This article describes the player mechanics of playing a New Dryad. For information on the race itself, please visit New Dryads.
Dryads are woodland nymphs who inhabit the spirit of trees. Dryads live for as long as they can stay connected to their specific "home-tree", a magical plant they share their essence with. A dryad moved more than 60 feet from her home tree dies within 48 hours. Goddess Mielikki long ago sent down the instructions for how to craft a "home-tree" into a set of wooden armor, allowing the dryad to move about unhindered by distance. Often times, the act of crafting this wooden armor is assigned to new followers of Mielikki wishing to prove themselves devoted to the Goddess of dryads and nymphs.
D&D 5e Racial Traits[edit | edit source]
Speed. You have a walking speed of 30 feet.
Size. Your size is medium. As imperfect cuttings and clones of a single Dryad, Walken Dryads come in all shapes and sizes. They often stand around 7 feet tall, have bark skin and branches for hair. Their faces appear to be mouthless masks, and they walk with arched backs and have giant, gorilla-like arms.
Age. Walken Dryads reach maturity by the end of their first year, and live for as long as they remain within 60 feet of their Livewood tree partner.
Dryad Dyad. You were born simultaneously with a Livewood sapling which is tied to your life force. If the Livewood dies, you follow suit within 1 hour. Many Walken Dryads turn their Livewood partner into a set of armor, a weapon, or another accessory, as the tree can survive even after being whittled or processed. This allows you to travel the realm without being tethered to any location. Fey Ancestry. You have immunity to magical sleep and resistance to magical charm. Preferred Travel.
Languages. You know Common and Sylvan, you can communicate with beasts and plants as if you shared a language.
Walken Dryads come in two subtypes, depending on whether they prefer to travel through air, or travel through trees.
Striden Dryads
Some Dryads grow and form such a strong connection with their Livewood tree that they become truly one. These dryads regain the lost dryad art of tree striding.
Tree Stride. You may use 10 feet of movement to teleport between two similar trees that are within 30 feet of each other, once per turn. When you do this, you may instead step into an demiplane inside the tree, bringing with you anyone you are touching. The plane is dispelled at the start of your next turn, expelling you from the tree into the nearest viable space.
Flyen Dryads
About one third of Walken Dryads are born with colorful butterfly wings that can come in any color, except for periwinkle.
Flight. Because of your wings, you have a flying speed equal to your walking speed. You can't use this flying speed if you are wearing medium or heavy armor.