Exorcery is an school of magic practiced only by a select few in Quelmar history. Exorcerism is the magic of purifying one's spirit, and the magic of manifesting one's "Inner Demons" as external, actual demons.
Uses[edit | edit source]
In the 460s PR, the wizard Chet Sexton had an exorcerism performed on him in the town of Warukami, which removed a large portion of his noble born pride, a character trait he carried from his royal upbringing as a noble's son in Galik.
Process (NPC Casters)[edit | edit source]
- The subject of the inner demon exorcizing is strapped into a chair
- A three step form of magical "therapy" begins, in which designated fighters or allies of the subject gear themselves up to handle the crises of the subject.
Therapy Step | DC | Effect | Success Result | Failed Result |
Subject's Secrets | 10 | All fighters make a skill check based on the secret of the subject. | The Inner Demon will deal half damage | Fighters who failed take 2d8 damage (secret based) |
Subjcet's Fear | 16 | All fighters make a saving throw based on the fear of the subject | The Inner Demon will be at half health | Fighters who failed take 2d8 damage (fear based) |
Subject's Vice | ---- | All fighters fight the demon based on the vice of the subject | The party gains a friendly demon, loyal to the subject. | No demon buddy added :( |
The exorcerized demon could be any shape, but a common pattern of sins has been seen.
Lust | Night Hag |
Gluttony | Vrock |
Greed | Glabrezu |
Sloth | Shadow Demon |
Wrath | Barlgura |
Envy | Chasme |
Pride | Pride Demon |
Known Exorcerers[edit | edit source]
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