Nymphsview is a large city on the southern coast of Pteris that has become a criminal haven due to its difficult to travel terrain and isolated territory.
Nymphsview at the end of it's history was predominately just a front for the operations of the Dark Sons
Early Nymphsview
- Location: By the water
- Type: Waterfront, Mining town
- Race: 75% Elf, 25% other
- Religion: Non-specific
- Business: Gold and fish, tourism
- Government: Parlimentarish
- Leader: Council of Lords; who own certain sections of
the town, who each have patrons. The council works together to make laws that ideally benefit the entire town.
- Employment: Fishing and mining
Modern Nymphsview
- Location: By the water.
- Type: Water front, Military.
- Race: 100% Elf, other races not documented.
- Religion: No worship of any kind permitted.
- Business: Weapons manufacturing and dealing.
- Government: Military, Dictatorship.
- Leader: Solomon, son of one of the former lords
- Employment: Military, factory, magic artifact builder, whore.