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The Fantasial Freeze/Downtime

Downtime in The Fantasial Freeze takes one of 10 forms, depending on what the player characters is doing with their downtime. The list is derived as such because these are the 10 actions that both take time and are potentially significant: They develop a character, leave a mark on the world, or provide a leg up for adventuring

Players may question whether or not their hirelings or other retainers can help them perform multiple downtimes -- the answer is no. But they are welcome to invite more players to join the campaign and do downtimes for their character's sake.

At the moment, each PC gets 1 downtime activity per IRL month. Downtimes are resolved at the top of the next month.

Building The Bastion

[Unavailable until a Player hits Level 3]

Cultivating a Relationship

This downtime activity allows a character to form or deepen a relationship with an NPC. To perform this action, the player must identify an already existing NPC or describe a new NPC in collaboration with the GM.

To cultivate a relationship, the player must say what they are trying to achieve during the downtime between their character and the NPC to create or deepen the relationship. The rolls made to resolve the activity will then be noted for that NPC on the player's Faction sheet.

Strangers (0) Acquaintance (1) Associate (2) Friend (3) Intimate (4)
-2 attempts to recruit or utilize for a session. The NPC will do courtesies, but -1 on attempts to recruit them for a session. A lesser bond. NPC will do small favors. +0 on checks to do more than that. A serious bond. +1 on attempts to recruit for adventures. The NPC will do big favors A deep bond between you, like true friends, veterans, or lovers. Receive +2 attempts to recruit, the NPC will risk serious suffering or harm on your behalf.


The player then rolls 2d6 adding a base modifier equal to their ability modifier for charisma. Situational modifiers come from things like the character’s standing with a faction to which the NPC belongs, a difference in station between the character and NPC, or perhaps a thoughtful gift or welcome news from the character. Any sum of modifiers bottom/top out at -3/+3.

Roll Result
6- The relationship tracker does not advance
7-9 The relationship tracker advances, but the PC must meet a need of the NPC
10+ The relationship tracker advances.

Gathering Intelligence

This downtime action allows a player to gather information from other people. The player first specifies what they want information about and whom they will consult. The player will then say how they go about trying to elicit the information. Do they share war stories and buy the mercenary outfit free rounds of drinks to learn about a certain enemy they’ve faced? Or maybe they want to track down rumors about a traveling caravan by bringing trade goods to an outpost?


To perform the downtime action, the player rolls 2d6 adding a modifier based on the character’s highest relationship tracker with a faction or a specific NPC who might be able to introduce them to relevant people or help them track down the information. If there are none, then the character is trying to gather intelligence from strangers (–2). Any sum of modifiers bottom/top out at -3/+3.

Roll Result
6- No Intel: The character doesn’t find what they were looking for, but the GM will provide an interesting rumor about something else.
7-9 Shaky Intel: The character finds what they were looking for, but the GM has the option of mixing the truth with one piece of ambiguous or misleading information.
10+ Solid Intel: The character finds accurate, real information about what they were looking for

Learning a Skill

Characters will sometimes want to learn some skill, whether it’s a language, sailing, becoming a card shark, or the daunting art of riding giant crows. This is true even in games where there is no skill system. When the player declares the intention to learn a new skill, the GM should decide whether this is possible.

Depending on the skill, power, or ability, this downtime will require completion of a tracker with either 1, 3, or 5 steps

Example Tracker (Upgrade a Skill from -1 to 0)

Month 1
After one month of study you are no longer "untrained" in this skill, and have a rank of 0 in it (rather than an untrained -1)

Example Tracker (Cast with Armor On)

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3
Early attempts are fruitless, but you begin to understand where you are weakest. After inconsistently figuring out your best practices, you've fallen into a routine of study. After 3 months of dedicated training, you have opened your soul to carve your spellcasting to ignore your armor.

Example Tracker (Double Movement Speed)

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
"Line up at the start, the running speed will start slowly and get faster when you hear the triple beep." You are able to match pace with most of your peers. You've kept a healthy pace of training, and your muscles are sturdy. You comfortably move 5 feet faster. Training continues, you now move 10 feet faster. After 5 months of training...Finally: You are speed, you can move up to 60 feet every round.


The player rolls 2d6 with a base modifier set by the skill of the teacher. No teacher (–1), competent teacher (0), skilled teacher (+1), and master teacher (+2). Further situational modifiers might come from a relevant ability score or from experience. Any sum of modifiers bottom/top out at -3/+3.

Roll Result
6- Not Catching On: The skill tracker does not advance
7-9 Steady Progress: The skill tracker advances one step.
10+ Leaps and Bounds: The skill tracker advances one step. Next month treat your roll as "Steady Progress" if you rolled lower than that.

Martial Training

In war as in peace, practice makes perfect. There are two ways to engage in martial training: Keeping in Form and Mastering a Technique. Keeping in form might involve sword play with a dueling partner, sweaty knife work alone in a darkened barn, or shooting a bow on a range. Mastering a technique is about learning secrets of war from masters of the art through intense instruction.

Option 1: Keeping in Form

Anyone may spend a downtime practicing at arms. The player must choose a weapon type (sword, knife, bow, etc) with which their character practices. They roll 2d6. Although any class may keep in form, only fighters (or fighter sub-classes) receive a base modifier equal to 1/3 their level rounded up. Situational modifiers are granted for having a training partner. If the character is assisted by another player character as a training partner, both may take the downtime action adding +1 to their roll. Any sum of modifiers bottom/top out at -3/+3.

Roll Result
6- A Little Rusty: Pick one:
  • +1 to hit
  • +1 to damage
  • +1 AC (melee)
  • +10 ft range

You keep the passive benefit chosen until the next downtime period.

7-9 In Good Form: Pick two from the above list.
10+ In Top Form: Pick three from the above list.

Mastering a Technique

One may also work with a master to learn more sophisticated and esoteric fighting styles. To do so, a player character must first find a teacher who knows the relevant art. Such martial masters are few and choose their disciples well, often requiring them to prove themselves through adventures or feats of arms.

Example Technique (Revenant's Wrath)

Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
Training. Training. Training. Training. Revenant's Wrath Unlocked: This strange technique allows its user to fight five rounds after their heart has stopped through sheer force of will. Should the combat end before the 5 rounds is up, the dying character may deliver a farewell speech before collapsing. Healing will not avail them for they are already dead.

To master a technique, the player rolls 2d6. Although any class may master a technique (provided they can use the weapons involved), only fighters (or fighter sub-classes) receive a base modifier equal to 1/3 their level rounded up. Any sum of modifiers bottom/top out at -3/+3.

Roll Result
6- The martial tracker does not advance.
7-9 The martial tracker advances one step.
10+ The martial tracker advances two steps.


This downtime activity allows a character to form or deepen a relationship with an NPC. To perform this action, the player must identify an already existing NPC or describe a new NPC in collaboration with the GM. To cultivate a relationship, the player must say what they are trying to achieve during the downtime between their character and the NPC to create or deepen the relationship. The rolls made to resolve the activity will then be noted for that NPC on the player's Faction sheet.

Example Tracker

Strangers (0) Acquaintance (1) Associate (2) Friend (3) Intimate (4)
-2 attempts to recruit or utilize for a session. The NPC will do courtesies, but -1 on attempts to recruit them for a session. A lesser bond. NPC will do small favors. +0 on checks to do more than that. A serious bond. +1 on attempts to recruit for adventures. The NPC will do big favors A deep bond between you, like true friends, veterans, or lovers. Receive +2 attempts to recruit, the NPC will risk serious suffering or harm on your behalf.


The player then rolls 2d6 adding a base modifier equal to their ability modifier for charisma. Situational modifiers come from things like the character’s standing with a faction to which the NPC belongs, a difference in station between the character and NPC, or perhaps a thoughtful gift or welcome news from the character. Any sum of modifiers bottom/top out at -3/+3.

Roll Result
6- The relationship tracker does not advance
7-9 The relationship tracker advances, but the PC must meet a need of the NPC
10+ The relationship tracker advances.


This downtime activity allows a character to form or deepen a relationship with an NPC. To perform this action, the player must identify an already existing NPC or describe a new NPC in collaboration with the GM. To cultivate a relationship, the player must say what they are trying to achieve during the downtime between their character and the NPC to create or deepen the relationship. The rolls made to resolve the activity will then be noted for that NPC on the player's Faction sheet.

Example Tracker

Strangers (0) Acquaintance (1) Associate (2) Friend (3) Intimate (4)
-2 attempts to recruit or utilize for a session. The NPC will do courtesies, but -1 on attempts to recruit them for a session. A lesser bond. NPC will do small favors. +0 on checks to do more than that. A serious bond. +1 on attempts to recruit for adventures. The NPC will do big favors A deep bond between you, like true friends, veterans, or lovers. Receive +2 attempts to recruit, the NPC will risk serious suffering or harm on your behalf.


The player then rolls 2d6 adding a base modifier equal to their ability modifier for charisma. Situational modifiers come from things like the character’s standing with a faction to which the NPC belongs, a difference in station between the character and NPC, or perhaps a thoughtful gift or welcome news from the character. Any sum of modifiers bottom/top out at -3/+3.

Roll Result
6- The relationship tracker does not advance
7-9 The relationship tracker advances, but the PC must meet a need of the NPC
10+ The relationship tracker advances.


This downtime activity allows a character to form or deepen a relationship with an NPC. To perform this action, the player must identify an already existing NPC or describe a new NPC in collaboration with the GM. To cultivate a relationship, the player must say what they are trying to achieve during the downtime between their character and the NPC to create or deepen the relationship. The rolls made to resolve the activity will then be noted for that NPC on the player's Faction sheet.

Example Tracker

Strangers (0) Acquaintance (1) Associate (2) Friend (3) Intimate (4)
-2 attempts to recruit or utilize for a session. The NPC will do courtesies, but -1 on attempts to recruit them for a session. A lesser bond. NPC will do small favors. +0 on checks to do more than that. A serious bond. +1 on attempts to recruit for adventures. The NPC will do big favors A deep bond between you, like true friends, veterans, or lovers. Receive +2 attempts to recruit, the NPC will risk serious suffering or harm on your behalf.


The player then rolls 2d6 adding a base modifier equal to their ability modifier for charisma. Situational modifiers come from things like the character’s standing with a faction to which the NPC belongs, a difference in station between the character and NPC, or perhaps a thoughtful gift or welcome news from the character. Any sum of modifiers bottom/top out at -3/+3.

Roll Result
6- The relationship tracker does not advance
7-9 The relationship tracker advances, but the PC must meet a need of the NPC
10+ The relationship tracker advances.

Splendid Artifacts

This downtime activity allows a character to form or deepen a relationship with an NPC. To perform this action, the player must identify an already existing NPC or describe a new NPC in collaboration with the GM. To cultivate a relationship, the player must say what they are trying to achieve during the downtime between their character and the NPC to create or deepen the relationship. The rolls made to resolve the activity will then be noted for that NPC on the player's Faction sheet.

Example Tracker

Strangers (0) Acquaintance (1) Associate (2) Friend (3) Intimate (4)
-2 attempts to recruit or utilize for a session. The NPC will do courtesies, but -1 on attempts to recruit them for a session. A lesser bond. NPC will do small favors. +0 on checks to do more than that. A serious bond. +1 on attempts to recruit for adventures. The NPC will do big favors A deep bond between you, like true friends, veterans, or lovers. Receive +2 attempts to recruit, the NPC will risk serious suffering or harm on your behalf.


The player then rolls 2d6 adding a base modifier equal to their ability modifier for charisma. Situational modifiers come from things like the character’s standing with a faction to which the NPC belongs, a difference in station between the character and NPC, or perhaps a thoughtful gift or welcome news from the character. Any sum of modifiers bottom/top out at -3/+3.

Roll Result
6- The relationship tracker does not advance
7-9 The relationship tracker advances, but the PC must meet a need of the NPC
10+ The relationship tracker advances.

Spiritual Exercises

This downtime activity allows a character to form or deepen a relationship with an NPC. To perform this action, the player must identify an already existing NPC or describe a new NPC in collaboration with the GM. To cultivate a relationship, the player must say what they are trying to achieve during the downtime between their character and the NPC to create or deepen the relationship. The rolls made to resolve the activity will then be noted for that NPC on the player's Faction sheet.

Example Tracker

Strangers (0) Acquaintance (1) Associate (2) Friend (3) Intimate (4)
-2 attempts to recruit or utilize for a session. The NPC will do courtesies, but -1 on attempts to recruit them for a session. A lesser bond. NPC will do small favors. +0 on checks to do more than that. A serious bond. +1 on attempts to recruit for adventures. The NPC will do big favors A deep bond between you, like true friends, veterans, or lovers. Receive +2 attempts to recruit, the NPC will risk serious suffering or harm on your behalf.


The player then rolls 2d6 adding a base modifier equal to their ability modifier for charisma. Situational modifiers come from things like the character’s standing with a faction to which the NPC belongs, a difference in station between the character and NPC, or perhaps a thoughtful gift or welcome news from the character. Any sum of modifiers bottom/top out at -3/+3.

Roll Result
6- The relationship tracker does not advance
7-9 The relationship tracker advances, but the PC must meet a need of the NPC
10+ The relationship tracker advances.
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