Relatives | relatives |
Languages | languages |
Affiliations | affiliation |
Aliases | alias |
Marital Status | marital status |
Place of Birth | birthplace |
Date of Death | deathdate |
Place of Death | deathplace |
Species | species |
Gender | gender |
Height | height |
Weight | weight |
Eye Color | eyes |
Sapphira Holyspell is a young human woman who grew up in the village of Two Bridges.
Physical Appearance[edit | edit source]
Describe your appearance. Eye color, height, weight, hair color, particular clothing items, scars, tattoos, etc.
Personality[edit | edit source]
Is your character social? A drunk? Laid back?
History[edit | edit source]
Her family follows the teachings of Alclepius, and so Sapphira ended up joining the Community of Healers. Following the last strool invasion, she was sent with the survivors to the city of Soma and witnessed the devastation first hand. She has begun focusing on healing and helping those around her. She is not very strong physically, so she has focused on her magical abilities.
Languages[edit | edit source]
Common, Cannot read
Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]
Attacks and Weapons [edit | edit source]
Sword and Shortbow
Adventure Log[edit | edit source]
10-15 - Setting out from Alanya - In front of the Fire Guild[edit | edit source]
We get into 3 carts - escorting Berna and caravan to Fireforge (btw Two Bridges and Soma)
Snick - member of fire guild - informs us that we need to make sure that Berna is unharmed. or else..
We travel with the Chariot racers; while on the road, Tulay - head charioteer - challenges anyone to anything. Mavinda attempts to win a knife throwing competition. Tulay win the competition.
Travel through Mersin, stay the night with no issues. About halfway to the Two Bridges, a broken down castle is pointed out on the side of the road.
Arrive is Two Bridges; Sit in the Waiting Room Tavern.
Tavern Staff:
- Hakan (bar owner?)
- Layla lost arm to bandits
- Melis is new server
Ozan wants to talk to the companions (not Sapphira) about something. Also got a note from an "Associate" telling us to talk to Layla about the offer from Ozan.
Sapphira is coming to meeting with Ozan, despite not being invited. Will pay 10 drackma each to get rid of bandits.
Head of the Community of Healers - Kaan - comes and introduces themselves to the group.
Mavinda talks to Layla again about getting help with the bandits.
Head to the cemetery, early, Associate is in a black, gatherer and user of information. Wants to make a deal to exchange info that we have. Works against those who oppress other people. Something out there wants to oppress the people of Alayna. Want to meet with them, put a red ribbon outside Waiting Room Tavern, when they want to meet with us, they will put a green ribbon. midnight at cemetery. Gives us info:
Ozan has three problems:
- strools
- bandits
- the two random outsiders that Sapphira brought into town.
So pits two of them against each other.
Their guess is that there is an illusion mage within the bandits group. So either use a big stick to poke through false wall or look for repeating walls. Bandits might have clues to these mysterious oppressors.
We head back to the tavern and sleep for the night.
Head out the next morning, arriving around noon to the Fire Forge. Drop off supplies and pick up lots of fire grenades. On the way back, there is a fallen tree blocking the road. Very suspicious; Spots an Orc hiding behind a rock. During planning, the Orcs get impatient and attack first.
Successfully take out the Orc ambush, keeping the "leader" captive. Have named the Militia man at the front, Orc Slayer. Basic broadsword (gave to militia) and basic leather armor on each guy (3 of them). Main guy has greatsword and chainmail
Make it back to Waiting Room Tavern, Berna pays us for our time.
Peri the Persuasive - from the Security Service (Thieves' Guild) - wants to interrogate to the captive Orc. "There are lots more of us coming"
Sell the items and get the money, go to bed.
Awoken by rumbling in the distance in the middle of the night. Next morning, Berna wants us to go check out the Fire Forge to ensure everything is fine.
Get to the Fire Forge, and there was a land slide and at least a dozen orcs digging through the rubble at the Fire Forge. Run back and inform Berna. Fire guild will send an enforcement squad. Sapphira sends Divine Message to a fellow follower in Alayna city: "To Ates, Mage Headquarters, Landslide and Orcs at Fire Forge, Send Enforcement Squad, I'm ok, Your niece Berna".
Next morning, enforcement squad shows up. We begin planning for war with the orcs!
10-22 - Waiting Room Tavern[edit | edit source]
We head to the Fire Forge to take on the Orcs. Ates wants them all dead.
They all died. Others left to go get help to clear rubble. Snak and group stay to guard, two orcs check in and we attack. and kill them.
Ates and the others come back with help and begin tracking the orcs and digging out the Fire Forge.
We head back to Waiting Room Tavern, and begin planning to take out the bandits.
Verda (leader of Soma) wants us to take out the Orcs in Soma.
After shopping spree, we sleep.
Lyla and company join us and lead us to the bandit's hideout.
10-29 - Bandit's hideout[edit | edit source]
ATTACK! Got a cool amulet from RazzleDazzle (Razamaza). Cool map see roll20 image. Took 2 prisoners, the mage RazzleDazzle, and a bandit with a Hozur accent. Ozan brings Peri into interregate the people.
Bandit Interrogation:
- Was hired in Hozur
- RazzleDazzle cast water shoes
- Had the workers clear rubble from area of ruin
- Banditry was a cover for the operation
- The ruin is the one between Two-Bridges and Mersin
- Last request is to take their belongings to their girlfriend (gives us the name) in Hozur. (should we ever end up there)
RazzleDazzle Interrogation:
- Has Hozur accent
- Glares and demands for amulet back
- Gives no information
Head to meet the Associate at the graveyard
- Confirms it is the Old Ruins
- Doesn't know about the Ward of the Empire
- Doesn't like the sound of stones of power
- Tells us to destroy the amulet tis a hunch.
People are keeping themselves alive, but their body is dead.
12/3 - - Waiting Room Tavern[edit | edit source]
Do parade - Valospalandro catches a pick pocket, we get shaked down by the security service;
Rana of the Free Forest comes up and asks us to help her find her sister, and the other people who have gone missing.. She leads us to a cave that she tracked her sister to. Been missing for two weeks.
Forgoing the ruins to help save in trouble people, head out to the cave.
We save the villagers and cure them of the slug's mind control.
12/17 - - Waiting Room Tavern[edit | edit source]
WE GET POISONED EATING SOUP; Brunette plain features;
Associate wants to meet with us. Get an invitation to a weird club. Apparently, there are people stuck at the ruins?!?
Get info from associate
Head to ruins; almost get leg ripped off by crocodile
give food to workers in the ruins
open the tunnel, end session
1/7 - - Entering the Ruins[edit | edit source]
Prisoner kept for centuries - Berrok <- name (she/her pronouns)
Not being truthful
Loot the place; was a labratory where they stole epic power from individuals before off-ing them;
Berrok got away... Oopsies, that won't come back to bite us later
Update Associate
1/21 - - Waiting Room Tavern[edit | edit source]
Dog is named Lucky!
Head to Anamur, bringing Cahil (the man who attempted and failed to rob Valosbalandra) and a security muscle. Leaving them outside.
Meet Aysun, saying complete obedience, want to test us again.
Menace from the swamp = Swamp Tyrants
Goal is to take over the gov's of Hosur and Alanya; then go take out the swamp tyrants.
We are accepting the coins, and taking the job I suppose... ugh
Peri is willing to fake her death
Believes that Cinci person is a member of Anamur security service; so if we expose them for the fraud they are, we can remove them and others;
Need to talk to Kilit, persuade her that Cinci is compromised, then she can help get evidence?
Going to head to "check on the strool swarm", going to come back without Peri. Peri slipped and fell into the gorge, need to head back to get help.. Peri is going to hide out in a cabin for a week. Peri gives us her ring, and a note to Kilit should we want to use it.
"Push Peri off cliff" run back to tell everyone the cliff fell with Peri on it. Unable to find Peri, *shocking*.
Head to the Windbreak Tavern, to attempt to investigate the Anamur Security Service next game