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Revision as of 00:12, 7 May 2023 by SolitonMan (talk | contribs) (Updated history with greater detail)
Therrin Flare
Relatives Unknown
Languages Common, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarvish
Affiliations Church of Pelor
Place of Birth Unknown
Species Aasimar
Gender Male
Height 5' 6"
Eye Color pale blue

Therrin Flare is an aasimar warlock who was anonymously delivered to the Exhalted Temple of Pelor as an infant. He was born in PR 874.

Physical Appearance

A human male of about 5'6" in height with silver hair, pale blue eyes and extremely light skin is how Therrin appears, with his coloration doing the most to give away his celestial origins. Therrin is clean shaven and has no distinguishing marks or tattoos.


Kind, courteous and helpful are the characteristics most obvious about Therrin. He can be a bit naive in his efforts to be helpful, and is always accepting of those who are worshippers of Pelor (or those who are convincing). Healing is his calling, and he's not been forced to use his abilities in a harmful way to date.


The aasimar warlock known as Therrin Flare is a foundling raised in the church of Pelor in Galik.  He arrived in a crate of produce shipped in from the farms of Ranis Sewell outside of the city, and an inquiry utilizing the highest levels of truth magic available to the church revealed neither the farmer nor any of his family or farmhands had any inkling of how the boy had appeared amongst the cabbages.

Auguries showed primarily positive potential so the church assigned a grumpy retiree to watch the boy initially and see to his needs.  Father Jasper Thorn was a devoted servant of Pelor who had joined the most restrictive of Pelorian orders precisely to avoid raising children.  To be saddled with the duty in his golden years made him imagine the exarchs were all enjoying a hearty laugh at his expense.  But Father Thorn was a diligent man and despite his terse demeanor saw to the best of the boy's needs.

Their first interaction was remarkable.  Upon being told of his assignment and being introduced to the as yet unnamed child, Father Thorn picked the boy up to give him a good look and as he did so a glow appeared in the infant's eyes which quickly grew until it exploded in a brilliant flare of colored light that momentarily blinded all in the room.  When they could see again they noticed that a small birthmark in the shape of a celestial rune had appeared on his left arm near the shoulder.  It spelled the word "therrin" which had no known meaning, so Father Thorn took it to be the child's name.  Therrin's brilliant introduction seemed an appropriate surname, and Therrin Flare was born.

Therrin's divine origins were obvious from the start, but divinations revealed frustratingly little.  Still, with his aasimar heritage he was naturally drawn to the healing arts, and after an unremarkably normal childhood Therrin started to show his affinity around 8 years old.  He spent much of his time in the infirmary helping to tend to patients, and his quiet demeanor and careful attention made him an apt student.  

Therrin didn't discuss it with others but his childhood was filled with dreams which were visited by his divine ancestor.  He made a pact to work as an agent of Life in his mortal existence, and in return was granted the power to heal.  As he began to really contribute to the efficiency of the temple's healing prowess he also started to meet many people.  His unusual and mysterious origin and natural charm made him a bit of a local attraction, and people with minor injuries and extra time would make their way to Pelor's temple to be healed by the "angel boy".  Therrin tolerated the attention with good humor and did his best to ensure the temple was always well represented with his actions.

When he turned 16 he began to do shifts with some of the defenders of the city, going on patrols to provide active healing support.  There was almost always an opportunity to use his gifts during these outings and Therrin began to learn the city and make friends and acquaintances in many locations.

Now at 18 Therrin is ready to begin venturing further afield.  He has no specific ambitions and is eager to meet more people and use his healing abilities to help as many as possible, to show the people that Pelor does indeed care about their welfare.  He has received hints in his dreams that he'll ultimately fulfill a greater purpose, but for now he's content to learn and do his part to keep people healthy.


Common, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarvish

Powers and Abilities

Cure Wounds, Hold Person, Lesser Restoration, Prestidigitation and Misty Visions (Silent Image) used for mostly non-combat purposes.

Attacks and Weapons 

Eldritch Blast, Sacred Flame, Guiding Bolt, Dagger

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