Manquel Bastion
Located in Manquel, based on a small garrison destroyed by a Blowt that was called there the night before, and handed over to the heroes looking for some semblance of shelter to stay in.
Basic Facilities
- 1 Cramped Bedroom
- 1 Cramped Storage
- 1 Roomy Bedroom
- 1 Roomy Kitchen
Facility: Storehouse
- One Blowt worth of Bones
Facility: Barracks
- 1 Guard (Likely Dark Silvio)
Ravel Bastion

Located in Ravel and based on a small cafe which was formerly Cavii Kero's home and base of operations.
Basic Facilities
- 1 Cramped Bedroom
- 1 Roomy Kitchen
Facility: Library
- Currently housing a number of guests who are staying indoors to keep out of the cold.