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Into the Greedy Green/MegaGame Module

  • TODO ON GAME DAY: Dave Drops off the Keller box & Airship
  • TODO ON GAME DAY: James runs around and sets up stream tech, drops off blank Character Sheets (for deaths, etc), drops off Player MegaSheets, and an FAQ sheet.

VDO Stuff:

  • Director Link
  • https://vdo.ninja/?director=Greedy_Mega_Game
  • Table Links
  • https://vdo.ninja/?room=Greedy_Mega_Game&broadcast&push=MGG
  • https://vdo.ninja/?room=Greedy_Mega_Game&broadcast&push=IGAR
  • https://vdo.ninja/?room=Greedy_Mega_Game&broadcast&push=Webster



  1. Every table should be able to work independently, without relying or worrying about what is going on at the other tables.
  2. Tables should each have equal opportunities to fail or win, and equal chances of surviving the end of the game, where the unprotected cities fall.

The Megagame covers the following in one big must-play event, involving several plot threads:

  • Another Celebration of Asar Ogalas, the Festival of Rebirth, which celebrates 126 years ago when Isonhound was nearly burned to the ground by Heralds of Tiamat, who cried that Dragons would one day return, a prophecy proven correct about 30 years ago (when Tiamat truly returned and started this new war). This is the true 1-year anniversary of Greedy Green, which began with Asar Ogalas.
  • The Eruption of The Northern Snowy Mountains, which will slowly over the course of the game coat Isonhound with shadows, and usher in the final chapters of the campaign.
  • The Curing of Echemus, who can fight alongside players, teaching them about the Court Artifacts. Along the way, the players should also discover that Echemus can “Purify” some of the shadow material thanks to his natural “moonlight” heritage, dispelling or restoring creatures that come from the mountain’s maelstrom. Echemus can also possibly die in this game if the players do not look out for him enough.
  • The Moonwell is revealed to also purify shadow in its area of effect, utilizing the same “Moonlight” of Echemus, it could be incredibly beneficial for Gammelgard, which is the closest and most affected by the explosion, but would once again make Seglock vulnerable against Dragons, of which there are several in this game. Though getting the Moonwell to Gammelgard may cause complications with [REDACTED]
  • The Astrolabe, given out in December’s heralds game, is revealed to be a similar item as The Moonwell, with a large passive area of effect that “turns” shadows away, like Turn Undead.
  • MSDOS Raids a Distracted Sneerwell for materials to make their Dragon Proxy. If the players don’t stop them (or even help them), this will fast forward their attempts to build their [REDACTED] projects, if they are stopped, then they will need to fall back on using the Egg in their possession, though they can still build a smaller [REDACTED] with fewer materials (and possibly expand to a larger [REDACTED] later)
  • Enter: The First Ancient Dragon the Players can fight in Greedy Green, Kennandra the ancient Red Dragon who will burn the continent to avenge her children.
  • Julia’s visions of a burning Seglock are realized when Kennandra appears to burn it all down.

Regarding Players Jumping Tables:

  • In Isonhound’s time of need, The Curator has opened a number of Fey Crossings at important locations, allowing players to take a quick (or slow) jaunt through the Feywild and emerge at another destination.
  • Because of the Feywild’s natural time dilation, players may arrive hours later, seconds later, or even earlier than when they left, but any time-based effects are removed (such as a minute long debuff or buff)
  • Leaving breaks concentration if it was being held previously.
  • Players can drink any number of potions or cast any number of spells while jumping tables.
  • When players arrive at a new table, the DM signs their sheet to confirm the jump, and they take the spot of an active player who volunteers to go jump to another table as well, or even jump to the table the arriving player came from. We do not want players waiting too long on the sidelines for any table, so make sure that swaps are swift. Refer to the video feeds if you need to direct players to another table specifically.
  • We have specifically created reasons why players need to jump for each table in-game as well:
    • Players will need to jump from Mountains->Gammelgard to retrieve Aerocrystals
    • Players will need to jump Mountains->Sneerwell to retrieve Wovenstone
    • Players will need to jump Anywhere->Echemus to purify themselves with Echemus, or Anywhere->Moonwell depending on where the moonwell is. This is “scripted” as being in Seglock generally, but it’s always possible players move these things out of Seglock for some reason or another.
    • Players will need to jump Astrolabe->Anywhere if they plan to bring it somewhere to turn on and drive back the shadows.
    • Players will need to jump Anywhere->Mountains to take repairs and materials to the ship
    • Players will need to jump Anywhere->Seglock to protect the Iron Eyrie, the Field Hospital, and everything they’ve worked hard so far to protect in this campaign.
    • Players will need to jump Astrolabe/Moonwell->Mountains to diffuse the dangers there temporarily.

Regarding Players Fighting Ancient Dragon:

  • We do not need to hold back with Kinnandra, we now have a half-dozen PCs in attendance who can Revivify, which means they have 10 rounds of combat (aka hours of real time) to get a cleric to a dying player, even if that means driving them across town to another location. They’ve been stockpiling diamonds for months, and there’s no point in them doing that if we don’t give them opportunities to use them!
  • For the first Phase or 2 Phases, we also need to treat Kennandra as an environmental disaster, a force of power and destruction that rivals that of the shadows that are also taking over the land. When treated this way, DMs have much more leverage for dramatic set ups of fire, ruin, and danger, instead of falling back on a boring back and forth battle between the dragon and the players. The cheat sheets contain some suggestions on how to spice up your Kennandra battle.
  • With the sheer number of magic items we’ve given players, we understand that some of them are dealing out upwards to 70 damage in single rounds, if not single turns. While traditional judgment says an Ancient Dragon is overkill against Levels 6-8, for Greedy Green…that’s doesn’t take into account the over 30 PCs that can work together on Kinnandra while she town-hops. If anything, the odds are stacked against her, provided players are smart and do their best to get cover and stay out of direct lines of fire.
  • We are also going to give Kennandra an optional one-time use Long Rest Token like the players, to be used in case of emergency only. As we do not want Kennandra to die inconveniently, accidentally, or undramatically along the way.

Regarding Silent at Master Goblin Games:

  • Attempts to use any of the Arbiter powers on TOWIE, the Shadows, or anything coming out of the mountain will be met with no response. However her powers can still work on the players, or NPCs.
  • However, Nin CAN fight and work alongside the players if she manifests an avatar for Silent, which may be her normal avatar of death, or the Silent Flame avatar. Working as a mortal avatar, Silent can fight back through her stat block, but her Demi-God powers are useless against TOWIE, obviously because [REDACTED]

Regarding Infections:

  • Infections are picked up at the Northern Snowy Mountains whenever a player sits there, and cause players to be unable to auto-hit and crit on rolling 20s.The infection can be cured by going to the Moonwell, or by touching Echemus. Players who play their long rest token outside of the Snowy Mountains can also have their infection removed, but all players re-pick up the infection whenever re-visiting the Snowy Mountains.
  • Infections can be passed from one player to another when they join a table, where it is randomly assigned to another player at that table. Infections are only passed when a player joins a table.

Regarding Echemus Death:

  • Echemus’ life and death are in the players hands in this session. They can choose to fight and kill him in Phase 1, removing him from gameplay and making the Lunarans Hostile
  • If they help get him to the Moonwell, he will become a background element fighting shadows in Seglock until Phase 3.
  • Echemus appears in Phase 3 injured and asking for help, if players help him, he can survive and will help tackle Kennandra (and he could die by Kennandra’s hand incidentally) or he may survive.
  • Echemus dying instantly removes infection from every PC/NPC in the city in which he dies.
Time Northern Mountains

Master Goblin



Seglock 1


Seglock 2



The Dungeon

Keller: 6 Players Dave, Patrick: 7 Players Kyle: 6 Players John: 6-9 Players James: 7 Players


Run the Intro. Asar Ogalas festivities with the Dwarven Encampments in the Mountains. Mini games, roleplaying, and waiting for everyone to show up. Run the Intro. Asar Ogalas festivities with the citizens of Gammelgard (With Fulgrim? Dippy?) Mini games, roleplaying, and waiting for everyone to show up. Run the Intro. Asar Ogalas festivities with the citizens of Seglock and the other table.

Mini games, roleplaying, and waiting for everyone to show up.

Run the Intro. Asar Ogalas festivities, sponsored by Pendergras, with the citizens Mini games, roleplaying, and waiting for everyone to show up.
Phase I


The Northern Snowy Mountains explodes, sending a ripple of shadow across the continent. This table now requires players to wear 90 minute timers vs dying to the shadows. Players at this table also pick up a passive “infection”, which is marked on their sheet.

The goal of the table is to save as many dwarves, and bring them back to the airship for safety, while also protecting themselves. But learn along the way that the ship can not leave until the imbalance is fixed. As the shadow (fellstone) energies now vastly outweigh the Wovenstone.

There are two working cannons on the ship that can be used, or they can be dissected to retrieve one unit of Wovernstone (for use in Phase 2-3)

Kennandra the Dread Flame arrives in Gammelgard, seeking vengeance on the city, the heroes, and anyone who gets in her way. She has brought an army of Draconians who do an assault from the coast.

Hurt them. Hard. And burn the city some.

The Moonwell is Deactivated! 😮

The Lunarans enter the city from the edge to escort Echemus to the city center, where a Lunaran scout turned it off.  Echemus however is still suffering from lunacy, and is unpredictable and hard to escort, players may work with or against the Lunarans in their attempt to fix Echemus, navigating all sorts of troubles along the way (city guards, Echemus going crazy, etc.)

By the end of this phase, players will have taken Echemus to the moonwell, who drinks from its mercurial waters, and is healed, explaining how the light heals all that is corrupted.

The Moonwell is Deactivated! 😮

Crystal DragonShield Koblds are in on the plan with the Lunarans, as they previously served a Sane Echemus,   in order to keep the city forces (and heroes) distracted while they bring a dragon in, they cause ruckus in the streets, creating hide-and-seek like guerrilla Kobold battles in a section of the city away from the Moonwell. This table takes the bait in order to protect citizens, fending off the small time siege.

Robocentaurs break into the Pendergras Warehouse down the road, in a heist to steal all of the Wovenstone available in the town. Some players may side with the DOS forces, leading to a fight against the city’s Automs and guards, otherwise they may fight against the Robocentaur.

Players also learn a little about Arlin’s Astrolabe in this phase.

Conflict them. Who is on the right side here in the big picture? Feel free to go into some roleplaying as Tolme or others step in to stop the heist.

Unfortunately the Centaurs brought backup in the form of the DragonVessel v0.1

~2:30 Shadows reach Gammelgard, Fulgrim requests the players head to his laboratory to get [XYZ] Echemus gets to the Moonwell one way or another and he’s healed, meanwhile the other team is able to fall back and rejoin them, going over the basics of how Purification Works.
Phase II


Players will now be trying to repair the ship by grabbing Wovenstone from Sneewell, Aerocrystals from Gammelgard, and perform a series of skill checks using the Caeruleum from the hold.

While still trying to repair the ship, the Mountain has opened up directly into the Citadel within (though players will die trying to go in right now), but TOWIE can now act directly, drawing up tons of familiar baddies:

Hags, Drakkoths, Shadow Giants, Flesh Mounds, and most importantly: the shadow corruptions of players past (Markoth, Asger, Isaac, Einari, etc. etc.)

Play mind games with them.

With the shadows having reached Gammelgard, players will be trying to break through to the Laboratory Basement, which is now swarming with shadow energy thanks to the Fellstone Resonance, which is conjuring the Sorrowsworn (similar to what happened with the Crown of Eylenroth)

The Basement is a bit of a dungeon crawl, and IS COLLAPSING. The loss of the lab makes it infinitely harder to process and obtain Aerocrystals or [XYZ]

Shadows reach Seglock. With Echemus now healed, he reveals he can also purify the shadow and corrupted, and takes to the streets with the players to try to stop the shadows.

All around the city, the Shadows manifest into the Sorrowsworn, leading players to fight The Hungry, the Angry, the Lonely, and the Lost again, while also trying to save civilians along the way

This table is reserved for low-key Roleplaying and Dispatch, with the only true struggles being any unwieldy shadow creatures who are brought here and try to fight the purification. Safely stashed inside a church (or temple or library) in the city, the players begin to piece together the secrets of these Court Seat items.

They may do this safely with the Moonwell present, or if the Moonwell is moved,

Kennandra arrives in Sneerwell.

No matter what the politics of the encounter were, or what side the teams were working with, everyone is united against Kennandra, and trying to keep Sneerwell intact. Several hours of going toe-to-toe across the Sneerwell streets with Kennandra the Dread Flame.

(MS DOS will use this opportunity to steal more stuff if the players don’t stop them)

Phase III


Towie’s laughter and menacing visage can be peered through the shadows, a great obsidian dragon face in the far distance.

If the Moonwell or Astrolabe is activated in this location, it clears a temporary bubble, but the shadows will now slowly (round by round) leak back in like at timer.

As a final “reward” to those still trying to survive on the mountains at this moment, Towie drops a Shadow Legionnaire (the big bosses from the Shadow Forge) onto the Airship.

Trying to support the massive pillars under the city, the team also comes across a Green Dragon Lair underground, and lair actions also begin to take an effect on them.

A) If the players are going to protect Gammelgard, Green Lair effects leak into the basement, leading into a hoard and adding more dungeon elements.

B) If the players are giving up on Gammelgard, players go back outside to escort and evacuate the city which the players have decided to sacrifice.

Kennandra arrives in Seglock. Delphi’s visions of a Seglock on fire might just come true if she is not stopped by 8:00 PM. We can also possibly lay fire to the Iron Eyrie here if that seems dramatic enough and some Hawks are present.

Echemus will appear but badly injured, if the players do not make it a priority to fix up Echemus, he will die.

The players have to face Kennandra, and ultimately, ideally, try to lure her outside of the city so that the Moonwell doesn’t trap her inside the city when activated.

A) If the Moonwell is still protecting this city, the Wold Order come to claim it to protect their own lands. Battle with the fey mages ensues for the Moonwell, losing this battle loses the Moonwell from the game.

B) If the Moonwell has been moved elsewhere, the Wold Order are replaced with a wandering fey encounter, which endangers the Field Hospital

It’s also 100% possible that Kyle decides to collaborate and have Kennandra come over to this table for a bit. Be aware.

Shadows reach Sneerwell. Since the MSDOS constructs are primarily wovenstone and Stellar Iron, the shadows eat away at them, corrupting them and making them twice as powerful and three times more violent. ESPECIALLY the DragonVessel if it still stands.

Same goes for the Automs that are present, since they are also Wovenstone based.

Like the other cities, this section also should revolve around saving civilians along the way.



If properly repaired, the Ship takes off and is saved with the crew.

If the ship does not reach its goals, the mountain swallows it whole, with players given an opportunity to “go down with the ship into Towie’s lair” to see/meet him for the first time, or flee through the fey crossing at the last moment to Synara.

If Gammelgard is home to the Astrolabe or Moonwell, the shadows are warded off, and the town is safe once again.

If Gammelgard is not protected by either the Astrolabe or the Moonwell, then the encroaching shadows from both inside and outside swallow the town, creating (temporary name) Shadowgard, a massive rift into a shadowfell version of the city, with all players inside lost to the darkness if they don’t flee through a crossing to Synara. Gammelgard shops close.

If Seglock is home to the Astrolabe or Moonwell, the shadows are warded off, and the town is safe from the shadows.

Even if Seglock has a protective shield, Kennandra is locked inside, and locking Kennandra inside at the end of the game is effectively game over for Seglock. Players can flee through the fey crossing to Synara for safety from her onslaught.

The only way to protect Seglock properly would be to lure Kennandra outside of the city limits and then turn on the Moonwell in Phase III, which requires heavy coordination of both tables in IGAR, a party on the inside, and a party on the outside. Difficult, but far from impossible.

Otherwise Seglock burns, and Seglock shops close.

If Sneerwell is home to the Astrolabe or Moonwell, the shadows are warded off, and the town is safe once again.

If Sneerwell has no protection, then the shadows win, and Sneerwell loses most of its inventory of materials to the corrupted MS DOS creations, which will take it back to TOWIE. All Pendergras Projects are also canceled until the inventory is recovered.




Meet up at Synara for drinks and food!

Synara is Champs on North Atherton

Meet up at Synara for drinks and food!

Synara is Champs on North Atherton

Meet up at Synara for drinks and food!

Synara is Champs on North Atherton

Meet up at Synara for drinks and food!

Synara is Champs on North Atherton

Meet up at Synara for drinks and food!

Synara is Champs on North Atherton

Gammelgard Cheat Sheet:

Tech Breakdown:
  • Dave’s Projector+Pole+Mat
  • Dave’s Laptop (Later Patrick’s Laptop)
  • Dave’s Extra Laptop OR the Quelmar Laptop to work as a stream monitor
  • James’ C920 Camera + Tripod + James’ spare Laptop for Streaming
  • Power Strips + Extension Cable (Have to see how close power cable is)
Maps, Minis, Handouts Breakdown:
  • Map - Gammelgard City (normal and shadowy)
  • Map - Misc Street Battles (Dave Only)
  • Map - Fulgrim’s Lab (Patrick Only)
  • Map - Fulgrim’s Basement (Patrick Only)
  • Map - Dragon Lair “leakage” (Patrick Only)
  • Sorrowsworn Minis (Dave will provide)
  • Shadow Monsters (Dave will provide)
  • A Kennandra (Aaron will provide)
  • Aerocrystal tokens, both processed and unprocessed
Players Might Come to your Table to:
  • Retrieve and process Aerocrystals
  • Look for more Caeruleum
  • Chase Kennandra
  • Loot the Dragon Hoard they heard about
  • Activate or Deactivate the Astrolabe and/or the Moonwell (in which case players may come to your table for purification)
You need to provide to other Tables:
  • 4+ Processed Aerocrystals from the Lab [Phase 2-3] (with slips)
  • Possibly more Caeruleum if they run out at the Mountains
  • Hints that a Green Dragon lives under Fulgrim’s Lab
  • Notice that a Dragon Hoard has been found (if it appears) [Phase 3]
    • If Hoard is found, Pearl Dragon Bones, Sacred Igneus Gems, and Assorted Dragon Essences
Phase 0: Keep players entertained until 12:45 when the Intro Sequence plays on the TV and things kick off.
12:45 Phase 1: Kennandra Arrives

Kennandra the Dread Flame arrives in Gammelgard, seeking vengeance on the city, the heroes, and anyone who gets in her way. She has brought an army of Draconians who do an assault from the coast.

Hurt them. Hard. And burn the city some.


Shadows reach Gammelgard, and Fulgrim requests the players head to his laboratory to get [XYZ]

3:00 Phase 2: The Shadow Lab and Sorrowsworn

With the shadows having reached Gammelgard, players will be trying to break through to the Laboratory Basement, which is now swarming with shadow energy thanks to the Fellstone Resonance, which is conjuring the Sorrowsworn (similar to what happened with the Crown of Eylenroth)

The Basement is a bit of a dungeon crawl, and IS COLLAPSING, requiting players to succeed on skill checks to keep up beams, or construct temporary support structures. The loss of the lab makes it infinitely harder to process and obtain Aerocrystals or [XYZ]

5:00 Phase 3a: Loot the Hoard

If the players are going to protect Gammelgard, Green Lair effects leak into the basement, leading into a hoard and adding more dungeon elements.

Trying to support the massive pillars under the city, the team also comes across a Green Dragon Lair underground, and lair actions also begin to take an effect on them.

5:00 Phase 3b: Evacuate the City

If the players are giving up on Gammelgard, players go back outside to escort and evacuate the city which the players have decided to sacrifice.


If Gammelgard is home to the Astrolabe or Moonwell, the shadows are warded off, and the town is safe once again.

If Gammelgard is not protected by either the Astrolabe or the Moonwell, then the encroaching shadows from both inside and outside swallow the town, creating (temporary name) Shadowgard, a massive rift into a shadowfell version of the city, with all players inside lost to the darkness if they don’t flee through a crossing to Synara. Gammelgard shops close.

Northern Snowy Mountains Cheat Sheet:

Tech Breakdown:
  • James’ BRIO Camera + Extension Cables for Stream
  • Keller’s Laptop (which will be hooked to the above for streaming)
  • Power Strip
  • 6 Necklace Timers (90 Minutes)
Maps, Minis, Handouts Breakdown:
  • Airship Tracker Sheet
  • Shadow Legionnaire (Dave will provide)
  • Airship (Dave will Provide)
  • Nin’s Summons (Death Avatars + Flame, Nin and James provide)
  • Various Shadow Monsters incl Hags, Drakkoths, Shadow Giants (James provides)
  • Shadow Markoth (Gavin), Shadow Asger (Luke), Shadow Joshua (Nathan), Shadow Isaac (Nick)
Players Might Come to your Table to:
  • Repair the Airship
  • Relieve another Player of oncoming danger/death
  • Meet with or talk to Silent
  • Fight The One that Waits face(ish) to face
  • Rescue a shadow player or NPC
  • Activate or Deactivate the Astrolabe and/or the Moonwell (in which case players may come to your table for purification)
You need to provide to other Tables:
  • Infections.
  • Pressure on players to repair the ship and protect the trapped people in the mountains.
Phase 0: Keep players entertained until 12:45 when the Intro Sequence plays on the TV and things kick off.
12:45 PHASE 1:

The Northern Snowy Mountains explodes, sending a ripple of shadow across the continent. This table now requires players to wear 90 minute timers vs dying to the shadows. Players at this table also pick up a passive “infection”, which is marked on their sheet.

The goal of the table is to save as many dwarves, and bring them back to the airship for safety, while also protecting themselves. But learn along the way that the ship can not leave until the imbalance is fixed. As the shadow (fellstone) energies now vastly outweigh the Wovenstone.

There are two working cannons on the ship that can be used, or they can be dissected to retrieve one unit of Wovernstone (for use in Phase 2-3)

3:00 PHASE 2:

Players will now be trying to repair the ship by grabbing Wovenstone from Sneerwell, Aerocrystals from Gammelgard, and perform a series of skill checks using the Caeruleum from the hold.


While still trying to repair the ship, the Mountain has opened up directly into the Citadel within (though players will die trying to go in right now), but TOWIE can now act directly, drawing up tons of familiar baddies:

Hags, Drakkoths, Shadow Giants, Flesh Mounds, and most importantly: the shadow corruptions of players past (Markoth, Asger, Isaac, Einari, etc. etc.)

Play mind games with them.

5:00 PHASE 3:

Towie’s laughter and menacing visage can be peered through the shadows, a great obsidian dragon face in the far distance.

If the Moonwell or Astrolabe is activated in this location, it clears a temporary bubble, but the shadows will now slowly (round by round) leak back in like at timer.

As a final “reward” to those still trying to survive on the mountains at this moment, Towie drops a Shadow Legionnaire (the big bosses from the Shadow Forge) onto the Airship.

End Game:

If properly repaired, the Ship takes off and is saved with the crew.

If the ship does not reach its goals, the mountain swallows it whole, with players given an opportunity to “go down with the ship into Towie’s lair” to see/meet him for the first time, or flee through the fey crossing at the last moment to Synara (possibly with a big dramatic DC 25 or DC 30 saving throw)

Ship Sheet

DC 25 Arcana or tools check to install, 4 items minimum required for installation, DC reduced by 3 every item over 4.

Caeruleum, activate with Lightning damage - When charged if they take damage, 20ft radius 8d6 lighting damage, DC 15 Dexterity save.

Wovenstone from Sneerwell - Installed?
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
Aerocrystal from Gammelgard - Installed?
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
Caeruleum on the ship - Installed?
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6

Bonny Robert Crew

  • Captain Julian Versune (Human Fighter)
  • First Mate Karyna LeChamp (Half-Elf College of Swords Bard)
  • Engineer Lazlo (Rock Gnome Artillerist Artificer
    • +7 Prof. Bonus to Tinker Tools
  • Helmsman Thark Thunderdraft (Human Storm Herald Barbarian)
  • Navigator Yonder Cirro (Human Swashbuckler Rogue)

Seglock 1 Cheat Sheet:

Tech Breakdown:
  • James’ Beefy Laptop
  • James’ Projector Setup (pole, cables, mat)
  • Extra Power Strip for connecting tech
  • James’ iPad + Mount for stream. [same for both seglocks]
Maps, Minis, Handouts Breakdown:
  • Echemus Mini (James provides)
  • Lunarans Mini (James provides)
  • Moonwell Mini (James provides)
  • Shadow Monsters around the City (Kyle will need to provide)
  • One of the Kennandras (James provides)
Players Might Come to your Table to:
  • Talk to Lunarans or Echemus [Phase 1-3]
  • Chase Kennandra [Phase 3]
  • Purify themselves using Echemus [Phase 1 or 3]
  • Activate or Deactivate the Astrolabe and/or the Moonwell (in which case players may come to your table for purification)
You need to provide to other Tables:
  • Knowledge that Echemus and the Moonwell Purify the Shadow/Infection
  • The Moonwell, if taken from your Phase 1
Phase 0: Keep players entertained until 12:45 when the Intro Sequence plays on the TV and things kick off.
12:45 Phase 1: The Moonwell is Deactivated! 😮

The Lunarans enter the city from the edge to escort Echemus to the city center, where a Lunaran scout turned it off.  Echemus however is still suffering fromlunacy, and is unpredictable and  hard to escort, players may work with or against the Lunarans in their attempt to fix Echemus, navigating all sorts of troubles along the way (city guards, Echemus going crazy, etc.) The Wheel of Echemus can be used to randomize his behavior in a fun engaging way.

By the end of this phase, Echemus will have made it to the moonwell, who drinks from its mercurial waters, and is healed, explaining how the light heals all that is corrupted.

3:00 Phase 2: Shadows reach Seglock. With Echemus now healed, he reveals he can also purify the shadow and corrupted, and takes to the streets with the players to try to stop the shadows.

Kyle runs generic combat here against the shadows as they infiltrate the city streets.

5:00 Phase 3: Kennandra arrives in Seglock. Delphi’s visions of a Seglock on fire might just come true if she is not stopped by 8:00 PM. We can also possibly lay fire to the Iron Eyrie here if that seems dramatic enough and some Hawks are present.

Echemus will appear before the players again but badly injured, if the players do not make it a priority to fix up Echemus, he will die.

Players may also try to trick Kennandra to go to the other table to protect Echemus, making it John’s problem (John’s phase 3 has barely anything going on.)

The players have to face Kennandra, and ultimately, ideally, try to lure her outside of the city so that the Moonwell doesn’t trap her inside the city when activated. She may also kill Echemus depending on how the dice roll in this section.

Endgame: If Seglock is home to the Astrolabe or Moonwell, the shadows are warded off, and the town is safe from the shadows.

Even if Seglock has a protective shield, Kennandra is locked inside, and locking Kennandra inside at the end of the game is effectively game over for Seglock. Players can flee through the fey crossing to Synara for safety from her onslaught.

The only way to protect Seglock properly would be to lure Kennandra outside of the city limits and then turn on the Moonwell in Phase III, which requires heavy coordination of both tables in IGAR, a party on the inside, and a party on the outside. Difficult, but far from impossible.

Otherwise Seglock burns, and Seglock shops close.

Seglock 2 Cheat Sheet:

Tech Breakdown:
  • John’s (not great) Laptop, no fancy software, just zooming in and out of JPEGs which will get the job done.
  • Patrick’s TV + Blanket for Overheating?
  • Extra Power Strip for connecting tech.
  • James’ iPad + Mount for stream. [same for both seglocks]
Maps, Minis, Handouts Breakdown:
  • Echemus (borrowed from Kyle when/if needed)
  • Crystal Kobolds Minis
  • Wold Order Members Minis
  • Moonwell Mini
  • Shadow Monsters
  • Lunarans (borrowed from Kyle when/if needed)
Players Might Come to your Table to:
  • Talk to Lunarans or Echemus [Phase 2-3]
  • Purify themselves using Echemus or the Moonwell [Phase 2-3]
  • Purify an NPC or other creatures [Phase 2-3]
  • Strategize and Hang Out before deciding their next move. [Phase 2-3]
  • Talk to (or fight) The Wold Order [Phase 3]
  • Activate or Deactivate the Astrolabe and/or the Moonwell (in which case players may come to your table for purification)
You need to provide to other Tables:
  • A central purification spot for all infected or shadowy creatures
  • Knowledge that the Moonwell + Astrolabe can protect cities from the shadows
  • Information about the Court Seats (5 or 6 artifacts that bring together the court)
  • The Moonwell, if taken from your table in Phase 2 or 3
Phase 0: Keep players entertained until 12:45 when the Intro Sequence plays on the TV and things kick off.
12:45 Phase 1: The Moonwell is Deactivated! 😮

Crystal DragonShield Koblods are in on the plan with the Lunarans, as they previously served a Sane Echemus, in order to keep the city forces (and heroes) distracted while they bring a dragon in, they cause ruckus in the streets, creating hide-and-seek like guerrilla Kobold battles in a section of the city away from the Moonwell. This table takes the bait in order to protect citizens, fending off the small time siege.

3:00 Phase 2a:

This table is reserved for low-key Roleplaying and Dispatch, with the only true struggles being any unwieldy shadow creatures who are brought here and try to fight the purification. Safely stashed inside a church (or temple or library) in the city, the players begin to piece together the secrets of these Court Seat items.

They may do this safely with the Moonwell present (Phase 3A), or if the Moonwell is moved, in which case they may still stick around to research, but ultimately need to land at the Field Hospital eventually (Phase 3B)

5:00 Phase 3a: Moonwell Defenders

If the Moonwell is still protecting this city, the Wold Order comes to claim it to protect their own lands. Battle with the fey mages ensues for the Moonwell, losing this battle loses the Moonwell from the game.

It’s also 100% possible that Kyle decides to collaborate and have Kennandra come over to this table for a bit. Be aware.

5:00 Phase 3b: Hospital Defenders

If the Moonwell has been moved elsewhere, the Wold Order are replaced with a wandering fey encounter, which endangers the Field Hospital

It’s also 100% possible that Kyle decides to collaborate and have Kennandra come over to this table for a bit. Be aware.


If Seglock is home to the Astrolabe or Moonwell, the shadows are warded off, and the town is safe from the shadows.

Even if Seglock has a protective shield, Kennandra is locked inside, and locking Kennandra inside at the end of the game is effectively game over for Seglock. Players can flee through the fey crossing to Synara for safety from her onslaught.

The only way to protect Seglock properly would be to lure Kennandra outside of the city limits and then turn on the Moonwell in Phase III, which requires heavy coordination of both tables in IGAR, a party on the inside, and a party on the outside. Difficult, but far from impossible.

Otherwise Seglock burns, and Seglock shops close.

Sneerwell Cheat Sheet:

Tech Breakdown:
  • The Dungeon.
  • Panasonic Camcorder feeding directly into livestream
Maps, Minis, Handouts Breakdown:
  • Robocentaurs
  • Tolme Pendergras
  • Robo Dragon
  • Automatons
  • Shadow Monsters
  • Astrolabe Mini (Starts with Nick or another player at the table)
  • Wovenstone tokens, both processed and unprocessed
Players Might Come to your Table to:
  • Retrieve and process Wovenstone
  • Chase Kennandra
  • Meet with or Fight MS-DOS constructs
  • Activate or Deactivate the Astrolabe and/or the Moonwell (in which case players may come to your table for purification)
You need to provide to other Tables:
  • Basic info on the Astrolabe and it’s new-found effects.
  • At least 4+ Units of Wovenstone from Tolme’s Factory [Phase 2-3] (with slips)
  • Possibly more Caeruleum if players need it in the Mountains
  • Knowledge that MS-DOS is building (has built) a Dragon construct
  • The looming threat of Pendergras shutting down if the city is lost to the shadows.
Phase 0: Keep players entertained until 12:45 when the Intro Sequence plays on the TV and things kick off.
12:45 Phase 1: Factory Ambush

Robocentaurs break into the Pendergras Warehouse down the road, in a heist to steal all of the Wovenstone available in the town. Some players may side with the DOS forces, leading to a fight against the city’s Automs and guards, otherwise they may fight against the Robocentaur.

Players also learn a little about Arlin’s Astrolabe in this phase.

Conflict them. Who is on the right side here in the big picture? Feel free to go into some roleplaying as Tolme or others step in to stop the heist.

Unfortunately the Centaurs brought backup in the form of the DragonVessel v0.1

3:00 Phase 2: Kennandra

Kennandra arrives in Sneerwell.

No matter what the politics of the encounter were, or what side the teams were working with, everyone is united against Kennandra, and trying to keep Sneerwell intact. Several hours of going toe-to-toe across the Sneerwell streets with Kennandra the Dread Flame.

(MS DOS will use this opportunity to steal more stuff if the players don’t stop them)

5:00 Phase 3: Shadows Fall

Shadows reach Sneerwell. Since the MSDOS constructs are primarily wovenstone and Stellar Iron, the shadows eat away at them, corrupting them and making them twice as powerful and three times more violent. ESPECIALLY the DragonVessel if it still stands.

Same goes for the Automs that are present, since they are also Wovenstone based.

Like the other cities, this section also should revolve around saving civilians along the way.


If Sneerwell is home to the Astrolabe or Moonwell, the shadows are warded off, and the town is safe once again.

If Sneerwell has no protection, then the shadows win, and Sneerwell loses most of its inventory of materials to the corrupted MS DOS creations, which will take it back to TOWIE. All Pendergras Projects are also canceled until the inventory is recovered.

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