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The Quelmar Wiki
Chet Sexton
Player Name Brendan
Relatives Vibin'
Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan, Goblinoid, Abyssal
Affiliations Stealth Squad
Species Human

Chet Sexton is a sorcerer wizard for sure.

Physical Appearance[edit | edit source]

Chet is your fairly typical human. He's 6 ft. even and is rounding out at around 190 lbs. most days. Some have described him as a mix between Doctor Strange and Guy Fieri, but others say he looks exactly like Justin Timberlake. Rockin' the frosted tips, a Robe of Useful Items, and too much baggy denim, Chet looks straight out a 90s boy band. He's often seen carrying around a broom with a snake on it.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Just your standard frat bro with Daddy issues. But as he's been searching for the ancient artifacts, making new friends, and coming to the realization that maybe being a freakin nerd isn't too bad, his heart has grown just a bit softer and he's lost some of the frat bro, over the top, braggadocios attitude.

Chet doesn't look to any religion or higher being to determine how he should act or what he should do. Instead, his friends are his force and loyalty to his friends is Chet's strongest belief. "If a friend asks for help, ya help him."

History[edit | edit source]

Though quite young, Chet has seen a good portion of this realm and others.

Early Life and the Separation[edit | edit source]

Chet was born in the bustling city of Galik to two loving parents, Brad and Kate Sexton. When they had Chet, Brad was only 21 and Kate 22. He was their first and would be their only child. Although young, the couple managed. Brad built a successful translation and scribing business, using his love of language along with his shrewd business knowledge. Kate was a stay at home mom and spent much of her time practicing the lute and singing. Once Chet began speaking, the two soon noticed that he had inherited his father's natural intelligence. They fostered this by enrolling him in the best school in the city for young children. Chet lived a happy young life. He had great friends, wanted for nothing, and every night his mother sang him to sleep.

But when he was seven, Chet began to notice a change in his parents. His dad began staying at the office more and more and his mother spent a lot more time in her music room, practicing her lute. Chet didn't know what to do. He took solace in his friends and began spending more time at their houses. The following year, this building drama came to a head, when one night his mother left.

It seemed like a pretty normal night. Chet was working on some homework in his room. "Chet! Can you come down here please?" his mother called. Chet grimaced as he looked at the half finished page in front of him. He really wanted to finish up this page before taking a break. "Chet, honey! Please, your father and I need to speak to you." Reluctantly, As Chet descended the stairs he saw his mother and father embrace. She had a bag in one hand, a lute strung over her other shoulder. Next to her, he could see how tall his father was. His thin frame and demeanor always made him seem much shorter. She stepped back and crouched down to Chet's height. "Chet," she said, "know that you are the greatest thing to happen in my life. I love you and always will, but I have to go. I have a quest of sorts and I need to figure it out. I don't know when I'll be back or if I will, but I need you to know that I will be thinking of you every day." With that, she stood up, glanced at Brad one last time and walked out the door. Chet has not seen his mother since.

To the Abyss and Beyond[edit | edit source]

A few years passed and life got on. Chet didn't really speak to his father, anymore. He blamed Brad for his mother leaving. Chet believed that his father had pushed her away with his uptight and pretentious attitude, that she had left because his father never relaxed to spend time with them. Brad explained many times that his mother had just left to become a famous musician and that she had never wanted a stationary life, but Chet didn't believe him. Brad tried to spend more time with his son, but he had now become somewhat of a mogul in Galik, known to many for his keen mind. As Brad tried and failed to be closer with his son, Chet tried to distance himself from his father. He wanted to be nothing like his dad. He tried to leave his studies even though he loved the work, and he started hanging with the wrong crowd. This is when he began telling people he was a budding sorcerer instead of the wizard that he was truly studying to become. When he began to get into real trouble, he was able to use his father's name and connections to get him out of it. As the years passed, there where a few people that his father dated after Kate left. But none of them stuck around. Until Taz.

Taz is, of course, short for Taz'gonnoth. A demon name. Not the demon's true name, but a demon name nonetheless. Chet's dad's new boyfriend was a demon. And it was going well! Brad seemed to really like Taz, and try as he might to hate him, Chet kinda liked him too. Brad could be relaxed around him. It seemed like when he was with Taz, it was the only time Brad wasn't thinking about work. And when all three of them were hanging out, Chet and his dad actually got along, and had fun! Chet didn't know Taz's true nature as a demon until a few months into the relationship, but when he was told, he thought Taz was even cooler. A wild, chaotic demon? Finally something cool was happening in his life!! After about a year together, Taz popped the question, they were married, and both, along with Chet, moved to the Abyss. Brad left his business to be handled by people he trusted, and, at the encouragement of Taz, made sure to make his disappearance somewhat mysterious to raise brand awareness for his company.

Although Chet was upset and angry at his father for making him leave his friends on Quelmar, he actually really liked his new home in the Abyss. He learned the abyssal language fairly quickly and was enrolled in the local high school. There wasn't much training for wizards, but his new step-father managed to find him a tutor. Although, the study of wizardry was still not very popular among his demon friends. He kept his tutoring a secret and specialized in a school of magic that allowed him to be more personable, much like sorcerers typically are. During this time, he made some really great friends, Chazarkenok (Chaz) and Toggothad (Thad). Brad even brought home a quasit one day to keep as a household pet. It was named Dalegraroch and Chet lovingly called him Dale.

Everything is going great for a couple years and eventually, Chet got into the most prestigious Demon University, the only human to do so. There he could find some more advanced wizardry professors and hone his craft. Upon hearing the news, Chaz started laughed hysterically and began calling Chet names like "nerd" and "dork". While not extremely mean, it really hit home for Chet. It was exactly what he was trying not to be. Even though Chaz and Chet remained friends, these words stayed with Chet and made him lean even further into the lie that he is a sorcerer.

Chet did eventually go to DU though. He was one of just a few wizardry students which mostly comprised of devils who had come to the abyss just for the university. He was also able to join the Delta Epsilon Mu (DEM) fraternity and find some frat bros to guide him through college. Although his time was cut short when Brad and Taz decided to move back to Quelmar and to Galik. Taz wanted to pursue his dream of becoming a poet and figured non-fiends may appreciate his art more. Since they are his only source of funds, he has to go back with them. Again, his father has pulled him away from his friends.

Ancients Alive[edit | edit source]

At some point in Chet's life in Galik, he befriended the captain of the Lyreguard, Dutharr. One outrageous night, Dutharr made Chet promise that if something happened to him, Chet would help him finish his final battle, whatever that may have been.

Despite Chet's resistance, Chet would eventually agree. And when he was informed Dutharr died in battle just outside the city, Chet tracked down Dutharr's final companions, known as AFEW, to help them on their final mission: To Save the Realm.

But first, in order to become a hero, Chet needed to exorcize his own personal demons.

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