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The Quelmar Wiki

Exorcery is an school of magic practiced only by a select few in Quelmar history. Exorcerism is the magic of purifying one's spirit, and the magic of manifesting one's "Inner Demons" as external, actual demons.

Uses[edit | edit source]

In the 460s PR, the wizard Chet Sexton had an exorcerism performed on him in the town of Warukami, which removed a large portion of his noble born pride, a character trait he carried from his royal upbringing as a noble's son in Galik.

Process (NPC Casters)[edit | edit source]

  • The subject of the inner demon exorcizing is strapped into a chair
  • A three step form of magical "therapy" begins, in which designated fighters or allies of the subject gear themselves up to handle the crises of the subject.
Therapy Step DC Effect Success Result Failed Result
Subject's Secrets 10 All fighters make a skill check based on the secret of the subject. The Inner Demon will deal half damage Fighters who failed take 2d8 damage (secret based)
Subjcet's Fear 16 All fighters make a saving throw based on the fear of the subject The Inner Demon will be at half health Fighters who failed take 2d8 damage (fear based)
Subject's Vice ---- All fighters fight the demon based on the vice of the subject The party gains a friendly demon, loyal to the subject. No demon buddy added :(

The exorcerized demon could be any shape, but a common pattern of sins has been seen.

Lust Night Hag
Gluttony Vrock
Greed Glabrezu
Sloth Shadow Demon
Wrath Barlgura
Envy Chasme
Pride Pride Demon

Known Exorcerers[edit | edit source]

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