Ravendale is a town in the Galik Domain of Amusa famous for its hotspring spa. Ravendale is an ancient small town, with the ruins of buildings existing well before recorded time scattered in the area.
Ravendale Spa[edit | edit source]
The Ravendale Spa is located only 2 days trip east of Galik around the other side of the Mt. Croghan volcano. The Spa was operated by the dwarven Zolif family. In the 400s PR, Bwafo Zolif was the latest Zolif dwarf to operate the Spa, and faced many difficulties due to the Galik Blackouts and the ensuing Arctic Autumn.
Notable Residents[edit | edit source]
The Redmane Family[edit | edit source]
Bruneld Redmane, an ancient follower of Kossuth, lived in Ravendale, and it is assumed from scholarly research that the town was the location where the crown of Empyrosis was originally forged by Kossuth.
The Redmanes operated out Redmane Manor a few minutes outside of town, which was where the Redmanes historically forged bells for churches and towers all over Amusa. Redmane Manor itself had a massive tower which housed the family bell, said to be a hundred generations old. Underneath the Redmane manor was the family crypts, which held bodies going all the way back to Bruneld Redmane, the mythical figure from the Kossuth Fairy Tales.
Behind the Screen[edit | edit source]
Ravendale was originally pulled from the module Troll Trouble by Gary Whicker.