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Llwyth Fey de Caniedydd[edit | edit source]

Overview[edit | edit source]

The Llwyth Fey de Caniedydd is an extended family group of Eladrin located in and around the Feywild city state of Cymru in the Feywilds. The group is called the Llwyth or Clan. This is a close knit family with many of the members extensively adventuring prior to settling down.

Crwydr[edit | edit source]

 At some point, all of the Llwyth take part in a tradition before settling down into the daily activities of life in the Clan. This wandering is called Crwydr by the members of the llwyth and is usually taken between ages 100 to about 200. There is no set time frame, or locations to do so.  Some of the elders have even had a second childhood and take up the ‘second wandering’ or Ail Grwydro well into their 20th century of life, although most of the clan would not behave in such a way. The Crwydr period of wandering does not have to be extensive and will sometimes often be a series of short trips to various planes to see what is going on and report their findings to the Clans lore masters.

Many a Crwydr is performed on a Prime Material plane that called itself earth, in a small island country called Wales.  The interaction of so many generations of the clan Caniedydd has even caused that country to emblazon the Clan’s Dragon on that nation’s Flag. The clan has no particular affiliation with any certain type of Dragon, but works with all types.  Many a foundling Dragon of chromatic origin has brooded alongside metallic or even gem dragons. These dragons change in the clan's lands to keep a more uniform alignment of neutral bend.  They transcend the personal greeds and envies that afflict them and become one with the clan and its goals. They of course have free will to leave the clan and pursue their own journey, but many a dragon actually prefer to live in this communal clan society and interact with beings almost as long lived as them

The Crwydr is what makes the clan have many a high level caster and mighty warrior in its ranks. Although various members will interact with various races and causes of other planes, all members of the Clan put loyalty to the clan foremost.  The wanderings of the various clan members are sometimes dangerous, but with the protocol of the clan using sending spells on occasion to check up on members, the risks are usually mitigated. If a member of the clan is on Crwdyr and does not answer the sending, more extensive scrying methods are undertaken to establish their location.  If unable to establish or the research shows the member has died, an item of note is taken from the clan vaults and the spell True Resurrection is cast for the missing member. This allows the member to be returned to the clan.  

Llwyth members on the Crwydr will often return throughout their wandering period to touch base, drop off items in the Clan Vault and exchange information with the Lore keepers. This keeps a steady flow of riches in the forms both physical and informational into the vaults of the clan.

Llwyth structure[edit | edit source]

Once a member has settled down from their wanderings, most get involved in the clan activities in one way or another.  

 Some get involved in researching concepts they came across in their traveling days and pursue that knowledge.  The will from time to time enlist younger Llwyth members who are on their Crwydr for more details or materials instead of interrupting their research.

Some pass on their skills to other members of the Llwyth who are pre Crwydr, sort of a cross between schooling and apprenticeship. Even before learning their profession many youngsters are taught the basis of defending themselves and tested to see where their strengths lie.  Although the elders of the Llwyth do not decree the life path of any members, they will try to guide the younglings towards professions that cater to their strengths.

Some get involved in the various Elder Councils to assist in the leading of the Llwyth. These councils are usually made up of an odd number of members, usually between three and five members. They are voluntary positions, and many usually only serve on a council for a short time before they resign to attend to personal matters.  Members are always able to resit on a council when time and opportunity represents itself. The council members can only sit on one council at a time, and can volunteer when openings appear. There is the Elder council, composed of 5 of the wisest and venerable members who can supersede and direct the other councils. However this is not a normal occurrence, and is mostly done to act as a tie breaking vote, however in cases where members lose sight of the Llwyth Primus theory, the Elder Council can step in and remove members from their seats.


Outside Relations[edit | edit source]

The Llwyth Fey de Caniedydd have a good relation with both the Seelie and unSeelie courts, often acting as mediators between the two.  Usually Bards are used in these diplomatic missions and many a Member of the Llwyth Fey de Caniedydd dream of the elders selecting them for this role.  Many of the members chosen to be bards of the clan are sent to diplomatically sensitive locations both during and after their Crwydr to practice their skills and hone their craft of diplomacy prior to being given any sensitive tasks between the courts. Both Queen Mab and Queen Titania hold the members of the Llwyth Fey de Caniedydd in high esteem.

There have been many notable members sent throughout the multiverse on various tasks.  This has given the clan as a whole a very expansive multi worldview. Although they will get involved with the locals in various plans to save the world they are visiting, or defeat a great nemesis to some plane, there is always a sort of detachment, as they know there are other planes and other universes out there. They form fast friendships with many beings outside the Clan, and will do whatever they can for their comrades as long as the Clan is thought of and taken care of first.

The overall power of the clan can actually be harnessed to a point by outsiders. The Council of the Pact can act as a Fey Patron for the Pack of the Fey type warlock. The council does not grant this boon often, and when they do, they will often monitor the Warlock in question. The goals of this patron is maybe a little different, with knowledge being the cost.  The Warlock is expected to share any knowledge with the Pact Council that they come across, be it lost powerful magic, or a collection of Cheese Cake recipes. The Warlocks are not allowed to enslave innocent intelligent beings, however they can make deals that cause servitude of others and can dominate mindless automations and risen creatures at their discretion. They are also expected to assist any of the Members of the Llwyth that are on Crwydr that happen to ask for aid.  The Warlock is not expected to have to drop everything to assist the wanderer, however aid in information, lodging, and other assistance is expected.  Furthermore, if the Warlock happens to come across any type of Dragon eggs, or Newborns, they are expected to safeguard them until a member of the Llwyth can take possession of the eggs.  There can be a reward given to the Warlock and their allies, but if the warlock is unwilling to keep the Dragonlings alive or safe until the Llwyth can arrive, then punishments will be enacted as per any Warlock breaking the pact. The Warlocks powers will be revoked, the experiences that leveled them will be drained, and they will be reduced to a Level zero.

Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]

The thoughts of the clan are best expressed in song, which is often sung to prospective mates prior to the settling down, especially if they are not native to the areas of the Llwyth Fey de Caniedydd.

Minnau yn godro

Tithau yn cwcio

Byw hefo'n gilydd

Mewn tŷ ar y mynydd

Dim ond fi, a thi

A fi'n tyfu tatws

Ti'n neud fi'n hapus

Byw hefo'n gilydd

Mewn tŷ ar y mynydd

Dim ond fi, a thi

Na fydd na'm ffraeo

Dim ond cytuno

Os ddoi di i fyw hefo mi

Fydd dy fam wedi siomi

Dy dad yn gwaredu

Ond ddoi di i fyw hefo mi?

Ac er na ddydw i ond wedi'th weld ti

Yr unwaith neu ddwy

Dwi'n siŵr mae ti dy'r un i fi

A mi i ti

So fydd na'm ffraeo

Dim ond cytuno

Os ddoi di i fyw hefo mi

Fydd dy fam wedi siomi

Dy dad yn gwaredu

Ond ddoi di i fyw hefo mi?

A hwyrach heno

Yn heibio i'th perswadio

 thamaid o gacen

A'i thorri'n ei hanner

Un i mi, a'r llall i ti

Na fydd na'm ffraeo

Dim ond cytuno

Os ddoi di i fyw hefo mi

Fydd dy fam wedi siomi

Dy dad yn gwaredu

Ond ddoi di i fyw hefo mi?

A fydd na'm ffraeo

Ddim ond cytuno

Os ddoi di fi fyw hefo mi

Fydd dy fam wedi siomi

Dy dad yn gwaredu

Ond ddoi di i fyw hefo mi?

Ond ddoi di i fyw hefo mi, plîs?

Ond ddoi di i fyw hefo mi?

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