Pages in category "Races" The following 45 pages are in this category, out of 45 total. A Aarakocra Autom Autom (Player Race)B Barbed Devil (Player Race) Beastfolk (Player Race) Broonie (Player Race)D Dhampir (Player Race) Dogfolk Dragonborn Dragonkin (Player Race) Drakkotaur (Player Race) Drawin Dryad DwarfE Eladrin ElfF FirbolgG Gnome GoblinH Halfling Harpy (Player Race) HumanI Irda (Player Race)K Kender Kenku KoboldL List of Races Locathah (Player Race)M Maedar (Player Race)N New Dryad New Dryad (Player Race)O OrcP Pterran (Player Race)R Rakshasa (Player Race)S Shifter SvirfneblinT The Stitched (Player Race) TieflingU Ursanids Ursin (Player Race)V VanaraW Warforged Witchwolf Wyvernborn (Player Race)Y Yuan-Ti Cookies help us deliver our services. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. (Hi Margarita's Table. 🇩🇪)OK