About[edit | edit source]
Geography[edit | edit source]
This mountain range is situated on the north western most portion of the continent of Isonhound. The larger mountains are perpetually covered in snow on their upper regions. These barren jagged upper regions tower over the lush, tree covered lower foothills that stretch out from the mountains to the east and south. The foothills are teeming with both flora and fauna.
On the North Western face of the mountains one would find only uninviting rocky outcroppings that plunge into the Viridant Sea that divides Isonhound from Breme. The waters that separate the two continents echo the wild activity of the weather that flows from Breme to the mountains. Many a ship have been lost in these waters as the winds wreak havoc on even the best sailors skills and send them smashing against the stone of the mountains.
Snowy storms swirl constantly around the peaks of the mountains and they are, more than often, shrouded in fog due to this activity. The mountain range acts as a natural barrier from the strong winter weather that batters Isonhound from Breme.
Fauna[edit | edit source]
Several tribes of Orcs are known to live in the mountains at various times of history. However many of them were driven out of the mountains in the 800s PR with the introduction of Cheshire's Goblins into the region, as well as a number of new nesting dragons such as Longfang.
Kruthiks were known to nest near The Citadel of Huldus
Abominalbe Yetis could also be found in the mountains, alongside Frost Salamanders and Ice Mephits.
Residents[edit | edit source]
A number of arctic tribes live on the mountains, including the Trinchilla Tribe at the base of the mountain, near Maris. The Trinchilla are known to live peacefully, enjoying silver and potpourri.
Further up the mountain is the tribe of Gerbelle, who are much less warm-hearted than the Trinchilla. They do not like invaders or visitors to their peaks, especially because they have, on occasion, been visited by Krampus after outsiders mentioned his name. Everyone is this tribe is very muscular and only assist any outsiders who had proven themselves in a test of strength.
Finally, closest the mountain peaks are the Hampschtier Camps, anyone arriving there will likely find a strange magical auras that the citizens use to shield themselves from the elements, and an amphitheater-like structure where they gather for warmth. In 895 PR, the Hampschtiers were corrupted by The One That Waits, leading to their chieftan to kill the rest of the villagers except for his son. Though visiting heroes were able to kill the corrupted chieftan, it is unknown if the son repopulated the Hampschtier camps in time.
History[edit | edit source]

The Northern Snowy Mountains have existed as long as Isonhound. It would also seem that the dwarves that lived in the dwarven citadel beneath it have been there just as long. For hundreds of years trade routes through the foothills into the base of the mountains thrived as products of the races above such as cloth, wood and produce flowed into the dwarves. In return, a steady stream of precious stone, metal and gem artistry flowed out. The skill of the dwarven artists was well known and often unmatched.
This was the case until the time of the Holy War against the dragon Tiamat. Many dwarves answered the call of the god Moradin to rally to battle against the dragon. But as soon as these crusaders left the mountain, trade with the outside world ceased. Messengers were sent to the mountain requesting aid from the dwarves that were battling Tiamat and her children. But each time the doors were found barred and no response was ever given.
Any villages and way stations that had survived on the trade with the dwarves became obsolete and were abandoned by the residents. Many of these locations still pockmark the lower and upper foothills as shadows of their former selves. The natural landscape quickly reclaimed many of these locations as well as the roads between them and into the mountain citadel.
When the war had ended and the remaining dwarven troops looked to return home, they either decided not to, or could not. The facts surrounding this circumstance are still unclear. In any case, the bulk of these troops settled about 2 days' travel out of the foothills and founded a town by the name of Gammelgard on the remains of an abandoned coastal fishing village in approximately 990 BR.
Since then, there has been little in the way of either exploration or settlement in the foothills. The locations of the entrances into the mountains are all but forgotten. The land itself is not worth settling seeing as anything that can be raised in the foothills can be done so on lower elevations, closer to civilization and away from many of the monsters that occupy the region.
In 826 PR, this ledger was recovered from the mountains, Many different handwritings document who came on duty, any observed situations of note out on the mountain, delivery of supplies from the citadel and such happenings. It was likely written by historic dwarves, either belonging to Gammelgard or The Citadel of Huldus:
…Stanich arrived for duty and told us that the King had finally honored the request of the faithful. They will be leaving tomorrow in force to heed Moradin’s call and fight the forces of the Dragon Queen. It saddens me that I will not be down below for the festivities…..
…Grinwell and his cohort did not report for duty as expected. I have sent Stanich and Dunath to find out where they are and when they will be arriving. I will remain with Ferrin to hold the lookout position….
… Stanich returned in a panic. He said he and Dunath returned to the outer reaches of the Citadel and were set upon by some manner of creature they had never seen before. In the distance, from the Citadel, they could see these same dark creatures pouring over all the buildings. Unnatural snarls and howls arose in the grand cavern along side the battle cries and screams of our people. Dunath pushed Stanich to return to us and was overtaken by the creatures. He did as was told and was pursued by the snarling creatures but managed to loose them in the maze of tunnels leading to our lookout position. When he arrived we waited as long as possible to see if Dunath or anyone else would arrive. I made the decision to sap the tunnel when we heard the sounds of the creatures coming towards us. Gods help us.
…It has been 2 weeks. No one has come. Stanich went mad from what he saw in the Citadel. He became all but unmanageable. Last night he threw himself from the lookout post without so much as a warning. Ferrin and I have little in the way of supplies left. The crates and barrels may continue to keep the fires going for a day or two more but at what value? Our bellies will still be empty. We have decided to snuff the fires, allow the cold in and let the end come. That is a far better ending than succumbing to the madness as Stanich did. May Moradin forgive us whatever sins we may have committed and see the people of the Citadel to peace. I can only hope the best for my family…
TL;DR Timeline[edit | edit source]
- Saridor leaves. Feredemius establishes a lair deep inside the mountains and begins to slumber
- The dwarves evolve their mountain home into the citadel over X hundreds of years.
- Shadowfell seepage infiltrates Feredemius' lair and begins to corrupt him in slumber. (Like it does)
- Feredemius senses the presence of the dwarves and his now shadow twisted perceptions of the world lead him to decide to infiltrate dwarven society. (Very Green dragon like) He uses this to acquire minions and resources and builds a portal/connection to the Shadowfell in his lair. This increases his corruption exponentially, he's TOTALLY convinced it was all his own idea. Snowball effect.
- Feredemius continues to infiltrate dwarven society with the hopes of eventually dominating them. He manages to rise through the ranks to become a trusted advisor to the king but remains modest in his actions.
- With Moradin's call to action to fight Tiamat, he sees the opportunity to take over and influences the king and other nobles to let them go.
- With them gone Feredemius unleashes the Shadowfell on the Citadel.
- Moradin seals the citadel in the mountain
Notable Places[edit | edit source]
The Dwarven Citadel of Huldus[edit | edit source]
Notable Events[edit | edit source]
- 990 BR - The closing off of the Citadel
- 826 PR - The Battle of Five Lights