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Players:Dryad Elementalist

The 5th Edition Compatible version of this class is now found in the Curated Chronicles: https://www.cognitoforms.com/QuelmarRealm/TheCuratedChroniclesOfQuelmarPreOrders

Dryad Elementalist (3.5e Class)[edit | edit source]

(Adapted by James Ruth)

An elementalist is primarily a nature based spellcaster. Extremely talented, an elementalist is usually trained by a wizard or similar spellcaster, but finds little solace studying the lifeless words of more lifeless men. Often, an elementalist is driven to his path by youthful recklessness, finding freedom away from society and its followers. An elementalist finds attunement easily with the constantly shifting energies of nature, and follows a more natural method of magic than dusty scrolls and the words of wrinkly men.

Game Rule Information[edit | edit source]

Abilities: Elementalists have a wide array of skills and spells, and are often shortchanged in their inability to buff all their attributes. Intelligence, wisdom, and charisma all play a part in the elementalist's unique spellcasting method, while many of his skills depend on dexterity. Intelligence determines the number of spells per day, while wisdom and charisma outline how many spells an Elementalist may learn. A high dexterity and/or constitution is often required for Elementalists to stay alive.

Alignment: Any nonlawful. While this may change without penalty, Elementalists rarely confirm to the 'normal' concept of civilized life.

Starting Age: "Simple"

Starting Gold: 4d8 +20 (52 gp), plus one minor wondrous item

Hit Die: d6

Level Base-Attack-Bonus Fort-Save Ref-Save Will-Save Special

1st +0 +2 +2 +2 Wild Empathy, Bonus Feat, Empathic Spell Mimicry

2nd +1 +3 +3 +3 Evasion, Animal Affinity, Memorized Spell

3rd +2 +3 +3 +3 Eschew Materials, Supernatural Penetration

4th +3 +4 +4 +4 Bonus Feat, Memorized Spell

5th +3 +4 +4 +4 Self-Sufficient, Memorized Spell

6th +4 +5 +5 +5 Spell Penetration

7th +5 +5 +5 +5 Agile, Bonus Feat

8th +6/+1 +6 +6 +6 Woodland Stride, Memorized Spell

9th +6/+1 +6 +6 +6 Speak with Animals

10th +7/+2 +7 +7 +7 Bonus Feat, Memorized Spell

11th +8/+3 +7 +7 +7

12th +9/+4 +8 +8 +8 Improved Evasion

13th +9/+4 +8 +8 +8 Bonus Feat

14th +10/+5 +9 +9 +9

15th +11/+6/+1 +9 +9 +9 Memorized Spell, Hawk's Vision

16th +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +10 Bonus Feat

17th +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +10 Improved Counterspell

18th +13/+8/+3 +11 +11 +11

19th +14/+9/+4 +11 +11 +11 Bonus Feat

20th +15/+10/+5 +12 +12 +12 Memorized Spell

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level; ×4 at 1st level) Handle Animal ( Cha ), Heal ( Wis ), Knowledge (Arcane, Nature, taken individualy) ( Int ), Listen ( Wis), Move Silently ( Dex ), Ride ( Dex ), Search ( Int), Spellcraft ( Int ), Spot ( Wis ), Survival ( Wis).

Class Features[edit | edit source]

All of the following are class features of the elementalist

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An elementalist can use most simple weapons, as well as the shortbow, javelin and shortsword. An elementalist takes a penalty of -4 with any weapon that has mechanical parts, such as a crossbow, as if he were nonproficient. He also takes a -1 penalty for any weapon made mostly out of metal, other than daggers, javelins and shortswords. Elementalists are proficient with light armor and medium armor, but not any type of shield. However, if any arcane spell failure occurs, such as when wearing padded armor (5% arcane spell failure chance), the elementalist looses all spellcasting ability entirely, looses all bonus feats, and any spells he has prepared for the day. Any interference with the natural energies of the world completely disrupts the elementalist's spell casting ability. Thus, if even 1% arcane spell failure occurs, the elementalist incurs this penalty.

Wild Empathy (Ex): At first level, an elementalist can use body language, vocalization and his energy to improve communication with animals. This ability is treated as a diplomacy check. The elementalist rolls a d20, adds his elementalist level, and his charisma bonus to determine the result. An elementalist can use this on a magical beast with intelligence 1 or 2 with no penalty. Influencing an animal requires normal visibility and a distance of 30ft. or less. Generally, the action takes 1 minute.

Bonus Feats: When receiving a designated bonus feat, an elementalist may receive any metamagic feat. (e.g., empower spell, maximize spell)

Empathic Spell Mimicry: An elementalist, upon seeing a spell an ally or enemy casts (he must be within 30 ft of the caster), may make a spellcraft check (Dc 20 + spell level+ caster level). Upon a success, he stores the spell in his mind. In this state, the spell cannot be cast, nor is it treated as a prepared spell. At the end of the day, he may write this spell in a spellbook, for later use. An elementalist may only acquire ONE spell per day this way, and must have 10 min/spell level of uninterrupted concentration to write the spells in. If he is interrupted, the spell for the day is lost.

Evasion (Ex): If an elementalist of second level or higher makes a successful reflex save against an attack that would deal half damage on a success, he instead takes no damage. A helpless elementalist cannot use this ability.

Animal Affinity: An elementalist of second level or higher gains Animal Affinity as a bonus feat.

Eschew Materials: An elementalist of third level or higher obtains eschew materials as a bonus feat. Elementalists use the natural energy, so at this level, they rise above a need to use such things.

Supernatural Penetration: At third level, an elementalist's supernatural abilities (if he has any) increase in their DC by +2.

Self-Sufficient: An elementalist gains Self-Sufficient as a bonus feat at level 5.

Speak with Animals (Su): Starting at 9th level, an elementalist may communicate with animals as if he were enchanted with the 'speak with animals' spell.

Improved Evasion (Ex): On a successful reflex throw, an elementalist takes no damage. In addition, any failed reflex throw results in the elementalist taking half damage. A helpless elementalist does not receive this benefit.

Improved Counterspell: An elementalist receives the bonus feat improved counterspell at the 17th level.

Memorized Spell: At the fifth level, and each subsequent five levels, an elementalist perfects one of his spells. It may be treated as Silent, Still, and Quickened. (See Memorized Spells below)

Additional Features[edit | edit source]

An elementalist may not multiclass as another arcane spellcasting class, such as a wizard or sorcerer, though he may take a prestige class.

Dryad Elementalists do not get along well with machinery. On any craft or other skill check that involves a machine, an elementalist takes a -10 penalty to all rolls. This includes, but is not limited to, disarming non-magical traps, constructing something more simple than a staff or spear, operating any type of siege weapon, opening a portcullis, winding a clock, etc.

Spells can be easily disrupted when cast by an elementalist, and checks in extreme situations should be made. This is a key feature of the elementalist class, as most elementalist left a wizard path because they are easily distracted. (This is also why the elementalist is combat-capable, as well as his familiar). A DM can, and should, take advantage of this weakness.

Elementalists, when failing a concentration check in battle, have a 10% chance of casting a random spell. If the d20 roll results in a 10 or lower, the DM chooses a negative effect spell (either a damage spell to the caster or party, or an enhancement on the monster, or a non-effect spell). If the result lands on a 15 or greater, the DM chooses either a random damage spell on the enemy, or a random enhancement on the caster or his party. Rolls between 11 and 14 cause decorative or non-damaging spells with little effect. These may be of any level, and can result in amusing situations, such as shape-changing the barbarian in your party into a chicken, or suddenly casting prismatic spray on the poor helpless beggar you were trying to clothe in illusion.

Spellcasting as a Dryad Elementalist[edit | edit source]

Dryad Elementalists combine the arcane lore of wizards with the innate talent of sorcerers. (Which is represented by the Druid spells they study, and the Ranger spells that come naturally to them) They cast mostly nature based magic, coupled with basic arcane enhancements. Throughout their career, an elementalist will accumulate a myriad of spells, both for use as prepared, or as spontaneous casting, both with limits. Learning Spells

A Dryad Elementalist's bank of spells consists of a combination of their harmonic (Spontaneous) spells that are brought about through their natural magics, and a list of prepared spells that they gain through their education under the wizards.

Spell Points In addition to the table below, each level an elementalist receives a certain number of 'Spell Points' to spend on learning spells. He may learn spells from either the elementalist's spell list, or a spell book he has handy. (This is the preferred method, as the elementalist's spell list is limited.) Each spell the Elementalist wishes to learn costs it's Spell Level in Spell Points. E.g., a level 1 spell requires one spell point. Level 0 spells are the only exception, and they cost 1 point each, as well. An elementalist who level's up receives Spell Points equal to his (Wis bonus + his Int Bonus). These spell points MUST be spent at the time they are received. (No saving up!) Magical items, spells, or enchantments do not increase this number of spell points, and any bonuses to Cha or Wis are discounted when it comes to receiving Spell Points. In addition, any change to Wis or Cha bonuses that occur through leveling up do not retroactively add to his spell point pool. The amount of spells an elementalist knows does not change his daily limit. (e.g., you may know every lvl 1 spell in the game, but you may only cast lv 1 spells a certain number of times).

No ability score gives an elementalist additional bonus spells per day, as other spellcasting classes receive.

Level. Spells Known. 0th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th[edit | edit source]

1st 3 1 — — — — — — — —

2nd 4 2 — — — — — — — —

3rd 4 2 — — — — — — — —

4th 5 2 1 — — — — — — —

5th 5 3 1 1 — — — — — —

6th 6 4 2 1 — — — — — —

7th 6 4 3 2 1 — — — — —

8th 7 5 4 2 2 — — — — —

9th 7 5 5 3 3 1 — — — —

10th 8 6 5 3 3 2 — — — —

11th 8 6 6 4 4 2 1 — — —

12th 9 7 6 4 4 3 2 1 — —

13th 9 7 7 5 5 4 3 2 — —

14th 10 7 7 6 6 4 4 2 1 —

15th 10 8 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

16th 10 8 8 7 7 5 5 4 2 2

17th 10 8 8 8 7 6 6 4 3 2

18th 11 9 9 8 8 6 6 5 4 3

19th 11 9 9 8 8 7 7 5 4 3

20th 12 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 5 4

Spell Level, Spells per day, Maximum Repeats of Same spell[edit | edit source]

Cantrip 6 4

1st 6 4

2nd 5 3

3rd 5 3

4th 4 3

5th 4 2

6th 3 2

7th 3 2

8th 2 1

9th 2 1

Spontaneous Spells Per Day (Ranger Spells)[edit | edit source]

A Dryad elementalist has powerful connections to nature brought about as part of their race, but is severely limited in the amount of natural spells he can cast per day. These harmonic spells represent the Dryad's connection to nature, and can be taken from any level of the Ranger's spell list (assuming the proper slot has been achieved through leveling up or through purchase with spell points). Any Ranger spells involving weapons or Ranger feats (such as Animal Form) cannot be added to the bank. A spontaneous spell may be cast as quickened, silent, and/or still, at no cost to the elementalist. Elementalists start their adventures with a harmonic (spontaneous) spell bank of 2+Int Bonus spells, which can be expanded through perfecting spells. Spontaneous spells can be memorized twice to take up two slots of the spell bank. (For example, spending two bank slots to memorize two instances of Tree Stride) Wisdom is also used for determining the spell save DC. Int modifiers, such as hats or curses, affect spontaneous spell bank count.

Prepared Spells Per Day (Druid Spells)[edit | edit source]

In addition to the spontaneous spells that come with the Dryad's natural connection, the Dryad elementalist may take 1 hr of preparing spells from his spell book (Provided he has one).

The maximum number of prepared spells is calculated by subtracting the spontaneous spell count (which is 4 by default) from the total number of spells known. (For example, if a Dryad Elementalist has 8 total spells known and a spell bank of 4, he or she can prepare 4 more spells) These do not count towards an elementalist's memorized spell bank. An elementalist may have no more than two of any particular spell level. (e.g., two level nine, two level eight... etc.) These spells MUST only be prepared from a spell book, not from his spontaneous casting list, and may only be cast once each. Elementalists can not share spells between the two selections. (I.e. preparing Tree Stride and also memorizing it) He may only cast spells of levels which he has either unlocked through leveling up or through purchase with spell points. Perfecting Spells (Memorized Spell)

Occasionally, a dryad elementalist may choose one spell he has been studying (A Druid Spell), and perfect it. A perfected spell makes the conversion from prepared to memorized. More often than not, these are minor or moderate spells that the elementalist becomes so familiar with he can release them at will. There are severe limitations to the spells an elementalist may perfect. A perfected spell must not have any material cost other than basic material components, or arcane foci, nor may it have an exp cost. It also must be a spell that the elementalist has had for some time (it may not be one learned the same level as it is memorized.) Each memorized spell also has a level limit equal to one half the characters level, rounded down. In addition, certain spells are automatically perfected at certain levels:

Level Special

1st Read Magic, Prestidigitation

2nd Memorized spell Choice (lv 1 or less)

3rd Prestidigitation

4th Memorized spell Choice (lv 3 or less)

5th Memorized spell Choice (lv 4 or less)

6th -

7th Mage Hand

8th Memorized spell Choice (lv 6 or less)

9th Detect Magic

10th Memorized Spell Choice (lvl 7 or less)


12th Alter Spell (see elementalist's spellbook)



15th Memorized Spell Choice, (lvl 8 or less)


17th Arcane Sight



20th Fourth Memorized Spell, no limit.

The DM has the right to disaprove of any memorized spell choice.

Other Abusing powerful spells disrupts the natural flow of energies of an elementalist. If a memorized spell is too powerful (more than 1/3 Character level +1), there's a 1/20 chance that the spell tears at the casters mind. (roll a d20, if you roll a 1, you loose the spell and take 1d8 points of int damage for 1d4 days. Each day, roll a recovery check (1d20, dc 10, no bonuses) If you fail more than one, the int damage is permanent, and cannot be recovered with a wish or miracle spell.

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