Dungeons and Dragons Without Number (DDWN) is a reflavoring of Worlds Without Number used as part of the Fantasial Freeze campaign. It is mostly just Worlds Without Number but with scary things replaced with D&D terms (such as "Dash" instead of Run, or "Feat" instead of Foci) in order to trick convince players who tend to be adverse to non-D&D campaigns.
New Elements
- Healing HP via Medicine Checks
- Making a Medicine Check (known as Heal Check now) allows players to restore HP to each other.
- This could lead to unlimited healing, except every time you get first-aid done on you, you take a Strain point.
- Strain, not Exhaustion
- In addition to HP, players have a secondary pool of points called "Strain" that is depleted whenever they undergo high stress or other bodily effects. This replaces 5e's Exhaustion mechanic entirely.
- Shock Damage
- When a hit misses, certain weapons or powers will still deal a little run-off damage, known as Shock Damage, which tends to only be 1-3 damage, but certain feats and abilities greatly increase that.
- Effort
- Instead of powers being "Once per day" or "Once per encounter" or "X per Long Rest", rechargeable class abilities function on a pool of points known as Effort Points.
- When you "Commit Effort", it means spending one of these points to do an ability. Some abilities temporarily take the effort, but give it back shortly, some will take the effort for the whole day, and others can be given and taken freely (like a toggle-able ability).
- Frailness
- If a player dies and is stabilized non-magically, they enter a new game state called "Frail". They are back to life, but even a single point of damage will permanently kill them in this state.
- Magical healing (Potions/Spells) overrules this of course and works just like 5e to get people back into battle in tip-top shape.
Returning Elements
- Skill Points, not Proficiency Bonuses
- Instead of "Proficiency" automatically adding to your skills, players can manually add Skill points to their skills, much like 3.5e or Pathfinder.
- Untrained Skills
- Much like Traveller RPG, if you have no points in a given Skill, you actually roll with a penalty of -1, not a 0. Being untrained in something is a hindrance, not an inconvenience.
- Will/Reflex/Fortitude Saving Throws
- Instead of 5e's 6 saving throws, DDWN goes back to 3.5e's three types of saving throws. One for Physical Saves, one for Reflexive saves, and one for Mental saves.
- Lethal Combat
- Much like OSR games, if a player goes down in combat, they have 6 rounds to be stabilized or healed -- but the DC to do so increases every round, making it harder to bring someone back if you let them sit and die.
- Magical healing (Potions/Spells) overrules this of course and works just like 5e to get people back into battle.