The Lampblacks were an established gang operating within the city of Ahol. The gang dealt in drugs and ran protection rackets around Dunslough. From their working class roots, many of the common lower class citizens viewed them as almost 'folk hero' esque figures.
With the introduction of spark-craft and electroplasm powered technology, the city's gas lamps were all replaced. This resulted in an entire guild of lamplighters becoming unemployed; in an already impoverished city, the lack of jobs had many of these workers turn to criminal pursuits. In the following years, the Dunslough Slums that surround the Ironhook Prison provided a stream of tough ex-prisoner recruits. Together they form the Lampblacks, a ruthless gang led by Bazso Baz.
In 1010 PR the fledgling Neighbours gang drew the ire of the Lampblacks by staking claim to an unfinished annex of Ironhook Prison, encroaching on their territory. More pressing concerns soon occupied their focus however, as following the dead of Crows leader Roric, open war erupted between the Lampblacks and the Red Sashes in an attempt to gain control during the Crows' instability. Baz enlisted the services of The Neighbours several times during the conflict, slightly helping to ease tensions between the factions.
Notable Lampblacks
- Bazso Baz was the fearsome leader of the gang. Despite his gang's brutish reputation, Baz displayed a calculating, strategic mind.