Relatives | relatives |
Languages | languages |
Affiliations | affiliation |
Aliases | alias |
Marital Status | marital status |
Place of Birth | birthplace |
Date of Death | deathdate |
Place of Death | deathplace |
Species | species |
Gender | gender |
Height | height |
Weight | weight |
Eye Color | eyes |
Sapphira Holyspell is a young human woman who grew up in the village of Two Bridges.
Physical Appearance
Describe your appearance. Eye color, height, weight, hair color, particular clothing items, scars, tattoos, etc.
Is your character social? A drunk? Laid back?
Her family follows the teachings of Alclepius, and so Sapphira ended up joining the Community of Healers. Following the last strool invasion, she was sent with the survivors to the city of Soma and witnessed the devastation first hand. She has begun focusing on healing and helping those around her. She is not very strong physically, so she has focused on her magical abilities.
Examples include Common, Elvish, TwitchTalk, Thieves Cant, or French
Powers and Abilities
You don't have to give it all away. Just let us know what you're known to do in battle.
Attacks and Weapons
Your favorite weapons.
Adventure Log
10-15 - Setting out from Alanya - In front of the Fire Guild
We get into carts
Snick - member of fire guild - informs us that we need to make sure that Berma is unharmed. or else..
We travel with the Chariot racers; while on the road, Tulay - head charioteer - challenges anyone to anything. Mavinda attempts to win a knife throwing competition.