Relatives | relatives |
Languages | languages |
Affiliations | affiliation |
Aliases | alias |
Marital Status | marital status |
Place of Birth | birthplace |
Date of Death | deathdate |
Place of Death | deathplace |
Species | species |
Gender | gender |
Height | height |
Weight | weight |
Eye Color | eyes |
Lairus comes from a small village near the ocean called Tusgrer and is the only changeling to have lived there (that she knows of).
History[edit | edit source]
She was left at a guild’s doorstep as a baby and was found by Peatro, a highly esteemed member of The Unseen Eye, a local guild of clerics, oracles, and everything in between - basically a guild of those who have some sort of connection to the gods and can see the past, present, and future through magic.
Peatro’s version of that gift is through paintings. Essentially, he gets visions of what could happen to someone in the future when working on his craft, though they’re usually accurate and he hasn’t been wrong in a very long time. He’s a wood elf who’s probably like 200 yrs old and essentially raised Lairus himself until he retired from the guild and wished to work as an artist in Ravel.
The reason Lairus is in Ravel is actually to see him since he sent her a letter about a vision he had pertaining to her. He’s kind but eccentric as hell (think King Boomy from A.T.L.A style) and is quite good with his paintings so he’s made a decent living for himself.
Languages[edit | edit source]
Examples include Common, Elvish, TwitchTalk, Thieves Cant, or French
Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]
You don't have to give it all away. Just let us know what you're known to do in battle.
Attacks and Weapons [edit | edit source]
Your favorite weapons.