Midnight of Kossuth was a cleric of Kossuth who received flaming visions from her god directing her to locate and control the ancient artifact known as The Crown of Empyrosis. Why Midnight was the selected vessel for these visions would not be clear for nearly a year in an epic tale involving love and loss known as Ancients Alive.
After receiving her first visions, Midnight stumbled through the dark and flame-less streets of Galik and burst into the tavern known as The Cloak and Stagger, collapsing on the floor in front of Edna, Tigger, and Rosamund. The beautiful Pendant draped around her neck was enchanted to keep anyone from taking it off her body, and as soon as she was brought to, she cryptically explained that the city was in danger if they couldn't locate the Crown. She explained the pendant was given to her by a god, and it is the only thing that could sooth the crown's anger. Initially laughed at, Midnight proved her importance as she produced flame from her hands, the only fire in the entire city aside from the Crown. This small group of risk-takers would later join up with Dutharr, Red. Grindseed, and Blumenthal to form the world-saving group known as AFEW. Midnight's main responsibility was holding on to the crown's Smothering Pendant.
Behind the Screen

- Midnight bursting in to a tavern and collapsing after being given a holy pendant from a gods derives from the AD&D story Shadowdale, the module which also gave the character her name. However, this Midnight's fate is a far cry from the source material.