Ursin are a race of normal sized bear humanoids, not to be confused with the small bear humanoids known as the Ursanids.
D&D 5e Racial Features[edit | edit source]
Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution increases by 2, and your Strength increases by 1.
Age: While Ursin reach adulthood at 10 they have an average life span of about 40 years but can live to be over 60 years old in fringe cases.
Alignment: Due to their way of living in the moment and caring for almost all life, this often leads to Ursin being neutral.
Size: The average Ursin is 5-9 feet tall depending on their bear heritage (or bearitage). Ursin can be 200-1,500 pounds in weight. Regardless your size is Medium.
Speed: Ursin have a movement speed of 30 feet, which increases to 45 feet on a Dash. Ursins also have a climb speed of 25.
Menacing: You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill.
Restful: During long rests Ursin enter a light hibernation to help restore their health. During long rests Ursin restore all their hit dice (as opposed to half).
Claws: Your unarmed attacks do 1d6 slashing damage in addition to your strength modifier.
Languages. You speak Common and Sylvan. Sylvan is often seen as the language of nature, as its speakers are often nature spirits and creatures. The language itself is fairly old, and has changed very little throughout the ages
Subraces[edit | edit source]
Ursin have a Bearitage depending on what part of the world they come from. Woodland Ursin typically reside in Isonhound, Bremish Ursin hail from Breme, and Troverthian Ursin were worshipped as beautiful creatures in the Troverth Dynasty, hailing from Osugbo.
Woodlands (Brown)[edit | edit source]
Thick Fur. While not wearing armor, your Armor Class is 13 + your Constitution modifier. You may use a shield and still be granted this bonus.
Load Bearing. Your carrying and lifting capacity is doubled as though you were a Large creature.
Bremish (Polar)[edit | edit source]
Frostfur. Your thick hide gives you immunity to cold damage.
Natural Savager. You gain proficiency in the Survival skill.
Troverthian (Panda)[edit | edit source]
Steady Gait. Your stride cannot be interrupted or hastened. You are immune to effects that would alter your speed. Spells like haste or slow no longer change your movement speed. But you will still gain the other benefits or detriments of the spells. Feats and class features can still give you extra movement speed.
Heritage Memory. You are a people with a rich history passed often by tradition, making you knowledgeable. You are proficient in the History skill.