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Little Guys
Relatives | relatives |
Languages | languages |
Affiliations | affiliation |
Aliases | alias |
Marital Status | marital status |
Place of Birth | birthplace |
Date of Death | deathdate |
Place of Death | deathplace |
Species | species |
Gender | gender |
Height | height |
Weight | weight |
Eye Color | eyes |
Little Guys is (Information on your heritage/background/class)
Physical Appearance
Describe your appearance. Eye color, height, weight, hair color, particular clothing items, scars, tattoos, etc.
Is your character social? A drunk? Laid back?
A brief history of your character's life.
Examples include Common, Elvish, TwitchTalk, Thieves Cant, or French
Powers and Abilities
You don't have to give it all away. Just let us know what you're known to do in battle.
Attacks and Weapons
Your favorite weapons.
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