and it was never a big deal.  Sure it makes you feel good, but like alcohol or donuts, if you don't overdo it you should be fine.  The worst thing that ever happened to me was a stomach ache from eating too much.

Nockdus:(Side note - I don't remember, but I thought Arlin kept the bags of candy from that session.)

Vessel:(nope, that was me, it's still in my bag of holding)

Nockdus:(Whoopsie - My apologies to Arlin)

Vessel:_I didn't mean to blame you, my friend. I know you're going through a lot at the moment. I truly apologize for any shit you may have incurred due to my taking of the candy. However, I still believe it was the best course of action after we experimented with it. I don't believe much in good and evil, but there's a bit that I've seen that is pure evil, and that stuff was._

Delphi:So, Archie, In light of this news, can we clear all ill will between the Hawks and PotP? And take Arlin off of your ‘not liked’ list?

Tristram:but whomever will you put on the ' not liked ' list then?

Tristram:anyway. Archie the First, my dear fellow, I am gathering a crack team of investigators from the Ranks of the Iron Hawks to assist you, let us see who in the guild answes the call, and then we will be off to the former hideout to give you aid in finding your missing memebrs

Nockdus:(Archie) I will talk to Brenna about this if and when she gets back.  Jelly Crepes, we had no idea about the candy (or any of the Mother's goods) being evil.  If we get any more of it donated we won't hand it out.  As far as being on the 'naughty' list, you and Amund Zen took out those cultist and made up for any slight at the time.  Now with this new info I'd think the Iron Hawks are on the 'nice' list.  Too bad we don't have the funds to pay for any mercenary help.

Vessel:_Sorry, cultists you said? Which ones, you might have some more information for me. I don't feel I've got my money's worth quite yet._

Tristram:When a group is in need, no payment is required, My dear Archie the Bold. Standing next to you while fighting off the malcanations of Big uglies, makes us sort of comrades anyway.

Nockdus:(Archie) The reports from the group that went out there are unclear.  It may have been the Cult of HellSlither since they were summoning something, but it could really have been any of the dark cults out there.  It might have been the Cult of Nerull for all we know.

Vessel:_Do you know to where they were sent, rather? I might be able to shed some light if I knew that._

Nockdus:(Anyone from the 9/8 game want to respond?)

DungeonMaster:(That would be Naxxra JePaPix Amund Zen Asca Mercedes 🌸🗡 , I think?)

Naxxra:My name was invoked?

Vessel:_Where did you go when you went to fight cultists?_

Naxxra:*An old, crumbling church*

Vessel:_An old, crumbling church, okay. Was there a tower there by any chance?_


Vessel:_Then I am of no help to you, or you to me, in the matter I was thinking of. Thank you for clearing that up at least._

Naxxra:*Naxxra feels offended but is unsure why*

Vessel:_They're not the cultists I'm looking for._


Airavata:*”Don’t remember any tower over there. Crumbling walls, internal columns, and one back rum”*

jepapix:What I will add though is that the cultists were performing some type blood based summoning magic. It got to the point of actually bringing a blood demon into this realm.

Vessel:_Well, that confirms they're not who I'm looking for; wrong thing they're trying to bring into the world._

Naxxra:*The demon did mention a group called '*Girl Scouts*' which sounds like a group of demonic beings who hunt people for sport*

Vessel:_Honestly, not the best look for demon-kind..._

Delphi:Vessel they were trying to summon a demon, though?

Vessel:_I was referring to the hunting people for sport bit._

Vadath:just KNIGHT Brenna ran off to try and talk to the dragon Bleucorundum if i had to wager a guess. I met with it about a week ago. She is also look for Echamus.

Tristram:I wonder if the 'girl scouts' have any rekation to the 'mothers' who are spreading their food based mayhem

Tristram:Echamus was heading off to see a coward dragon about the location of one who waits.

Vadath:Bleucorundum gave us a large sapphire to give to Brenna. I assume she left shortly after we got back from our mission. (James played the part of Archie for that session just KNIGHT)

Vadath:(Sorry just waking up and catching up)

Archie:(I just came up with it it’s called Archie’s bookends)

DungeonMaster:[Also for the record there are two Archies: One Archie we met August 14th, and works for PotP, the second Archie is a PC wizard from Archie (Alex L he/him) who we met in the fundraiser on August 28th]

DungeonMaster:[Try not to get them confused, or do. I don't care. They're both great guys.]

Archie:[ah yea bc Tokaxe died and no my Archie is the best bc he can actually fight without dying]

Vadath:R.I.P. Tokax

DungeonMaster:lmao TRUE

Vessel:[You say that, but Archie's wizardness says otherwise]

DungeonMaster:[Both archies were definitely playing together last week and only ONE survived the battle]

Archie:[im sure we can guess who plus his biscuits were terrible also we definitely have a new rivalry brewing]

Vessel:[archie fight? archie fight.]




Tristram:Forthe record, there are two archies, one with the PotP who is a sweet younger guy.  And a second archie who is a pit older and a wizard of no small ability

Vadath:Not sure if that info helps at all Archie just KNIGHT

Tristram:archie the first is Potp


Tristram:Archie the wizard in the whit shirt

Tristram:hah, wrong one ment... I can delete!


Archie:My archie also killed a dragon bone golem with a mix of snowballs and ice knives

Vadath:That's cold bro

Archie:It’s skull is now in his bookshop

Tristram:And your share of thefreindly fire helped me to convince it not to eat my face.

Tristram:I for the record, really prefer not to tank dragons or even dragon constructs anymore

Tristram:My face is too pretty to be eaten off

Vessel:How much have you drank already? Save your liver for the bastard-er-Baron.

Amund Zen:*To be honest, the whole day was a bit of a blur. We arrived at a dilapidated structure, cultists engaged in some ritual. We tried to interrupt their summoning, but the chanting would not cease when we asked nicely. Of course, violence followed, fireballs were tossed. Then I heard the wicked voice from a god of death and fell as the fire felt like poison. When I came too, Delphi was chasing down the cultists and shooting them in the back while a demon rampaged those of us still in the room. I think it ran away. *

Tristram:I know locks are not well educated in anatomy, but Livers and faces are not the same thing?

Vadath:Tanking is my job!

Vessel:_Does your ego prevent you from even understanding an insult? That's impressive._

Tristram:Anyway good boros, I enjoy you concern for my health, but I assure you that you need not have a worry for me, I have slain many an edgy beast without too much worry

Tristram:Ask Horatio, O wait, you cannot, because he annoyed me

Vadath:Would you two just get a room already. *Vadath sits down at a table and begins eating snacks as he watches*

Tristram:Popcorn, my dear VAdath, is usually the snack of choice for this sort of thing

Vadath:I agree



Vessel:(Can I do the mage hand thing now?)

Tristram:Does your lack of education, refinement, and social graces, give you a hope that you could make an insult worth noticing?

Vadath:(Are you striking me or Tristram?)

Tristram:(either could prove, fatal)

Vessel:(you're just a spectator, a wisecracking one but a spectator nonetheless)

Archie:Archie sits down and starts taking notes”honestly you two fight like toddlers”

Tristram:(Hey Valdath, wisecracking is my job)

Delphi:Hey, Boros? Remember what we said about the violence can burn bridges and doesn’t foster healthy communication and may make people associate you with a certain muderous stereotype?

Tristram:(don't use Murder hobo, that is a restricted word)

Vessel:(ooc is fine just not in character)

Vessel:(oops forgot to undo the reply)

Archie:(Honestly love the fact we can rp now)

Vadath:(As for striking either of us I hope Boros knows Tristram is a friend of Vadaths. Vadatg has no love or respect for Boros after the Horatio incident.)

Pot'tu:Umm...excusing us, wes needs more gold....please... from every where?

Pot'tu:Only Boros is helpings

Archie:Archie sighs and pulls out his coin pouch” I can donate 30 gp if that’ll help”

Vessel:(crystal clear)

Pot'tu:Oooo thankings elf-chie!

Nockdus:(Nockdus kicks in 300gp, but he is still saving for that bow!)

Pot'tu:(And who says crime doesnt pay)

Nockdus:(That is his downtime activity!)

Pot'tu:Pretty Tristram, please give us?

Archie:“Show-off”Archie says in Nockdus’s direction

Vadath:(OK I just wanted to let you know ooc. I personally have nothing agaisnt you RJ. Just so we are clear. I like you as a person. Vadath does jo care for Boros and if he came to blows with any of his friends Vadath would join in.)

Vadath:(The race is on my friend)

Tristram:My freind Goblin of the eloquent speach, I gave after defending  Oaky and the hideout, I await another oppertunity to venture forth and repenish funds

Pot'tu:Vadath Iron Birds helpings?

Dur'kalak:(Dur’kalak would also more than willingly join that fight. He’s lost everyone once to an attack, he refuses to have anyone else he cares for hurt)

Dur'kalak:(He has no real quarrel with Boros, but attacks are attacks)

Vessel:_While I'll admit to the lack of refinement and social graces, for reasons no one wants me to get into or would care to listen to, to denounce me as uneducated is an affront to me and everything that I stand for. Which, you being you, wouldn't give a damn about, and honestly I can respect that. But that's just a patently false statement. I may not be formally schooled because I spent my youth trying to provide for the rest of the orphaned youth on my street, but I damn well am a learned individual. I have dedicated a part of myself to the pursuit of knowledge and to deny that is a personal attack._

Tristram:Of course, thereis the matter of the drinking contest I spoke of earlier,  50 Gp buy in, 25 of that gold would go to the PotP when I win

Vessel:(while i admit mage-slapping someone isn't the nicest thing is it really an attack if it does no damage)

Dur'kalak:(It’s the thought that counts)

Archie:“This should be interesting”Archie raises a brown then goes back to his notes

Linden Rue:So I've been off working in the new muzzle shop the Gag Order and it seems I've come back to a potential fight and an altruistic collection of funds to aid the PotP am I correct?

Vadath:(That depends on how the recipient perceives it)

Archie:You would be correct we’re gonna see which Archie is best which is clearly me

Vessel:(That's reasonable)

Pot'tu:How 'bout Tristram giving us  30 gold and we says you winnings!?

Tristram:I would, but it is in my nature to assist others in helping as well.

Linden Rue:How about a mage hand wrestling competition? But each mage is getting tickled with an additional mage hand and then we would see who could hold focus the longest.

Pot'tu:Wes others who needs helpings

Tristram:( the DM may not have passes on, put I gave all my last reward at the table to the PotP)

Linden Rue:(as did I )

Tristram:Well then Wes, please take me up on the contest, your money would go for a good cause.

Pot'tu:.....we givings you 50 gold then drinking....then us sick and you give us 25 gold...this not good for making money?

Pot'tu:Tristram you know mathings? Wes could help you?

Pot'tu:If Pot'tu drinking to be sick you givings us 25 gold?

Linden Rue:Do you need other things or just money for the PotP?

Pot'tu:Wes take anythings you can giving!

Pot'tu:Cloth, feathers, bits of colored string, food might be helpsum....little metal bits, wes like them

Pot'tu:Sticks!?....wes dont know what needings?

Pot'tu:Blankets!!! Always needings those things....no needings glass.

Pot'tu:Hats, maybe even biigg hats?

Pot'tu:*Pot'tu continues to make lists in his head slightly out loud in goblin jibberish*

Pot'tu:Did we saying sticks already!?

Pot'tu:Carts but, not the kind Archie had, they walkings away wes heard.

Pot'tu:Biigg wooden crates, chickens and cow juice, pumkins?

Drang:“Wow I missed like, a whole town hall meeting”

Tristram:As they saysomething about snozing and loosing, lol

Tristram:You didn't miss much

Drang:These pumpkins won’t sell themselves


Drang:Could I interest you in roughly 36 pumpkins? For the low low price of 15 gold?


Pot'tu:*gives 15 gold*

Drang:*eyes tear up* it is so rare, to find a goblin with even a shred of goodness in them. Thank you greenkin


Percy:Oooo sounds like a great time to throw in some bets! “In this corner we have Mr. Thumb! He is shiny and strong but his opponent is not going down without a fight. He is… Mr Rock!!!!!!” Oooos and ahhsss from the crowd. “Now it’s time. It’s…. MAGE HAND WRESTLING TIME!!!!!!!!!!” Ahhhhhhhh (sorry if this is way too late hahah)

DungeonMaster:Started a thread.

Vadath:Rachael (Grandmush) I would like to ask Grandmush how Whisty is doing?

DungeonMaster:Speaking of…. Rachael (Grandmush) here is Wisty at present time.  Growing, but still communicating through emotions.  You’d wager that in a few weeks she will be capable of simple speech.

Vadath:Kyle (First Class DM) I'm hoping she is thankful to have her weapon returned to her. I'd like to speak with her when she I able.

Hugo or Shnek:Started a thread.

Delphi:Started a thread.

Reylendor:“Before we question Flame, shall I cast Zone of Truth?”

Hugo or Shnek:In fact that might work!

Hugo or Shnek:Genius idea Reylendor

Reylendor:I have to give credit for the idea to Tristram

Reylendor:I would like to donate my gold to the Protectors of the People. Who do I talk to to get rid of this money?

Vadath:just KNIGHT or Jakel (he/him)

Reylendor:Jakel (he/him)  Here’s 633 gold pieces.

Nockdus:(Archie) Don't look at me man, I just work here.

Vadath:Getting it to Archie

Pot'tu:Oh thankings very much!

Delphi:Started a thread.

Hugo or Shnek:We may have a new issue on our hands. It seems that a former dragon ally, a Gold Dragon of unknown name, has recently turned to darkness. Based of the words of the now deceased Flame this turn may have been somewhat recent and we believe this dragon was responsible for attacking Muso. If anyone has any contact with **Sro** in the near future this info may be of great interest to him.

Linden Rue:If needed I can use a sending spell to inform Sro of your findings (I’ve worked with him before) just tell me exactly what you want to say in 25 words or less.

Hugo or Shnek:Flame is dead. New threat, a Gold Dragon has turned to the other side, attacked Muso. Flame might have been part of a dragon alliance.

Hugo or Shnek:Thank you for you assistance in this matter

Linden Rue:You are very welcome, always happy to assist anytime! (Sent message to DM James for officialness)

Pot'tu:If you have nots givings us stuff, wes wants you to... mostly golds but takings foodthings and cloththings.


Kihlek:I provide services. This is my donation. Can also teach useful skills to people so they can become more self-sufficient.

Airavata:“We are greatly looking for those who can help teach self sufficiency! We are hopefully going to be doing some seed distribution to held with small harvest fields in our drop off locations”

Kihlek:Can spend next month going around villages doing teaching sessions instead of learning art skills. Is fine. Also I not charging when I help look for people who go missing.

Pot'tu:Kihlek is on good list, maybe you and Thirku huntings meats, wes payings?

Reylendor:Started a thread.


Nockdus:(Nockdus) With all these heads out there please let me know when you are done with them.

Drang:Hard no

Vessel:_Greetings.... I am Vessel. I believe I was-was-was... sent here to deliver a message... and possibly a friend. Their speech comes out somewhat broken due to the relatively short time since they were awoken and now. It should improve. Should._

Nockdus:(Nockdus) (Sad zombie noises)

Pot'tu:(1. Is this a new character 2. Is it a warforged?)

Vessel:(yes and no, they are a Protoforged, similar but like the precursor to it)

Vessel:(I misgendered my own damn character)

Stan:(Make it super gender fluid. It will respond to literally any gender!)

(WAIT! Hear me out. Non-Newtonian Gender Fluidity. If your polite and courteous, you can use literally any pronoun and the Protoforge will respond. Be a dick with the pronouns you use, the Protoforge will be standoffish, verbally unresponsive and actively avoid you.)


Stan:(PHEW! I was 50/50 on how that would go over. Get that mutha' into the Protoforged wiki!)

Vessel:(Wait no I don’t want to make that a whole ass Protoforged trait, just specific to them


Vessel:(Then again not to say anyone else who ends up wanting to play a Protoforged can’t do that, I just don’t want to force it on them

Pot'tu:Tellings us you messages, wes listen.

Vessel:Started a thread.

Drang:“We need answers from this Gregory rat, who is the best at interrogations”

Kihlek:Started a thread.


Reylendor:Started a thread.

Reylendor:Started a thread.

Tristram:Greetings good people of Seglock. I, myself, Tristram Caniedydd have been the focus of many queries regarding the existence of Dragon Eggs, often Black of type.  Well as you know, my life is an open page, and the page in question will be the subject of a lecture at Tristram's Center for the Performing Arts (TCFTPA), in downtown Seglock.  For only the price of 10gp you can snag a seat and hear of the demise of the dangerous Black Dragon Thymor'ala, and the legend of her mysterious eggs.  A portion of the proceeds will go to the PotP's rebuilding efforts. As a bonus the concessions will debut the menu items of ' Flame Tacos' of the Red Dragon Fame as well as ' Mrs T's Black Dragon Eggs'.

Tristram:See a thread coming soon to pay your 10gp and reserve your seat. This will also allow you an excusive Q&A session with the Bard himself.

Tristram:Please respond  by clicking the 🎟️  above to reserve yours today!

Tristram:The entire of the Q+A will be done in a PM format, so only those attending will know the score.

Delphi:ATTENTION ISONHOUND RESIDENTS: ‘The One who Waits’ is a bit of a mouthful to say, and to write. A shorthand has been adopted by some of the adventurers, and to keep it consistent, this announcement is being made. ‘The One Who Waits’ will now be Known as *Towie*


Vessel:_I do not know why, but I feel like a towel right now._

Hugo or Shnek:“At this point in our journey, what is everything we know about TOWIE (The One Who Waits)?”

Vadath:From my knowledge not very much. From an encounter with a Lunarn Priestess ,Madame Webe, she said he is their peoples boogie man. That he lives in the dark corners and goes after those that stray from the blessed light of the moon. Also then he coming will set into motions that will throw the realm into chaos. Echamus ,The supposed son of Eros the moon dragon, fought a Drakkoth and it said to him The One Who Waits will come for you you. So it seems like Towie doesn't like Eros and Echamus though Madame Webe said in their legends that Eros and Towie have no connections.

Hugo or Shnek:Is there any chance TOWIE could be behind the supposed dragon alliance?

Hugo or Shnek:Flame spoke of the darkness as more of an entity rather then a concept

Hugo or Shnek:Said the gold dragon who attack Muso succumbed to the darkness

Vadath:I have no idea. I belive this darkness is an entity of some kind. The Drakoths seem to have some connections to. It might be good idea to capture and question one of their shamans or leaders.

Hugo or Shnek:The dragons appear to organizing and for what purpose or how we don't know why. TOWIE could be our connection here

Pot'tu:Started a thread.

Vadath:We are in the midst of a dragon conflict. There seems to be 3 factions. Sro and his, Towie, and the gem dragons.

Drang:BlueCorundum spoke of a coming war

Vadath:I believe it's already here

Drang:Do you think the Hags have anything to do with it?

Vadath:They are working for Towie

Vadath:That has been confirmed.

Hugo or Shnek:They worship a being known as the Shadow Lord. If the Darkness, the Shadow Lord, and TOWIE are one and the same they might

Hugo or Shnek:Is the Shadow Lord TOWIE?

Drang:thats a solid theory actually

Drang:has anyone had any contact with Brenna or Blue Corundum since we just waltzed in there?

Vadath:I misspoke I had to reread the notes.

Vadath:Brenna has up and left and is no where to be found from my understanding.

Drang:oh yeah definitely, we also super took over her guild bigtime

Vadath:I do believe Towie and The Hags Shadow lord are one and the same.

Hugo or Shnek:It mght be time we pay Bluecorundom a visit

Drang:thats a good idea

Drang:Drang has been there, and Vadath too actually

Drang:under the river

Vadath:And through the woods

Hugo or Shnek:From what we learned the Shadow Lord's only intrest is harvesting souls though

Drang:in the semi non-euclidean caves

Hugo or Shnek:What age is Bluecorundom

Vadath:Harvest souls to what end though

Vadath:No idea She only spoke to us through our minds. I hae never actually seen her.

Hugo or Shnek:Unknown, but the Hags and the cult only seem to care for the power they get in return

Drang:she was invisable the entire time stalking us like predator

Vadath:Given the way Madame Webe spoke of Towie and the shadow lord's harvesting of souls I stand by my theory. The harvesting of souls may be needed for him to return or regain lost power.

Hugo or Shnek:A lot has been coming up on the Shadowfell recently. What is the current condition on the Spyre? Isnt that supposed to hold the Shadowfell back?

Hugo or Shnek:Yet people have been breaching it

Hugo or Shnek:Bluecorundom may be our only lead cause arent all the Drakkoths around here dead?

Vadath:Horatio was able to breach it as well

Vadath:I find it hard to believe we have wiped out and entire species of Drakoths.

Hugo or Shnek:I think some dragons did that for us

Hugo or Shnek:hopefully not just cutting some lose ends

Vadath:Well with the coming missions with the Hags maybe we can get more information. If possible I say we try and capture a minion or one of the hags themselves if possible.

Hugo or Shnek:If you find a guy named Timothy, capture him on site

Vadath:Anything more specific or should I start tackling and questions every guy I meet named Timothy?

Hugo or Shnek:He is their messenger

Drang:every guy named Timothy copy that

Drang:so there was this guy named Gregory? we questioned him and then he died, but he was very the shadow lord is coming you will all feed him blah blah

Vadath:This entity Silent deals in souls. Maybe they know of or have some connection to this Shadow Lord?

Drang:I do wonder if Silent is wrapped up in all this

Hugo or Shnek:The thing with souls it is more or less what all extraplaner beings deal in, gods, devils, even angels etc

Linden Rue:There are distinct differences in the way souls are managed though. It’s not a typical Tuesday for a being to consume a soul (ie. Eradicating it from existence in most cases or merging it with itself in others). Most collect souls to serve punishments/rewards or act as shepherds to those places of “just deserts.” Some do collect souls for various other purposes, like nicknacks, or power centers, or other nefarious to bizarre purposes.


Hugo or Shnek:Started a thread.

Hugo or Shnek:Started a thread.

DungeonMaster:Started a thread.

Reylendor:*”Has- Has Relith Tower collapsed?” Reylendor appears manic to say the very least. “Are the Servants of Att-Annalo dead?!”*

Hugo or Shnek:Started a thread.

Tristram:Last call for  - Greetings good people of Seglock. I, myself, Tristram Caniedydd have been the focus of many queries regarding the existence of Dragon Eggs, often Black of type.  Well as you know, my life is an open page, and the page in question will be the subject of a lecture at Tristram's Center for the Performing Arts (TCFTPA), in downtown Seglock.  For only the price of 10gp you can snag a seat and hear of the demise of the dangerous Black Dragon Thymor'ala, and the legend of her mysterious eggs.  A portion of the proceeds will go to the PotP's rebuilding efforts. As a bonus the concessions will debut the menu items of ' Flame Tacos' of the Red Dragon Fame as well as ' Mrs T's Black Dragon Eggs'. ( I will send out PM meaasges for a group, and then because real life gets in the way, we will have the Q+A over a few days)

Tristram:I already have the list from the prior listing, if you didn't click then, click the tick below:

Pot'tu:Wes only paid Pot'tu ticket before...Kobb wantings to see now.

Tristram:OK expect the spamming of th efreind requests so I can invite all ticket holders to the event!

Tristram:The event sold 10 tickets, unless the DM's want some NPC's to attend, so 50 gp was raised for the PoTP.  Any Last minute people want to get tickets, let me know

Tristram:My fellow adventures, there is a lad puttering about, called Gideon.  He appears to have an intense love of the actions and activities of myself. Would anyone have happened to see him kocking about SEglock recently?  WE may have to have a few words.

Hugo or Shnek:What words do you have for our dear friend?

Hugo or Shnek:I hope there are to be no hostilities

Drang:“This so funny! Like when we did guns for gourds you remember I was like, hey you should meet my weird friend Gideon and you where like nahhh Drang I’m super important busy man”

Tristram:I did say I am always willing to talk with people, but I had some shows at the TCLA to prepare for.  Now that all the production work and such is done, my time has freed up a bit, so if he has no leads on 'his' eggs from apparently multiple Dragon mates, I would love to talk to him about his claims to fathering gold and black dragon eggs.  I would like to talk to him, there must be some cool tales there, and I belive I will be in my fall persona, as I do enjoy a good copper color.

Tristram:Hostilities, not even in the slightest.  I keep my ears open and may have word of that which he seeks, however, my words are for him to hear, have him stop on by the TCLA, I will have a ticket awaiting him at will call.

Hugo or Shnek:Are you sure? You have been very coy when it comes regarding his eggs...

Tristram:Well, his eggs as cliamed by him, I am interested in helping him in the hunt for his mates gold egg, as well as information on other colored eggs as well.  Of course I do this out of the concern for such a loyal and devoted father getting reunited.  I feel we may be able to assist each other.

Hugo or Shnek:Curious, didn't you tell Reylendor and I earlier that dragons didn't lay eggs? That they gave live birth? I heard the same thing at your show. Have you lost trail of the plot on this one? But personal beats aside, I agree. We need to get Gideon's children back to him. I imagine you have already learned of the potential threats that can come if the coven of the Shadow Lord manage to get their hands on one.

Tristram:To be fair, I said, and quote Pum, a bard of renoun, assured me after the fight that Dragons give live birth, and she did an autopsy to see if there were any dragonlings present in the slain dragon  I am new to this plane at the time, and thought that it was a quant local custom.  Talia  has assured me that that the rules of biology are the same here, and I again must Publicly Appologise for perpetuating that biofalsehood.  I had thought it was true, as did you must know as you insisted we talk under a Zone of Truth. Not once, did I lie to you, did I?  I have made no deal with him or his minions.  Many powerful beings are looking for these eggs, I need to ensure that whom I help to find them are who and what they say.  I would like to also Point out, that I am one who advocates talking over conflict. When there is a cause to belive in, and worth backing, I have asssited, as my defence of the PotP headquarters, and finacial support should have proven up till this point.

Hugo or Shnek:It very much has. Thank you for you candor Tristram.

Tristram:I am not sure either to answer your question elsewhere o Webmaster James, but just to be safe, here we are.

D'Kacilius:~~(Oh no now I might actually die)~~

Tristram:No worries, get down on your knees and just say ' O great Dee Dee, please not today

Delphi:All I’m going to say is that Keller (Wicked DM) and I don’t want to kill each other

Tristram:See how well that worked

D'Kacilius:You also probably won't want to kill me ~~*yet*~~

I know... *certain enemies* you may be interested in

Tristram:I myself, have no one on the to kill list at the moment, with the exception of Mother Love.  She made a deal, and then fell through.  That sort of behavior is not acceptable to any Fey.  She should know as the hagglet is most likely from the feywild.

Tristram:Even then, we shall talk first and give her a chance to recify the situation.

Drang:Don’t worry, I have a plan

Tristram:What is the current in game date and year?

Durian:Leaffall, 825 PR


Tristram:There appears to be a growing influance across the land, sort of like a plauge of Roaches, I am talking about the increasing Influance of Demi Death, that one who shall not me named, which keeping quiet seems to be their name.  Is there a connection between the Rise of the Demi Death and the rise of issues with the Shadow Realm?   hould we be worried about the seemingly minor abilities of Demi Death?

Vadath:Started a thread.

Vadath:Anna (Feyre/Finny) my Clerical friend do you by chance know anything of this Nerull?

Hugo or Shnek:Anna (Feyre/Finny) #8937 There are three major players in the realm of death. 1 Benevolent, 1 Neutral, and 1 Evil

Hugo or Shnek:Did I?


Feyjin:I have a little information on that particular one.

Hugo or Shnek:As mentioned there is the cruel and evil Nerull, the lord of death, darkness, and murder. The evil one

Hugo or Shnek:Then their is the Raven Queen who is the Goddess of Death and Winter. The neutral one

Vadath:I was recently informed that I have a darkness within myself. This info came from a gem dragon. I was then informed by the a Demi God of death that my soul is claimed by Nerull.

Vadath:I have no allegiance to any God.

Hugo or Shnek:This Demi-God of Death Vadath mentions is the final god, Silent, a keeper of souls and the one who upholds the sanctity of death in the cycle of life. The benevolent one and one who I myself have dedicated my service.

Hugo or Shnek:Death is a domain to large to be overseen by one diety

Vadath:I would argue that ones benevolence little Hugo. You did try to stab my cleric friend and offer her soul to Silent. Or did you forget that?

Feyjin:I've had mixed reviews of this... Silent.

Hugo or Shnek:OOC that wasn’t me

Hugo or Shnek:“Kacillius is on the extreme when it comes to Silent’s worship and we will do our best in the church to reel him in.”

Vadath:Yup nvm. I blundered.

Vadath:My bad!

Kihlek:(Don't forget you can make a thread for specific topics/discussions!)

Feyjin:She sounds much like how my old temple ran things - claimed benevolence, but in practice... not so much. A soul is a currency best unspent.

Hugo or Shnek:“Your friend and my fellow worshiper in Silent Julia (Candela Lightkeeper) would wholeheartedly agree with what I have stated.”

Vadath:Started a thread.

D'Kacilius:(I see I have been mentioned)

Reylendor:Prof. Mann (And Chester) he/him *Via a Sending spell, you receive the following message from Reylendor: “I have a new friend who could benefit from your use of scrying; where and when can we meet?”*

Ensign:*This is Ensign, I am still at managing things at the hospital. Feel free to stop by, it has been a while, friend.*

Reylendor:Started a thread.

Tristram:Greetings performers of all stripes battling evil and trying to keep your bookings up.  I offer to you the oppertunity of joining the IPUPA, yes the Interdimensional Performers an Union of Performing Actors are looking to add to it's rolls and has many different membership options.  All is openly explained in the wiki at this location: https://quelmarwiki.com/wiki/Interdimensional_Performers_an_Union_of_Performing_Actors_(_IPUPA_)

Tristram:I would like to announce something to break the 5 day since anyone but myself talked in here, but I have nothing to announce but this announcement. So consider this anounement announced.

DungeonMaster:**__Quick Announcement__: 🎉

This channel is meant for Players to share what they know about the storyline, to exchange items, lore, and experience with each other. It's meant for engaging with the wider community. But ultimately it is not another table to play the game at. And part of that is our fault for engaging so much with players in this channel as they've cast spells and sought guidance and rolled dice and more. This ultimately pulled a lot of energy from our already incredibly generous volunteer DMs.

Based on Feedback from all sides, we (the DMs) are limiting ourselves from interacting in the #greedy-rp channel. If your character wants to do something that would require DM adjudication, feel free to bring it up at the table of your next game, or in the #greedy-general channel. If it's something that requires rolling and proper gameplay, it can likely be turned into a Downtime project, to be resolved at the top of the month with other offscreen projects.**

DungeonMaster:Pinned a message.

Tristram:Greetings fellow Adventures in and around Seglock.  I would like to announce the succesful run of the show ' Evening with the Bard  to suport the IPUPA  - WE had a good run, pumping over 6k gold into the struggling economy, providing jobs to the jobless and over 1k gold in housing to the homeless. The town garden has been prepped and will flower in abunance this spring! There was a nice payoff to the investors in the show as well. If anyone would like to learn more, or join the ranks of the IPUPA pleae let me know, we are focused on helping and uplifting the refugees and making the world a little more habitable.

Kihlek:I still have four small lights that may very well be the souls of comatose children stuck in my bag of holding. Can anyone offer assistance in locating the proper owners of said souls so they can be returned sooner rather than later? Also, if simply opening the bag and releasing the soul next to the comatose child fails to have the desired effect, does anyone have any suggestions?

Feyjin:Um, Hullo. I'm currently doing research on Gloomwings. If you're out traveling and stumble upon some - I'm willing to pay for their body bits, but I'm in huge need of live or frozen gloomwing larvae - hopefully to create a consumable deterrent that will make unwilling hosts inhospitable for the wriggly things.  Let me know if you're able to get some specimens!

Tristram:So, I had collected some bits and bobs on a prior jaunt. I have some wings, some antennee (I needed them to recreate the Oxan Dance) i also have about 3 spare sets of the bits that inject the larve into the 'host', for purely research reasons. That is a line of research that I no longer have pressing intrest in, so if you want to make an offer?

Feyjin:As long as they're relatively fresh-ish... I'll offer 15 gold for the whole bag of things - is this reasonable?

Kihlek:I was growing a larvae to date the incubation period from when we found the bodies. I think I just left it in this sealed jar though, so it's probably dead now, but would be well preserved.

Feyjin:I appreciate the offer, but it's imperative that the larvae are alive.

Drang:You can uhhh….you can eat them. Just like, if you where wondering

Pot'tu:Yes, yes they pop-squishings  but not tastings good!

Pot'tu:You can give us, we helps!

Tristram:15 gold, for each.... or 15 gold for the lot and access to your findings sound reasonable?

Airavata:“I like your ambition, but I think he ought to hold onto those souls. He found them, he ought to see them to their homes and that no death gods try to intervene”

Hugo or Shnek:Uh…..Wdym…….

Airavata:“Where did he find them there souls?”

Hugo or Shnek:These were souls stolen by the hags. She trapped some in her bag of holding before we broke the seal keeping the souls at the lair. The souls she took did not return to the bodies of the children they came from. Harold has 4 as well.

Airavata:“That sounds about what I was thinkin’ so, I don’t think he ought to hand them off to anyone else. I think he should see it through, since at this time, it seems like he has good intentions to find the owners.”

Tristram:Makes one wonder what may have happened to other 4.

Hugo or Shnek:I think Harold still has them

Pot'tu:What if no findings owners!?

Kihlek:help find the owners, or help souls re-enter bodies? I need some help finding out whether there are still comatose children and seeing if it's going to be as easy as opening the bag next to them first, or if it'll be more complicated

Kihlek:No dark forces allowed.

Kihlek:But yes, I only learned later that these were apparently actually souls, and I think they should be returned if possible. Just seemingly not so easy to do, so any help on getting them back to *the right people* is appreciated.

Kihlek:Otherwise, I will keep them safe.

Pot'tu:Wes not dark forces, wes Pot'tu'N'Kobb!

Airavata:“Darlins, I think he’ll accept your help but I don’t think he’s gonna be letting anyone hold onto those souls but herself, which is what I was trying to say”

Drang:*Drang clears throat loudly* “The uhhhhhhh PotP is not part of any dark forces or anything, you know, sinister like this. Especially Pot’tu, he’s best Goblin I’ve ever met”

Kihlek:Started a thread.

Feyjin:15 for the lot, and I'll share what I discover.

Tristram:May your research bear fruit.

Markoth or Silithym:Does anyone know where I might be able to procure hunting traps?

Airavata:I bought mine from Stan? He seems like a shifty character, but they’re a bargain.

Markoth or Silithym:Thanks for the heads up, much appreciated

Drang:“Good peoples of Isonhound! Do you feels like the Death gods Silent is causings you or your guilds unwanted negative attention? Do you feels like you want to do something’s about it? I think it’s times we had a talks about unseatings this entities”

D'Kacilius:*D'Kacilius is staring daggers at Drang, mentally noting possible adversaries, along with adding Drang pretty high to a certain list*

Feyjin:*Feyjin frowns angrily. Drang! There is a far better solution for breaching this subject. And D'Kacilius - steady yourself. People don't understand much about your deity - and they are cautious to things that they don't understand completely, I count myself among them. Extreme zealotry from the follower does not look good upon any god.*

Drang:*Drang kind of shrinks back a little* “but but….this is publics forum yes? It is big problem! And not just for me I’m pretty’s sure”

Feyjin:*Feyjin's expression hardens as her words sharpen, almost frightening as she's normally so sweet and soft-spoken. Brute force, whether by weapon or word, can have more consequences than you are aware of.*

D'Kacilius:*D'Kacilius snarls at Feyjin.* You think you know faith, yet you forsook your own. I *know* what Silent does. They await at the end of everyone's time, waiting to collect their souls for the afterlife. An endless cycle of life and death, reborn through the will of Silent. Have you asked your own god what they think about your devotion? I have spoken personally to Silent, and they accept it. In fact, they revel in it! There is nothing less worthy than being a part of a god's plan. I know I am a part of one, but I do not need to know unless Silent wishes.

Drang:*Drang regains composure* “Your gods do not listen! They do not cares about us down here, if you thinks this Silent is any differents you will be so unhappy s when you finally meet your end”

Feyjin:Feyjin whips over to D'Kacilius, fuming. Her hand clenched in a fist by her side. It is hard to forsake a god that was never one to begin with. A soul is meant to be free - not one to be willed by another like a toy. The cycle of life and death is sacred and freeing - not to according to one half-baked god's plan, but the Weave, the thing that oversees all. My devotion to whatever I may choose is my choice alone - and to you, your zealotry is a perversion. A poor copy. Hit by his words, Feyjin is shaking in anger barely able to contain her composition.*

Drang:“See looks how upsets both of you are! This is what I would Likes to stop!”

D'Kacilius:(Btw I am typing up *elaborate* paragraphs in response to both of you lol, so don't mind the gaps in time)

Feyjin:(understandable. I'm sorry for the shit that might go for in the coming hours.)

D'Kacilius:(We might want an actual thread then)

D'Kacilius:Started a thread.

Silent:My my. Lots of talk about me. I hope all is well. Certainly no one needs to be scolded, I hope.

Drang:(Did Drang and everyone just hear that in our heads?)

Silent:(Yes. There is no other follow up.)

D'Kacilius:(I may or may not be guilty)

Silent:(I know.)

Hugo or Shnek:Hugo thinks this in his head in belief Silent may hear him. *”Its been a while. I think we are long overdue to get the gang together to have a chat. It seems our card readings are becoming less favorable by the day. It’s time to change our fates. I hope you would agree.”*

Silent:I'm always here Hugo. I've been watching closely, and I would never decline a chat. I have many plans... some of which less favorable to my own gain. I can only wonder why I'm so much a threat.

Hugo or Shnek:*” It’s all about perceptions these days. To some the brand we sell is bitter to the taste. I think we need to make more effort to prove the contrary.”*

Silent:The brand *you* try to sell. Its hard to relate to death. Its something feared by all. Selling something and forcing it are very different... I don't wish for unwilling followers. I know what its like to be trapped unwillingly.

Hugo or Shnek:*You have brought up my final point. What is our brand. What do we plan to show the masses. Each of us is running on our own wavelength, and I believe it is this that is causing us trouble. We need to firmly define what we stand for and organize.*

Drang:Drang thinks immediately after he hears this *someone has to stop you*

Silent:From what? Being a god? Why stop there? There are far worse gods than I that you ignore merely because they're less vocal.  You're the only one here showing hostility, but if you wish to continue...that can change.

Markoth or Silithym:nan

Markoth or Silithym:*Don't mind me, nothing to see here*

Markoth or Silithym:*I've learned my lesson with picking fights with higher beings, just going to lay low and not lash out at the laughing death god*

Tristram:Demi death god, one who breaks the cycle of life and death. Consumption of souls, how is that explained as part of your duties. Death gods shepherd souls, you annihilate them, destroying the fabric of existence. Or is the destruction of all what you are 'waiting' for?

Silent:Hmm..Death is sad. I agree with that. Though, If I had been a goddess of life, I would sob. The best crop a farmer could yield is not raised only out of love, you know. It needs fertilizer. Tristram, the ground you stand on is caked with blood. Bodies of hundreds... thats why your here. Nameless beings fought for land, unseen and unheard. And now your here. All of them are here, evoking death with every crusade.  I do not lie. I consume those deceased so new life has room to grow- however I am the same as every other being like me, in all but two regard. *I do not lie of what the souls encounter, and I will not force you to believe in me against your will.* Many other Gods of Death can't say the same.

Silent:Its a shame you're so against me, really. Wanting to kill a god is exactly what I need right now; I admire your forethought, honestly. I simply wish you would realize that...all considering, the past year, I've been much more 'good' than evil. I could have been much, much worse.

Tristram:I expect we shall see a bit more of your evil come out.  Good?  Only because you had to be? Your power was lacking, till you could trick your lackeys into increasing it. Need you remember that while you were unable to free a dragon, I ensured it happened.  You were held by a hag, I killed one with a word. In this incarnation of my infinate lifes, I too have not stepped into my full power this time around, however, I respect what you could be, but not the way you feel you need to ge tthere.  My base of power right now is vast, my patron is more powerful than a Demi god could ever be, she is also uncomprimisng to those who oppose her.

Tristram:I walked the Seelie and un Seelie courts, power is no stranger to me. REnounce the annialation, stop consuming the immortal souls, and i will have no quarral with you.

Silent:Yes. Good. Not because I had to be, but because it helped the people. I ensured a dragon lived, I ensured a body was brought properly to their final resting place, not because I had to, but because it was mercy to their souls.

You don't have qualm with death. You have qualm of the reality of that death. Many believe that wasting parts of a body is disrespectful-- I ensure no waste.  Besides... the only need for a soul after death is to revive, and if they wish to be revived, I would allow it. How about I cut a deal with you, Tristram? I need to eat to survive at this point... but I've been forced to limit myself in the past. Would it appease you if I waited? Put an expiration date on a soul, until its body has been forgotten?

Tristram:Souls have no purpose after death? So, you have no belief in an afterlife?  Odd, cause I have seen the places souls go after the meat suit stops working. I, myself am a nature spirit, as you may know, elves of the old ways do not have these souls you need, however we are reborn. I have been many incarnations of myself, and I have existed in one form or another since the beginning, well, shortly afterwards, my patrons had to spring into existance first. As to the souls you consume, you have consumed souls that did not 'belong' to you, is that not true.? One of your zelots carry a blade that gives the souls slain to you, which is not exactly their will.  I guess those you force yourself upon do not have to actually belive in you, before you consume them. I ask you, how that is in any way benevolent? As to helping people, farmers do treat their livestock well, especially if that livestock agrees to bring in more. Did your 'mercy to their souls' make them taste sweeter I wonder?  No I have no quam with death, or the reality. I have a qualm about breaking the cycle for greed and power. If you need to annialate to survive, I miscatagorized you as a Godling, you are more of a parasite. Feast in your sheeps adoration, is that not how 'true' gods contiune to exist?  Death is a necessary step in life - annihilation is stepping outside the cycle

Silent:I never claimed annihilation. I feed, yes. That is not to say there is no afterlife for those consumed. Your feeding and mine are very different, perhaps; the verbiage may not be exact. In my eyes, the afterlife should be the high after what is a low, with little responsibility and pure freedom. Its.. hard to describe, in layman's terms.  The blade has done little more than slay elk, till this point. I am still new... this is not how i wish to run things, however at this point, its necessity.  Soon feasting on souls may be out of the question, but... until then, I must do what I can.

I won't take a soul if they wish against it, but theres a decent chance another like me; possibly worse than me, will. I don't wish to argue, and even liked your company... but at least I've not tied myself to someone unwillingly.

Linden Rue:👻Nin Arbiter of Death/Iris While it has been quite interesting watching the two of you play your game of semantics, I wish to know something specific, if I may. As a life cleric I work hand in hand with death, we are not enemies but partners in an elegant eternal dance as old as time. Your steps are, perhaps, a bit different than the usual dance. Whether this is negative or benign I’ve not settled upon yet. One crucial detail that I must understand is what exactly happens to the soul after you consume it, if not annihilation, then what does occur? You see, I do understand the act of consuming the soul is intended to extract its essence, its energy to empower yourself, much the same reason any creature consumes most anything, really. So how does the existence of the individual soul survive your consumption, as you seem to imply? If it does not survive then please explain how this is different from annihilation or extinction? Thank you.

Silent:I am able to infuse, to some degree, if a follower wishes for it.  I am also able to... create a sense of an afterlife. You could liken it to a dream.

Silent:Consuming a soul is just that- infusing it, and creating that dreamlike abyss. Either way... whether you decide I'm the villain or not is entirely your choice. Currently, I'm trying to help you as a whole, so perhaps its in everyones best interest to focus on the bigger picture of what is going on. Obsidian dragons, and gods being at eachothers throats considered.

Tristram:So, by your own words, you offer illusions of an afterlife, rather than anything substantial to those who choose to follow you. Of those souls who did not follow you, but you took, or were 'gifted' what of them, do they endure your 'false' afterlife, or do they  not even get that? There are powerful magics that can recall one from the dead with just a name. No body needed. would that work is a soul is consumed? But, this is a line of questioning for a later time.  The stories presented now have changed ever so completely from stories told over the past year. I will consider all the words spoken, and with that, decide my upcoming part in the upcoming tales.

Tristram:But to change focus upon the conversation to where you would like it to be, my dear arbitrary, what is your take on the bigger picture? Tell us of fighting full gods, and Dragons of the deepest stones.

Silent:The souls I keep are just that. I can allow them to be released and called upon, but I will not endanger them. You have much larger gods with far looser morals to worry about. I'm doing my part to give you a saving grace, should things go awry, keeping one of the obsidian dragon eggs safe with me, rather than clumped with the others, however this  seems lost on you. Wars are brewing both on this plane and my own, and there's good chance another god is slain soon in the making, yet you wish to slander me, doubting every word I speak. I am trying to listen to you, and doing my best to at least speak with those with question.

Tristram:Lost on me, maybe, but it does warm my heart to know that even one who claims divinity is so completely wrong about the disposition of the eggs. oddly enough, the one you protect is the least protected one. Now I will admit, my protection of the one in 'my' care was done to see a innocent was not murdered. I had no further interest that to remove that threat. Another of the Trio is in the presece of a full fledged God, but one not engaged in the squabbles of this plane. Even I do not know the exact whereabouts of the second of the eggs, I do not often meddle in the affairs of actual gods. Alas, the last of the three was left in the hands of an possible Oath breaker, and by the oath made, that would put the claims of myself and one other to the fore for the adoption of the egg. That is a matter to discuss elsewhere. I do claim ignorance of the full ramifications of eggs and obsidian, and would love to be enlightened. Also, would you careto name the petulent gods in question?

Hugo or Shnek:Started a thread.

Silent:Honestly... I have little to prove to you Tristram. I harbor no ill will towards you, but I'm tired of this questioning from one who wishes only to twist words and ideas. Ask your friends, if you have them. I know nothing I say will convince you, as you'd like to rather cram it into your own ideals. I have people to take care of. I'd prefer if you didn't come to me with poison on the tongue, next time you speak to, or of me.

Tristram:I had thought I made it clear in my last statement, I was switching to the topics you brought up. I admited you may know more about a topic than I currently did, and asked if you could enlighten myself. It was an honest and open query, as you told me there were things I didn't understand. I am not one for unnecessary conflict, and was willing to try to see your point of view. I twist not a thing. I stated above, through-out, and now I am against the wonton destruction of innocent souls. I care not if your 4 followers become your next meal, they made that choice. When beings are utterly destroyed, without their free concent, that is what I stand against. Straight up and simple. If you do that I will stand against you. When someone does not give consent and you try to force yourself on them, to the point of throwing necrotizing fireballs at them, then I must stand against you. Freinds, I have. Powerful allies, them too. Not one of which did I need to bribe or force to sign a contract. You need say nothing, your actions speak much louder. Twisting words, your statements have changed not only in the past year, but since the beginning of this conversation. Third parties need only read what transpired above to see your changing positions on the fate of those you consumed. My ideas you despise are choice, freedom, consent, and respect for the cycle of life. What you call poison on my tongue is just the truth of the situation. We need not be enemies, I don't hate the player, just the game you are playing. But if you not wish to continue to discuss, that is fine. If you don't want to enlighten me, I will just have to go on following the path of my own conclusions. My name, in its orignal tounge, means ' Bold Singer',  and songs have been used from time immortal to break the silence. Till you wish to speak again, dear Dee Dee, I bid you anon.

Tristram:All heros of Greedy Green take heed, there are some of us lost, missing in action, and we need to come together to find them.  Enter inside and share your knowledge freely, we have some of our comrades in need, a need we must answer!

Tristram:Started a thread.

Reylendor:Markoth *You receive a message via the Sending spell: “Markoth, this is Reylendor. Are you okay? Where are you? What can we do to save you? We are worried about you. Please stay safe.”*

Markoth or Silithym:*the signal is very rough, you can barely hear anything, but you do pick up a faint voice....Don't come......too late......escape........embrace.......AAAAAAAA and then you completely cut out*

Reylendor:Asger/Corbie *You receive a message via the Sending spell: “Asger, this is Reylendor. Are you okay? Where are you? What can we do to save you? We are worried about you. Please stay safe.”*

Asger/Corbie:*an uncomfortably long silence is broken, not by any words in response. Instead, by a deep and steady hum. Progressing in intensity, vibrating inside your skull until abruptly returning to complete and unbearable silence.*


Drang:“They’re dead….I watched them falls into the voids, couldn’t saved them”

Tristram:Never Fear my freind, Death is but a step in the cycle of life and not even a permenent one. Unless of course something eats their souls. That could complicate things.

Drang:“So you means like Silent probably, Markoth was pretty much super into her so it’s not look good”

Hugo or Shnek:*”I have confirmation that they do not have Markoth nor Asger.”*

Linden Rue:“I can confirm that information, also.”

Drang:“This is interestings, I wonders where their souls went..”

Hugo or Shnek:*”We can only pray.”*

Tristram:My freind, oddly enough, I do not feel it was Dee Dee, even without confirmation from 2 reliable sources. Of course they both could have been lied to, however, Dee Dee is not insane, and detroying one of her few followers does not make sense.  I feel something else, much more dark and powerful is at work, too many rifts have been showing up. Mayhap their souls are still attached to their bodies, and where their bodies reside is the question we need to find the answer to. I know not what Demi Death is doing to recover their property, but I guess time and the turning of 11 into 12 will maybe provide some answers.

Linden Rue:Red  (Satch)  Excuse me, Mr. Drang, do you have a spare moment?

Drang:“Hello yes! I haves many moment!”

Linden Rue:Fantastic! I've been holding on to something for you for a little while. *lifts up a small leather pouch (with gag order embossed on it) as high has she can (all of 2.5/3ft)*

Linden Rue:I made the pouch but what's inside I did NOT make. *When you open the pouch you see a set of dentures*

Drang:“Oh! Uhm….this is very much nice!”

Linden Rue:I heard you wanted a Hag tooth and your hag disappeared like ours did, well a friend of ours in the Hawks fought a hag that did not disappear.

Drang:(He can’t read common)

Linden Rue:These are Hags TEETH

Drang:He goes from being confused to being absolutely awe struck

Drang:He holds it like something given by a god

Linden Rue:*She grins happily* I do want to be honest, they were mother Peace's teeth but they came out of her mouth as dentures so I don't know how it all works or how she made them, if she used her teeth or stole someone else's but you've been so kind and I wanted to give back to you also.

Drang:“You ares too kind, this is so….so incredibles, how cans I repays you?”

Linden Rue:For now, just continue to be you. If the time comes that I need your help I'm sure you'll help but I did not give these to you to put you in my debt I simply wanted to give kindness to a kind heart.

Drang:“If you Evers needs me for anything, I will come. No matters what.”

Drang:*he reaches under his chest plate and pulls out his long necklace of teeth, removes one, and gives it too you. A cursory check would reveal it to be an orc tooth*

Drang:“This is the tooth’s of Gro’Durish, an orc shamans I killed many years ago. A name for a name”

Linden Rue:*Linden's eyes widen in awed suprise.* I am deeply honored by this gift, but, you owe me nothing, if it would do you more good to keep it then that would be an even better gift to me. If you would rather let it go I will gladly be honored to take this very special gift, and keep it safe.

Silent:Their souls are safe. No one has claimed them. They live; or rather, they are not dead.

Drang:*Drang is alone in the woods when you whisper to him, and he stands straight as a board as if someone put a cattle prod on his back* “do you knows where they are?”

Silent:No. All I know is that my claim to them still holds strong.  I cannot reach them, otherwise.


Ensign:*Iron Hawk Head Medical Officer Ensign's notes on the cyber-centaur body that was returned to the Iron Eyrie. Transcribed by their clerical assistant (as Ensign cannot read or write in common). Bracketed phrases are rough translations of Ensign's unknown language*

My preliminary autopsy suggests that this was definitely made with components and materials that would be next to impossible to manufacture on Quelmar. However, the assembly does not suggest knowledge of the materials used, more a haphazard (though clever) combination of parts. I suspect that this was a native of this realm with a sizable deposit of [extra-terrestrial] material.

Though I will always be relieved that we have not come across any evidence of [Relic Dragons] and their minions, I am concerned at the number of wreckages of stellar craft that have been found, either intact or in the hands of less scrutable organizations.

I am forming a theory that there is some form of anomaly pulling craft from [Galactic Space] and depositing them here. Other pieces I have found suggest that this has been going on for a long time.

Ensign:*If anyone comes across other curiosities that do not seem to belong on Quelmar, let Ensign or another Iron Hawk know. Ensign would love to take a look and document it as they are trying to find answers. Also Ensign would like to thank the Protectors of the People for sharing their information and resources concerning these extra-terrestrial occurrences in the past.*

Drang:*signs are hung up in the 3 major cities over the next week*                              “Good peoples of Quelmar, are you an adventurer? Have you lived a hard life? Do the dark things of your past haunt you when you try’s to sleep? Are washed up Demi gods whispering sweet nothings in your ear, only to ask for more death? My name is Drang, and just like you I suffers from internal darkness that eats away at me. We at the PotP have recently suffered losses because of this thing, and we wants to do something about it. We are starting *Darkness Anonymous* and we will meet at some nice scenic area once a week  and we wills all talk about our terrible pasts, what ails us, and what we want to do abouts it.                             We believe that to helps to peoples, we need to helps ourself first.

D'Kacilius:~~(No comment but I am watching)~~

D'Kacilius:(Also some info from yesterday's session might link to missing people)

Vadath:(Are you starting an actual thread for this?)

Drang:(If people are interested yeah for sure)

Vadath:(Asking bc Vadath has some darkness inside him. He has recently learned the major death god Nerull is involved.)

Drang:(Perfect, Drang recently killed one of his employees because they where stealing his punpkin cart so he’s struggling)

Vadath:(Wait you killed someone associated with Nerull!?)

Drang:(No no no one of Keller (Wicked DM) NPC employees at the PotP lol)

Delphi:Um. Hey Everyone. Um. The group of us came back from the northern shore. Um, Erachmus killed Elric. I, um...was thinking of doing a seance? To say bye? Does anyone want to join me?

Hugo or Shnek:Sure yeah im in.

Drang:“Yes please, this uhhh….do you guys hear this sword talking too?”

Asger/Corbie:I would like to be there



Vessel:He's completely serious.

Reylendor:Yes. Just yes.

Pot'tu:(Picture of Echamus for algo?)


Delphi:Delphi fixed it

Drang:I’m still sorry Drang had to back down from killing him, when Elric died that was game for him

Drang:Elric was like a hero to Drang lol

Pot'tu:*Slipped under Iron Hawk door*

Feyjin:Tristram Feyjin comes knocking, holding a small phial of potion in her hand. Delivery! My research was a success!

Tristram:Greetings, my dear Feyjin, sorry for the delay knocking on the door, I appear to have picked up a touch of Dwarf Cough, and was sleeping hard.

Feyjin:Oh! My apologies! I just wanted to drop off one of my first batch of completed Gloomwing Resistance Potions - as per our agreement. Your gloomwing bits absolutely helped. If you ever need more, you know where to find me. I'll trade recipe for recipe if you ever want to learn to make them yourself.


Silent:Julia (Candela Lightkeeper) *You hear a brief message. Keep a closer eye on Kasilius than normal. Be cautious. He is not himself. It's  most likely safest not to approach him.*

Delphi:Started a thread.

Kihlek:*Kihlek hops into the air and slaps a broad sheet of parchment on a message board.* It is written in draconic and reads: ||WANTED Green Kobolds; Alive and Unharmed; Reward: 10 gold each; More than 20 earns an extra 500 Gold; For Details, Seek the Green Fang.||

Kihlek:Started a thread.

Reylendor:Started a thread.

DungeonMaster:dropping this here in case anyone needs to reference it later

Drang:*After several weeks of putting it off, Drang writes and mails a letter to the parents of Elric Shadowsliver*

“Dear Mr and Mrs Shadowslivers,

It is with extremely heavies hearts that I must informs you of your sons passings. We where on missions in the North defendings from Lindworms migrations, and the insane dragons Echamus and his brainwashed clerics felled hims. He was loved by alls of us, and was incrediblys powerful, buts the fool clerics shoots him in the backs when he was nots paying attentions. His lasts words where heroics with sinister undertones as I’m sures does nots surprise you. Many peoples thinks that Echamus shoulds be ‘fixed’ but in Elrics memories I wills does everything’s I can to slay him and his idiot clerics.

If you haves any more questions feels free to responds, am very sorrys for your loss

Eigan Drang, PotP

P.S. the Slaats chose me when he fell, and I will wields it in his honor until I too falls

Feyjin:Started a thread.

DungeonMaster:If you missed it Greedy friends, we have a new whiteboard for players to put together the pieces on. Looking at connections in the storyline is a great way to stir up RP conversations or maybe get answers to story beats you may not have the full picture for.


DungeonMaster:(The link is also pinned in the general chat and posted on the Greedy Wiki Page if you ever need to return to it)


Ensign:nice, added information about *SPACE* that is relevant.

Tristram:Alas, no love for the IPUPA

Kihlek:You can always add it yourself!

Drang:Started a thread.

Hugo or Shnek:*A small collective of seven small kobolds makes their way to Kihlek. The one leading them is in a tattered yellow cloak and a messy yellow gas mask. Six of the Kobolds are red with the seventh clearly being a red Kobold covered in green paint. The leader says in a squeaky voice with very broken english, “Hewow, mi nam es Shnek and dees ar mi sibwings. Wi fond dis gren Kobold an saw ur post. Do wes git monies?”*

Airavata:*From 40 ft away, Airavata, who earlier watched the Kobold band paint the 7th one, is hiding behind a large stone wall. She touched her temple like Ye Olde Charles Xavier and uses her newfound telepathy to speak in Shnek’s mind*

*Shnek—this is your conscious. Do not try to fool people for money. It is foolish and the path to certain doom. Tell him it was a game and go back to the base.*

Airavata:(And yes, her telepathic voice is just her own voice, Southern accent and all)

Hugo or Shnek:(I am going to imagine that Airavata is completely visable to most people but the Kobolds are so oblivious they don’t see her)

Hugo or Shnek:*”Hoo es Conshosness?”*

Drang:*Drang and company drag the pumpkin cart and several tents and set up outside Seglock, advertising the “Yuletide Pumpkin Blowout” complete with pies, muffins, breads, cakes, cider and all manner of pumpkin based foods and basically have a party/pumpkin giveaway to all the needy folks nearby*

Drang:Lynzy (Bellix)  *Drang approach’s your therapy stand* “hey!! I really likes this, is very good ideas. I was wonderings…..I had this ideas for a group therapy’s thing for like….almost this same reasons would you be interesteds in helpings with it? I was gonna calls it “Darkness Anonymous” and we would just talks about what’s botherings us and maybe it helps. A lot has happened in past month and haven’t been ables to puts it togethers”

Linden Rue:Oh wow, that’s really interesting! I would be happy to help! I read a book about therapy once so I’m sure I know everything I need to help.

Delphi:Started a thread.

Linden Rue:“Hey everybody, I just wanted to say that I have been helping DK (he visited my feelings therapy stand) he might be a little different next time you see him. I think it’s for the better, so far anyways. Maybe give him a chance to be different and good. Okay, byeeee!”

D'Kacilius:10/10 service feeling much better now 👍

D'Kacilius:Also provides sandwiches upon request

Delphi:Blaze can also vouch for Lindens outstanding services

Cider:Pardon me, on my last adventure I overheard a few of my party-mates talking about a guild.... the... People Protectors maybe?  Sorry, I never caught the whole name.  I'd like to learn more about this organization.  Might there be any recruiters around?  Anna (Feyre/Finny)

Feyjin:*Feyjin looks a little frazzled, but smiles warmly. Absolutely! Sorry about the late invitation, things have been... Hectic. I'd be happy to chat!*

Cider:Greetings!  I think i met a few of your guildmates on a recent adventure.  It sounded like your organization might be right up my alley.  Could you tell me more about it?

Cider:-cider, who doesn't know how to type in italics, looks excitedly at Feyjin-

Feyjin:Started a thread.

Kihlek:(italics are done by surrounding your text with asterisks [like this, but without the spaces] * text * bold is double on each side, and triple gets you both in ***text like this***)

Kihlek:> and opening your message with a > symbol lets you indent it.

DungeonMaster:| | ||You forgot spoilers|| | |

Reylendor:I saw a blacked out message and was immediately scared because it came from James.

Kihlek:well, I also didn't add that double tildes gets you ~~strikethrough~~

DungeonMaster:`you skipped my favorite as a programmer too`

Linden Rue:Where are these text secrets hidden?! All I can do are *italics* 😦



Delphi:*Blaze stands right next to his new buddy Linden’s stand, with a small wooden board, with the words painted on it ‘PLEASE SOMEONE ASK ME ABOUT KAVIN’*

D'Kacilius:*Who's Kavin?*

Airavata:*Airavata also stands by curious and calls out* “Yes, please tell us, what is a Kavin?”

Delphi:Started a thread.

Tristram:Is'n't a Kavin a unit of heat mesurement?

D'Kacilius:That's a Kelvin

Tristram:then what about a hobbes?

D'Kacilius:Oh that's Calvin's (with a C) stuffed animal friend

Tristram:Hobbs starts with a H, I am pretty sure

D'Kacilius:Calvin starts with a C

Kelvin starts with a K

Tristram:and Hobbes starts with an H

Dur'kalak:My friends, is there anyway I can commission some stone work?


Airavata:Sorry darlin’, I only do carpentry, if it wasn’t a tree at one time, I can’t do anything with it.

Dur'kalak:If it comes to it, that may be enough. I shall keep you in mind

Airavata:*Airavata tips an invisible hat*

Hugo or Shnek:Started a thread.

Stan:Prof. Mann (And Chester) he/him *wherever Ensign is this morning, as you wake up there is a multi colored shimmer of magic as a doorway of sorts appears and a human looking individual steps through.*

“Hello Ensign! I’m the Curator. Pleasure to meet you. I recently came into the possession of this item”

*He pulls out a standard issue* **Stellar Navy rebreather/purifier**

“Keep it on you. Your technological know how and that item could be the difference between success and failure”

*The Curator steps back to leave but gestures as if something just occurred to him*

“Almost forgot! Those scan results of the Bonny Robert you took on your trip to the mountains, you may want to refresh your memory on your findings. OKBYEEEE!”

*The Curator waves, pinches his nose and falls backwards through the doorway/portal. It reacts with a splash and then it rolls and folds in on itself to a single point at the center and then it disappears with a pop!*

Ensign:*Ensign stares up at the ceiling for a moment,  the rebreather laying on their chest. Then, with a sigh, they shift their weight out of their cot in the field hospital.*

*they double check the rebreather, and are surprised to find an authentic piece of cooperative equipment here. They make a simple modification to make it more comfortable for a being without a nose.*

*Ensign had been fascinated by the airship. An impressive combination of magical forces and technological problem-solving. They had taken detailed readings, but as the mission was paramount,  they hadn't given them a thorough check.*

Besides, *they thought*, I'm a doctor,  not an engineer. *They turned to their personal liquid replicator.* Human-style Coffee, iced.

*As their long fingers wrapped around the beverage, they began to review the data on their tablet.*

Ensign:(Since Ensign doesn't have a nose, I'm just going to imagine the curator squeezed their own nose, like a circus clown 😛)

Stan:(I should’ve clarified, it’s specifically designed for Gith anatomy. But you’re absolutely correct! He would’ve squished his face into it.)

Stan:So it won’t fit other races with noses

Ensign:(I was mostly referencing the curator waves, pinches his hose and falls backwards... )

Ensign:(But thanks for the clarification)

Stan:(Oh! No, it’s reminiscent of what people do to avoid water in their nose when they jump in a pool)

Ensign:(OH! That makes more sense!)

Drang:*tea, earl grey, hot*

Drang:(Ensign is J Luke Picard right im not the only one imagining that)

Ensign:(I take my inspiration from many Star Trek Characters. Goes with my intention of being as generic star-trek style as possible. But I do love some Picard)

Drang:(TNG is one of the best shows anyone can watch imo)

Dur'kalak:Aaron (Zarrial) *Dur'kalak approaches you in the hall*

Dur'kalak:My friend, I have a small request of you, if you have the time

Vadath:Ask away and I shall answer

Dur'kalak:These recent fights, have been troubling. With my absence from the battlefield and not getting any younger, should I fall in battle, I ask that you take me to the temple I constructed at the guild hall. I have to speak with an artisan to complete this small project, but I know I can trust you to take me home, should the worst occur.

Vadath:Should this come to pass I will do this. I will ensure you are laid to rest with your family and ancestors. Vadatb gives Dur'kalak a tight embrace Let is rest for we do not truly know what tomorrow brings, but what I do know is that together we will overcome it.

Dur'kalak:I thank you friend. I hope that I can come to pass when my scales are dry and my bones are weak, surrounded by the other Hawks. *Dur'kalak pulls from the hug and grasps your arm* Until tomorrow my friend.


Ensign:*Data tablet entry, stardate 2023.21.1*

*For Captain Valeria Saldani, should this document be recovered.*

*Many things are beginning to align to show that the battle I am about to engage in is particularly perilous, so I felt the need to note one final entry. I have turned on the repeating transponder beacon of this tablet and left it in my cot. It contains copies of all of my logs since arriving on this world. I hope it will help you find it as mysterious and fantastical as I have, should I not be able to be recovered. Though I miss my home and yearn for you and the crew on the Sextant, I have come to value the people I have come to know here.*

*If any part of me can be recovered, please scatter my ashes on the frozen plains of Reliquari, that I may watch my people live free. And if all this should come to pass, and I fail to see you again, know that I died seen.*

*Ensign Ylatl*

*Crew of the Sextant*

*Member of the Iron Hawk*

*Ensign turns on the locator beacon in the data tablet and lays it on their cot, next to a letter for Vadath (Ensign got help writing it) which merely states that in the event of their death, Ensign needs no tombs or monuments erected. But should they feel the need to find closure, any remembrance should be marked by The Ensign.*

*Ensign then sighs, and clips on their Cooprative communicator badge, turning on the locator beacon for that as well. for what they figure will be the last time. These people deserve to live free of fear, the same way Ensign's people now do. What greater death can a warrior have than for that?*

Vadath:(That genuinely made me a little emotional)

Ensign:(Yeah I didn't set out to make myself tear up this morning, but what can you do, I'm a thespian at heart)


Dur'kalak:Aaron (Zarrial) A note rests on the alter of the temple Dur’kalak built along with a sack of gold coins

*To my friends

If you are reading this note, it surely means I fell in battle. While I regret that I can no longer adventure with you, know that I was proud to be a member of the Iron Hawks. I hope my death came defending either you or others of this realm, and that it had some meaning. I will watch over you all from the hall of warriors, and wishing for your success in your future adventures. Continue to defend this realm, and continue to do the good we created this guild for.

Your brother in arms and friend,


The gold is to be used in a commission for Mercedes 🌸🗡 Airavata to create a cover for my grave. Have her go to this map location (jungle of Isonhound) and fell a tree from my village to construct this. Carve a likeness of myself at rest and place it over my grave within this temple.

Vessel:rip rip rip in peace

Silent:Started a thread.

Airavata:*After the arduous task of activating the Moonwell and then bringing down the Dread Flame, Airavata looks at the great barrier over Seglock that was created and realizes the reality of their situation. The fey portals are gone, the shadows over taking the land. Is this the only city that was saved? Where are the other members of her guild? Still scattered to the wind? Is this darkness only here in Isonhound? Who will protect Pteris? She hollowly follows the Iron Hawks back to their base, glad to have Emi with her for comfort. Upon hearing the request, she agrees whole heartedly to carve the grave marker for their fallen companion.*

Linden Rue:Started a thread.

Dur'kalak:As refugees pour into Seglock from all directions, a Lizardfolk with a cart shuffles down the street. In his hand, a small badge with a white and blue background and a metal hawk blazed onto the foreground. He drags a cart, with a lengthy object wrapped in cloth. He asks around the town about the symbol, what it means and who it belongs to. He arrives at the gates of the Iron Eire, and knocks.

*Hello? I’ve traveled from Sneerwell, before the red dragon took to the skies there, it spat up this poor soul. He wore the badge of this guild and I’d like to return him to you.*

Delphi:*A older, rugged looking tabaxi opens the door, fatigue and stress written on his face. He opens the door a bit farther when he sees the lone lizard folk*

Oh, um. Thank you. I'll pass this along to them when they get back. They're off tending to the wounded, or helping wherever they can....do...what kind of folk did you take this off of?

Dur'kalak:The stranger pulls the cart into view.

Dur'kalak:*He's wrapped here. A lizardfolk like myself, but I could not find his weapon, so I'm not sure what tribe he once belonged to.*

He opens the wrap around the face and reveals a heavily burned Dur'kalak.

*Perhaps his face will be easier to identify than my description.*

Delphi:*Blaze steps up, looking down at the body, trying to place him*

“I’m…fairly new to this place. He looks familiar, but I haven’t talked to him much. Do you want to come in? Maybe one of the actual members will come back soon”

Dur'kalak:Da’kan picks up the wrapped body.

*Thank you. Perhaps his quarters or somewhere else he frequented would be an appropriate place for the time being. Do you know of something like that?*

Delphi:“Yes, all of the members seem to have their private quarters. He was working on something in his. I think it’s down this way.”

Dur'kalak:He follows you

D'Kacilius:*Does anyone have Remove Curse or a way to help someone unattune to a cursed item?*

Vadath:Lynzy (Bellix)

Linden Rue:Yes

Linden Rue:I am the solution to ALL your problems DK ... apparently 😜

Vadath:That's bc you are a wonderful bunny!

Linden Rue:And you are a kind guildmaster I'm just here to do what good I can to help anyone of the realm really.

D'Kacilius:*The Deathblade has returned to being the Deathglaive...*

Linden Rue:Interesting. Well, point me where you need me to cast and we can see if I can help release you from the curse. I make no promises, however, these things can at times be tricky and complex but if we're lucky I should be a able to clear things up on the first try.

D'Kacilius:(The reason I asked about if anyone had Remove Curse was that the Sword of Vengeance could be unattuned by using Remove Curse, since the sword's effects would deliver the soul of anyone I killed presumably to TOWIE)

Linden Rue:(I will most definitely cast it for you.)

Drang:*to the peoples of Isonhound*

“Looks to the skies, if you sees an airship being piloted poorly, light fires, smoke signals, flares anything’s that you can. We wills rescues you, looks to the skies. We haves food although is mostly pumpkins, and are holdings down Seglock. Do Not Despaires!”

Airavata:(Our hero)

Silent:(Hes got cool shoes now)

Drang:(Bright red boots that let his big ol claws stick through)

Drang:👻Nin Arbiter of Death/Iris  *aboard the airship, Drang takes a moment and prays to Silent* “I watched you falls, but I still feels your influence in the backs of my head. Where are you”

Drang:(Idk whoever is on the airship with Drang, but he comes out of the captains quarters pale as a ghost)

“Uhhhhh…..there is uhhhh….problems with Silent. She fell into the darkness and the Greatwyrm came through and uhhhh….well I still feels her in the backs of my head…..so I reach out too her to confirms her demise…..and the Greatwyrm looked back. I thinks Silents is parts of hims now”

Drang:“We haves to tell everyone’s who’s was followings her, to stops.”

Hugo or Shnek:*”……….”*

Drang:“I’ve been tellings everyone to stops for months but now I thinks it’s like pretty serious”

Hugo or Shnek:*Hugo pretends to go use the bathroom.*

Drang:(LOL hey that’s really interesting I gotta go take a totally non related shit)

Tristram:The IPUPA spreads these words far and wide.

We peoples of the land are all together in this long night of darkness.  We all, great or small, will come together and buckle down to make it through these trying times. We will sing of those many who have fallen, and those who will fall on this arduous journey, their memories will burn bright in our hearts and minds, those memories will help us to bring light back to banish the darkness.

Tristram:To all residents of our lands who have been displaced by the recent events. The IPUPA using the volunteer army of NPCs and residents of Seglock have been building housing and stockpiling supplies for the last few months.  Anyone who is displaced can come to the TCLA ( The Theater) and get assigned a place to stay.  Additionally the Popcorn Shack at the Theater will be providing all who visit free food and drink for the duration of this crisis, or as long as supplies last.  Donations to the 'Feed the people' fund are appreciated.  We will also accept volunteers to assist in building more housing, more information at the Theater of on the IPUPA wiki page. If you wish to join the resistance, we will accept all who step forward.

We will house those who need it in the theater, and perform under the sky, for music and hope is never more needed then when the darkness seems ascendant. But with every night comes a dawn. We at the IPUPA will continue to sing throughout the dark night to remind those in despair of that glorious dawn We will prevail over the forces of discord, for we are not lost and alone.  Others have heard our anguish, and they come in our time of need. Other lands are mobilizing to our aid across the world. Also, Look at the first word of our acronym if you despair. We cannot fail against the forces arrayed against us as long as we do not fail ourselves by falling into despair. Today we lick our wounds and take stock, then we get stronger while we exploit the foe’s weakness.  We, Hale again, will then take the full fight to the Foe till it is a Foe no longer.

We ARE  Everyday Stronger.

Drang:*a letter arrives written in broken common attached to a bag of 1000 gold pieces for Chuck*Lysvan**

“My goods friend Brakanar,

This is but small amounts of what I owes you for savings my cart. Is most important things too me, and withouts your helps it would haves been lost. Can’t expresses my thankfulsness enough, if you Evers needs anythings I will does whatever’s I can”

-Drang the bugbear

mattherson:- Putting the letter in his pocket, he smiles and looks at the money. A smile comes over his face as he as he writes a response,  My Dear Friend Drang, I thank you for these funds for saving your property; however, I must insist that the funds be used to help the displaced refugees from the disaster that has taken place. Please use the funds to assist the people that need it more than I. I thank you again for remembering your promise, but I fear that the worse is not over and that  many more will need our assistance, either in physical help or financial or both. Thank you again, Sincerely Brakanar .... He then sends that money back to Drang.

Feyjin:Come and Join our Town Hall Greedy

Violet:_hello all i am here to ask who was reasearching the ritual for bringing back sardior?_ Greedy

Markoth or Silithym:*Are there any chefs around that would want to help me cook up tons of meat? I just finished chopping up the Dread Flame and have a ton of leftover meat we could use*

Linden Rue:I know Red  (Satch) has a a master at pumpkin cooking! I don’t eat meat but perhaps he can make you pumpkin meat pies! You can feed the needy!

Drang:“You haves to cooks the pumpkins or else tastes very bad”

Linden Rue:“See! He is SO wise in pumpkin cheffing!” *Linden looks up at Drang in admiration with her big blue bunny eyes* “Maybe he could do meat pumpkin pickles! Keep it good to eat longer!!!”

Drang:*not understanding sarcasm, Drang continues* “we could….puts the meat in the pumpkins and then just cooks the whole things!”

Drang:“Meat pumpkins!”

Linden Rue:((Good sir Linden is not being sarcastic! She has no understanding of what to do with meat and loves your vegetarian options😜))

Drang:(It’s all vegetarian, it’s all pumpkins)

Drang:(Also Meat Pumpkin is a great band name)

Linden Rue:“Mister Markoth I think I have found you your chef!”

Linden Rue:(Exactly!)

Feyjin:*Feyjin is just concerned about this situation, but is curious on how far this will go.*

Markoth or Silithym:*Why be concerned, we are just cooking. Our product will be the most pure product on the market. Everyone will be wanting a taste*

Vadath:*Vadath puts a hand on Feyjins shoulder. Just let the Mrs do what she does best. It will all work out for the best.*

Feyjin:*She's vegetarian. You can't pickle meat.*

Vessel:(why can't we pickle meat)

Drang:“You cans totally pickles meat, haves you ever had a fantasy Reuben?“

Vessel:_Vessel perks up. Oh, Reuben? That guy made the best sandwiches in Crook's Creek from what I've heard... never actually had one though._

Airavata:“I enjoy a classic mashed peanuts on bread,” *Airavata comments*

Drang:(Lmao “on a bread like other humans am I right guys?)

Airavata:(I’m like half working atm 😭)

Kihlek:I can help provide spices from my handy spice pouch. A maximum of 10 servings worth per day though. -Kihlek

Feyjin:*Feyjin realizes this is only going to end in either bloodshed or Botulism - and will refuse to try this for the sake of her health.*



Kihlek:Probably easier to just make most of it into dragon jerky though.

Feyjin:*Or salt-preserve it.*


Drang:“I saw man turn himself into pickle, it was funniest shit anyones has Evers seen”

Vessel:(i wanted to post that too but that seemed both overused and poorly timed considering what's going on with R&M

Feyjin:*Drang, you're off your meds again, aren't you?*

Drang:“What meds”

Vessel:All of them.

Drang:“Oh you means my daily dose of flying airship around a ruined world? I takes this every day”

Feyjin:*Drang. Dear sweet, simple Drang... Feyjin preps a heaping bowl of tapioca pudding for ease of delivery.*

Drang:*Drang grabs the bowl, runs to the captain’s quarters, and can be heard eating messily for a few moments before snoring extremely loudly*

Feyjin:*Laughs in medical*

Reylendor:Started a thread.

Airavata:*Snowball gets up on a little box to make her just slightly taller and clears her throat, pushing her glasses up.* “Hello! I am looking for the one they call Durian!” Jeff

Durian:Hello...that would be me?

Airavata:*Snowball comes down off her box and pulls Durian aside* “While in a city tonight where Att-Annallo resides, we were in a mansion and inside was a fire with a great dragon’s eye. The dragon spoke to us in our minds. Calls themself Smargarg. They told us to find you and the Loxodon because he needs help. Smargarg is trapped and all that he has with him and under attack by The One Who Waits and his shadows”

Durian:Smargarg is trapped? In his lair? Yes of course, I need to help! And I think I know the Loxodon he speaks of. Did he say anything else?

Airavata:“Yes, in his lair. He said he was trapped underground so I have to assume. He said that the One Who Waits is attacking the Gem Dragons of Isonhound. He can see and hear the intention when he’s being attacked. He said it feels like an act of vengeance.”

Durian:Thank you, I know where to find him...it doesn't surprise me that TOTW has a vengeance against the gem dragons.

Airavata:“You’re very welcome. It was a little scary to encounter a dragon in such a way, but better than running into The One Who Waits twice in one day”

Durian:That's understandable...I ran into TOTW once and that was enough for me. 😬 But Smargarg and his hatchery need protecting.

Linden Rue:Jeff Mercedes 🌸🗡  “Oh um, Arivata are you here (sorry for the misspelling)?Also, pardon my interruption, Snowball but I also must share my details with Durian. Smargarg asked for help and I promised him I would be there… or at least his fiery eyeball. He sounded very urgent in his pleas for help. He gave me visions of his location and mentioned that every time he attempts to leave Towie attacks him. I was told to find you both. I fear if we wish to see Sardior’s return it will require all of us working together to free the gem dragons especially the hatchery. Also, we were infiltrating the AttAnalo and we found a document that doesn’t bode well. I think it may be connected to TOWIE or AttAnalo. Do either of you know the Dumwars? (Again terrible spelling but that’s how it sounds, like French).”

D'Kacilius:Started a thread.


Since I see lots of talk of dragons and plot I'll drop this link back into the world to refer to and update as I'm sure it's not been touched since like December.

D'Kacilius:You gave like one of the fattest lore dumps I've ever had and there's so much info to compile

Vadath:A letter is penned and addressed to all greedy adventurers it arives to those that can be foundHello my name is Zachariah Thorne. Though you do not know me in this current iteration of space time. I however am familiar with you all and your various deeds. I write to you all today with information. I have information regarding the resurrection of Sardior. *ahem* 1) All participants in the ritual must agree to take part. No party may participate against their will.

2) The location of the ritual must house an artifact close to the target's heart. This will act as a sort of beacon to guide the damned. Without this, the soul will be lost forever.

3) It is of utmost importance to understand the consequences of recreating a God. Ancient rituals of theophany tend to emanate divine forces that have been known to flatten forests and level mountains. This should be taken as a last resort as the consequences fall on the casters hearts.

The One That Waits:I will devour you all

DungeonMaster:Oh hey it works! Check out the new tupperbox bot, instructions can be found in #tupper-profiles channel.

Vessel:_shouts back “Devour these nuts.”_

DungeonMaster:Towie: oh no you got me

DungeonMaster:oh it's case sensitive

The One That Waits:oh no you got me

Vessel:(also was that another project you tried james)


Airavata:*blocks TOWIE* Problem solved

The One That Waits:joke's on you you can't block a bot

Spinel:But the notifications reveal all.

D'Kacilius:Hey Towie fuck you

DungeonMaster:So then the good news is (while hopefully no one is pretending to be someone they shouldn't be here) it's impossible to impersonate anyone without getting caught.



Vessel:You mean I can’t impersonate dippy

Violet:still doesn’t answer who was towie a few months ago 👀

Vessel:Who is actually evil

D'Kacilius:Someone who used to be a part of Quelmar but hasn't been active in a while

Violet:but has it been confirmed



DungeonMaster:I remember it being Mike O'Neill right Jeff?

Violet:nice i just didn’t know

D'Kacilius:Thought it was a John?

But Jeff should know them

DungeonMaster:Oh maybe it was John

D'Kacilius:It was John

Honey Heist dude

D'Kacilius:Grandpa J

Durian:Yeah that checks out he'd be the BBEG

Airavata:*Airavata takes a moment to settle down when she is back in Seglock and in her bunk at the Iron Hawk’s base. She takes out a precious sending stone and takes a deep breath before speaking to it*

“ just KNIGHT Disciples, we have recovered the final artifact that was missing, the Amethyst Thane’s. We will complete the ceremony. For Sardior”

Sro:The destined few who remain, it appears that they are going to do the unthinkable.

Bleucorundum:You say that like it's a bad thing.

Hugo or Shnek:😮


Kihlek [The Green Fang]:Does anyone else hear that?

Dur'kalak:Wait we're setting off the religious ceremony that will level the city?

Kihlek:(do I even hear that?)

Vessel:(chants of desideratus bellum in the background)

Dur'kalak:(I know I don't but I do have objections, but I also somewhat offered the temple Dur'kalak built

Sro:Not a bad idea, but poor in its hour. The shroud of darkness creeps, and the risk of forever tainting the ceremony looms over them like a shadowed wing.

Bleucorundum:Did you not hear? The Five complete the Four, and Feredemius's confirmation means omen is soon to be reality.

Vadath:Then we must act fast and evacuate Seglock as much as possible. We can use the portals to the Feywilds to ferry everyone to safety. We can stage the battle in the Iron Eyrie if we must. It is well protected.

Sro:> Did you not hear? The Five complete the Four, and Feredemius's confirmation means omen is soon to be reality.

Bleucorundum (Webmaster James) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1090825915027705957>)

Wait, the shadow wyrm was none other than Feredemius the Emerald in disguise? How did we not --- oh wait look they're arriving.

Hugo or Shnek:*They?*

Bleucorundum:If they brought the Scholar's wretched book with them then they mean serious business. Let me move some of these walls and we'll make room for however many of them have come to join us, and what they bring. *This way friends.*

DungeonMaster:Started a thread.

Vadath:Julia (Candela Lightkeeper) I believe it might be time for you to go with Bleucorundum my dear friend

Delphi:> *They?*

Keller (Wicked DM) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1090826411121594518>)

*Slaps Hugo out of the Eyrie*


DungeonMaster:Started a thread.

Hugo Clarion:>  *Slaps Hugo out of the Eyrie*

Delphi (Julia (Candela Lightkeeper)) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1090826935820627968>)

That felt uncalled for.

Delphi:>  That felt uncalled for.

Hugo Clarion (Keller (Wicked DM)) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1090827645920497696>)

*Slams door in Hugo’s face, casts magical warding against him specifically, and carefully arms traps in case he specifically comes back to the Eyrie* “No one invited you in!”

DungeonMaster:Started a thread.

Hugo Clarion:>  *Slams door in Hugo’s face, casts magical warding against him specifically, and carefully arms traps in case he specifically comes back to the Eyrie* “No one invited you in!”

Delphi (Julia (Candela Lightkeeper)) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1090827968701550672>)

You left the door open, and I though we were doing the whole Lightsworn thing.

DungeonMaster:Started a thread.

Delphi:*Blaze pops back from the portal* “Uh, hey. Does anyone know if that Mr V guy went back underground or what the name of his school actually was?”

DungeonMaster:Started a thread.

Delphi:(Please help poor Blaze)

syamealone:Everyone who’s near the general area of blue corrundum cave or near a river in that area saw burning Silent flag and many rafts with burning flags viking style.

Feyjin:Oh boy.

Drang:Whatever that is, I love it

D'Kacilius:I am getting so mentally fucked right now

Vessel:welcome to the club

Feyjin:*Laughs in PTSD*

syamealone:I’m just doing what I should have done. **It** was right. Let’s gooo, we are sending a message

Feyjin:Anyone know who Joshua's brother's name? The one that supposedly got rescued from the shadows.

Vessel:apparently merkel

Feyjin:That's what I saw, but it don't make a lick of sense.

Feyjin:Lemme re-puzzle.

Feyjin:Started a thread.

Feyjin:Sooo, TIL that D'Kacilius might be the alternative for Mr.V.


Airavata:RIP dK

D'Kacilius:*Screams internally*

Vessel:redemption arc

Feyjin:*Feyjin is willing to call in that Life Debt for the sake of thousands*

D'Kacilius:I am very *stressed*

Feyjin:I'm sure you will make the wisest choice when the time comes.

D'Kacilius:Also, I still have one thing unresolved


Feyjin:Which is fantastic! Hopefully we find a replacement for Mr.V in time should he not cooperate.

Kihlek:It's okay, when people sacrifice themselves in some ritual, Adira will make sure to reanimate them sometime in the future (as long as that's what they want).


It’s even worse that the Silent table is literally the day before so I’ll probably still be high on adrenaline and on absolute edge

Silent:*The Altar to Silent within the Iron Hawks base has been destroyed,  a massive crack having torn through the center of it.*

Drang:*Drang can be heard crying loudly from the pumpkin cart….probably not related*

Vadath:Drang what's going on!?

Drang:*between sobs* “sh…sh….she takes….n….n….necklace”


Vadath:Who took what necklace?

Drang:*the ground shakes as he screams* *”SILLLEEEENNNNNNNNNTTTTTT”*

Vessel:We really need to stop these gods taking what they damn well please...

Vadath:*Vadath tries to calm him down.* Buddy I need you to try and slow down and use your words. Pls tell me whats going on the best you can.

Vessel:> *Vadath tries to calm him down.* Buddy I need you to try and slow down and use your words. Pls tell me whats going on the best you can.

Aaron (Zarrial) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1091846248157433926>)

I believe I can translate. Death god stole his precious tooth necklace, which is part of what's helping keep him around so long if I'm not mistaken. Am I? *Vessel looks at Drang, looking for some confirmation*

Drang:“Unkind Robot ams right”


Vadath:When did it get taken? Before or after Towie took Silent?

Drang:*between sobs* “hear this my friends, I loves you all so much, but I’m going to kills silent. She takes everything froms my by trickings me into reading cursed book, and now I will NEVER SEES THE LITTLE GIRL I COULDNT SAVES IN AFTERLIFE”

Drang:“I’m goings to kills silent, and if anyones tries to stops me, they wills die too. Am so sorry”

Vessel:> *between sobs* “hear this my friends, I loves you all so much, but I’m going to kills silent. She takes everything froms my by trickings me into reading cursed book, and now I will NEVER SEES THE LITTLE GIRL I COULDNT SAVES IN AFTERLIFE”

Red  (Satch) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1091847882962903150>)

If I were able to, I would join you, friend. Even though you continuously insult me. I think many of us have had enough of their bullshit.

Drang:“I loves you Vessels”

Drang:*Drang pulls vessel and Vadath into a huge bear hug*

Drang:“I hopes I sees you again, is been so goods knowing you”

Drang:*Drang walks around the pumpkin cart, picks up the harnesses meant for 2 full grown horses, and wheels the cart through the barrier out into the shadows*

Vessel:(before he dips vessel says this)

Vessel:There's not just Vessel's voice while they say this, but Jeb and Boros' too, mixing together in an odd harmony. Take your vengeance, my friend. Not just for you, or that little girl, but for all of us who have suffered and lost at her hand. We know you will be victorious.

DungeonMaster:(I think that's the point)

Vessel:(also that dragon might have been my dads so there's an even bigger middle finger)

Vessel:https://y.yarn.co/3e6019a9-b1ac-42d9-a809-d9211489314c_text.gif 👻Nin Arbiter of Death/Iris

Drang:“I wishes you luck my friend”

D'Kacilius:*D’Kacilius watches from a distance. He stands there silently for a while before disappearing into the shadows.*

Feyjin:*Feyjin watches this, heartbroken... yet filled with unyielding fury. Drang feels the rage of a thousand strong through the bond.* Be safe... and give her hell for me.

Dug:> *between sobs* “hear this my friends, I loves you all so much, but I’m going to kills silent. She takes everything froms my by trickings me into reading cursed book, and now I will NEVER SEES THE LITTLE GIRL I COULDNT SAVES IN AFTERLIFE”

Red  (Satch) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1091847882962903150>)

I feel you man. You tried to kill me the first time we met but that was her doing it. My message shall not go unnoticed

Vadath:Red  (Satch) *Vadath puts a hand on Drangs shoulder and locks eyes with him. His eyes intense yet caring.* My friend you have been running from a past and attempting to repent. I understand the pain of being unable to help save someone. This girl you were unable to save I feel your pain. She has become a prisoner of your past. Silent is mischievous yes but they are now a prisoner like your friend is. You may have been unable to save her but you have the ability to save another from a similar fate. No one deserves to be a prisoner, even so called gods. Perhaps if we rescue Silent we can rescue your friend as well. I do not believe more death and destruction will comfort your soul nor will it bring her back. What would this child want you to do? Kill in her name, or attempt to save in it wether Silent deserves it or not? *Vadath let's out a sigh and a single tear forms in the corner of his eye as he wraps Drang in a tight hug.* Either way you choose we have a battle ahead of us and I need you by my side ready to do what must be done. The time for mourning isn't this moment. I will mourn with you when the time comes. For now let's save those we can and try to stop Towie and his corruption.

Vadath:I speak as one that claimed vengeance and it did not soothe my soul nor did it bring back the ones I lost. Vengeancemay be a victory, but it is hallow and tastes of ash and more pain. Lynzy (Bellix) has helped me see more clearly these days. You are not alone my friend. *Vadath extends a hand to help Drang up.*

Linden Rue:*Linden steps forward her face grim* “I do not belittle or deny you your feelings, Mr. Red  (Satch) . I know it is through my own foolishness that this goddess took possession of something so precious to you, something you entrusted me with. I did not understand what it really was nor did I understand that it could be used to hurt you or violate you in any way. It is my fault. She did not ask for it, I offered it. I thought she was going to preserve the memory of the being connected to the tooth. Being that it was my possession at the time I thought the risk of giving this gift was mine not yours. In the feywild possession of an item is more critical once given away the item is connected to a new owner.” *Linden sighs, her ears low* “Your anger should be with me, friend. I was not wise enough to know better. She coveted you for a very long time, I should have known better. You trusted me and I let you down. For that I will always be sorry. I never meant to betray you or your trust.”

Linden Rue:“One thing for you to consider, Silent has existed since very near to the beginning of this world. What if your little girl IS in fact remembered and preserved within Silent. What of the many other little girls, boys and innocent beings kept safely within her? Do you understand that she if Silent is destroyed that each and every soul within her is annihilated, wiped completely from existence… forgotten. Ask yourself what the price of your vengeance is worth. Ask yourself the price you are willing to pay to gain a victory. Is your pain great enough that countless souls should perish? It’s not fair but it is what is. Search your soul, my friend.” *Linden begins walking back into the barrier*

Drang:Lynzy (Bellix) Aaron (Zarrial) *Drang accepts your hands and stands before you, grimly determined before just bear hugging both of you* “Have never had friends like you, thank you so much”

Drang:“I haves to do this, but listen I will come back, and we will haves this final battles together just like you said and it wills be so glorious Aaron (Zarrial) “

Drang:Lynzy (Bellix) *Drang pats your head as you turn around to leave the shadows* “you are most wise….thing I have ever meets. If this is last thing I says to you, I forgives you. Now go bes with your husbands, he’s needings you. I’ll sees you soon I promises”

Drang:*in the middle of the night, guards report a massive bugbear dragging the limp body of a humanoid through the barrier, before place several pumpkins around him, placing one under his head as a pillow, and walking back through the barrier. Kacilius needs medical attention*

Feyjin:*Feyjin is present almost as soon as Drang arrives.* What happened.

Drang:*Drang jumps out of his skin*

Drang:“Is not what it looks like! He does this to himself”

Drang:“I saves him, he needs healing”

Vessel:*is fast in Feyjin's stead* Of course he did.

Vessel:(i meant that sincerely not in the accusing drang way)

Feyjin:*Feyjin is already on the job, healing as much as she can to stop any major issues.*

Feyjin:Vessel, grab a med kit. I need to assess how much damage was done.

Vadath:What did my over zealous friend do now?

Feyjin:He's got and gotten himself butchered. *The Halfling is currently elbows-deep in healing magic, trying to concentrate on getting the worst stabilized.*

Drang:“He attacks me in the shadows….and then…..well he kind of shreds himself”

Drang:“Tryings to stop me from what I haves to do”

Vessel:*scrambles and returns as soon as they grab one.* Ah. I would have bet on it.

Feyjin:*Feyjin sighs.* Well, at least I was right for calling him Silent's Lapdog.

D'Kacilius:*Most of D’Kacilius’ wounds are not too severe, save for one or two large gashes. There is a deep cut across his right palm. Drang is slightly splattered with blood on his face.*

Vessel:*whispering to Feyjin* ... is this severe enough to ask? or should we keep that in our back pockets for the future?

Vessel:would he even agree if asked? it'd be like... making him an accessory to deicide.

Feyjin:*Feyjin takes the kit, stitching the gashes and the cut on the palm. Seeing as he's unconsious, she doesn't bother with numbing the pain. DK is a big boy dragon... he can deal with this.* I'm making him tell me once he's stable. This is th second time now I've saved his live - I'm owed answers.

Vadath:He is consumed be a zealous fever. He has been bound to Silent his whole life. Not all of this is in his control. Devotion to Silent is all he knows. *Vadath picks up his injured guildmate and carries him into the Eyrie for medical attention.*

Vadath:Put yourself in his place. Imagine everything you stood for disappearing and being consumed by shadows and turned against you.

Feyjin:*Feyjin tries to maintain the spell.* I was busy, Vadath. I know your wife is also a cleric - but I'm also trying to do my job.

Drang:“I loves you guys, thanks you for helpings and brings understandings”

Drang:*Drang misty steps back into the shadows and is gone*

Feyjin:And for your information - I have had everything ripped from me before. I wouldn't be here if it hadn't.

Vadath:Just give the lad some understanding. I appreciate your efforts and thank you for stabilizing him. We will keep a closer eye on our companion. Please send Drang our apologies.

Hugo Clarion:Whats going on?

Feyjin:*Feyjin turns to Vadath, the spell holding DK together until he gets further medical attention.* Then allow me to get some answers from our draconic ally when he wakes. He may belong to your guild, but I want an explanation for him attacking one of mine.

Hugo Clarion:Wait is that D'kacilius?!

Vadath:As do I. We will get our answers.

Feyjin:*Feyjin takes this moment to wipe the various bodily fluids and gore from her hands and arms, the red staining her robes.* A little late to the party, Hugo - but yes.

Vessel:... while I'm unfamiliar with the exact feeling, I did lose my life's light. Was forced to reflect upon it for decades, alone in a cell. Rejoined society, became a part of this adventuring crew... and learned perhaps my light has lost himself. It certainly seems so at this point. Regardless; we all do care for DK, but this... sort of problem of devotion inherently is rather difficult. And Hugo... glad for you to join us. You just missed Drang.

Hugo Clarion:> *Feyjin takes this moment to wipe the various bodily fluids and gore from her hands and arms, the red staining her robes.* A little late to the party, Hugo - but yes.

Anna (Feyre/Finny) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1092207206025412728>)

What can I do to help?

Feyjin:*Feyjin turns to Hugo.* Vadath has taken him under the Hawks care, as DK is their responsibility. However, he also attacked Drang... and that, whether this has anything to do with Silent or not - is going to need one hell of an explanation.

*Feyjin then quickly turns to Vessel, a quiet anger in her demeanor. Something in the Protoforged's words seems to have struck a chord.* It is not devotion that we should be concerned about. There is a thin line between devotion and obsession. Devotion is worship with understanding - even the smallest amount of knowing what is going on... obsession is the very opposite. What DK has for Silent is far, far from healthy - and the quicker he opens his eye to what is actually occurring, the better. I have tried numerous times to wake him up to the road he was traveling on... that this was the ending to the path he was chasing.

Feyjin:I do not sympathize with those who cannot determine where that line is.

Dug:*Dug shoots an arrow in direction of DK*

Dug:teleported near the gathering of crowd* “I saw it from far away, we are supposed to be fighting each other but he still a *friend* of mine. How am I supposed to read now?”

Hugo Clarion:> teleported near the gathering of crowd* “I saw it from far away, we are supposed to be fighting each other but he still a *friend* of mine. How am I supposed to read now?”

Dug (Askeladd (Syameal)) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1092210528270684180>)

*Hugo goes to take Dug aside. Dug, what happened?

Vessel:While I agree wholeheartedly, there is truth to Vadath's words, that this is all he knows. I apologize, as devotion was the wrong word; no sense in saving the little bastard's feelings while he's knocked out and gone away. This sort of thing is the reason as to why my faith in those above is... sparse.

syamealone:(Sorry, I meant I saw drang carry him here not what happen in shadow)

Hugo Clarion:*Hugo goes out into the shadows crossbow drawn. Drang, Drang.... Where are you buddy? I just want to have a word. Lets keep everything cool. Don't make me get Shnek.*

Vessel:Oh fuck me. They dart after Hugo.

Feyjin:Truth as it may be. He's had all this time to learn to control himself, to educate himself on what his patron's end goal was. And while I have very little faith in deities, mine is physically keeping me alive. So when it talks, I listen.

Dug:> *Hugo goes out into the shadows crossbow drawn. Drang, Drang.... Where are you buddy? I just want to have a word. Lets keep everything cool. Don't make me get Shnek.*

Hugo Clarion (Keller (Wicked DM)) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1092211624762409001>)

“Woah woah, chill with the threat. I’m sure this is a misunderstanding”

Vessel:(im fairly certain its not)

Hugo or Shnek:(it wasnt a threat, more of a joke regarding Shnek)

Vessel:(too many acid vials)

Feyjin:Shit. Hugo, if you so much as pluck a hair from Drang's body I will personally tear you to pieces. *Feyjin dashes after Hugo and Vessel, being as quick as her legs allow her.*

Hugo or Shnek:(hmmm I wonder if there is a star wars scene that fits this...)

D'Kacilius:(Start searching lol)

syamealone:(Dug is not good at language. What is sarcasm)

Hugo Clarion:I have no ill intentions. Hugo disappears his crossbow and raises his hands. Buddy, you out there?

Vadath:(Hush you! You owe an explanation!)

Feyjin:^^^ (Feyjin will 100% whoop ass if she doesn't.)

Feyjin:*Feyjin tries to locate Drang through the bond.* Drang, why'd you run off?

Drang:*with your excellent ears, you hear the sound of cart wheels probably 300 yards away*

D'Kacilius:(I'll say this for now while I organize, but there was no real PvP between Drang and D'Kacilius)

Vessel:(there is pent up anger against DK's owner that could be released)

Hugo Clarion:> *with your excellent ears, you hear the sound of cart wheels probably 300 yards away*

Red  (Satch) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1092212867480166512>)

Shit! Hugo casts fly and beets feet.

Feyjin:(I'd Assume no PvP - Feyjin would've killed DK on the spot if that were the case.)

Feyjin:(She got close once, gods damn her if she won't try again.)

Vessel:Fucking godsdamn third level spells. He sends Rava off to tail him invisibly.

Feyjin:Vessel, you mind giving me a lift? I can harly keep up with you long legs people.

Dug:“If you want to, I can shoot him out of the sky and maybe make him swap place with me. It’s not gonna hurt. Probably”

Vessel:squats so she can get on their shoulders.

Vadath:*as if on cue Vadath swoops in on his boots and grabs Feyjin*

Vadath:DK is under watch in the guild. Let's go find our friend shall we?

Feyjin:Eegh! *She lets out a hushed yelp of surprise as she's whisked off her feet in a flurry.* Warn someone next time you oversized meatloaf!

Vessel:(is this a trying to steal her away thing or a doing my job for me thing)


D'Kacilius:(Making a thread rn- but continue your rp)

Feyjin:(No idea, kick his ass anyway.)

(Don't actually kick his ass, I like his wife too much to make her angry with me.)

Vessel:(i have lost all confidence in my fighting abilities since the brawl)

Vessel:(i am a gish who cannot gish)

Vadath:I though of warning you, but the look of surprise on your face was more than worth it. *Vadath gives a sly chuckle*

Feyjin:*Feyjin has no idea what to do to reply to that remark, instead just mumbling obscenities in Halfling under her breath. She is flustered.*

D'Kacilius:Started a thread.

D'Kacilius:(Interested people- just join the thread and start asking 🙂 )

Vessel:(so no more hugo chase?)

Feyjin:(I kinda wanna chase down Hugo first.)

D'Kacilius:(You can do both: I'm considering interrogation after chasing Hugo is done)

Feyjin:(Ah, okay. One before the other then.)

Vadath:(Yeah right now you're under surveillance haha)

Hugo or Shnek:(This feels appropriate here as a preview)

Vadath:So Feyjin shall we tackle Hugo out of the sky amd bring Drang back under the dome?

Drang:(Are you guys going after Drang? Like how hard could it be to find a giant bugbear hauling a pumpkin cart fending off shadows with a flaming sword)


D'Kacilius:(Close, although I did enter the shadows for *quite* a while- this is hours after Drang's initial outburst)

Vadath:(Not hard we know you aren't sneaky bud)

Hugo or Shnek:(120ft flying speed should be able to catch up fast)


Drang:(He can’t be moving more than 15 feet a round lol)

Vadath:*Before long Vadath notices a fight up ahead and recognizes the flames from Drangs sword.*

Hugo Clarion:> (He can’t be moving more than 15 feet a round lol)

Red  (Satch) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1092215711558029312>)

Hugo will try to land in front of Drang with his hands in the air. Hey Drang.


Vadath:*he sets Feyjin down lights his own sword up and fights along side Drang* Drang we need you back in the dome my friend. I can't have you getting hurt before we can solve this issue with Silent. *Vadath fighting side by side with Drang flames lighting up the shadows.*

Drang:“Can’ts you just lets me do this?!”

Hugo Clarion:> “Can’ts you just lets me do this?!”

Red  (Satch) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1092216224483651725>)

Do what?

Vadath:No I can't let you do this alone, and I won't let you do this alone

Vessel:is slow to catch up but makes it over in time. Fucking birds... Drang, buddy, this isn't how to do this; talk to your friends, we're here to help. We all want what's best for you.

Drang:*he nods to you and begins the slow slow trek through the shadows hauling the cart along*

Drang:“Thanks you buddy”

Drang:Keller (Wicked DM) “what’s the fucks are you doing out here?!”

Vadath:*the two warriors working in sync as they fight the shadow monsters. Vadaths sword constantly aflame and when the candle go out on Drang he lights them again.*

Hugo Clarion:> Keller (Wicked DM) “what’s the fucks are you doing out here?!”

Red  (Satch) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1092216814940987563>)

Trying to catch up to you!

Hugo Clarion:You disappeared into the shadows. I was worried about you.

Vessel:Hugo, your concern is warranted; right now, you are not. I'd be annoyed if we had a repeat of what happened with DK.

Drang:“What are all of you doings out here??”

Drang:“Is Kacilius okays?”

Vadath:They are all searching for you and worried about you. Why have you ventured put here all by yourself?

Feyjin:*Feyjin casts Daylight, holding back the darkness.*

Drang:*blinded momentarily by the intense light* “whew I forgets she can does that”

Feyjin:I thought we were never supposed to leave into the shadows by ourselves!?

Drang:“Well buddies, I’m goings to kills Silents”

Drang:“I make uhhhh…..what is word”

Feyjin:Fair enough.

Drang:“A very emotionals deal with her”

Vessel:And honestly, we should let him at this point.

Vessel:I'm sure whatever hell we unleash because of it will be less intense than Drang's fury if we don't let him.

Feyjin:Drang... what did you bargain.

Vadath:Now is not the time to make that move. We will do so when we have more members by our side.

Dug:“That’s why I sent the voyage of burning silent flags. To send a message that we’re doing this to other”

Vessel:begins scribing a signup sheet, with big words at the top: LET'S COMMIT DEICIDE

Hugo Clarion:“Now is not the time to be making brash rescissions Drang. We all care for you and want you to be safe.”

Drang:*lets out a huge sigh* “Here is deal, if I kills her: I gets her name. All of it, and I’m gonnas be the uhhh…..*goblin word for Antithesis*…..idk know word”

Drang:“But…..if she kills me…..”

Feyjin:Drang. Don't you dare finish that sentence.

Drang:“I thinks what’s happened to Markoths?”

Feyjin:*Drang feels an intense searing fury down the bond.*

Dug:“That’s a death flag if I ever see one”

Vessel:oh good lord. we're making Drang a god. His cult is a horrifying image.

Dug:“Everyone have to wear pumpkin head”

Hugo Clarion:“What do you mean what’s happened to Markoth?”

D'Kacilius:(The shadows aren't Endermen lol)

Vessel:I believe he means consumed by the shadows.

Hugo Clarion:“That was TOWIES’s fault, not Silent’s.”

Drang:*Nods to vessel* “but like….her toys kind of.”

Drang:“And she maybes said she would uses me to kills all of you if this happens but like”


Dug:> “That was TOWIES’s fault, not Silent’s.”

Hugo Clarion (Keller (Wicked DM)) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1092221038500257794>)

“So you’re saying Silent can get away scot free without being responsible. Not happening”

Feyjin:Drang, you and I both know that I will not let that happen. *Feyjin is very much trying to not go ballistic for her friend making such a stupid decision on his own.*

Drang:(Yeah his mind is…well you know the deal)

Drang:“No but listens guys”

Vessel:>  “So you’re saying Silent can get away scot free without being responsible. Not happening”

Dug (Askeladd (Syameal)) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1092221361952395284>)

She's taken too much.

Drang:“This is long journey, I will be out here for like at least 27 days, I have food, I can handles the shadows”

Feyjin:*Feyjin is about to utterly lose her shit.*

Drang:“But I HAVES to do this”

Drang:“She took everything’s from me”

Dug:“May I ask why you’re doing it alone. You have many wonderful people around you who would lend a hand”

Feyjin:*Vadath can physically feel Feyjin shaking.* If you are taken, then she will have taken more from us!

Feyjin:And I will not have more taken from me than I already have!

Vessel:(Is the pumpkin cart around)

Feyjin:I will not have the POTP's Heart ripped out so easily.

Vessel:A Mind's cold logic is useless without a Heart's fiery passion.

Feyjin:And a Maw has no influence without a Heart's conviction.


Hugo Clarion:“I think I know a way to get us all some answers. Drang, I understand Shnek gave you a book, may I see it?”

Feyjin:(oh shit. wait. Hold on now..)

Vessel:(oh no

Vessel:(oh no. oh nonononono)

Feyjin:(There were some stipulations to that book.)

Feyjin:(If i'm thinking about the right one.)

Airavata:(Wow. So glad that Airavata’s chillin at the Iron Eyrie right now 🤣)

Hugo or Shnek:(Hugo’s ready to get some answers)

D'Kacilius:(Go visit D'Kacilius' hospital bed lol)

Vessel:(which were exactly?)

Airavata:(Nah, I’m staying out of all this. My mind is pretty much made up what I’m doing for my end game session lol)

Feyjin:(There was a limitation to how often it could be used. Once every 2 new moons. Otherwise, the book feels off and reads just like a normal book.)

Vessel:(I would definitely be down to kill a god but freaky outer being >>>>> crappy death god)

Drang:“Why would I gives you the books Hugo’s”

Drang:“It ams cursed obviously is really bad”

Feyjin:Then give me the book.

Silent:(Hey i have a cursed book cool, give it to me)

Hugo Clarion:> “Why would I gives you the books Hugo’s”

Red  (Satch) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1092225385518858240>)

“Then good thing I’m already damned.”

Feyjin:(Feyjin has remove curse.)

Vessel:(wait what's its use)

Feyjin:(It instantly binds you to Silent if you read it.)

Hugo or Shnek:(Hugo wants to try something with it first. Also if we remove curse, hopefully the librarian doesn’t get mad)

Feyjin:(I have no idea who you're talking about, Keller.)

Vessel:(i'm sick of these death gods putting curses on the books and turning the freaking bugbears crazy)

Hugo or Shnek:(Aight I will be back, have a D&D movie to watch)

Silent:(I didnt even make the book bruh)

Feyjin:(It was really good! Hope you enjoy!)

Vessel:(but did you make the curse?)

Feyjin:(No one cared to ask.)


Drang:(Her book her curse)

Vessel:(too many dragons and necklaces have been taken to give a shit about semantics)

Silent:( D: )

Feyjin:(As the DM who created this item... the answer is No. Silent did not do this on her own volition.)

Feyjin:(But that's Above table.)

Vessel:(still zero sympathy)

syamealone:(That’s what people want her to believe)

Silent:( One dragon pledged itself to me willingly, i was trying to save the other for you. You lost it urself, not my fault)

D'Kacilius:(Stop fighting damn it this is supposed to be my rp moment of chaos)


D'Kacilius:(Anyways I'm going to begin the thread properly now lol)

syamealone:(Although, that’s good question. Who would want to create such a book. What benefits do you get other than making Silent stronger. The creator has to be more hardcore than DK is)

D'Kacilius:(Oh trust me I hella want that book)

Feyjin:(*Smiles in DM Lore Bits*)

Drang:“No guys listens, am gonna brings this book with me, and I wills destroys it with her”

Vessel:(honestly I blame patrick more than you for clockwork but still don't care, you said next time it'll be on purpose)

Kihlek:(so much for of course I'll give the book back to you Shnek)

Vadath:(Quit being a drama Queen and let it play out. You'll get your moment in the spot light. 😝)

Feyjin:*Feyjin is doing everything she can to not beat some sense into her friend.* One does not simply kill a god alone. You're an idiot if you think you can. And an even bigger fool if you think we'll let you.

Vessel:Besides, there's an easier way. Beat her at her own game.

Drang:“Then helps me”

Feyjin:*Feyjin looks to Vessel, connecting the dots.* Vessel... you don't mean-

Feyjin:*Feyjin goes quiet.*

Drang:“I really don’t like games, I was goi g to hit her with this swords a lot…..”

Vessel:(i assume the pumpkin cart is still around?)

Drang:(Drang is harnessed too it)

Vessel:*grabs a pumpkin, cuts a hole in the bottom, and places it on their head, pumpkin guts falling down their shoulders.* This feels... odd... but right. *They then drop to their knees.* If there are any objections... please voice them. I have no better ideas than this.

Silent:(Hey... shes not an enderman.)

Drang:“Whats are you…..”

Vessel:(wrong idea honey)

Feyjin:What Vessel is saying is... with enough people's devotion and worship... We could raise you to the same level of Deity as Silent.

Feyjin:*The words feel like acid on her tongue.*

Feyjin:But that would take time. Time we do not have, Vessel.

Vessel:So we just let him go slaughter himself for his beliefs? What else can we do? Time is limited as it is, correct, but surely we can do something! There's a pleading quality about their voice.

Drang:“It would take a thousands….but like wow thats is such a cool ideas though”

Drang:“It takes many names to make someone stronger likes this”

Drang:*pulls the pumpkin up over your head*

Dug:> What Vessel is saying is... with enough people's devotion and worship... We could raise you to the same level of Deity as Silent.

Anna (Feyre/Finny) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1092230438904410122>)

“We just have to make a propaganda and isolate a village from the outside world as we control the news”

Dug:“I swear I’m a good guy”

Drang:“You might bes the most creatives person I have ever meets”

Feyjin:*Feyjin climbs off Vadath, standing in front of her furry friend.* Then you can have my name.

Vessel:There's an odd harmony in their voice, Feyjin recognizing it as the different elders of the CoA speaking through them. I've got 13 for you.

Drang:“I loves you guys, but you can’t…..I don’t know how’s this works”

Drang:*he begins to plod along*

Feyjin:*The halfling looks up at Drang.* I know how the old necklace worked.

Drang:*eyes fill with tears* “and she takes it”

Vessel:All I know is that I know nothing. And I don't need to for a friend.

Feyjin:With the right resources... we could create a second. One that uses the life essence of the living instead of the dead.

Drang:“The names ran out, they are all used up. I don’t haves very long left Feyjins. It’s the locket. She takes locket too….”

Vessel:There's another option... but it's not... no. It wouldn't... be him.

Drang:“Please don’t makes me zombie”

Feyjin:*Feyjin' s words - whatever they were going to be, drop. She goes quiet.*

Drang:“Like no wait seriouslys”

Vessel:I take grave offense to being called a zombie. Pun not intended.

Drang:“It’s okay, really. But I HAVE to kill Silents if I have any chance of seeing the little girl again”

Drang:“This is all I wants”

Feyjin:*Feyjin's voice is quiet.* But it's not what I would want for you. You've bashed at me to let go of the past... so why can't you?

Feyjin:*Feyjin looks heartbroken.*

Feyjin:I get that you want to see her again... but at the same time, the moment you destroy Silent... that little girl is gone forever too.

Vessel:*puts the pumpkin back on.*

Drang:*plods along more determinedly* “but she has locket”

Feyjin:But you have the memories. You carry more of her more than that locket ever could.

Drang:“If you wants to do anything’s, go tells the peoples what’s happenings. So they understands why I’m doings this”

Drang:“Maybe when the day comes that I finds her….others will helps me”

Feyjin:*Feyjin doesn't know what to do, simply watching Drang - seemingly unable to reach him no matter what she says.*

Vessel:(im about to do something stupid)

Drang:“Also…..Kacilius has an Alter***********************************************************. You should go and sees it…..it’s…..very frightenings”

Vessel:mutters something to Rava, and she bursts out atop of the pumpkin, cawing as loudly as possible, being as loud and obnoxious as she can, circling around Feyjin.

Feyjin:Control your bird, Vessel! She's not normally like this around me! *She proceeds to try and block out the noise, the cawing hurting her sensitive ears.*

Vessel:And while Rava continues to harass Feyjin, Vessel turns and as subtly as possible without using Subtle Spell becuse they don't have that, casts Suggestion on Drang. Y'know, thinking about it, the best way to beat a god might be at her own game...

Drang:(Oh boy)

Vessel:(need a 17 wisdom save if we're actually doing this)

Feyjin:(Oh! Yay! Brain Saves! Drang's Favorite!)

Drang:(Are we doing this)

Vessel:(do you want to be a god of death)

Feyjin:(Or a god of Vengence... that's always a fun one.)



Delphi:(Satch you need to learn to spell better. altar and alter have very different meanings lol)

Drang:(Wow from downtown here comes Julia)

Feyjin:*Feyjin finally fends off the bird - hopefully.*  Gods, Rava - what did I do to piss you off so much?

Drang:(Just 360 no scopes my spelling)

Vessel:(drang last call we doing this or not)

Airavata:OHHHHH OKAY. I ALSO THOUGHT IT WAS “DK has an ‘alter’ like an evil version of himself 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣)

Delphi:(SEE I DID TOO)

D'Kacilius:(I've essentially made a puzzle that relied on a *single* hint which was convoluted because of SpElLiNg)

Vessel:(you gonna fight gods with godhood or just be a dying bugbear)

Delphi:(ive been here the whole time)

Drang:(I feel like we’re getting into ‘on table stuff with this)

Drang:(Oh god wait that was a really important spelling mistake everyone)

D'Kacilius:(The Interrogations thread is occurring after whatever tf is happening here, so we've got a weird time-dilation going on)

Airavata:(Yeah, I’m getting concerned, considering two people are trying to make decisions that will effect a table they will not be at and the rest of us who are at that table will suffer the consequences of)

Vessel:(that's completely fair lmao

Drang:(Just let Drang fight his way through the darkness, he needs to do this)

Vessel:(i explicitly said it was a bad idea so just ignore that whole bit then)

D'Kacilius:(My plans won't affect everyone else, just my fucking mental capacity)

Drang:(I didn’t have an endgame for Drang this entire campaign until just like a day ago)

D'Kacilius:(Oh fuck it was *that*)

Feyjin:(We don't have the time nor the people to do it anyways. Dm's wouldn't let it happen.)

D'Kacilius:(I'm trying to do more character development like I did last time)

Vessel:(but it IS a fucking awesome idea if it would work)

Feyjin:(If it would work, Feyjin would abandon the whole thing With Sardior and just get Drang to Godhood.)

Silent:(Yeah  id appreciate just having to deal with a dying bugbear 🫰

Vessel:(and I'd appreciate it if you kept your influence out of that dragon (after the fact i know i literally asked for help), but we don't always get what we want)

Feyjin:(Clerics are the class that turns fandom into power - believe me when i say that if i could - i would.)

Delphi:(just let me play him nin)

Silent:(I used the dragon to get you out of danger at least


Drang:(No by democratic vote I’m in that session now)

D'Kacilius:(I've noticed a pattern where whenever I try to rp as D'Kacilius I seem to start a PC war)

Drang:(Oh wait you mean if I loose)

Feyjin:(Fuck no, Satch you are Banned from losing.)

Vessel:(because half of us hate your god the other half are like you)

Delphi:(I know and now Delphi has to come out of hiding)

Drang:(Then you better help me dude)

Delphi:To quote Nin: “Don’t fuck around and you may not find out”

Drang:We’re WAY past that now

Feyjin:Feyjin will find some way to make Drang sick and have to stay home.

Drang:(I will say that if this interferes narratively with anything at any point just say the word and I’ll walk back whatever)

D'Kacilius:(Yeah at this point things are looking way too chaotic so I'll also retcon if we seriously need to)

Drang:(But I’m thoroughly enjoying all of this)

Silent:(You're chill for now, just don't go becoming a god. Its not easy; take it from me

syamealone:(But… the power)

Vessel:(so we can hear tales of the glory of Kragnux but not about the glory of Eigan Drang?)

Feyjin:(I vote for storytime with Drang at the bar. Pumpkin Juice for Drang.)

D'Kacilius:I think at this point I'm just going to cut this off due to all of the chaos I created

The summary is that after Drang went on a rampage after his deal with Silent, D'Kacilius tried to convene with Silent at his personal altar (created during his first downtime) with a blood sigil using his own blood (the sword was coated with blood from his palm). He got no response so he went to check on Drang to get answers. After meeting Drang (who was fighting a bunch of shadows) and getting a telepathic message of the deal, D'Kacilius tried to tackle (non-lethal attack, never with intent to kill) Drang and subdue him. D'Kacilius basically slashed himself open in madness to stop Drang from rampaging (aka the large gashes), and went unconscious from blood loss. Drang brought D'Kacilius back to Seglock, but not before finding D'Kacilius' personal altar. He found a journal with events dating back to the MegaGame, and with a fresh bloody handprint on the newest entry. D'Kacilius basically went in a downward spiral after Silent's corruption, and reattuned to his Sword of Vengeance a few days prior (D'Kacilius unattuned from the sword immediately after the MegaGame due to fears of empowering Feredemius if he used the sword). At this point, D'Kacilius is just trying to redeem Silent. If Silent has to die, he plans on being the one dealing the final blow. If D'Kacilius was going to die, he'd use the Sword on himself.

D'Kacilius will stay hospitalized until the Silent Table.

Delphi:i mean you got your moment


Hugo or Shnek:(Aight I’m out of the movie what did I miss)

Vessel:(we tried making Drang a god then walked that back)

Hugo or Shnek:(Who has the book?)

Feyjin:(TLDR: Drang is gonna gung-ho himself at Silent. DK made a personal Silent Waifu alter and went nuts.)

Feyjin:(I think drang.)

Hugo or Shnek:(Wait what did Kacilius do?

D'Kacilius:Just read my big paragraph

Feyjin:(He's had a private Silent Altar. built and re attuned to his vengence blade.)

Hugo or Shnek:(Any more answers people require? Do we need to do a consume with Silent ritual)

Feyjin:(Feyjin will absolutely refuse that thank you very much.)

Vessel:(answers for questions you don't want me asking, so no)

Drang:It was a really really fun idea

Drang:Drang has the book, he’s dead set on destroying it with silent

Hugo or Shnek:(Wait, Anna (Feyre/Finny) will destroying the book kill Shnek?)

Vessel:(a worthy sacrifice if so)

Airavata:(Yeah Anna, what’s the penalty for not bringing those books back?)

Drang:(Drangs ultimate revenge)

Hugo or Shnek:Nien

Vessel:(maybe shouldn't have dropped 30 poison vials on him)

Hugo or Shnek:(He survived… it all fine…)

Feyjin:(No. Shnek will be fine.)

Feyjin:(Do you really wanna find out?)

Airavata:(Not really. Lol. I mean, kinda arbitrary since we took out the book for longer than we needed it and it’s not really a book, but an artifact that the library doesn’t have an actual claim over)

DungeonMaster:Pretty sure the penalty is `2/1d8` sanity damage per day.

Airavata:(Then there is one crazy guy out there who didn’t return the Feredemius book for like 200 years)

Feyjin:(I never said it was overdue...)

Feyjin:(You checked out the Moonwell Manuscript and the Amethyst Tome for 1 year. The Silent Tale was given for Shnek to keep to get him out of the Library.)

Hugo or Shnek:Red  (Satch) While Drang is preparing to go hunt Silent, Shnek comes up to him. “Mi wud like tu hav me buuk bak, even ef just fur a wittle while.”

Vadath:Red  (Satch) *Vadath approaches Drang with a semi stern/smile on his face* My friend I have a challenge for you. Words are not my strong suite neither are they yours. Let us have a duel and let our swords do the talking for us. A friendly duel with a wadger. We both lost in the tournament and never got to cross blades. If I win I ask you let Silent live till after we stop Towie and you may claim their life afterwards. If I loose I will not try to stop you in your endeavors against Silent before hand.


Vadath:(A friendly match with a wadger)

Feyjin:I'll help with the medical side of things so long as this doesn't become a pissing contest...

Vessel:May already be too late...

Dur'kalak:Da’kan can officiate, should you want

Feyjin:Fair enough. Just beat eachother into a bloody pulp so we can get this over with. It's not my fault the both of you got decked by a few flimsy spells and a bag of acid.

Vadath:Arlin and Shnek fought with their heads agaisnt fowes with more physical abilities. They fought tactically. I commend them. This is why the Hawks and the POTP are so diverse.

Shnek:> Red  (Satch) *Vadath approaches Drang with a semi stern/smile on his face* My friend I have a challenge for you. Words are not my strong suite neither are they yours. Let us have a duel and let our swords do the talking for us. A friendly duel with a wadger. We both lost in the tournament and never got to cross blades. If I win I ask you let Silent live till after we stop Towie and you may claim their life afterwards. If I loose I will not try to stop you in your endeavors against Silent before hand.

Aaron (Zarrial) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1092844364117590046>)

“Wysa you want tu weight afta TOWIE?”

Vessel:It's like killing a prisoner of war. It's bad ettiquitte.

Vadath:(Lunch date with wife bbl)

Shnek:> It's like killing a prisoner of war. It's bad ettiquitte.

Vessel (Vessel) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1092850159265792051>)

“Butt thunk abot et. Silents wil neva agan bi physicalll. Da choose es tu let dem live foreva, or kell dem now.”

Vessel:My hoofed beast is not in this particular race... well; that's a lie, but still... I don't really get to have a choice here, as my focus needs to be elsewhere. I will say that I do want them dead, for Drang's sake... but whatever happens, happens.

Vadath:(I challenge Drang one on one and so many others join in lol)

Vessel:(people want to roleplay dammit)

Hugo or Shnek:(Also you deal a lot of non physical elemental damage which bypasses rage while Drang does not, giving you an advantage in this fight.)

Airavata:(Probably should have made it a thread with just him 🤣)

Drang:*Drang is shocked*

Shnek:> *Drang is shocked*

Red  (Satch) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1092855144846204938>)

“Hewooo Drang.”

Vadath:(For the record Drang and Vadath had a standing agreement should they have fought in the tournament)

Drang:(Yes we did)

Drang:“And if I wins, you will stops Linden from…stops me?”

Airavata:(You guys could always encore tonight after the finale ends)

Vadath:I will not speak for my wife, but I will stand by what I said. I will not interfere with you in anyway.

Shnek:> “And if I wins, you will stops Linden from…stops me?”

Red  (Satch) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1092863518077898803>)

“Whiles yu hear, mi haves mi buuk bak?”

Vadath:I can't tonight. Im catching the D and D movie with some friends haha)

Drang:“No, am sorry. I haves to destroys this thing”

Shnek:> “No, am sorry. I haves to destroys this thing”

Red  (Satch) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1092867422505160816>)

Mi let yu borow et, yu said yu wud gev et bak. Mi asking fur et bak now.

Drang:“But……is very bad….”

Shnek:> “But……is very bad….”

Red  (Satch) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1092868463787253850>)

Bu yu promised.


Drang:“Yes I did….I did promises”

Feyjin:However - I don't think you knew it was dangerous beforehand.

Shnek:> “Yes I did….I did promises”

Red  (Satch) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1092873170207387788>)

*Shnek takes the book and scurries away.*

Feyjin:Shnek, did you know about this when you gave Drang the book? Did you knowingly try to curse him?


Shnek:> Shnek, did you know about this when you gave Drang the book? Did you knowingly try to curse him?

Feyjin (Anna (Feyre/Finny)) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1092873528824565881>)

Nope. Mi onwy lurn afta when Drang get sad.

Feyjin:*The halfling narrows her eyes.* I forbid you from using that book on friends. This is something powerful - if used incorrectly, it could cause much pain. If I learn that you have... *there will be dire consequences.*

Shnek:> *The halfling narrows her eyes.* I forbid you from using that book on friends. This is something powerful - if used incorrectly, it could cause much pain. If I learn that you have... *there will be dire consequences.*

Feyjin (Anna (Feyre/Finny)) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1092874658845560892>)

No buk on frends. Yeees!

Feyjin:>  No buk on frends. Yeees!

Shnek (Keller (Wicked DM)) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1092874903440609343>)

*A half-materialized Cuebert glitters from behind the halfling, as if the point wasn't clear enough.* I mean it. Silent is enough trouble as it is - we don't need another world-ending situation on top of the one we already have.

Shnek:>  *A half-materialized Cuebert glitters from behind the halfling, as if the point wasn't clear enough.* I mean it. Silent is enough trouble as it is - we don't need another world-ending situation on top of the one we already have.

Feyjin (Anna (Feyre/Finny)) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1092875432413638666>)

*Shnek's eyes glaze over.*


Feyjin:(She could summon up a little essence of Xarzith-Dian...)

Vessel:(that was a horrible thing to say even joking never mind)

Airavata:(Y’all know the name of your own guild?)

Hugo or Shnek:(Shnek gets distracted easily. He started to think about turtles)

Hugo or Shnek:(Shnek is people too)

Feyjin:(We protect People - Shnek is boderline people at best when he's paying attention.)

Hugo or Shnek:(Kobolds are people too)

Airavata:(I gotta go 😒 before a Loxodon comes out there and picks Feyjin up by her hood and carries her away)

Feyjin:(The most she'll do is maybe Guiding bolt him... low-level I promise.)

Feyjin:(Don't tell me how to admonish my children.)

Hugo or Shnek:(He is a wizard it might kill him)

Feyjin:(Acid can't save you now, Keller.)

Shnek:*Seeing as things are getting a little tense Shnek casts fly and pulls out a bag full of vials.*

Feyjin:*Dispel Magic.*

Drang:“Knock it *OFF* both ofs you!!”

Hugo or Shnek:(Counterspell)

Drang:“Take the fucking books, and get the fucks out of my sight Shnek”

Shnek:> “Knock it *OFF* both ofs you!!”

Red  (Satch) - [jump](<https://discord.com/channels/me/1021091087143682059/1092878671209050202>)

*Shnek stands at attention and salutes.*

Drang:“ Aaron (Zarrial) I accept the duels”

Shnek:*Shnek scampers away.*

Drang:“I will be use everything I have founds along the ways to stops you, this is so importants to me. But I respects the calls of this duels, and will respects the outcomes”

Feyjin:*Raises an eyebrow at Drang, dispel Magic again.* You talk to my son like that again, you will deal with me.

Vadath:As will I my friend. I will hold nothing back. For me to do so would insult you.

Drang:“Hey please…..please don’t drop so much acid on me. It was uhhhh….wow….like so bad”

Vadath:I won't be using acid my friend. You know how I fight.

Vessel:(Yet it still didn’t put him down)

Drang:“I am very much looks forward to this”

Drang:*sighs and puts a hand on your shoulder* “am really sorrys, I won’t talks to him likes that again. So much uhhh….stress lately. Is get too me”

Drang:“He is great wizard” *says as he hangs his head in shame*

Vessel:(I didn’t realize dropping acid was wizardry)

Feyjin:He lacks wisdom... but I hope that in time he will learn. I appreciate your apology... And I get it - the stress can be overwhelming. But strength is also in how you control yourself in times of stress.

Linden Rue:(Okay this repetitive “bot” thing makes these threads super confusing and hard to follow 😵‍💫)

DungeonMaster:There's no actual bots, it's just a tool some of the players are using to change their usernames/profile pictures.

DungeonMaster:So instead of it saying Anna with a picture of Anna, it says Feyjin with a picture of Feyjin.

Feyjin:It helps - especially if I play multiple Characters. *Looks at Jake and his... ehm - Heart Sworn.*

Linden Rue:Thank you Webmaster James for the explanation lol

Vadath:*Vadath is wandering around asking questions of his fellow adventurers about this tar stuff that has been popping up over the country. Supposedly it has a connection to Silent.*  ( Vadath is part of the crew that is getting ready to face Silent and is bringing some items to help and needs info)

Reylendor:Started a thread.

Vadath:👻Nin Arbiter of Death/Iris (talking to Martin) *I was told by a friend of mine that you might have some info on what this tar is. Is this true?*

Silent:Oh- Yeah, it was all up inside the caves. There was that one guy, Da'kan, and he ate a ton of that stuff. There was also those giants That attacked seglock, and, man, it hurt when they get that stuff on you. *Martin sighs as he works on a set of fresh shoes, frowning slightly. Topi chitters onto their shoulder.* Those giants seemed pretty okay with it though. Pretty talkative little buggers, despite ripping it out of themselves.

Vadath:*What giants do you speak of? Might I be able to converse with one?*

Silent:*Martin laughs softly, shaking his head.* Oh- No. I mean, you can try, but they were super corrupt, and we murdered them. Durian Might know something.

Vadath:*Thank you I will converse more with Da'kan and reach out to Durian. Thank you.*

Vadath:Jeff *Vadath seeks out Durian. Old friend I need to ask you a question. I am going to attempt with a few others to rip Silent from TOWIES grasp. I am trying to learn more about this 'tar' that has some connection to Silent. Do you know anything about this? I have been given some mercurial water from Echamus and a Crystal Kobold from the Lunarans will be joining to aid in the endevour*

D'Kacilius:*From the Iron Eyrie, loud crashing sounds can be heard before a dark figure leaps from a window and disappears into the shadows.*

Vadath:How the fuck are you leaping from a window. You are under constant watch!?

Delphi:“Hey, um, guys? I think DK ran away from home again…”

Vadath:And restrained!

D'Kacilius:Sword Burst breaks restraints, Thunder Step gets me the fuck out 😛

Vadath:*Vadath immediately flies after him*  50ft flight speed * and tackles him*

Kihlek:Thunder step is 300 ft iirc

D'Kacilius:(Fuck I forgot about that)

D'Kacilius:90 ft

Kihlek:(lol, you're screwed then)

D'Kacilius:The thunder noise is 300 ft

Vadath:Vadath (with his danger sense) would give chance the second he heard it

Vadath:Rushing as fast as possible to close the distance

D'Kacilius:*A flurry of blades flares around D'Kacilius as he tries to escape.*

Vadath:Vadath rages and pushes past it


Vadath:Do we want to do this. I have Sentinel. All I have to do is get next to you


Vadath:Fine you move at 90ft. I dash for 100 and move next to you

DungeonMaster:Started a thread.

Delphi:I wanted notifications James.

D'Kacilius:Join the thread, Vadath pinned me

DungeonMaster:Right Click Thread -> Join thread

Delphi:I tried right clicking on my phone and all it did was pull up discord settings

DungeonMaster:Go to Master Goblin and read the thread over Geoff's shoulder in that case.

D'Kacilius:Try the three dots

D'Kacilius:MGG is closed lol

DungeonMaster:We both know he's there right now

D'Kacilius:They closed at 8

DungeonMaster:Doesn't mean you aren't there right now.

DungeonMaster:In the dark

D'Kacilius:I'm in my dorm's lounge rn

Delphi:I’m haunting Dur'kalak (🌵Painted Sands GM🌵) house tonight instead

D'Kacilius:Aliens is tonight

Silent:He was there till close tbf

D'Kacilius:Like I always do :p

Feyjin:DK is just the resident tenant of MGG.

D'Kacilius:Not wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Vadath:He actually has a bed in the back.

D'Kacilius:I wish

Feyjin:They have a Reserved for DK spot in the back.

Durian:The black tar? Yeah, there was a healthy coating of it over every surface when we revisited Tolmé’s factory. It’ll stick and quickly eat into you with necrotic damage, while also causing you to feel euphoric. Feredemius says it was Silent’s idea…a gruesome yet painless death. If you’re going any place with that stuff around, I suggest a hands-off approach and a good pair of shoes.

D'Kacilius:(Fucking hell Feredemius)

Airavata:(Oh Martin! 👻Nin Arbiter of Death/Iris Airavata needs shoes!)

Silent:*Martin's shoe shop has been incredibly busy! Feel free to deduct 20 copper and pick your favorite color of shoes*

Airavata:*Airavata will choose Green. It’s her power color*

Vadath:(vadath snickers in magic flying boots.)

Linden Rue:(Linden smirks on a flying Goliath mount)

Feyjin:*Cuebert jiggles menacingly, with no need for shoes.*

Delphi:👻Nin Arbiter of Death/Iris can Delphi and Blaze both commission some shoes please?

Silent:You may! they both will get to pick the color, and there will be holes for any claws that need to poke out. Man, Martin is busy! He never expected this influx of customers!

Adira Graven |:Martin, do you also make slippers? My boots are fine for outdoor travel and combat, but I would appreciate having something more subtle for indoor work if you can provide it: black, of course. And make it 6 pairs if you can.

Delphi:Blaze would take simple brown leather boots.

Delphi would say she doesn’t really care about the color or style, but she wears pinks and purples.

Silent:I can certainly manage it- it may take a bit longer if it's not a priority order. Do you want them to all be the same color, or would you like them to vary?

DungeonMaster:wait it's gotta be case sensitive

Kihlek:All black, and only one set would be priority.

Silent:Martin learned reduce/enlarge specifically so he can replicate enlarged items. this can be done.

The One That Waits:I also need a pair of shoes while you're at it. Set of four, size 43.

DungeonMaster:[oh good it still works]

Kihlek:(Martin is the official supplier of adventuring footwear in Isonhound)

Feyjin:Lol - cats out of the bag now. James is BBEG.

Silent:Martin makes everyone, including towie, shoes. if you want them to be a priority order you gotta fork over an extra five copper- otherwise, 20 copper for each set.

Kihlek:Adira pays two gold, and will not accept change.

Feyjin:Dippy picks up Towie's shoes.

Silent:Martin would feel guilty for keeping the change.

Kihlek:If you *must* do something with the extra, use it to fund free shoes for needy orphans or something. I insist.

Airavata:Started a thread.

The Autom Lord:I apologize for how late I seem to be making this request, but if anyone has a spare set of medium armor they'd be willing to part with; I have a nice set of studded leather I could exchange, and some coin if desired.

D'Kacilius:*A dark figure enters the city gates, then heads immediately to the Iron Eyrie. They enter a room and shut themselves in there.*

Drang:**Dreams of a dying Bugbear**

*In a dream, Drang awakes in a wasteland. Ruined, smoldering buildings crowd the landscape, the smoke of former homes choking the air and turning the sky a glowing red. As he looks around, behind him sits a tiny elven girl with bright red hair*

“It’s almost time Mr Fuzzyman”

*Drang is speechless, and falls to his knees*

“You have to stop, it’s over. You lost”

*He puts his head in his hands*

“I knows….I losts everythings….I will gets the necklace back I——“

*the little girls eyes flash with anger and disappointment*

“That necklace wasn’t even yours! It was my mommy’s! And you took it when we died!”

*Drang sobs uncontrollably*

“I dids…..I dids EVERYTHING to saves you, I tooks revenge on my entire families, on every fucking goblin in 200 miles of your graves I did! I stopped—“

*the little girls voice gets quiet*

“You stopped nothing, and you butchered *thousands* of innocent goblinkin, and then rotted in a cell for 30 years. You call that revenge? You call that justice? You are a fool”

*Drang is on his stomach now, begging, sobbing, pleading*

“Tells me what’s to do…..I will does anything please”

*the little girl walks up and lifts his chin, looking into his foggy, nearly blind eyes*

“Let her live, the one who took the necklace. She was once little like me, and if you kill her, you’re no better than the goblin that killed me”

*Drang sniffles, then wraps the little girl in a gentle hug*

“You’re rights….I didn’t….am so sorrys….”

*she pats his fuzzy head*

“It’s okay….I will see you soon Eigan Drang”

Feyjin:(Low-key, eff that kid.)


Feyjin:(Feyjin will 100% soul dive into Drang to straighten that child out. Don't care about the hordes of dead Goblins.)

Airavata:(Silent has literally done nothing to either of you 🤣 y’all let him have his character growth)

Vessel:(MY DRAGONS???)

D'Kacilius:(I don't think that kid is Silent)

Drang:(This is not silent I repeat: this is not silent)

Vessel:(we know, this kid still sucks)

Feyjin:(I know it's not silent.)

Vessel:(she dont know the real Drang)

Feyjin:(Drang the Merciless is present - but someone who ignores the progress someone like him made to become better is just as cruel.)

Tristram:Greetings all who remain, I Tristram would like to thank all of you for the oppertunity to gather so much in my travels upon your plane.  I was able to gather so much into the folds of our Clan. I was happy to steal a god, a dragon, so much gold and magic, a whole 2 villages of people, and much more. It was so much fun to play with you all, maybe I will come on back to this plane at a later time to gather again!

Feyjin:Feyjin posts a Message on the Quest Boards of several Cities:





DungeonMaster:Jump to Top (September 2022): https://discord.com/channels/611193875805110291/1021091087143682059/1021097152358928446


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